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Korat cat

Korat cat

The history of the origin of the Korat, characteristics of behavior, the external standard of cats, care and health. The nuances of purchasing kittens and the purchase price

Do I need to castrate a cat?

Do I need to castrate a cat?

Features of the cat's behavior before and after castration, differences from sterilization, how the operation takes place, preparation of the animal and caring for it, problems and dangers

Bengal cat

Bengal cat

The origin of the breed, the standard of the appearance of the Bengal cat, the nature and description of health, advice on care, features of selection. Price when buying a kitten

Kurilian Bobtail

Kurilian Bobtail

The origin and standard of the Kurilian Bobtail's appearance, description of health, advice on care. Features of selection and kittens. Price when buying a smoker kitten

British shorthair cat

British shorthair cat

The standard for the appearance and color of the British Shorthair cat, character and health, advice on care, features of selection. Price when buying a kitten

Petersburg sphinx peterbald: description, price

Petersburg sphinx peterbald: description, price

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance, the character and health of the Peterbald, advice on care, features of selection and kittens. Price when buying a Peterbald kitten

Burmese cat - all about home care

Burmese cat - all about home care

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance of the Burmese cat, the nature and description of health. Tips for caring for animals, features of selection and kittens, price

Maine Coon - description, care, price

Maine Coon - description, care, price

The origin of the Maine Coon, character traits, external standard, color, animal care, health, breeding characteristics, advice on purchasing kittens

Persian cat grooming

Persian cat grooming

Features of the fur of Persian cats, accessories for grooming hair, tips for bathing, recommendations for proper grooming of Persians before the show

Description and price of American curl

Description and price of American curl

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance, the character of the animal and a description of the health of the cat. Animal care tips, breeding features and kittens

Abyssinian cat: growing at home

Abyssinian cat: growing at home

The history of the origin of the Abyssinian cat, behavioral features, external standard, animal care and health. The nuances of purchasing kittens and pricing policy

Neva Masquerade Cat

Neva Masquerade Cat

The origin and standard of appearance of the Neva Masquerade cat, character, description of the health and care of the cat, features of reproduction. Purchase price

Devon rex: how to care for a cat at home

Devon rex: how to care for a cat at home

The origin of the Devon Rex, the standard of appearance, character, description of the cat's health and care, breeding features and kittens. Price when buying a kitten

Egyptian Mau cat: origin, description

Egyptian Mau cat: origin, description

The origin of the Egyptian Mau breed, the standard of appearance, character, description of health and care for it, breeding characteristics and kittens. Price when buying a kitten

Description of the breed of cats Lykoi

Description of the breed of cats Lykoi

The history of the Lykoi breed, the appearance of werewolf cats and the nature of the animal, a description of the health of the representatives of the breed, caring for the animal, the purchase price

Burmilla cat: origin, care, price

Burmilla cat: origin, care, price

The origin of Burmilla and the general standard, character traits, caring for the animal, how to feed Burmese cats, health and description of nursing kittens

Origin and description of oriental cats

Origin and description of oriental cats

Origin of the oriental cat breed, external standard, color varieties, character traits and care, health description. Purchase price

Breeding and description of the Savannah cat breed

Breeding and description of the Savannah cat breed

The origin of the Savannah cat breed, the standard of appearance, color options and character, health, care for adult specimens and kittens, price upon purchase

Description and origin of the ragdoll breed

Description and origin of the ragdoll breed

Description of the unusual cat Ragdoll: features of the character of the pet, problems of care at home. Kittens price

Cat breed Ocicat: description and care

Cat breed Ocicat: description and care

The origin of the breed. Ocicat's appearance standard. Breed color standards. The nature of the animal. Health. Ocicat care. Kittens. Purchase price