How to grow mango at home

How to grow mango at home
How to grow mango at home

Mango fruits are incredibly healthy. Do not throw away the seeds after them - they can grow beautiful tropical plants.

  • Alina 22 March 2017 18:14


    Hello! Sprouted a mango at home, the stem has gone and the leaves have already appeared, but they hung their ears. Tell me what to do !?
  • Vova Sergeev 5 July 2017 09:53


    Class, good site!
  • Svetlana 16 July 2017 15:09


    If you hang your ears, it means that something with the roots is most likely either interrupted and rotted, or you are underfilling and dried up. Dig up, look at the roots, cut off the rotten ones, it might help. The trunk is blackened and the leaves dry, rather it also rots, perhaps pathogenesis, such as a black leg. Flying with a fungicide, but most likely cannot be saved.
    1. natalia 23 October 2018 19:53


      I have a mango since 2011. I planted a bone directly. Sprouted about six months later. She was about half a meter tall. But, apparently, somewhere I did not water enough, somewhere on the windowsill I froze. And, too, not only the leaves withered, but the trunk itself grabbed. But two shoots started from the roots. And when a fresh batch of leaves appears - they are always drooping - this is normal. As they grow, they get stronger and rise. And with a lack of moisture and humidity, they begin to dry out from the tips of the leaf.
  • Olya December 8, 2018 20:28


    I have been growing since March, does not require special care, first purple leaves appear, then turn green …
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