Find out what sports nutrition you need to choose if your main goal is to increase speed-strength qualities. It doesn't really matter what kind of sport you do, and with the right choice of sports nutrition, you will have an excellent opportunity to improve your results. Today we will talk about which sports nutrition for strength and endurance should be consumed in the first place. This article will prove to be very useful for beginner athletes, but it can also help experienced athletes.
You've probably read a sports magazine at least once and saw how many advertisements there are. At the same time, photographs of athletes can easily mislead novice athletes, who might think that all types of sports nutrition are for gaining mass. This is not the case and there are sports nutrition for strength that is very effective.
The best sports nutrition for strength


Creatine is the most effective supplement to increase your physical performance. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies and today in bodybuilding it is the main type of sports nutrition, with which only BCAAs and protein mixtures can be compared in popularity.
Creatine contributes to an increase in creatine phosphate storage, which in turn increases the rate of ATP production and increases strength and endurance. Creatine is actively used not only by strength athletes, but also in cyclic sports. Interval training is one of the best ways to build endurance and creatine will help you achieve your goal.
The supplement can reduce the time it takes to recover between sets or exercise intervals. Also, with the help of this substance, you can reduce the degree of acidification of the muscles, which has a positive effect on the overall effectiveness of the training. There are many forms of creatine, but monohydrate continues to be very popular among athletes. It is an inexpensive and highly effective supplement. If you are looking for sports nutrition for strength, then first of all look to creatine. The daily dosage of creatine is 3 to 5 grams.

Many people know that caffeine is a good fat burner. This is true, but this supplement also allows you to increase your physical performance. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning can invigorate you well. If you take caffeine before training, your fatigue threshold will increase and your workout will become more effective.
Scientists have done a lot of research on this substance and are quite sure that this is an excellent form of sports nutrition for strength. You will also receive a good bonus, which we have already talked about - acceleration of lipolysis processes. Take caffeine about an hour before class and you will see how effective this supplement is. For every kilogram of body weight, you should take 3 to 6 grams of caffeine.
Beta Alanine

Alanine is an excellent remedy for increasing performance and raising the threshold for fatigue. Whatever you work on during training - strength, mass gain or endurance, alanine allows you to make your training more intense and, therefore, effective. This fact has also been proven in the course of numerous studies. With high-intensity training, a large number of hydrogen ions accumulate in the muscles. They negatively affect the pH level, which is one of the causes of fatigue.
Alanine is an amine that accelerates the synthesis of carnosine in muscle tissue. This substance acts as a buffer between tissues and hydrogen ions. As a result, the rate of accumulation of hydrogen ions is drastically reduced and you can train at higher intensity. We recommend taking three to six grams of the supplement throughout the day, dividing this amount into several doses. The one-time dosage of alanine is 0.8 grams.
Sodium phosphate

This substance has been actively used for a long time for the preservation of various food products. According to the latest scientific experiments, sodium phosphate is a form of sports nutrition for strength. Scientists have discovered the ability of the substance to positively affect the breathing process and slow down the process of depletion of forces. In addition, when using the supplement, the body receives more oxygen. Take 3 to 5 grams of sodium phosphate before starting an activity.

Many articles have been written about this type of sports nutrition recently. BCAAs are now actively used in various sports disciplines. It is known that one of the causes of fatigue during training is the crossing of the bloodstream-brain border by the amino acid tryptophan.
This substance in the body is used in the production of serotonin, which belongs to the group of neurotransmitters. Serotonin contributes to fatigue and drowsiness, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the exercise. Scientists have found that the same vehicles are used to transport BCAAs and tryptophan. Thus, supplementing with branched-chain amines slows down the delivery of tryptophan to the brain.
In addition, BCAAs have a large list of positive properties. Amines of this group slow down the breakdown of muscle protein compounds, accelerate regenerative processes in all tissues of the body and increase the immune response during exercise. Take three to six grams of BCAAs before starting or during training. It should also be remembered that the ratio of leucine to other amines in this group (valine and isoleucine) should be 2 to 1.

Now, perhaps, there are no athletes who would not take this sports nutrition for strength. Protein blends are great for any nutritional program. Protein compounds are used by the body to create new muscle tissue, as well as to repair them after exercise.
It should also be remembered that the more time you exercise, the higher the catabolic background. This leads to the destruction of muscle tissue, and protein mixtures can slow down these reactions. If you take protein supplements in conjunction with carbohydrates, then the effectiveness of their use will increase markedly. The body's daily requirement for protein compounds is about two grams for every kilogram of your body weight.

This amine is most abundant in the human body. As you know, under the influence of physical exertion, the reserves of nutrients are quickly depleted. This forces the body to look for ways to restore their reserves. For amines, the simplest solution is to break down muscle tissue.
It is quite understandable that no athlete wants to allow this. It should be remembered that glutamine improves the efficiency of the immune system. If a deficiency of this amine is found in the body, then problems with colds and infectious diseases may arise. This is most important in winter. The daily dosage of glutamine is 20 grams.

This substance promotes the production of acetylcholine by increasing the number of neurons involved in the process. As a result, the quality of neuro-muscular connections, which are of fundamental importance for increasing physical parameters, increases. This type of sports nutrition is most actively used by strength athletes. The daily dosage is 0.6 grams.

This supplement has previously been used by athletes to prevent fatty liver disease. Note that this substance is natural and is made from beets. In recent experiments, scientists have noticed that betaine can increase the rate of creatine production by liver cells. This is because betaine is a potent donor of methionine, a substance used in the synthesis of creatine. The daily dosage of the supplement is 0.6 grams.

It is one of the most important micronutrients for athletes and has a wide range of benefits. Magnesium can be useful for increasing strength parameters because it accelerates the synthesis of the male hormone. During the day, you need to take 0.3 grams of magnesium.
What sports nutrition is most effective for building strength, see here: