Luiseania or three-bladed almond: how to plant and care in the open field

Luiseania or three-bladed almond: how to plant and care in the open field
Luiseania or three-bladed almond: how to plant and care in the open field

Distinctive characteristics of the luizeania plant, how to plant and grow three-bladed almonds, possible methods of reproduction, pest and disease control, interesting facts, species and varieties.

Louiseania (Prunus triloba) can also be found under the names Three-lobed Almond, Aflatunia Vyazolistny or Louiseania triloba. The plant is dicotyledonous, since there is a pair of opposite cotyledons in the embryo. Scientists include the specified representative of the flora in the genus Plum (Prunus), which is attributed to the Rosaceae family. A little earlier, the genus of the same name Luisania was isolated. The territories from which it originates fall into the eastern regions of Asia, which include China and North Korea. In those parts, specimens prefer to settle in a forest mountainous area, conquering heights from 600 m to 2.5 km above sea level.

Family name Pink, genus Plum
Growing period Perennial
Growth form Shrubs or small trees
Breeding method Purely vegetative (by grafting, sometimes by cuttings)
Landing period When return frosts pass in the spring
Landing rules The distance between the seedlings is at least 2 m, the depth of the pit is about 0.5 m
Priming Loam, fertile and well-drained
Soil acidity values, pH pH 7, 5-7, 7 (slightly alkaline)
Lighting degree Open space, but sheltered from the winds
Humidity parameters Abundant, but not frequent, with normal precipitation, watering is not needed
Special care rules It is important when watering that water does not fall on the crown.
Height values 2-5 m
Inflorescences or type of flowers Single flowers or in pairs
Flower color From pale pink to deep pink, they are pinkish-purple or crimson-red
Flowering period The beginning of spring
Fruit shape and color Drupes, red, yellow
Fruit ripening time Summer
Decorative time Spring-Autumn
Application in landscape design Formation of hedges, group planting
USDA zone 4 and up

Scientists have long argued about the name of this plant, since what synonyms did not apply to it - three-lobed plum and three-lobed almond, garden almond and terry almond, even terry plum. Botanists in different time periods attributed Luizenia either to the Plum genus, or considered it Amygdalopsis. Only in 1959, after additional studies of almond plants, were such characters identified, according to which Prunus triloba was isolated into a separate genus and given the official name - Luiseania three-lobed.

Three-lobed almonds can take the form of a shrub or small tree. Shoots are distinguished by abundant branching. The height to which the plant can stretch varies within 2–5 m, but these parameters, as well as the form of growth, are directly determined by the growing conditions of luisenia.

The foliage of the plant flies around with the arrival of cold weather. The outlines of the leaf plates can be oval or oblong-oval, narrowing towards the base, and the apex with three vaguely defined lobes. The latter aspect was the reason for the specific name. Occasionally, the leaves are collected in whorls. The length of the leaf varies in the range of 2, 5–6, 5 cm with a width of about 3 cm. The edge of the foliage is double-serrate, on the reverse side there is a slight pubescence. The color of the leaves is light green.

When blooming, flowers of a simple or double structure with petals open, the color of which can vary from pale pink (almost whitish) to bright crimson with a purple undertone. Because of this, the plant is sometimes mistakenly referred to as "sakura". In the bright sun, the color of the flowers fades. The diameter of the flower at full opening reaches 2–5, 5 cm. The buds are located both singly and can be collected in pairs. Sepals are characterized by an ovoid or lanceolate shape. The petals have rounded contours or broadly ovate, that is, the apex at the end is obtuse. The number of petals in a flower directly depends on the type of plant, but this parameter can vary in the range of 7-8 units. There are 25 to 30 stamens in luizeania flowers, an ovary with a pubescent surface.


The three-lobed almond usually blooms early, and its buds open before foliage unfolds on the branches.

But this phenomenon directly depends on the species, flowers are accepted from the end of April or in the first week of May. However, there are varieties in which the buds on the branches will unfold after the leaves decorate it. Although such a flowering is less touching, it stretches up to 14 days. On average, flowering usually lasts for 8-16 days, but this period depends on the temperature. The hotter, the shorter the flowering period. It was noticed that in the heat, the petals flew around in a couple of days. But if you cut off the branches with flowers, they will stand in the bouquet for a long time without falling off. The general period when you can enjoy the flowers of luiseania reaches 25 days.

After pollination of fragrant flowers, fruits ripen in the form of drupes, characterized by a rounded shape and pubescence. The diameter of the fruits is 1, 8 cm. Their color is reddish. Unlike regular almonds, the fruits are unsuitable for food.

For a long time, it was mistakenly believed that, due to its southern origin, luiseania can be cultivated only in rooms, or especially in the south, you can enjoy flowering by planting a plant in the garden. But soon it became clear that the three-lobed almond withstands winters well in mid-latitudes. Therefore, if you do not violate the rules of agricultural technology, you can successfully get hold of such a tree on your site. The plant is unpretentious and has become a common feature of city gardens and parks.

Planting three-bladed almonds, growing and care in open ground

Luiseania blooms
Luiseania blooms
  1. Landing place must be selected according to the natural preferences of the Aflatunia vastifolia. It should be an open location with a high degree of lighting, but it is important to provide protection from wind gusts and drafts. The proximity of groundwater is not encouraged; moreover, moisture retention during spring thaws is not acceptable.
  2. Soil for luiseania can be anything, but always well-drained and fertile. Loamy substrate is preferred. It is better that the reaction of the soil is slightly alkaline (pH 7, 5-7, 7).
  3. Landing Louiseania. In order to have such a spectacularly flowering plant in the garden, it is recommended to plant 3-year-old seedlings with a well-developed root system. When planting three-lobed almond seedlings in a group, it is recommended to leave about 2 meters between them. The pit must be at least 0.5 m in depth, so that it is possible to lay a drainage layer on its bottom (small expanded clay, pebbles, crushed stone or broken brick). Then the hole is filled with a soil mixture composed of the following ingredients: river sand, humus and leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. To this composition add up to 1-1, 5 tbsp. lime. Then everything is thoroughly mixed and a little poured onto the drainage layer. There should be enough soil so that the root collar of the seedling installed in the pit is on the same level with the soil on the site. After that, as the seedling is installed, the pit is filled to the top with a substrate, which is well tamped, and abundant watering is carried out. Already three years after planting, the plants begin to bloom, and those obtained by grafting delight with flowering in the second year.
  4. Watering. This indicator will directly depend on the weather conditions and the type of luiseania plant. It is important to remember that waterlogging of the soil and stagnant moisture have a very negative effect on the state of the root system. Watering three-lobed almonds should be generous, but rarely. If the amount of rain is normal, then it is not necessary to moisten the soil. When plants grafted onto plums, cherry plums or thorns are planted, the substrate in the near-stem circle is constantly kept in a slightly moist state. Especially this rule should be adhered to until mid-summer. Waterlogging of the soil is detrimental to luizing. You should also adhere to a certain irrigation technique. Water is poured strictly under the root so that drops of moisture do not fall on the crown of the plant, otherwise this can lead to a monilial burn. After 3-4 days have passed from irrigation, the soil is loosened in the near-trunk circle of Aflatunia elmaceae and all weeds are removed. Before a cold snap comes, the trunk circle is mulched with peat chips or leaf compost.
  5. Fertilizers for Luiseania applied for the first time after flowering is complete. This top dressing can be humus (leaf compost) or rotted manure. After that, after a week, you can fertilize the almonds with a three-blade solution based on urea. It is prepared as follows: 10 g of the drug is thoroughly dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water. This is only enough for one plant. In the autumn months, 30-50 g of double superphosphate is scattered under each luiseania tree or bush, after which the soil is dug to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  6. Pruning such plants are necessary not only for forming bushes, but also for sanitary purposes. It is carried out annually, in the process it is necessary to remove all old shoots that grow inside the crown or their age exceeds 3-5 years. If a standard tree is grown, then the outer part of the crown, in turn, must be trimmed so that it acquires rounded contours. They are engaged in such molding when the age of luizeanie reaches two years. In this case, the size of the crown will reach a diameter of 1 m. Such molding is carried out regularly so that the shape of the trunk is not disturbed. After flowering, the ends of the branches that have not matured are pruned so that they do not freeze in winter.
  7. The use of three-bladed almonds in landscape design. Since flowering is the main advantage of the Aflatunia elmata, the plant will look great both alone and in group plantings of 3-5 bushes (trees). You can decorate garden paths and gardens with such plantings characterized by low stature, used for planting next to coniferous crops. Perfect for cutting, as the bouquet stays fresh in a vase of water for up to a week and a half.

Read more about growing felted cherries.

Possible breeding methods for luiseania

Luiseania in the ground
Luiseania in the ground

When cultivating three-lobed almonds, it is possible to obtain a seedling by sowing seed material or vegetatively, rooting cuttings or layering, planting root shoots or grafting cuttings onto other plants.

Reproduction of luizeania by cuttings

This process requires compliance with some rules that are problematic for amateur gardeners. This is due to the fact that green cuttings usually root poorly and disappear already in the first wintering. But if you are not familiar with the grafting process, then you can be patient and root up to a dozen blanks, at least something, but should be taken.

Reproduction of luizeania by grafting

The stock here can be plum, cherry-plum or thorn. It should be borne in mind that it is better to choose plums with yellow fruits for the stock, for example, Eureka and VVA-1, VSV-1 and Kuban-86, as well as SVG 11-19. It happens that aflatunia is grafted on the trees of bird cherry or common almond.

For grafting, the period of early spring is selected, when the buds on the rootstock have not yet begun to bloom. It is recommended that the diameter of the cutting (scion) be exactly the same as that of the rootstock. Standard trees will look more decorative if the grafting site is performed at a height of 7-11 cm. The stalk should have 2-3 buds. The upper end is straight. On the stock and the workpiece, the cuts should be made at the same angle, their length will be 2–4 cm. The contours of the cuts should preferably coincide completely.

The cut of the luiseania cuttings is applied to the stock cut and fixed with a tape made of polyethylene intended for grafting. The width of such a tape should be in the range of 1–1, 5 cm. If it is not available, then you can use any available means, for example, cling film, cutting out a ring of the same thickness from its roll. To fix the connection of the scion with the stock, you need to tightly pull the tape. The cut winding is carried out from the bottom, ending at the top. It is recommended to melt the tip of the strip with fire so that it can be fixed. The top of the cutting is coated with garden pitch.

Sometimes the connection of the scion and rootstock is performed using a more reliable method - improved copulation. On the scion and rootstock in the places of the cut, you need to step back 1/3 from the bottom edge and make along an incision that is located longitudinally. The so-called "tongues" will turn out, which should be bent on the handle and rootstock in order to insert the parts into each other. Then tape wrapping is carried out in the same way as described above.

If the vaccination is carried out successfully, after some time it will be possible to see that the buds on the aflatunia graft have started to grow. After a month, the harness can be carefully removed if a special tape was not used for the vaccination. As the grafted stalk develops, it is necessary to remove on the rootstock below the place where all branches and the resulting root growth were grafted. Only after a year has passed, a tree is transplanted to a permanent place in the garden prepared for it. A little in advance, you should remove the basal shoots that have formed during this period, placing an earthen lump between it and the large-sized plant.

Reproduction of luizeania by layering

To do this, in the spring, a healthy shoot is isolated in the lower part of the bush and folded back to the soil. Where the branch comes into contact with the ground, dig a groove where the branch is laid. Then sprinkle the shoot with soil, but in such a way that its upper part looks out from the ground. The care of the three-lobed almond layer will be the same as for an adult plant. And the next year, when the roots are formed at the cuttings, you can separate the seedling from the root system of the parent specimen and plant it in a supervised and prepared place.

Pest and disease control in the cultivation of luiseania

Louiseania Leaves
Louiseania Leaves

The biggest problem when growing three-lobed almonds is their instability against moniliosis, which is caused by a fungus that parasitizes stone fruit crops. Usually, the penetration of the spores of the fungus occurs into the tissue structure of the aflatunia elmata through the open buds, and as a result, the wood is affected. When humid and cool climatic conditions persist for a long time, the risk of contracting moniliosis increases sharply. On average, after a month after the beginning of flowering, you can see the manifestations of the disease - completely drying out shoots with lesions resembling a burn, which is called monilial.

In order to fight this disease, it is recommended:

  1. As soon as flowering has begun, sprinkle three-lobed almonds (completely) with foundationol at least 1-2 times (dilute 10-20 g in a 10-liter bucket of water). The first spraying is desirable when the flowering is in the middle phase and half of all the buds have already opened. The second spraying is carried out after the full disclosure of all available flowers on the shoots.
  2. As a preventive measure, with the arrival of spring, it is recommended to treat all the bushes and trees of luiseania with a fungicidal agent DNOC, at a concentration of 1%, and before flowering, Bordeaux liquid is used at a concentration of 1%.
  3. Another method of dealing with monoliosis that can be used for aflatunia willow herb is pruning. As soon as it is noticed that the flowering is over, it is recommended to cut off all the shoots to the 2-3rd bud. All trimmings must be burned immediately. By the arrival of autumn, a young growth will be formed on the plants, where flower buds will form.
  4. Vesnyanka was recognized as the best variety that resists moniliosis.

When growing luizeania, there is also a problem associated with freezing of the kidneys during the winter months following long periods of thaw. Such warmth can promote the awakening of three-lobed almonds to growth, and when frost hits, despite the properties of frost resistance, the buds die. Overheating of the bark on the trunk in the area of the root collar also contributes to freezing of the shoots after thaws. Therefore, when cultivating aflatunia vastifolia in the northern regions at the end of summer or in early September, it is necessary to pinch the branches so that they have time to ripen by the beginning of cold weather and their tops are not subject to frostbite.

The following troubles are possible when the plant is affected by gray mold. With such a disease, a gray bloom appears on the shoots and leaves. For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to regularly cut off at once those parts of the luizeania that have been affected, cover the sections with garden varnish. Treatment with systemic fungicides, for example, Fundazol, helps.

It can be noted that harmful insects are practically not afraid of three-bladed almonds. However, there is an attack of aphids, leaf rollers, which can be fought with the help of insecticides - Fitoverma, Aktara or Aktellik. And on old specimens, the bark beetle parasitizes, which does not cause much harm, but damages the surface of the bark, where the spores of the fungus can subsequently penetrate. When this pest is detected, the plant trunk is coated with a composition of clay and lime.

Read also about diseases and pests of spirea

Interesting facts about Louiseania

Blooming Luiseania
Blooming Luiseania

Like any almond plant, Aflatunia vase-leaved also has fruits - drupes, but they are not edible and lack the entire amount of those useful properties that are inherent in common almonds.

Despite the fact that in Europe the three-lobed almond disappeared more than a century and a half ago, in the gardens it is still considered exotic, although the plant can withstand frosts of 15-25 degrees and multiplies easily.

Types and varieties of luiseania

In the photo, Louiseania vasolistnaya
In the photo, Louiseania vasolistnaya

Louiseania ulmifolia

It is believed that this variety is primary in this genus. The natural area of distribution covers the territories of the western regions of China, can be found in the Tien Shan and Palmyra. This species has practically not undergone any changes, if they were, they are considered very insignificant. The plant is characterized by a combination of traits that are inherent in both almonds and plums, but there are a number of unique differences. Its second name - Aflatunia elm - was assigned to the plant because of the places where it is found in large numbers - the Aflatun mountains, located on Palmyra.

This species is characterized by low parameters in height (only 2–4 m), very early flowering, and also has a spectacular spreading and highly decorative crown. Foliage with obovate outlines and jagged edges. The leaves are somewhat similar to the foliage of an elm tree. The color is light green, there is also pubescence.

During flowering, the buds open up to a diameter of 4 cm. The petals are whitish to deep pinkish-red or crimson-red. The fruits can take on a bright yellowish, red or purple color.

Differs in the formation of a large number of root suckers. Cold resistance for middle latitudes is insufficient and freezing is possible in especially frosty winters. Propagation can only be done with seed or by grafting.

In the photo Louiseania petiolate
In the photo Louiseania petiolate

Luiseania pedunculate (Prunus pedunculata)

or Louiseania pedunculata. In China, the plant is called "long-stemmed almond" or Pedunculated almonds. It is native to the Chinese area, in particular the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia, Mongolia and the surrounding regions of Siberia. It is represented by a small bush that reaches 1–2 m in height. With late flowering, pinkish flowers are revealed that adorn the leafy branches of the shrub. The oil obtained from the fruit is recognized as valuable. The plant has the ability to adapt to cold, arid conditions. The species was obtained thanks to natural crossing, in which the vase-leaved luiseania and the prostrate cherry (its tetraploid species) took part.

In the photo Louiseania three-bladed
In the photo Louiseania three-bladed

Louiseania triloba

may occur under the name Luiseania three-leaf … This variety is the most used in breeding work. There is information that it comes from the crossing of ferruginous cherries with luiseania elmata, but it was also used in the breeding of Chinese plums. The crown of the resulting shrub is less dense and spreading outlines. Although the height parameters remain considerable - about 3 m. Thin branches are covered with dark gray bark.

The leaf plates, in contrast to the leaves of the vase-leaved luizeania, are more narrowed, despite the three-lobed shape. The surface of the foliage is leathery, the color of its rich emerald color, there is a jaggedness on the edge of the leaf plate. The buds begin to open before the leaves unfold. Flowering takes 2-3 weeks. The structure of the flowers is simple, their color is varied, there are plants with a rich pinkish, pale pink or crimson shade of petals.

The variety is characterized by greater winter hardiness and therefore is more appreciated by gardeners in mid-latitudes.

Since all types of luiseania come from the territory of Korea and China, they have long been engaged in the development of new varieties there. However, it does not fit to give individual varietal variations of the name, and each of them is attributed to one of the forms of terry luiseania, or as it is also called the Chinese terry plum:

  • Captivity (Plena) characterized by late flowering. It is presented in the form of a small-sized shrub, the branches of which are covered with flowers of a densely double structure, painted in pink color. The form is considered the most effective of all.
  • Atropurpurea. Varieties of this form can be large or small in height. The size of the flowers and their fluffiness are inferior to the previous form. The color of the petals in them is pinkish-purple. On the territory of China, it can be found under the name "Luangzhi".
  • Petzoldii also has a shrubby form of growth, branches are covered with foliage of oval outlines, which occasionally do not have a three-lobed contour. It blooms with pink flowers with a semi-double structure. In China it is called Lanzhi.
  • Truncata characterized by leaf plates with a truncation at the top. In China, it is referred to as "Dine".

Today there are a number of varieties and hybrid forms bred in the domestic open spaces, which differ in both size and flowering duration, an advantageous difference is the color palette of the petals of the opened buds. Among them are:

  • Vesnyanka, represented by a tree with an average height, something like a home plum. The structure of the corolla is terry, their color is light pinkish, gradually becoming whitish as the color changes. Resistance to monilial burn is manifested. Fruits in a small amount of ripening drupes.
  • Crimson - a variety grown in the Primorsky Territory. Flowers have a great decorative effect, as they are distinguished by a thick double shape and a rich raspberry hue. The height of the bush is low, the shoots are upright, the fruits never ripen.
  • Tanyusha represented by shrubs with small height parameters and drooping branches. Fruiting is absent. When blooming, double flowers with a raspberry shade of petals open.
  • Joy - early flowering variety. It is represented by a shrub or a medium-sized tree. The crown is rounded, medium dense. The foliage surface is wrinkled, oval in shape. The period when the buds begin to open starts from the last week of April to the beginning of May. The foliage has not yet unfolded on the shoots before. The flowers are large, their diameter can reach 4 cm. The structure of the flower is very lush, the color is dark pink.

You can also distinguish the following varieties: Chinese woman and Snezhnaya, Assol and Ocharovanie, Pink ball and Kievskaya.

Related article: How to plant and grow almonds outdoors

Video about growing luiseania in the garden:

Photos of Luiseania: