Oshibana is an ancient Japanese art. The available master classes allow you to quickly master this technique, and you can create picturesque paintings from flowers. If you decide to get serious about creating jewelry from flowers and resin, then you can buy special molds that will make your work easier. But back to the classic mistake. Watch master classes to help beginners master the interesting art of Japanese masters.
Paintings from flowers are mistaken: easy master classes for beginners

It is not necessary to use only flowers and leaves to create canvases. These decorative elements can be used to decorate, for example, photographs of a loved one and give him such an author's portrait.
To carry out the work, you need to prepare the following materials:
- a photograph of a person;
- colored paper;
- scissors;
- glue;
- dried flowers and leaves;
- tinsel;
- colored pencils or paints;
- a sheet of cardboard;
- frame.
Crafting workshop:
- If you want to dress the heroine of the portrait at your own discretion, for example, so that the dress is antique, then you will need to cut it out of paper of the desired color. But first sketch out its outlines.
- Glue the portrait on the top of the picture, and the dress below. Arrange dried small flowers in a bouquet, glue its elements so that the heroine of the composition keeps this beauty.
- Oshibana allows you to create details of an outfit, for example, such a hat. It consists of one large leaf, small flowers and stems. You can decorate the hat with a piece of fur or feathers.
- You will also create a beautiful skirt from flowers. You can take tulips for this. Make tinsel trim. Glue various flower or paper decorations on the panel.

Another beauty created using the technique is wrong, it will turn out if you use flowers.

- To do this job, you will need to pre-dry the iris petals, pansies, and various other small flowers. Draw on cardboard the outlines of the future beauty on cardboard with a simple pencil.
- Taking iris leaves, glue them in the appropriate place. Also, from iris, you can cut the back for the top of the dress. The sleeves are created from lighter petals. You can even use roses.
- Make a head ornament out of pansies. Put smaller flowers in the girl's hands to make a bouquet. You can use the same composition idea as in the photo. Where the girl seems to be looking in a mirror, therefore, she is illuminated from two angles.
Also, in the mistaken technique, you can create a magic fairy. She is almost all of flowers, even her butterfly. Draw the facial features with a colored pencil, also use a brown pencil to depict the body of the insect.

Collect various leaves with the children in the fall so that in winter you can make beautiful compositions out of them. From large ones you will make picturesque hills, and small ones will turn into leaves of various trees. In the foreground, you can glue small flowers that will become a picturesque meadow.

If you have many colors, then dry them in the shade on a flat surface as described at the beginning of the article. See how they should turn out.

As you can see, this plant material should retain its colors. Now you can make, for example, a vase of flowers. This craft is perfect for beginners.

Create the vase itself from colored paper. Glue the flowers on top so that they form a bouquet, and the cardboard almost does not show through them.
Art is wrong - it is the use of other materials. For example, you can take birch bark, remove the top layer from it and apply it. See what beautiful roofs of the houses will turn out.

If you want to make winter compositions, then the roof will look snowy if you use birch bark. But you can also create an autumn landscape from these materials. In this case, large leaves will become the outlines of bushes, and small ones will flaunt on the trees.
The painting is wrong from natural materials

At first glance, it is difficult to guess what this picture was made of. See what kind of natural materials were used to make the work in the wrong technique. Check out what paints for work can be obtained from certain plants:
- White - from leaves of thin corn cobs.
- Gray - from silvery poplar leaves.
- Light gray - from cineraria.
- Dark gray - from sedge leaves that lay on the ground and darkened.
- Yellow - from leaves of young willow or autumn leaves of various trees.
- Red - from hazel leaves.
- Red - from autumn leaves of maple, viburnum or other trees and shrubs.
- Brown - from oak leaves.
- Green - from dried currant leaves.
- Blue is the petals of the delphinium.
- Sea water can be created in the picture if you use the leaves of a young silvery pussy willow, and river water - from the leaves of poplar.
For a dark brown color, scrape off the flesh from the banana skin and dry the remaining skin completely. But what auxiliary materials and equipment will be needed to create a picturesque composition of leaves. It:
- PVA glue, but not clerical, but for working with wood;
- cardboard;
- tweezers;
- scalpel;
- brush;
- scissors.

Using a thin, simple pencil, sketch out the outlines of the future painting on the cardboard. Draw a horizon line, indicate where the house, mountain, tree will be located.

Now start filling the background and the largest objects with plant material first. Take the leaves with tweezers, grease one side with glue and apply to the right place.

When you have completed this part of the work, move on to the smaller elements. Also glue them in the designated place. If you need to create the smallest details, such as highlights, shadows, then cut the leaves of the desired color with scissors and glue them.

See if everything suits you? Perhaps more plant material needs to be added somewhere. Do it.

When the painting from natural materials is completely created, put it under the press overnight. When it's dry, it's time to frame it in a glass frame. It will not allow dust to settle on the work and make the material more durable.

Floristic painting - technique
Trees and shrubs will bloom in the spring. Don't miss this time. Hurry up to collect the fallen flowers to use in your paintings.
See how wonderful cherry flowers look. It will be enough just to dry them and you can create just such a floristic composition using the wrong technique. Pre-take cardboard of a darker color, for example, blue. Then the white petals will be clearly visible against this background.
You will make unblown buds from petals that need to be cut to the shape of this part of the plant, or take real buds.

If you have an apricot or apple tree that blooms with pink flowers, then use this natural material. You will get a delicate picture that will decorate any room. A bird can be made from feathers and glued to a twig.

You can take pelargonium flowers that retain their original color for a long time. But dry them as quickly as possible to avoid losing their bright shade. Oshibana involves the use of a wide variety of natural materials. See what interesting work you get when you apply them.
DIY painting "Mill" from natural materials

To get such a composition, you need to take:
- tweezers;
- scissors;
- medical syringe without a needle;
- sharp knives, like a scalpel;
- gouache;
- watermelon bones;
- pieces of apple, cherry bark;
- bamboo sticks for the frame;
- small pebbles, sea sand, crushed stone;
- thin branches of trees;
- fine vegetable mesh.
First you need to print out the outline of the mill on a piece of paper.
Mix 1:10 blue gouache and glue and apply this solution with a sponge to the base. Use burlap as a base, gluing it to cardboard.

Glue moss to the walls of the mill using PVA.

Make the blades of the mill from thin branches of viburnum. To do this, type the glue into a medical syringe without a needle, squeeze this substance into the place indicated on the canvas and attach the twigs.

Cut the watermelon bones in half across to reveal their white inside. These building blocks will help you create the front wall of the mill. Do this masonry by staggering the natural material.

And you will create a side wall from seeds, the untouched part of which needs to be placed towards the audience. In this case, the cut edge will be on the canvas.

Lay out a window frame using thin twigs.

Attach flat pebbles to the corners of the walls with glue.

Cut the bark of the cherry or apple tree into strips and glue them to the roof, starting from the bottom. Moreover, the upper elements of the tiles should cover the lower ones by about half a centimeter.

Apply a generous amount of glue to the bottom of the work and add sea sand or small pebbles here.

Transform the vegetable net into a fishing net, as if it were hung up to dry in the sun.

Paint the clouds with white gouache or glue poplar fluff.

Dried work can be framed using bamboo stems or other natural materials.
This is how it is - mistaken, allowing you to make amazing pictures from flowers and other natural materials. It is interesting to watch the creation of such works
We propose to see how a picture is created in the wrong technique