Alyssum or Burachok: recommendations for growing and reproduction

Alyssum or Burachok: recommendations for growing and reproduction
Alyssum or Burachok: recommendations for growing and reproduction

Characteristics of alyssum, recommendations for growing beetroot in a personal plot, advice on reproduction, possible diseases and pests and ways to combat them, note for flower growers, types. Alyssum (Alyssum) or as it is also called Burachok belongs to the Cabbage or Cruciferous family (Cruciferae). Often among flower growers you can hear how the plant is called Lobularia. This genus has up to one hundred species, the native distribution area of which falls on the lands of Europe and Asia, as well as the northern regions of the African continent. Only in the territory of the former USSR, scientists have counted up to 40 species.

Family name Cabbage or Cruciferous
Life cycle Annuals or perennials
Growth features Ground cover
Reproduction Seed or seedling
Landing period in open ground Seedlings, planted in May-June
Disembarkation scheme At a distance of 40 cm
Substrate Nutritious, light, with neutral acidity
Illumination Open area with bright lighting
Moisture indicators Moderate watering
Special Requirements Unpretentious
Plant height 0.08–0.4 m
Color of flowers Snow white, yellow, pink, red, purple or lilac
Type of flowers, inflorescences Racemose
Flowering time May-November
Decorative time Spring-autumn
Place of application Rabats, curbs, flowerpots or flower beds
USDA zone 4–6

Most often, the plant bears its name from the transliteration of the name in Latin - alissum, which came from the merger of "a", meaning negation (not) and "lyssa", translated as "canine rabies". This is confirmed by the fact that for a long time it was customary to take drugs made on the basis of Alyssum against rabies. But on the lands of the Slavs he is called Burachk.

All species of this genus have a one-year or long-term life cycle, while the plant height is low, there are semi-woody shoots in the base part. It is often used as a ground cover. The height of the stems is in the range of 8–40 cm. The branches have strong branching with a slightly pubescent surface. The leaf plates are oblong-lanceolate or obovate. They also have pubescence, which makes the green color appear grayish.

In the process of flowering, small buds are formed, the corolla of which has four petals. The flowers give off a strong pleasant honey scent. The petals of alyssum are painted in snow-white, yellow or purple colors, but there are species with pink, red or purple flowers. In this case, the formation of racemose inflorescences occurs from the flowers. The flowering process is extended from May to November.

The fruit of the beetroot is a pod filled with seeds. Seed germination lasts for three years. The plant is an excellent honey plant and attracts a large number of insects. Although, according to some information, Lobularia and Alyssum are not the same plant, since the color of their flowers is different: in the first they are white, lilac or pink, and the second has yellow or fawn colors. However, for simplicity, many growers combine them into one genus. It is customary to grow Alyssum in flower beds and flowerpots, and it also looks good in flower beds. If you want to decorate the place where spring bulbous crops grew, then it is recommended to plant perennial or annual varieties there.

Recommendations for growing alyssum, planting and caring for a personal plot

Alyssum bush
Alyssum bush
  1. Drop off location the plants are selected in a sunny, eastern, western or southern orientation.
  2. Landing rules. Alyssum is planted outdoors in late May or early summer. The soil should be dry, well tended and nutritious with neutral acidity. But a slightly alkaline or slightly acidic soil may be suitable. Borage seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The holes are dug out larger than the rhizome with a lump of earth. Do not deepen during planting. After the bushes are planted, they are abundantly moisturized.
  3. Growing temperature. All varieties of alyssum are able to withstand slight cold. The first frosts and up to 10-15 degrees of frost can act as such indicators of a decrease. And there are such types of beetroot that do not shed their foliage throughout the winter months.
  4. Watering. In principle, when there is natural precipitation, they are quite enough, but during summer drought it is important that the soil does not dry out, otherwise the flower will die. Moisturizing the soil is recommended, especially if the Alyssum has begun to bloom. But at the same time, it is important to maintain a balance and not bring the soil to waterlogging, otherwise the roots will rot and the flower will disappear. Abundant watering is possible with very high water permeability of the substrate. The best signal for watering the plant is to dry the soil by 3–4 cm. After the soil is moistened, weeding can be done with ease. After that, it is better to mulch the bushes. This will allow less watering and loosening of the substrate, and the weeds will not grow so quickly.
  5. Fertilizers. For alissum, it is necessary to feed during the growing season in the morning hours, using complex or nitrogen preparations (during the period of foliage growth), but it depends directly on the variety of beetroot. If the bush is one-year, then the frequency of fertilizing will be 4 times per season, with a long-term life cycle, it is recommended to fertilize only twice in the spring and autumn months.
  6. Cutting the beetroot. In order for the bushes to retain attractive shapes and not lose their decorative effect, it is necessary to prune the shoots. This procedure will also promote regular and abundant flowering. This pruning is done after the flowers have dried, and then repeated with the arrival of spring. Shoots are cut 5–8 cm, while it is important to remove all old flowering stems, withered foliage and dried or diseased shoots.
  7. Wintering. If the winters are not too harsh, then the Alyssum bushes should be covered for the cold season. For this, the plants are sprinkled with fallen dried leaves, and when a snow cover appears, then a snowdrift should also be created on top, which will help to overwinter and with the arrival of spring, green leaves will remain on the stems.
  8. General advice on care. However, despite the fact that many species are considered perennials and bloom in a row for several seasons, and also tolerate our winters well, experienced flower growers advise rejuvenation every 3 years. Since the flowering of old specimens is not so violent, and over time they lose their attractiveness. It is also necessary to constantly loosen the soil so that the roots have access to air.
  9. The use of borachki. You can plant these annuals and perennials not only in flower beds, sometimes they are cultivated as houseplants, but alissums are more attractive if they are planted next to retaining walls, in rock gardens or between stones or slabs. These flowers look great in "company" with plants with corolla buds with blue, pink or purple color. "Neighbors" can be red tulips and dwarf bearded irises, as well as roses, pelargoniums and Turkish carnations. Nearby, shading this representative of the flora, they grow heliotrope forest forget-me-nots, phlox or rezuhi with obrietta.

Tips for breeding alyssum from seeds and seedlings

Alyssum bloom
Alyssum bloom

For reproduction, sowing of seed or growing seedlings is mainly used.

In the seedless method, the seeds are placed in the soil at the beginning of May days. The depth of the grooves should be no more than 1.5 cm. When the shoots begin to rise in a solid carpet, it is recommended to carry out thinning. With such a spring sowing, flowering will begin with a delay. Therefore, many growers sow seeds in the ground before winter, with the onset of November. Thus, their natural stratification will occur (exposure at low heat indices) and by spring the alissum sprouts will rise healthier, and the period of formation and opening of buds will begin according to the schedule.

The method of growing beetroot seedlings is more reliable. Sowing is carried out between March and April. A light nutritious substrate is used, with a low percentage of lime, and the acidity is pH 5, 5–6, 2. Grooves are made in the seedling box in the soil and seeds are sparsely laid out on their surface, while they are lightly powdered with the same soil. They can simply be pressed into the ground. To care for crops, it is recommended to place the box in a place with good diffused lighting, at a temperature of about 10-15 degrees. The container is covered with transparent polyethylene or a piece of glass is placed on top. It is periodically recommended to conduct airing and if the substrate begins to dry out, then it is watered moderately.

Under these conditions, after 7 days or even earlier, the first shoots may appear. The shelter can already be removed. As soon as the first true leaf plate unfolds on the Alyssum seedlings, they are fertilized with complex mineral fertilizer. Then, when 2-3 leaves are formed on young beetroots, they are dived in peat pots, but if the growth rate is too high, the plants are planted directly into the open ground in a prepared place.

Possible diseases and pests affecting alyssum

Photo of alissum
Photo of alissum

The biggest problem that arises when growing beetroot is the cruciferous flea, which practically defies any means of excretion. In this case, it is recommended to process mature and strong plants with the following solution: a tablespoon of vinegar essence is diluted in a 10 liter bucket of water. Also, troubles in the cultivation of alissum are delivered by the caterpillar, to combat which you should use a chamomile tincture or a tobacco-based product with green or ordinary soap. The plant is harmed by cabbage moths and whites. For the destruction of such pests, it is recommended to use Entobacterin or Lepidocide.

If alissum is planted in soil that is too dense and not permeable to water, or when the soil is constantly in a waterlogged state, then brown rot may develop. This problem is called late blight, which affects the entire part of the beetroot under the surface of the soil and passes to the root collar. To cure the plant, it is recommended to use copper oxychloride or fungicidal preparations such as cuproxat, tanas or ordan.

If infectious diseases such as viral mosaic or powdery mildew (false or real) are detected, the bushes are immediately treated with Bordeaux liquid or Topaz. To cure downy mildew, drugs such as Ohsikhom or others with a similar spectrum of action are applicable. With a viral mosaic, the bushes will have to be burned, since the disease cannot be treated.

To flower growers a note and a photo of alyssum

Alyssum grows
Alyssum grows

Despite the fact that healers knew about alyssum for a long time, the chemical composition of the plant has been little studied to date. Only there is information that the seed material of the beetroot contains 25% of a very fatty oil, the composition of which is filled with organic acids. Among these substances are stearic, oleic, as well as behenic, palmitic with arachic and many other acids. The aerial part of the plant contains flavonoids and alkaloids.

Usually, for the manufacture of potions, it is customary to use all parts of the beetroot growing above the ground: foliage, shoots and flowers. Since such drugs have a diuretic and laxative effect. Alyssum can cure colds and is often used as a pain reliever. Decoctions based on it help to whiten the skin and get rid of freckles. If you mix the dried herb of the plant with cucumber, then such a drug will help calm the nervous system. Beetroot products can help clear kidney stones.

And of course the plant is used for the bites of rabid animals. Young shoots of Alyssum have a radish flavor and are recommended to be added to spring salads.

Types of alissum

Alyssum variety
Alyssum variety

Rock Alyssum (Alyssum saxatile) is a perennial plant with a highly branched stem. It reaches 30 cm in height, its shape is shrubby with a hemispherical crown, which is almost 40 cm in diameter. Lignification occurs at the base of the stems. The foliage takes an obovate or oblong shape, its color is bluish, as if it has a felt covering. Often, leaves on a bush can persist throughout the winter. The size of the flowers is small, the petals have grooves at the tops. Dense rosette inflorescences are collected from the buds. Flowers are painted in yellow color. Flowering occurs in spring and is up to 40 days, but occasionally plants can bloom again in August.

The following varieties are mainly popular:

  • Citrinum with lemon-yellow flowers, the plant is short.
  • Compactum It has a strong aroma of flowers, reaches 18 cm in height, the size of the flowers is very small.
  • Golden wave blooms in yellow color, and the height of the shoots can be 20 cm, but the flowering process begins only after 2 years from planting.
  • The plenum considered a golden alissum, since the flowers are double with bright colors, the height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm.

Alyssum maritimum (Alyssum maritimum) also bears the name Lobularia maritime. A perennial, mostly grown in warm climates. It can vary in height with its stems in the range of 8–40 cm. There are many branches, they spread along the soil surface and have strong branching. Bushes of fluffy outlines are formed from them. The foliage growing on the branches has fine pubescence, its size is small. Fleshy oval leaf plates, silver color.

The color options are small, but they have a strong honey scent. From the flowers, racemose inflorescences are collected. Under natural conditions, you can find species that differ in white and lilac color of the petals in the buds, but in culture it is customary to grow varieties with pinkish, purple and red shades of flowers. The flowering process stretches from spring days to autumn.

The following varieties of alyssum have been chosen by flower growers:

  • Tiny Tim is a plant with snow-white flowers and dwarf sizes (height only 8 cm). During flowering, such a large number of buds are formed that when they open, they hide all the shoots and leaves. Grown as a ground cover.
  • Easter Bonnet Deep Rose the owner of flowers with an intense pink tint, abundant flowering.
  • Princess in Purple the species can be grown as an ampelous culture by planting the plant in hanging flowerpots or pots. Spreading shoots, reaching 35 m in length. Flowers with a light lilac shade, with a strong fragrant aroma;
  • Violet Konigin differs in purple flowers, densely branched shoots, plant height varies in the range of 10-15 cm.

Alyssum gmelinii (Alyssum gmelinii) is also called Alyssum mountain (Alyssum montanum). The species is frost-resistant and reaches 10-20 cm in height. The stems can be either creeping or ascending. Foliage with dense pubescence, which is a star-shaped hair, which makes the color of the leaves appear grayish. From flowers with yellow petals, racemose inflorescences are collected. The flowering process is extended to April-May.

Alyssum video:
