Choy-sum: benefits, harm, composition, recipes

Choy-sum: benefits, harm, composition, recipes
Choy-sum: benefits, harm, composition, recipes

Composition, calorie content, benefits and harms of choy-sum for the body. Features of cooking vegetables, recipes.

Choy-sum (choy sum, tsai-hsin, Chinese flowering cabbage) is a leafy vegetable of the Mustard family, Cabbage family, which does not form forks. Shoot height varies from 10 to 40 cm. Leaves, flowers, buds and stems are edible. In seedlings, the leaves are round, but when ripe they become oval, with jagged edges. The color changes from light salad to rich emerald green and purple. It is eaten during intensive flowering. The taste of young shoots is sweetish, with a slightly perceptible bitterness and a pungent aftertaste, and when ripe, it is bitter and tart.

Composition and calorie content of choy-sum

Choy-sum cabbage
Choy-sum cabbage

In the photo, Chinese flowering cabbage choy-sum

Despite the popularity of the vegetable in Hong Kong and widespread use throughout China, it is still impossible to give an exact chemical composition. This is due to the many subspecies of the variety and the dependence on growing conditions - microclimate and soil type.

The calorie content of choy-sum is 11-20 kcal per 100 g, of which

  • Proteins - 1, 32-2, 3 g;
  • Fats - 0, 18-2, 1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1, 91-2, 2 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 0.9 g.

When calculating the energy value of dishes in the weight loss menu, you need to take into account that in one glass of tamped chopped leaves - 9 kcal.

Vitamins per 100 g

  • Retinol - 46 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid - 39.5 mg.

A small amount of choy-sum contains cholecalciferol, folic and pantothenic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid. Among the minerals, calcium, potassium, sodium predominate; there are small amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc.

Minerals per 100 g

  • Calcium - 96 mg;
  • Potassium - 221 mg;
  • Sodium - 57 mg;
  • Iron - 0.63 mg.

Fats per 100 g

  • Saturated - 0.023 g;
  • Trans fats - 0.01 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.084 g;
  • Monounsaturated - 0.013 g.

A portion (100 g) of flowering Chinese cabbage replenishes the reserve of vitamin A by 78%, vitamin C by 66%, iron by 10%, and potassium by 6%.

The benefits of choy-sum Chinese flowering cabbage

Man eating choy-sum cabbage
Man eating choy-sum cabbage

Chinese flowering cabbage strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood glucose levels. It is allowed to use a vegetable with diabetes mellitus, since the glycemic index of choy-sum is 22-28 units. Its value increases with the maturation of the leaves, carbohydrates accumulate in them.

The benefits of choy-sum

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the visual system, prevents the appearance of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration (the central part of the retina).
  2. Normalizes water and electrolyte balance, prevents the development of edema.
  3. It has mild mucolytic properties, facilitates the work of the lungs and bronchial branches.
  4. Thanks to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, it facilitates the course of infectious diseases.
  5. Isolates free radicals in the intestines, reduces the risk of developing cancer of the digestive system. Suppresses the production of atypical cells.
  6. Has an adsorbing effect, stimulates the elimination of toxins. Reduces pressure on the diaphragm during pregnancy by normalizing digestion.
  7. Increases the rate of peristalsis, improves metabolism.
  8. Creates favorable conditions for the life of lacto- and bifidobacteria.
  9. Protects the cardiovascular system, normalizes the pulse rate, suppresses tachycardia and bradycardia.
  10. Strengthens bone tissue and dental pulp. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink a glass of milk 20-30 minutes after eating dishes with flowering Chinese cabbage.
  11. Stops the development of anemia and helps to recover from debilitating diseases. Thins the blood and prevents blood clots.

Choy-sum helps to lose weight. This is achieved not only due to the ability to speed up metabolism. The high fiber content allows you to keep the feeling of fullness for a long time, so it will turn out to refuse unnecessary snacks.

The benefits of Chinese flowering cabbage have been seen in the treatment of asthma. A portion of fresh lettuce (150 g) 4 times a week reduces the frequency of attacks by 1, 34 times and reduces the occurrence of shortness of breath by 40% during intense physical exertion.
