Buckthorn bark for weight loss

Buckthorn bark for weight loss
Buckthorn bark for weight loss

How can you lose weight with buckthorn? How and why is it so useful? And also how to use it correctly, useful recipes and contraindications? The people know a very large number of plants, the fruits of which can be used not only in cooking or cosmetology, but also for weight loss. Most of these plants are only beneficial, but there are those whose fruits are strictly forbidden to use. One of these plants is buckthorn, which is known to you by a completely different name. Ever since childhood, your parents forbade you to eat small, black berries that grow on small bushes, this is buckthorn. Of course, you know it under different names "raven eye" or "wolf berries".

Varieties of buckthorn

Branches and berries of buckthorn brittle
Branches and berries of buckthorn brittle
  1. Brittle (alder) - a shrub or small tree with a maximum height of 7 meters. The bark and fruits of alder buckthorn cause a laxative effect, gag reflex, diarrhea, and sometimes severe diarrhea. Buckthorn bark is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
  2. Laxative (in other words, "zhoster", "witch's thorn", "brittle buckthorn", "needle buckthorn", "blackbird berries") is a shrub or small tree, the height of which is from 3 to 8 meters. The green fruits of this plant are strictly forbidden to eat, only ripe berries and then in limited quantities. Scientists have come to the conclusion that joster berries have a regulating effect on the intestines, which is the reason that they are added to both laxatives and fasteners.
  3. American buckthorn ("cascara") - it is the largest representative of the buckthorn, sometimes its height reaches 15 meters. It is mainly used as a strong laxative. Quite often, doctors prescribe it for patients who must have loose stools. But do not overdo it with its use, you cannot use this plant for more than 10-12 days, because together with the liquid, the body loses useful trace elements, for example, potassium.

Based on the above, it becomes clear why a plant like buckthorn is very often used in weight loss. Just whatever name it carries, the effect is always the same - a laxative, and the mechanism of its effect on the human body becomes clear.

First of all, you need to remember that if you want to lose extra pounds with the help of buckthorn bark, then you need to combine it with a protein diet. After all, everyone knows that proteins significantly hold the stool together, and the buckthorn bark will make it more liquid, then there will be a result, and there will be no problems. Losing weight with buckthorn is quite widespread. The advantage of this plant over similar laxatives that affect weight loss is that the raw material of "wolf berries" is much cheaper than expensive pharmaceutical preparations that are prepackaged in sachets and doses at the factories. Also, a large number of people trust herbs and traditional medicine more than incomprehensible remedies from plants or animals unknown to them. After all, there were many cases when huge parasites were hidden under incomprehensible Chinese herbs, which people multiplied with their own hands in their bodies.

Collection and storage of buckthorn bark

Buckthorn bark in a bowl
Buckthorn bark in a bowl
  • we collect in early spring, after the start of the movement of juices;
  • the buds should already swell well, but there should not be leaves yet;
  • carefully using a small nail file, retreating 10 cm from the ground, cut off the tree;
  • we remove the bark not like parchment, cutting off with a knife, but like a tube, making cuts around the trunk;
  • it takes 10 years for a tree to grow again, so you have nothing to do in this place before;
  • we spread it on a sheet or other fabric;
  • we leave it in a well-ventilated room, and even better in the attic, in the fresh air;
  • you can use buckthorn after a year of aging in a dry place or an hour heat treatment (100 degrees), for example, in the oven;
  • The bark should not be eaten raw, it can cause dizziness, vomiting and severe diarrhea;
  • if properly collected, dried and stored in the right place, then such raw materials are able to retain their properties for 5 years.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to collect buckthorn bark on your own, then you can buy it at a pharmacy, already ready to use, with detailed instructions for use.

Contraindications to the use of buckthorn

Buckthorn bark in packaging
Buckthorn bark in packaging

Due to the bitterness that is present in the buckthorn bark, it is contraindicated:

  • pregnant girls (can lead to miscarriage);
  • cannot be consumed by nursing mothers, milk becomes bitter and the child may refuse to breast;
  • its use is prohibited for various gynecological diseases;
  • if girls have a tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • should not be used if you are prone to frequent and severe bloating;
  • have problems with intestinal obstruction or metrorrhagia;
  • there are malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • you have an individual intolerance to the components that are in the buckthorn bark.

If you are not on the list of people who are contraindicated for this plant, then it will certainly help you lose those extra pounds.

How does buckthorn bark affect the body?

Broth of buckthorn bark
Broth of buckthorn bark
  • The main disadvantage of the bark of "wolf berries" is that the decoction from it is addictive, and as a result, it is necessary to increase the dose in order to have a result. But it is best not to do this, but simply replace the buckthorn with something else. In order not to get addictive, you do not need to add it to your diet every day, but at least every other day.
  • Often, when using decoctions and teas from the bark, people begin to feel lightness and strength. In this case, it is necessary to use strength for physical exertion in order to quickly part with the annoying extra pounds.
  • For best results, combine buckthorn with a protein or water diet.
  • As a result of studies that scientists are constantly conducting, it was found that the bark, buds, fruits and even buckthorn leaves include anthraglycosides and alkaloids, essential oil, malic acid, various sugars and tannins. All these substances make buckthorn a mild, but quite effective laxative.

Buckthorn can be consumed in the form of tea or broth, in this form it is considered the most effective. But it can also be added to different fees.

Buckthorn-based slimming recipes

Buckthorn tea
Buckthorn tea

Broth based on buckthorn bark

2 tbsp. l. Pour the dried bark into a glass or enamel vessel, then pour 200 ml of boiling water, and under a closed lid, warm it up in a water bath for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. The resulting broth after cooling (10 minutes at room temperature) must be filtered and the remaining raw material must be squeezed out thoroughly. Take a broth of buckthorn to cleanse the body and natural weight loss, 0.5 cups at night.

Wolfberry tea

250 ml. cold, necessarily boiled water, you must take 1 tsp. buckthorn bark. Pour water over the bark for 12 hours, stirring occasionally, then strain. A glass of such tea should be drunk in the evening before going to bed, before that it is warmed up a little.

Collection based on prunes and buckthorns

  • 300 g of prunes;
  • 3 tbsp. l. alder buckthorn bark;
  • 8 glasses of water;
  • 250 ml. rosehip syrup.

Boil prunes and buckthorns filled with water for half an hour, then pour in rosehip syrup and boil for another 1 hour. Then let the tea infuse for 8 hours, strain and drink 0.5 cups every evening before bedtime.

Collection based on different herbs

  • 20 g mint leaves;
  • 60 g buckthorn bark;
  • 20 g fennel;
  • 20 g dandelion roots;
  • 20 g of parsley.

We make a decoction for weight loss with the following calculation: for 0.5 liters of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of herbal collection. Then we leave for half an hour and filter. A glass of this broth should be drunk in the morning 30 minutes before meals.

Decoction with herbs and seaweed

  • 2 tsp seaweed;
  • 2 tsp buckthorn bark;
  • 1 tsp stinging nettle;
  • 1 tsp licorice root;
  • 1 tsp red rowan;
  • 1 tsp eleutherococcus;
  • 1, 5 tsp yarrow leaves;
  • 0.5 tsp flaxseed.

Mix the herbs well with each other, then pour them into a thermos and pour 250-300 ml. boiling water. We leave it to infuse overnight, filter and drink in the morning. We divide the glass of infusion into three doses, use it before meals.

Features of losing weight with buckthorn

Buckthorn extract
Buckthorn extract
  1. In broths of buckthorn, its therapeutic effect has the ability to remove undigested food from the body by mechanical action. Buckthorn does not reduce or block the absorption of calories, and if you are in the habit of overeating, then you will not be able to lose weight with the help of buckthorn bark.
  2. If you decide to try to lose weight using the bark of the wolfberry bush, then you must take into account the fact that the duration of the use of buckthorn broths should not exceed 1 month. Indeed, due to its laxative effect, broths on buckthorn can affect the intestines in such a way that in the future there will be a problem with frequent constipation.
  3. The buckthorn diet has a big drawback, it, together with the liquid from the body, removes a large amount of useful trace elements: potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium and some vitamins, which are very difficult to replace with something. As a result, you can face the problem of metabolism in the body, muscle cramps, and then a significant deterioration in health.
  4. Increased appetite. If you start to use broths on buckthorn often, this is certainly a hello to an increase in appetite. The only salvation from such "attacks" will be the constant replenishment of your body with nutrients.
  5. Buckthorn weight loss, which is combined with other weight loss systems, does not imply sports. If you neglect this rule, you can get serious health problems.

For a safe weight loss process, you need to eat only natural products, which are rich in protein and vitamins. To improve your well-being, you need to take a multivitamin complex, any anti-stress drugs or products for those who want to lose weight. For the result, combine sports and professional weight loss products:

  • Slimming Mangosteen Syrup
  • Lipoxin for weight loss
  • Raspberry Slimming Capsules
  • Drops OneTuSlim

The main thing is to always monitor your body, it will give you a signal if it feels bad. In such cases, it is simply necessary to stop any experiments on yourself and your health. Remember, no collection or miracle drugs will help if you are lazy and indulge in gluttony.

You will learn more about the buckthorn brittle from this video:
