Features of choosing a new image. TOP 10 trendy summer haircuts. What should you pay attention to? What hairstyles are relevant for long, medium and short hair?
Summer haircuts are simplicity and lightness combined with grace, daring experiments and deliberate modesty, these are risky ideas and delicate touches to refresh the image embodied in reality. In short, it is in the summer that everything that comes into your head is allowed, except for bulky styling, filled with layers of varnish. In other matters, stylists do not restrict women. On the contrary, they offer to create as boldly as possible!
Features of choosing a fashionable summer haircut

In the photo, a fashionable summer haircut
Judging by the variety of ideas that the stylists of fashion houses have delighted the audience with at the last shows, the main condition for a successful summer haircut for women is that it should go to its mistress. So, forget for a while about the trends of the times and current news, focusing on the length, condition and color of your hair, type of face and age: these are the data that will become defining for you in the summer.
How to choose a summer haircut by face type:
- Oval with rounded jawline and wide forehead … The most enviable option, which goes with any haircuts, including frankly defiant ones, but feminine bobs and a bob with profiled ends look especially harmonious with a face of this type.
- Round with prominent cheeks and soft contours … Cross out straight bangs, short "sleek" haircuts and voluminous curls of medium length from the models you like, you can safely experiment with the rest. Pay special attention to asymmetry, side partings, tails and braids tied on the side, beach curls, Hollywood waves, cascades, steps.
- Square with any wide, angular jaw and heavy chin … The owners of such faces also wear feminine waves, multi-layered cascades, slanting bangs, high hairstyles and a slight mess on the head, and for convinced neat girls there is a rounded bob that partially covers the chin. But the same bob, ending above the jaw line, ultra-short haircuts and smoothly combed hair, there is practically no chance to give a square face in a favorable light.
- Elongated and lean … In the list of the best summer haircuts for women for an elongated face, there should be no place for puffs, high tufts and long straight strands. Be careful with slanting bangs too. But arched and straight, along with variegated curls, curls and root volume - everything is yours.
- Heart with a narrow miniature chin and wide cheekbones … The favorites are long hair and medium length haircuts, graduated strands, oblique bangs, high ponytails, gathered at the side, natural waves. In disgrace - short voluminous haircuts, weighting the already large upper part of the face, bunches, graphics.
- Diamond-shaped with wide cheekbones, but narrow either and a chin … Professionals proclaim a cascade, an elongated layered bob and torn strands, perkly sticking out in different directions, as beautiful summer haircuts for owners of a diamond-shaped face. Something to forget about is the fleece and the too diligently whipped volume.
By condition and length:
- Long hair will only look good when it is thick, strong and healthy.
- However, those that are too stiff and heavy can look untidy due to their length, so it does not hurt to add airiness to them with graduation, thinning and ragged ends.
- A bob and bob up to the jaw line will add volume and beauty to delicate damaged strands.
According to the age:
- Summer haircuts for girls under the age of 30 is an "unplowed field". There are almost no restrictions here, so long as the beauties do not take it into their head to build a tower of Babel in the style of Lena Lenina on their heads.
- Haircuts for 30-year-olds still allow you to play with the image, without being too embarrassed by inhibitions, although it is believed that for young and energetic women, medium-length hair that is easy to keep in order, while remaining as feminine as possible will be the best option. But it's time to stop playing with extravagant colors and shapes.
- Those who believe that haircuts for 40-year-olds must be short are deeply mistaken: cut strands will only throw you years old and give your features an age-related sharpness. Think about shoulder-length hair, layering, rounded lines. And refrain from overly tight curls or pretentious flecks - strive for naturalness.
- You can start to gradually reduce the length in haircuts for 50-year-olds. By this time, the hair usually becomes thinner and weaker, and short hairstyles visually return the thickness of the hair.
On the issue of color, stylists are surprisingly unanimous: they announced the summer of 2020 as a territory of natural shades, among which preference should be given to light wheat, linen and honey tones. Dark-haired beauties should think about coloring in chestnut with golden tint and warm chocolate.
Note! If you consider yourself one of the persistent lovers of highlighting, rely on its sparing French variety or options that remind you of naturally burnt out locks in the sun - shatush, balayazh.
TOP 10 best summer haircuts
What haircuts do the creators of new images consider the most fashionable? Let's talk in more detail.

It seems that in the new millennium there has not yet been such a year in which this versatile haircut would fall out of the fashion hairstyle clip. She is very good! If your hair reaches at least your shoulders, the ladder will already look spectacular, but it fits especially well on the hair that reaches the shoulder blades. This is a good option for women who are not able to boast of natural hair density: a multi-layer ladder will add volume to weak strands.
The haircut lengthens round faces, softens square chins, makes large and rough features more feminine, especially if during styling you direct the curls framing them outward, and not inward.
And how many hairstyles you can create with a ladder for medium or long hair! She is collected in fashionable high buns and buns, pulled into tails and braids, laid in waves. But at the same time, the ladder is quite unpretentious in care, you do not need to conjure over it for hours, armed with a hairdryer and tongs. In other words, it has all the qualities required for a fashionable summer haircut.

If the ladder focuses the attention of the master on the strands of the client's face, then a more complex cascade will force you to work properly with the entire mass of hair, but it's definitely worth it. Milled strands acquire liveliness and look equally good on the heads of both young girls and women of mature age, on hair to the waist and medium-length hair, on straight strands and curls twisted with a curling iron.
The only thing is that the cascade should not be done by the owners of tight curls, since you will either have to carefully pull them out with an iron every day, or come to terms with the eternal chaos on your head, since curly strands will untidy bristle in different directions.
The cascade perfectly acts as a summer haircut for long hair, and if at the same time it is combined with coloring that imitates locks burnt out in the sun, then it becomes simply perfect.

The topic of cascading haircuts is closed by an Italian who was born in the 80s of the last century and firmly entrenched on fashion catwalks. It is distinguished from the ladder by the elaboration of the entire volume of hair from the crown to the back of the head and front strands, and from the cascade - a shorter step between the layers. The latter circumstance gives the Italian woman beneficial volume and expressiveness, which allows her to be in demand among women with long and short hair.
In addition, the ability to "revitalize" the styling makes the haircut very attractive for fashionistas from the "40+" category. However, the owners of the Italian woman will have to forget about laziness: she does not forgive carelessness in styling.

The unsinkable square belongs to the category of haircuts for all times. It changes its length, shape, details, but never loses its popularity.
Popular types of squares:
- Classic short, in which the hair is cut at the level of the earlobe or even higher, and the forehead is left covered with straight bangs or a flirty "curtain".
- The elongated bob can be safely called the standard of summer haircuts for medium hair, since it is easy to style, does not make the hostess faint from the heat and leaves room for experiments with styling. But if you are going to do bangs, remember that you need to put it in order every morning, or the haircut will look too indistinct.
- An asymmetrical bob is a variation on the classic haircut, in which the hair on one side of the face is cut shorter than on the other. At the same time, bangs can be abandoned altogether in order to emphasize the difference in length.

Another type of undying classics, the famous bob, experts suggest wearing in the summer season with a wob styling. Its feature is soft, unexpressed waves that look both extremely feminine and sophisticated at the same time.
It's nice that as a summer haircut, a bob can afford both young girls, whose youth and tenderness of features he will only emphasize, and ladies of an age, to whom he will add charm with his smooth curves and make them look younger.
Bob, bob, as well as their symbiosis "bob-bob" look more advantageous on dyed hair. In the case of a short haircut, you can use delicate highlighting and coloring, medium-length strands can be given brightness and depth with the help of juicy shades close to natural, and long hair can be diversified with “sun glare” by dyeing shatush.
However, the most daring and stylish can experience an extravagant double coloration, combining natural color with a radically different shade from it.

Briefly shaded in previous seasons, this comfortable, sweet and feminine haircut will re-establish itself in a full voice in the summer. It is supposed to be worn on medium hair, but there are interesting options for long and short hair.
The hat has only two drawbacks: the need to style it daily with a hair dryer and a round brush, and the regular need for length correction, without which the haircut will quickly lose its volume and shape.

Among summer haircuts for short hair, the many-sided pixie is apparently going to lead, which can successfully be both daring and defiant, gentle, charming, strict. Short strands no longer than 10 cm, tousled vortices at the top of the head, oblique bangs, layering and cropped whiskey create surprisingly attractive combinations that can be played with depending on the situation.
Pixies are more often recommended for young girls, although well-groomed women "over 35" with the correct facial features and good skin have every chance to impress others by combing their hair up to expose the forehead and create volume on the crown. Such styling will allow you to lose ten years if you choose a discreet natural make-up for it.

Although the garcon lacks even a little until a century - it was invented almost 100 years ago, the amusing creation of French masters, the name of which can be translated as "boy" or "tomboy", fits perfectly into the ranks of summer short haircuts. Having many similarities with the pixie, the garcon, nevertheless, differs from it in the greater accuracy of the lines, the clarity of the contours, and the accuracy of the styling. For example, it looks better on straight hair, while a pixie is combined with wavy hair.
The ultra-short garcon creates a strict, almost boyish look, the elongated one leaves room for experiments with styling.
To make the image catchy and memorable will allow coloring in bright colors, to bring it under the strict framework of the dress code - natural calm shades. And ashen coloring sometimes refreshes the face so much that it makes a haircut an adornment for ladies in adulthood and even a very mature age.
Note! Neither pixie nor garcon do not fit the concept of a successful summer haircut for a round face.

Those who are not afraid to slightly shock the audience and are preoccupied with finding their own individual style will get a lot of pleasure trying on an extravagant mohawk. The minimum length of hair at the temples, moderate - at the back of the head and crown, whipped strands - and now, if you want to, you will not be able to get lost in the most motley crowd.
A haircut does not limit its owner at all in playing with images. Cut off your hair in the area of / u200b / u200bthe temples under a typewriter, and you will get one of the most shocking forms of mohawk. Make the difference in length between the strands on the crown and on the sides barely expressed, and turn into an "iron lady" - feminine, but not without severity in appearance. Curl the "comb" in large waves, apply double staining, leave an impressive length at the back of the head, and the mohawk will be completely transformed.
As an exit hairstyle, you can consider the idea of shaved patterns at the temples or hair gathered under a whipped mohawk into tight African braids that fit tightly to the skin. The latter option will come to the rescue of girls who are not ready to part with half of their hair, but want to know how they will look with a superfashionable haircut.
Haircuts with bangs

This important part of a woman's hairstyle has received so much attention that it should be taken out as a separate item, regardless of what haircut they are going to wear.
On the crest of fashion, oblique, asymmetrical, torn, bangs divided into two sides.
A little behind them, but not lost in the total mass of the bangs, carefully licked back with waxes and gels.
The third place belongs to curtains and arches, but straight bangs almost went out of the way, lingering only in the classic versions of the square.
Note! According to leading stylists, to decorate summer haircuts, hair is proposed to be fixed with "girlish" headbands, headbands in the spirit of "Great Gatsby" and ribbons in the Greek style, which are successfully combined with either combed or completely pulled back and hidden bangs.
How to choose a trendy summer hairstyle - watch the video:

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to choose a fashionable and stylish haircut for yourself. Moreover, stylists practically do not limit women in the way of styling, leaving them to choose from all kinds of weaving, knots, bunches, plaits, tails and twists. It is not the first season that the effect of wet hair remains in price, which in the summer will slightly give up its position in front of the bohemian boho style with loose hair and tips twisted in different directions for the sake of a slight artistic disorder. It remains to decide which of this motley heap will please you personally.