Are squats good for men's health?

Are squats good for men's health?
Are squats good for men's health?

Find out if it is really beneficial for men to include squats in their training process and which types are better to use - with weights or with their own weight. Squats are not only one of the most popular exercises, but also effective. When performing a movement, not only the muscles of the legs are actively involved in the work, but also the back and a large number of small muscles. Let's find out what benefits of squats for men's health may be.

Are there any male health benefits of squats?

Barbell squatting man close up
Barbell squatting man close up

No one will dispute the fact that any moderate physical activity has a positive effect on human health. Scientists have proven long ago. That the benefits of squats for men's health are very significant. Here are just a few of the positive effects of this exercise:

  1. It improves blood circulation in the pelvic region and throughout the body. As a result, the skin retains its elasticity and tone for a long time.
  2. Squats can strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, which has a positive effect on posture.
  3. The efficiency of the heart muscle improves and the tone of the blood vessels increases.
  4. Movement coordination improves.
  5. Metabolic processes are accelerated, which allows you to get rid of excess weight.
  6. During squats, the abdominal muscles take an active part in the work and to strengthen them, this exercise is practically not inferior in efficiency to twisting.
  7. The work of the joints of the lower extremities improves.
  8. You don't need a lot of space and special exercise equipment to do squats.

The value of squats lies in actively working out a large number of body muscles. Using different types of exercise, you can focus on a specific muscle group. Scientists have proven that squats have a beneficial effect on all body systems. This also applies to men's health, because exercise improves blood circulation in the pelvic region. Many doctors believe that performing this movement regularly is an excellent way to prevent impotence.

Since a large number of muscles take part in the work, the body in response to this accelerates the production of testosterone. Everyone knows about the effect of this hormonal substance on men's health. Professional bodybuilders also note that without the inclusion of squats in the training program, it will not work to gain muscle mass throughout the body. The body strives for balance in all matters, and if your legs are lagging behind in development, it will be difficult to increase the muscles of, say, arms.

Types of bodyweight squats

Squatting man on white background
Squatting man on white background

Today in bodybuilding, a large number of types of squats are used. And not all of them require weights. Do not think that bodyweight squats cannot be effective. Now we will look at the most effective types of this movement that can be performed at home without weights.

Deep squats

Deep squat technique
Deep squat technique

Most trainers believe that deep squats pose a serious risk to knee joints. However, this is true for barbell training. Our articular-ligamentous apparatus is able to withstand the load of the body. To get the most out of this exercise, you need to monitor your posture - your back should remain flat. If it is violated, then the effectiveness of the movement falls.

Also an important point is the position of the legs, which should be located at the level of the shoulder joints. At the same time, it is possible to change the distance between the feet, which will lead to a shift in the emphasis of the load. If the legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, then these are classic squats.

Bench squats

The girl performs squats on the support
The girl performs squats on the support

Not everyone can immediately perform deep squats with all the technical nuances. This is because this exercise requires a well-developed sense of balance. If you are not yet confident in your abilities, you can do squats on a bench or other stable, low surface. Gradually, your sense of balance will improve and you will be able to do deep squats.

Sumo squats

Graphical display of sumo squats
Graphical display of sumo squats

You probably already understood that the name of this movement is associated with the Japanese national struggle of the same name. To perform it, you need to spread your legs wide, and turn your feet outward almost to the limit. As a result, the load will shift to the lower thigh. Note that this exercise is perfect for beginner athletes who have not yet had enough time to develop a sense of balance. Also watch out for the knee joints, which should point towards the toes and not forward during the downward movement.

Lunge squats

Man doing lunge squats
Man doing lunge squats

Another great type of squat that shifts the center of gravity of the body and works the muscles at a different angle. Make sure that the foot of your front foot is fully resting on the ground, and the other is perpendicular to it. Lower yourself down until both knee joints are bent at right angles. In doing so, it is important to maintain correct posture.

Walking lunges

Guy makes walking lunges
Guy makes walking lunges

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but if you always return to the scissor stance during the lunge squat, then here you take a step forward.

Folding Knife Squat

Man doing squats technique
Man doing squats technique

Take a standing position facing a stable surface 50 to 100 centimeters in height. In this case, the legs should be located at the level of the shoulder joints. Begin to tilt the body forward until your palms touch the surface of the object and transfer your body weight to your hands. Keeping your core straight, begin bending your knee joints and lower yourself into a deep squat. Pushing off with your legs and arms, return to the starting position.

Squats on one leg

Technique for performing squats on one leg
Technique for performing squats on one leg

This exercise requires good physical condition and is worth reading from. One leg must be raised to hip level and try to keep it straight. Stretch your arms in front of you. This will be your starting position. Do squats on your working leg. If you can't work with full amplitude right away, do partial squats. To make it easier to maintain balance, you can hold on to any support. Although, ideally, the exercise should be performed without support.

Weighted squats

Guy squatting with dumbbells on the beach
Guy squatting with dumbbells on the beach

Classic Barbell Shoulder Squats

Young athlete squatting with a barbell on his shoulders
Young athlete squatting with a barbell on his shoulders

This is without exaggeration one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the muscles of the legs. The work involves the buttocks, adductors, lumbar region, calves and a group of stabilizing muscles. While the bar is on the racks, grasp the bar with your hands slightly wider than your shoulder joints. After that, place the shell on your shoulders in a place convenient for you. If you are working with large weights, you should place a towel under the bar.

Remove the barbell and take a step forward with your feet slightly wider than your shoulder joints and pointing your toes out. After inhaling, hold your breath and begin to descend smoothly. It is imperative to keep your back straight. Without rounding or throwing it back. The downward movement should be performed until the hip is parallel to the ground. Here are some helpful tips to help you get the most out of your squats:

  1. Do not increase your working weight until you have mastered the technique. You can start training with an empty bar.
  2. Do not use inertia to make work easier.
  3. The spinal column must remain in a neutral position throughout the exercise.
  4. Straighten your ribcage and watch out for the shoulder joints, which should not be rounded.
  5. The knee joints should not go beyond the level of the socks during the downward movement.
  6. Body weight should be focused on the heels and midfoot. You can't take your heels off the ground.
  7. Try to maintain a natural arch in the lumbar region. If this is not possible, then do not bend the knee joints at right angles.

Barbell Chest Squat

Man doing squats with a barbell on his chest
Man doing squats with a barbell on his chest

This exercise allows you to focus most of the load on the quadriceps. In addition, the hamstrings and gluteal muscles are actively involved in the work. The legs should be at the level of the shoulder joints. Hold the sports equipment with an overhead grip, and the bar should be placed on the upper chest and front deltas. To make it easier to hold the barbell, you can cross your arms. The rest of the technique resembles a classic exercise.

Plyometric squats

Guy and girl doing plyometric squats
Guy and girl doing plyometric squats

These exercises are designed to develop the strength of the leg muscles.

Jumping lunges

Jumping lunges technique
Jumping lunges technique

Get into the starting position, similar to the lunge squat. Jump up and land in the starting position with your knees slightly bent. Exercise is necessary for each leg.

Plyometric jumping

Man performing plyometric jumps
Man performing plyometric jumps

Legs are together and you should quickly bend down, then jump forward. During landing, the legs must be kept close. When performing this exercise, you should focus all attention not on the number of repetitions, but on the strength of the jump. If the exercise becomes too easy for you, start doing it on one leg.

Jumping to the support

The guy performs jumps on the support
The guy performs jumps on the support

Position yourself in front of a support, the upper surface of which is below the knee joints. Lower yourself into a half-squat and without changing position, jump up, landing on a support. Hold there for one count to fix the landing and return to the starting position. Then, without pause, jump to the ground, take the starting position and repeat the exercise.

Exercise "Frog"

Girl performs an exercise
Girl performs an exercise

This is a lightweight version of the previous movement. You also need to lower yourself into a half-squat with your arms in front of you. Then, with a powerful movement, with the participation of all muscles, jump upward. The jump should be protracted and legs should be straightened in the air. Land in a semi-squat position.


Technique for performing the burpee exercise
Technique for performing the burpee exercise

This exercise is very popular in the sport of CrossFit. It should be warned that this movement is quite complex in technical terms. Take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. This will be the starting position. Quickly lower yourself to a full squat position, resting your palms on the ground. In one quick movement, throw your legs back, taking up a support lying (plank). Then you need to push up from the ground and pulling your legs with your torso to your arms, jump up with a powerful jerk movement.

This exercise has several benefits:

  • Helps to strengthen the muscles of the whole body.
  • Perfectly pumps the muscles of the core.
  • Requires a lot of energy to execute.
  • Activates metabolic processes.
  • Improves coordination of movements.
  • Increases flexibility.
  • Develops an indicator of explosive strength.

That's all the information that we planned to share with you on the topic - squats for men's health.

For more on the benefits and importance of squats, see the video below:
