In this article, you will find out what a Swedish nutritionist's weight loss program is, its advantages, disadvantages and contraindications. Also consider a weekly diet food intake. The content of the article:
- The essence of the diet
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Menu
Nutritionists in almost all countries of the world are concerned about the problem of excess weight, because every year the number of overweight people is increasing. In the development of weight loss programs, most specialists want to bring their own bit of knowledge and experience. Swedish nutritionists decided not to stand aside and came up with a body shaping technique called the "Swedish diet", which allows you to lose up to 3 kg of weight in a week.
What is special about the Swedish diet

There are many weight loss programs, each of which has a different menu, duration, result and other nuances. As for the Swedish diet, its distinctive feature is the protein diet. The main elements of the diet of this method are foods with a high protein content. Considering the Scandinavian diet, one cannot fail to notice the presence of potatoes in the diet, which, on the contrary, is within the limits of prohibitions in many weight loss programs. The Swedish weight loss method will allow your body to cleanse itself and remove accumulated toxins. As a result of such a process, the work of internal organs will significantly improve, and fat deposits will go away by themselves, without making themselves felt for a long time, of course, if the losing weight does not take up the use of junk food again.
When compiling a shopping list, do not forget to enter there eggs, milk, buckwheat, fruits, potatoes, chicken (in small quantities) and fish, but immediately cross out all sweets, flour and alcoholic beverages. If you decide to lose weight, do it wisely, adhering to the recommendations of experts.
The Swedish diet will not make your health suffer, as it was created based on a balanced diet. Since losing weight will not notice such a pronounced feeling of hunger during the program, his body will not be stressed, which means that the lost kilograms are unlikely to come back.
Pros and cons of the Swedish diet

It is not so difficult to adhere to the rules of the Swedish diet, the most important thing is to adapt to a new way of eating at the first stage of the program, after which it will be quite easy to refuse prohibited foods. It is worth noting the main advantages of this weight loss method:
- Weight loss program from Swedish specialists practically does not cause hunger.
- There is no need for additional use of vitamin preparations to keep health at the proper level.
- The diet is accompanied by cleansing the body of toxins.
- This technique allows you to achieve lasting results.
- Effective weight loss without stress for the body.
- Easy tolerance by the body.
- There is no need for large financial costs.
Despite the suggested advantages of the Swedish diet, one cannot but mention its disadvantages, which include:
- Slow rate of weight loss.
- Relatively infrequent meals. Many nutritionists advise to sit down on fractional meals, right there, instead of 4-6 meals, they offer only 3 (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Contraindications to the Swedish body shaping technique include individual intolerance to certain foods that are included in the diet. The weight loss program is not suitable for persons suffering from lactose deficiency, since the main component of the breakfast of this method of losing weight is milk. It is also undesirable to apply the weight loss technique from Swedish specialists to people with gastritis and high acidity. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to seek the advice of a dietitian. If you follow the rules of the diet, you can lose up to 3 kg of weight in a week.
Weekly food ration

The Swedish diet means balanced and proper nutrition, which allows you to lose several pounds in seven days.
- Monday. Start the first day of the Swedish weight loss method with a glass of milk and a portion of water-cooked buckwheat porridge. For lunch, make a vegetable salad, which can include tomatoes, onions, and green bell peppers. Snack on 100g of cheese and drink a cup of warm milk. In the evening, but no later than four hours before bedtime, eat grated beets (200 g) with sour cream dressing, a slice of bread and three boiled potatoes.
- Tuesday. The breakfast of the second day is identical to the breakfast of the first (milk and buckwheat porridge cooked in water without adding oil and spices). For lunch, season a green salad with vegetable oil, boil a fish in the amount of 250 g and two potatoes, for dinner, make a serving of ordinary cabbage salad, also eat one or two hard-boiled chicken eggs, drink a mug of milk.
- Wednesday. A glass of low fat milk, a slice of bread and 60 g of cheese - this is the breakfast menu on the third day of the Swedish diet. For lunch, drink a glass of apple juice, eat a small portion of 100 g of vegetable salad and eat 250 g of grilled chicken, without fat and skin. In the evening, you can have a snack with hard cheese, a slice of bread and a small portion of mashed potatoes. Don't forget to drink about 200 ml of milk.
- Thursday. The fourth day of the diet can start with two unspiced toasts and one glass of fresh apple juice. Dine on buckwheat porridge (100 g) with a small piece of boiled lean meat. You can have a snack with an orange or an apple if you wish. For dinner, there is a portion of boiled rice with salad (150 g) of onions and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil, and, of course, a glass of milk, a source of calcium.
- Friday. In the morning, instead of milk, you can use a glass of yogurt and one orange. For 100 g mashed potatoes, eat a steamed low-fat cutlet and drink a cup of unsweetened tea. In the evening, you can delight yourself with fresh apples and any fruits (200 g).
- Saturday. Have breakfast with buckwheat porridge cooked in water and drink a glass of milk. For lunch, 150 g of boiled lean meat and the same amount of boiled potatoes are relied on. Saturate the body with useful substances from orange and apple. For dinner, you can eat boiled rice (100 g) with a salad (200 g) containing green bell peppers, cucumbers, onions and cabbage. Season the vegetable dish with vegetable oil.
- Sunday. Use rice grits to make breakfast porridge. Drink a glass of milk. For lunch, you can boil potatoes (100 g) and 200 g of fish. Later, have a snack with fruits, namely - an orange and an apple, drink a glass of orange juice. A vegetable salad, a slice of whole grain bread and a small grilled chop are what a dinner on the seventh day of the Swedish diet looks like. Have a glass of fresh apple juice.
Video about the 6-petal diet from a Swedish nutritionist: