Siberian cedar or Siberian cedar pine: planting and care in the open field

Siberian cedar or Siberian cedar pine: planting and care in the open field
Siberian cedar or Siberian cedar pine: planting and care in the open field

General characteristics of Siberian cedar, advice on growing Siberian pine in the open field, recommendations for reproduction, methods of pest and disease control, interesting notes, varieties.

Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica) can be found in scientific sources as Siberian cedar pine. The plant is part of the Pine genus, the Pine family (Pinaceae). This representative of the flora in nature is most often found on the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia, on the lands of Kazakhstan and China, as well as in the northern regions of Mongolia. To date, a large number of varieties have been bred, which differ in size, crown shape and the presence of edible fruits.

Family name Pine
Growth cycle Perennial
Growth form Wood
Reproduction type Using seeds or grafting
Transplant time to the garden October
Disembarkation scheme 20x20 cm or 20x10 cm are left between the seedlings
Substrate Well moistened loamy or sandy loam
Indicators of soil acidity, pH 5-6 (slightly acidic)
Lighting level Open lit place
Recommended humidity Abundant watering for young plants and in the heat for adults
Special Requirements Undemanding
Height indicators 20-25 m, occasionally up to 40 m
Fruit color Dark brown
Fruit shape Oblique ovate
Fruiting time Autumn
Decorative period Year-round
Places of application As a single tree or alpine planting for landscaping alleys
USDA zone 2–6

According to one of the legends, these plants bear the generic name thanks to the nymph Pitis. This mythological creature was inflamed with a strong love for the god Pan, famous for his fun and mischief. In addition, this god was the patron saint of not only fishermen, but also hunters. However, for the nymph, another god burned out of jealousy - the ruler of the cold and northern winds of Boreas. Because of his jealousy, he turned the beauty into an evergreen majestic tree, which they began to call Pinus. It should be noted that the Siberian cedar pine has nothing to do with real cedars (Lebanese, Atlas and Himalayan), since the above plants do not produce edible fruits. The difference between Pinus sibirica is in very useful nuts.

Siberian cedar is an evergreen tree, the height of which can vary from 20 to 25 m, often reaching 40 meters in size. The crown of this representative of the flora is formed by thickened branches and can have several peaks. The trunk of the Siberian cedar pine is straight and even. It is covered with light brown bark, which becomes fissured as the tree matures. Such cracks take the form of flakes. Branching is characterized by whorled outlines. The color of the shoots of the last year is beautiful brown, their surface is covered with elongated hairs of a red color.

On the shortened branches, dark green needles are formed with a bluish bloom. The length of the needles varies within the range of 6–41 cm. The needles are soft to the touch, with small notches; when cut, they have three edges. Pine needles grow in bunches of 5 pieces.

The root system of the Siberian cedar is powerful - root processes extend from the shortened taproot on the sides. Small hairs are located on them, contributing to the development of mycorrhiza. If the composition of the soil is suitable, then the length of the taproot reaches half a meter, and so-called “anchor roots” begin to form, lying at a depth of 2-3 m. It is this root system that allows a tall tree to withstand winds.

Siberian cedar is a slow-growing plant, since its growing season does not exceed 45 days per year. Like all pines, Pinus sibirica is monoecious and dioecious as it produces male and female cones. Cones begin to dust at the beginning of summer, by means of the wind, pollen is transferred from male cones to female ones. When fully ripe, their shape takes on an elongated ovoid shape. The size of the cones is large. Their color is purple at first, but gradually turns brown. The cones vary in width in the range of 5–8 cm with a length of up to 13 cm. The scales in the cones are dense, adjacent to each other, their surface is covered with shortened hard hairs.

The scutes in the cones are thickened, their shape is diamond-shaped, the size is enlarged. The width is about 2 cm, a small whitish eminence is visible on the surface. The maturation of Siberian cedar cones takes from 14 to 15 months. They begin to fall off with the arrival of the fall of next year, while remaining undisclosed. Each cone contains 15–30 seeds, which in Siberian pine look like small nuts. The shape of pine nuts is ovoid with oblique outline. Their color is dark brown, there are no wings, therefore chipmunks and nutcrackers are engaged in distribution in natural conditions. Fruiting in plants begins only 60 years after their planting. The largest yields of pine nuts are possible with an alternation of 3–10 years. Cedar pine can produce up to 12 kg of very useful fruits.

Although Siberian cedar is considered to be a giant tree, there are forms that you can grow in your garden with a little effort.

Tips for growing Siberian cedar in the country - planting and care in the open field

Siberian cedar grows
Siberian cedar grows
  1. Drop off location. Since the plant is large in size and only some varieties are stunted (only about a meter), it is recommended to initially select a place on the basis that each tree should have up to 3-5 meters. Siberian cedar pine prefers a well-lit open area. However, up to 10 years of age, it will be necessary to provide shading of seedlings.
  2. Growing soil Siberian cedar is preferable fresh and well-moistened; sandy loam and loamy substrates, which are found in coniferous or mixed forests, are suitable. The best growth is observed only on fertile gray forest soil.
  3. Planting Siberian cedar. For the successful cultivation of Siberian cedar pine, it is better to use 7–8-year-old seedlings, which are purchased in a nursery or dug up in the forest. The main thing is that the earthen lump is not destroyed and if the plant is from the forest, then it is wrapped in a damp cloth, preventing it from drying out, or seedlings with a closed root system (in boxes) are purchased. Important! The planting of Siberian cedar is carried out as quickly as possible so that the earthen coma does not dry out. Cedar pine is planted in the fall, until the ground is frozen. Pits for seedlings are dug at a distance of 4–8 m, but no closer than 3 m from buildings or fences. Since the root system of a plant is powerful, it can destroy any foundation over time. The size of the pit for planting should be 1.5 times the parameters of the earthen clod of the seedling. It is recommended to prepare the soil in advance by mixing the soil removed from the pit with humus and fertilizers. It is not worth planting only one plant, as it will not be able to form ovaries, and therefore no fruit will appear. A peg is placed in the hole along with the cedar seedling, to which the trunk is then tied. It is recommended to straighten the roots of the seedling, as they can be strongly twisted. After planting, Siberian cedar must be well watered, and the trunk circle must be mulched with peat or sawdust.
  4. Watering. Young Siberian cedars especially suffer from overdrying coma, but if the summer is hot, then adult specimens will be uncomfortable. The soil should be constantly moist, but without moisture stagnation.
  5. Fertilizers for Siberian cedar. It is important that the plant receives a large amount of potassium preparations, but the nitrogen content in the dressings is preferably low, since it will reduce the ability of the root system of the Siberian cedar pine to develop. You can also use a lot of humus.
  6. General advice on care. Since the growth rate of cedar pines at a young age does not differ in speed, they can overgrow with other representatives of the flora that reproduce by self-seeding (for example, birches, spruces, aspens or pines). Therefore, in the first few years of caring for the Siberian cedar, it is necessary to weed other tree species that have been "worn out" in the cedar plantings.
  7. Application in landscape design. When landscaping a garden plot, Siberian cedar will look good next to a birch, but only in this case the plants are planted at some distance. All due to the fact that birch trees are distinguished by the property of "sucking" moisture from the soil. This will negatively affect the Siberian pine. It is also possible that birch thickets will overwhelm the cedar crown and the shoots will begin to stray. Small varieties can form alleys and group plantings.

Recommendations for breeding Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar seedlings
Siberian cedar seedlings

You can grow a new Siberian cedar pine plant by germinating nuts or by grafting.

Seed propagation of Siberian cedar

Good quality varietal seeds should be planted in the last days of April or during the first week of May. However, in three months it is necessary to start pre-sowing preparation of the material. It is necessary to stratify it, that is, to withstand at low temperatures (4-6 degrees) for several months. To process pine nuts, three soaks are performed:

  • In cold water. The seeds are placed in it for 3 hours so that hollow and damaged seeds emerge. Those that are useful for sowing will pick up moisture and sink to the bottom of the container.
  • In a weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink). Nuts are placed in it for 2 hours to prevent diseases caused by fungi or infections.
  • Into hot water (50 degrees). In this state, the seeds should spend 3 days. In this case, the liquid must be drained daily and replaced with a new one.

Then the prepared material is mixed with wetted river sand or peat chips in a ratio of 1: 3. It is recommended to place the entire mixture in a container that has holes on the sides and in the bottom. The thickness of such a layer (with seeds) should not exceed 20 cm. The container is shaded on wooden blocks. This can be the basement or the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

After 90 days, the seeds can be sown both in seed boxes and in open ground. The nuts are carefully separated from the soil mixture and again kept in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. In the field of this, they are slightly dried and sown. The soil is mixed with fertilizers: peat, wood ash (2 grams), potassium (0.5 grams) and superphosphate (1 gram) - parameters per 1 m2. The depth of the seeding should be 2-3 cm. The surface of the container or garden bed is covered with a small layer of crushed sawdust.

When leaving, regular ventilation and moistening of the soil is necessary. After the sprouts are visible, the film is usually removed. If the seedlings are very thick, then you need to dive. As soon as the sprouts begin to resemble a bent knee, it is immediately recommended to dig them up and re-sort them. The root shoots are pruned, and the planting is carried out on the beds under the peg with the same depth as before. A distance of 20x20 cm or 20x10 cm is maintained between seedlings. Some gardeners are engaged in diving of Siberian cedar pine seedlings in the second year. Young plants are planted in a permanent place 3-4 years from the moment of sowing.

Grafting of Siberian cedar seedlings

When such a procedure is carried out, the harvest can be expected for 5-7 years of the plant's life. This method compares favorably with the previous one, since the seedlings will please with fruits only after reaching the age of 15–20 years. However, there is also a minus - grafting seedlings can be overwhelming for novice gardeners, most often they are engaged in it in nurseries.

Pest and disease control methods of Siberian cedar pine

Siberian cedar in the ground
Siberian cedar in the ground

Although the Siberian cedar is a powerful plant, if agricultural technology is violated, it can be affected by diseases or pests.

When cedar seedlings are still very young, they often fall prey to bark beetles - chalcographers, they are also called the ordinary engraver (Pityogenes chalcographus). With the arrival of spring, they gnaw out many moves in the trunks of weakened plants. In the same place, the female pest will subsequently lay their eggs. With this effect, the wood tissue begins to die, which leads to the loss of wood. A sign of the appearance of this insect is the appearance of resin drops on the trunks of the Siberian cedar, resembling tears. It is possible to counteract the attack of the chalcograph if the treatment is carried out with insecticidal preparations ("Iskra", "Inta-vir" or with a similar spectrum of action).

The next harmful insect that creates problems in the cultivation of Siberian cedar pine is siberian hermes, sucking out healthy juices, due to which the slow growth rate is further reduced, and decorativeness decreases. Not only young seedlings are affected, but also adult specimens. A sign of the appearance of a pest is places on the needles and bark, resembling fluff. Since this formation protects the insect itself from chemicals, it is recommended to use agents not only for external processing, but also acting through Siberian cedar juice. For this, spraying with insecticides is performed, for example, "Fitoverm", "Aktara", "Fufan". They also do micro-injections into the wood of the trunk.

In addition to pests, the plant is susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Needle rust, which may appear due to high humidity in the warm season. At the same time, orange-yellow bubbles form on the needles. Over time, such a formation becomes a powder, and the fungus spreads to the uninfected parts of the Siberian cedar. The affected needles begin to die off and crumble. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to carry out weeding in the near-trunk circle and in the surrounding area from coltsfoot and sow thistle. For the treatment of infected trees, treatment with fungicidal agents is needed, for example, Topaz or Skorom. In addition, drugs are administered in the form of micro-injections under the bark.
  2. Blister rust (resin cancer or seryanka), which occurs due to fungal spores that feed on Siberian cedar juices. Signs of the disease are cushion-shaped formations on the trunks or branches of the plant, which have a brown or yellowish-orange color. For the fight use "Arcerid", it is taken in the amount of 50 g and diluted in 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out 4 times with a 10-day break.
  3. Shoot cancer, at which the needles begin to sag and fall off. The plant dries up.

These diseases can be treated only if detected at the initial stage. Prevention of Siberian cedar pine is recommended in the form of drugs that stimulate the strengthening of the root system and have anti-stress properties.

Interesting notes about Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar needles
Siberian cedar needles

The lifespan of Siberian cedar pine is 300 years, and sometimes half a millennium. Fruiting begins only when the plant reaches 30 years of age, but sometimes it can only give a crop for the first time at 70 years old.

Among the northern peoples, on whose territory Siberian cedars grow, plants have always been revered and considered sacred. That is why the ritual staves of shamans were decorated with cedars. Cedar branches were used as amulets for dwellings.

Already from the middle of the 19th century, Pinus sibirica began to be used for landscaping park and garden areas, not only in noble estates, but also in cities.

The benefits of pine nuts are very great, they have long been given by folk healers to patients to improve blood composition, prevent tuberculosis and anemia. Cedar resin, which is called "gum" is distinguished by the properties of embalming, so the healers of Siberia and the Ural lands with the help of this substance healed wounds, cuts and burns, treated abscesses.

Since the wood of the Siberian cedar pine has unique properties, it is used in furniture and construction. In addition, it has the properties of resonance, therefore it is customary to make musical instruments from it (harps, pianos and guitars).

Siberian cedar varieties

In the photo, the variety Plantation
In the photo, the variety Plantation

Since in nature the height of the Siberian cedar pine can reach 40 meters with a trunk diameter of about 2 m, not a small dacha may be suitable for cultivation, but a country house with a large enough area for the plant to feel comfortable. However, for those who want to get hold of such a rarity, varieties have been bred that do not take up much space. Among them, the following are popular:

  1. The president. Adult plants of this variety do not exceed three meters in height, fruiting is high, but ripening cones are large in size. With high decorativeness, the crown is not too dense, its shape is conical. The needles are elongated, green in color. The growth rate is good. The variety was bred for the anniversary of Putin.
  2. Narcissus is a low-growing garden form. The size of the plant does not exceed a meter in height. The needles are velvety to the touch, painted in a pale green shade. The outlines of the crown are spherical, the density is high. The growth rate is low, no fruit is formed, since small cones do not fully ripen. Grains are not suitable for food. Used exclusively as landscaping.
  3. Ideal. Non-fruiting variety. The plant has an almost perfect ball-shaped crown. The needles are long in green color. Small cones flaunt on the ropes. It is used in decorating garden plots.
  4. Biosphere. The plant is similar in shape to the "Narcissus" variety, but its growth rate is higher. Low fruiting. The dense crown is in the form of a ball, on the branches there are needles of a green tint, the cones are not large.
  5. Subalpine has a high growth rate. A loose crown with cone outlines is formed. The needles are elongated, gray tone. Cones are large, but fertility is low.
  6. Recordist is a tree of miniature size, its height does not exceed 3 m. The density of the spherical crown is average. The needles are beautiful, rich green color. Differs in abundant fruiting, while nuts in full-fledged cones of large sizes, have a good taste and aroma. Fruit ripening is fast, although the growth rate is low.
  7. Oligarch. The variety was bred by breeders for MB Khodorkovsky as a gift. Growth rate is slow, but abundant fruiting. The resulting cones have small nuts with a flattened shape. The crown of a plant with a low density and ovoid outlines.
  8. Emerald it has a rather dense crown with cone contours, the growth rate is average. The color of the needles is bright green. Medium-sized ripening buds.
  9. Tamagotchi stands out among other varieties for sterility (fruits do not ripen) and a very slow growth rate. The crown is formed by highly branched shoots. The needles are shortened, with a bluish tinge. The size of the buds is miniature.
  10. He and she represented by a tree with a loose crown, which takes on a spherical shape. The needles are of the usual appearance, green in color. Large cones are formed on the branches, bearing nuts. Growth intensity is medium.
  11. Highlander has an ovoid crown with a high density. The growth rate is slow. Needles of normal appearance and average length, their color is green. The size of the ripening cones is small. Fruiting of the variety is poor. Recommended for bonsai cultivation.
  12. Plantation it has a high growth rate. It can also delight you with the wonderful taste of nuts. The qualities of this variety are somewhat similar to "President". The loose crown takes on a spherical shape, elongated needles with a green tint. On the branches, large-sized, full-fledged cones ripen.

Video about growing Siberian pine:

Photos of Siberian pine:
