Toadflax: how to plant a plant and take care in the open field

Toadflax: how to plant a plant and take care in the open field
Toadflax: how to plant a plant and take care in the open field

Characteristics of the toadflax plant, recommendations for planting and growing in a personal plot, how to propagate correctly, combating possible diseases and pests, interesting notes, species.

Toadflax (Linaria) is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Plantaginaceae family. A little earlier, these representatives of the flora were included in the Scrophulariaceae family, however, recent studies in the field of genetics have made it possible, according to certain characteristics, to introduce them into the rather extensive Plantain family. If we rely on the information presented in the The Plant List database, which dates back to 2013, then the genus includes 98 species. But some botanists claim that the number ranges from one hundred to one and a half hundred varieties.

Basically, the distribution of toadflax in nature occurs in the Mediterranean, namely the mountainous regions of its western and eastern regions. Here, scientists have identified the largest number of its species. This also includes European territories with a temperate climate, North African and Asian areas with the same climatic conditions. If we talk about the lands of the former USSR, then here you can find about 70 varieties, their main concentration is allocated in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Four of them grow in the Far Eastern lands and one and only one is brought to the Sakhalin Peninsula. Several species also grow in the Kuril Islands, of which Linaria vulgaris is an invasive species.

Family name Plantains
Growing period Annual or perennial
Vegetation form Herbaceous
Breeding method Seed and vegetative
Landing period After return frosts (late May or early summer)
Landing rules It is recommended to leave 20-40 cm between seedlings
Priming Light and nutritious, sandy loam or loamy
Soil acidity values, pH 6, 5-7 - neutral
Lighting degree Open, sunny flower bed or light shading
Humidity parameters Watering only during drought
Special care rules Undemanding
Height values 0.3-0.9 m
Inflorescences or type of flowers Racemose, capitate or panicle
Flower color Yellow, snow white or purple
Flowering period June to September
Decorative time Summer
Application in landscape design For mixborders and decoration of flower beds, borders, rock gardens and rockeries, used for growing in pots and for cutting
USDA zone 3–4

The plant got its name due to the fact that the outlines of the foliage are very similar to flax, although the flax does not belong to the flax family. So in Latin the term "linum" is translated as "like flax".

Most often, Linaria are perennials, although occasionally they can grow as an annual plant. The roots are simple or with elongated spreading root processes. Stems range in height from 30 to almost 90 cm. Their outlines can be either simple or branched. The surface of the stems is densely covered with foliage. The color of the shoots is greenish, but it happens that a reddish undertone is also mixed.

Leaf plates are either assembled in whorls or grow sequentially. They do not have pereshkov. The color of the deciduous mass of a rich herbaceous color. The shape of the leaves, due to which the plant got its name, is uniform in width (linear), sometimes there is a sharp point at the top (linear-lanceolate). At the top of the stems, the leaves are strictly linear. One vein can always be distinguished on the surface of the leaves, but in rare cases there may be 3. The edge of the leaf plate is curled up. The foliage is bare. The length of the leaf varies from 2 to 7 cm with a width of about 2 to 5 mm.

When the toadflax blooms, inflorescences are formed, the shape of which can be different - in the form of a panicle, brush or capitate. The calyx has five parts. The color of the corolla of flowers is found not only yellow, but can include snow-white or purple shades. The shape of the flower is double-lipped, while the upper lip is characterized by a division into two lobes, and the lower one is a bulge resembling the outline of a helmet. The spur is often elongated, characterized by a bend, and occasionally takes on a short-conical shape. The flowering process usually stretches over a long period, taking time from the first days of summer to early autumn.

After the bumblebees pollinate the toadflax flowers, the fruits ripen, which are seed pods of spherical or oblong outlines. The surface of the fruit is bare; when fully ripe, cracking occurs at its apex in the form of denticles. Flat seeds are disc-shaped with kidney or triangular contours, but sometimes resemble small prisms. The seed material is so small that there are about 20 thousand seeds in 1 g.

The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and spectacular outlines, therefore it can be recommended for growing even for novice growers. And besides, it is used in folk medicine. We will tell about all this below.

Recommendations for planting toadflax, care and cultivation in the open field

Toadflax blooms
Toadflax blooms
  1. Landing place of these plants should be with a good level of lighting, although toadflax tolerates some shading normally (mainly perennial varieties). At the same time, it was noticed that the plants have good resistance to both cold and drought. However, this does not apply to the species of toadflax (Linaria cymbalaria). Toadflax should not be planted in places where there is nearby groundwater or the site is subject to flooding in lowlands. It is recommended to build a high bed.
  2. Toadflax soil it is easy to pick up, since it will grow well on any proposed substrate, but it is important that it is light and nutritious (saturated with humus) - this mainly concerns perennials. You can mix peat crumb for looseness and nutrition. The best choice would be loam or sandy loam. The acidity of the soil is predominantly neutral - pH 6, 5–7. If the soil on the site is depleted, then it is recommended to carry out pre-planting preparation - the substrate at the proposed planting site of toadflax is carefully dug up and a complex mineral fertilizer is added to it (for example, Kemiru-Universal). It is advisable to carry out such feeding in the autumn period or once a month before sowing or planting. If the soil is loamy, peat chips and coarse sand should be mixed into it, which will increase its looseness properties.
  3. Planting toadflax held at the end of May, when return frosts stop. In the southern regions, this time may be earlier. The distance between seedlings should be left in accordance with the future height of the bushes, but no closer than 20-40 cm.
  4. Watering … This aspect is not so important when caring for toadflax, as the plants are drought tolerant. With a normal amount of precipitation, humidification will not be required, but if the dry period is very long, then you will have to moisturize the substrate.
  5. Fertilizers for flaxseed should only be applied at planting if the soil is poor. It is recommended to fertilize perennial species with the arrival of spring, when the snow cover melts, using complete mineral complexes (for example, Kemira-Universal).
  6. General care tips for flax are the same as for many garden plants. They consist in regular weeding from weeds and loosening the soil after watering or rainfall.
  7. Toadflax wintering. When autumn comes, and the stems begin to turn yellow and dry out, it is recommended to cut them at the very root, and mulch the bush itself with dry deciduous mass, sawdust or peat chips.
  8. The use of toadflax in landscape design. The plant is usually planted between stones in rock gardens or rockeries. It is customary to decorate flower beds and works with such plantings, they look good in the design of borders and mixborders. If you plant toadflax bushes in containers, they can be used to decorate terraces or balconies. The best green neighbors for her are carnations and lichnis, as well as ursinia. If the variety has stunted stems, then such plants are planted along the paths in the garden or as an ampelous culture.

How to reproduce toadflax correctly?

Toadflax in the ground
Toadflax in the ground

Despite the fact that some species can reproduce vegetatively, they mainly use the seed method of propagation, which contributes to the production of many seedlings.

Toadflax propagation by seeds

… It is generally recommended to cultivate toadflax seedlings. Seed material can be suitable even after 5-6 years from its ripening and collection. It is only important that storage is carried out in dry conditions. Some growers, before sowing, stratify the seeds - that is, they keep them for 2-3 months with heat values in the range of 4-6 degrees. To do this, in January-February, seeds are mixed with moistened river sand, and then this mixture is placed in a plastic bag and placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

After stratification, sowing is carried out in March-April using a peat-sand mixture, but you can use purchased soil for seedlings. The substrate is poured into seedling boxes, and germinated seeds are placed on top. Crops are sprayed from a spray bottle, the container is covered with transparent plastic wrap. Germination should be carried out in a warm place with good lighting. A window sill with an eastern orientation will do, on the southern one you will have to provide shading at noon.

Crop care should consist of aeration and moistening of the soil if it begins to dry out. Already after 8-10 days, you can see the first seedlings of toadflax. Then the shelter is removed. In this case, you should not bring the soil to dryness in the future.

When the seedlings grow up, thinning is carried out. By the end of May, a pair of real leaves will unfold on them and you can transplant toadflax plants to a prepared place in the flower bed. Usually, the time of transplantation falls on the end of May, when the frosts in the morning have already receded.

It is possible to sow the seeds of perennial toadflax species in the spring in the beds where they will sprout, and during the growing season they will get stronger and the next year they will be ready for transplantation to a permanent place of growth.

Toadflax propagation dividing the bush

Over time, a perennial species can grow quite strongly and such a bush is subject to separation (rejuvenation). The plant is carefully removed from the soil using garden tools (you can use a pitchfork) and divided into 2-3 parts, which should have a sufficient number of roots and stems. It is not necessary to make the divisions very small, as this will complicate their engraftment. After the toadflax is divided, its parts are immediately planted in holes prepared for planting in advance.

Toadflax propagation by cuttings

In the spring or summer, you can cut green cuttings, which are planted in loose soil so that they take root. A sand-peat mixture can act as such a substrate. You can also use commercial seedling soil. The cuttings are covered from above with a glass container or a plastic bottle, from which the bottom is cut off. A neck with a screw cap will serve for ventilation and removal of condensate so that the container does not need to be removed for this process. When caring for cuttings, it is important not to let the substrate dry out, but also not to bring it to waterlogging. After rooting occurs, and this will become clear from the blossoming new leaves, you can transplant into the planting holes prepared in advance.


Since the plant can multiply by self-seeding, it can aggressively take over loose soil nearby. It is better to react in a timely manner to such a spread by digging in limiters. But at the same time, a large number of seedlings appear, which are successfully used for reproduction.

Fight against possible diseases and pests when growing toadflax

Toadflax flowering
Toadflax flowering

Although the plant perfectly resists diseases and pests, it suffers greatly from snail damage. These garden gastropods can simply destroy all the foliage on plants at night. Many gardeners use folk remedies to scare away snails or slugs, such as scattering crushed eggshells or drunk coffee between flower beds or beds. But as practice shows, such methods are rarely effective.

Still, it is worth using other methods:

  1. To weed the weeds in time, because it is this grass that is the "home" for the gastropods. A shade is created under the leaves, sheltering them from the heat and sun. At night, pests creep out to "hunt".
  2. Place any handmade traps, which can be not only cardboard boxes, but just pieces of roofing material on the ground. During the day, slugs and snails will find shelter under them, and then they can easily be caught and destroyed.
  3. To use beer for catching snails and slugs - a little hoppy liquid is poured into an ordinary container (can or bottle) and dug into the soil so that the neck almost does not protrude above it. In the morning, you can take out the container filled with "intoxicated" pests.
  4. Spreading between rows and paths in the garden and next to toadflax plantings, ash or red pepper, but after the rains, such a cover will have to be renewed.
  5. Collection of slugs and snails by hand - by crushing one after 5–10 minutes, you can catch another 3-4 pests in this place.
  6. Luring to the site not only feathered helpers, but also hedgehogs, lizards, which instead of you will fight against gastropods.
  7. Arrangement of a pond in the garden, in which frogs will start. To do this, you can dig a bucket or a bath into the ground and line its edge with pebbles.
  8. Planting in flower beds, next to toadflax aromatic plants such as lavender, rosemary and sage.
  9. The use of garlic infusion for watering the soil in flower beds to scare away slugs and snails.
  10. The use of electrical devices such as copper tapes capable of adhering to any object or any material with a similar copper coating. Shocka products are recommended. Gastropods get an electric shock when they come into contact with the copper plating.
  11. The use of pesticides such as metaldehydes like "Meta Thunderstorm".

Other pests that can damage the root system of toadflax are nematodes, from which the bush withers and, as a result, dies. To scare off these roundworms, marigolds are planted next to the plants, and if pests are found, then treatment with insecticidal preparations is necessary - for example, Nemabakt.

If the weather has been rainy for a long time, and the landing site was chosen incorrectly and moisture stagnates on it, then rot may occur. Waterlogged soil from excessive watering leads to the same result. If it is noticed that the stems have turned yellow and died, or they are covered by a gray coating, then it is recommended to remove all the affected parts, and then treat with a fungicidal preparation, for example, Fundazol.

Read also about pests and diseases of hyacinths

Interesting notes about the flower, the use of toadflax

Toadflax flowers
Toadflax flowers

Although it often happens that this plant is confused with the flower "Snapdragon". This is an erroneous opinion, since the last representative of the flora, although it belongs to the plantain family, is called Antirrhinum and its other genus is Antirrhinum. Toadflax is part of the genus Linaria. The confusion is due to the similar outlines of flowers in these plants.

Among all the species, the common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) is distinguished, which has long been famous for its medicinal properties and therefore found its application in the recipes of folk healers. In the plant, scientists have identified flavonoid glycosides, as well as ascorbic, folic, malic and citric acids, choline and carotene. In addition, there are pectin substances and resinous compounds, mucus and phytosterol, alkaloid D and L-peganin, which is also called vazicin. It is not for nothing that toadflax herb is used for therapeutic purposes, for example, to lower blood pressure, restore pulse, and normalize the activity of the heart muscles. Preparations based on it help to increase the tone of the uterus and intestines.

For a long time folk healers have used this plant to prepare medicines that can help with anemia, restore disturbed metabolism. If the patient had a dry cough, then taking medications based on toadflax promoted the secretion of mucus and the removal of fragrance. For cases of jaundice or hernia, medications from toadflax were also used.

If you need to quickly cleanse the body after poisoning, then you cannot do without decoctions or tinctures on toadflax. Also, the use of such drugs ensured the removal of not only sand from the bladder, but also stones. Linaria has also been used to treat cystitis and to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins. Experts have recommended toadflax for dropsy or diathesis.

Taking a toadflax course allows you to get rid of dizziness, sore throat or progressive muscle atrophy (myopathy). Since toadflax has an antiseptic effect, the infusions are useful for treating skin problems (non-healing purulent wounds or furunculosis, ulcers and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity). Such drugs are used for conjunctivitis, and in addition, they contribute to a change in the composition of the blood.

If we talk about a variety of Moroccan toadflax (Linaria maroccana), then an extract is prepared on its basis, which, when diluted with alcohol, allows you to eliminate insomnia and chronic constipation. Toadflax (Linaria cretacea) also helps to get rid of hypotension and rapid recovery of muscle tissue after dystrophy.

However, with all this, there are also contraindications for the use of preparations based on toadflax, such as:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • heart rhythm disturbance (paroxysmal tachycardia);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole).


Since the plant is poisonous, the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

In case of an overdose of toadflax, severe painful stomach cramps, dizziness, intestinal upset, and even fainting may occur.

The peasants also knew about the toxicity of toadflax grass, so it was never added to the feed for livestock - cows, calves or horses. If the animal ate such grass, then it had profuse salivation, gastrointestinal upset and stopped breathing. These properties in toadflax are especially strong during the flowering period, then not only the grass, but also the flowers are filled with specific glycosides capable of cleaving off hydrocyanic acid. But the animals themselves will never feast on the plant, as they are frightened off by the aroma and taste.


Because of this, it is recommended to plant toadflax in the garden only in places where small children will not have access.

Among all plants, only toadflax is able to grow normally both in the southern and northern regions, the rest of the species prefer moderate climatic conditions.

It is interesting that the flowers contain anthochlor, a yellow substance, which is a coloring pigment and is suitable for coloring.

Description of toadflax species

In the photo, common toadflax
In the photo, common toadflax

Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris)

the people are called wild flax or gills and guillemots, funny - dogs. Only recently, due to genetic research, it was transferred to the Plantain family, and before that it was included in the Scrophulariaceae family, or, as it was also called, Veronicaceae. The root of this species grows in the form of a rod or has elongated creeping root shoots. The stem is 30-60 cm in height, it grows erect and straight, but can be endowed with ramifications. Its entire surface is covered with leaves. The shape of the leaves is linear or lanceolate-linear, sharpened at the top. Venation on the surface of one or 3 veins. The foliage is green, with a curled edge, its surface is bare. The length reaches a maximum of 7 cm, and a minimum of 2 cm with a width of 2–4 mm. If the foliage is fresh, then it is an insecticide.

From the buds at the tops of the stems, racemose inflorescences are collected, measuring 5–15 cm. The pedicel and occasionally the calyx are characterized by a coating of glandular hairs. Only in exceptional cases is their surface bare. Pedicel length is 2–8 mm, bracts with lanceolate outlines are equal to pedicels or exceed its length. The parameters of the calyx are 3x2 mm, it is composed of lanceolate lobes. The corolla is yellow, with an orange-colored bulge on the lower lip. The upper lip in the corolla is much larger than the lower lip. The size of the rim itself reaches a length of 15–18 mm, excluding the spur. The spur has a wide conical shape, it is characterized by a bend. The flowering process takes all summer.

The seed pod is the fruit. Its outline is elongated and oval. The fruit is 9–11 mm long and 6–7 mm wide. The seeds are very small, resembling a flat disc in shape, with a wide and membranous edge, which helps to carry them to the wind.

If such a plant grows in the fields, then it is recognized as a weed, dangerous for horses and cows. Distributed in areas with a temperate climate in Europe and Asia.

On the photo Chalk flax
On the photo Chalk flax

Toadflax (Linaria cretacea)

is in the records of the Red Book of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The endemic plant is widespread in the eastern Black Sea lands and is recognized as a relict species. As a rule, it grows on chalky soils, which is why it bears the specific name. Prefers southern slopes, occupies areas where there are no other plants characterized by extensive growth.

Herbaceous perennial. The rhizome has root suckers. The color of the stems is bluish-green. Their height varies within 10-30 cm. At the base of the stem, the shoots are characterized by sterility. In the lower part of the foliage is collected in whorls of 3-4 leaf plates. The shape of the leaves is rounded and elongated-ovoid. The color of the deciduous mass is gray.

When blooming, which lasts from June to July, flowers bloom with a yellow hue. In them, the spur reaches a length of 7 mm. Leaky short inflorescences-brushes are collected from flowers. Both seed and vegetative propagation can take place.

In the photo Moroccan flax
In the photo Moroccan flax

Toadflax (Linaria maroccana)

represented by an annual herbaceous form of growth. Stems grow erect, reaching a height of 30–35 cm, but the maximum height rarely exceeds 0.5 m. Leaf plates with elongated outlines, their length is 2–4 cm. The color is greenish.

The flowering process takes the period from early summer to the first days of autumn. It is famous for its varied color of flowers collected in cluster inflorescences. The corolla can take on white, pink and pinkish, as well as purple hues. On the lower lip, the convex part is highlighted with a whitish or canary-colored spot. Seeds in seed pods do not exceed 0.6–0.8 mm in length. The shape of the seeds is rounded-triangular or in the form of a bud, their surface is dull and rough. The color of the seed varies from dark grayish to black. Germination remains high over a 6-year period.

After sowing, seedlings appear after 8-10 days. It is customary to plant in the garden for decorating flower beds and slides made of stones, they look good in balcony boxes.

In the photo, Flaxen bifid
In the photo, Flaxen bifid

Toadflax (Linaria bipartita)

- also an annual, characterized by a bare surface of the stems. The height of the stems varies between 20-30 cm, the shoots are sterile. Foliage gathers in whorls. The outlines of the sheet plates are linear and flattened. Elongated sharpening at the apex. The length of the leaf can vary in the range of 2.5–5 cm with a width of no more than 1.5–3 mm. There is one protruding vein on the surface.

Flowering takes place between June and July. From the buds, loose racemose inflorescences are collected, crowning elongated pedicels. The bracts are 2–3 times as long as the bracts. The shape of the bracts is lanceolate. The surface of the calyx lobes is naked, their shape is linear-lanceolate, there is a thin sharpening at the apex. The size of the lobe of the calyx is 5 mm long and 1 mm wide. The corolla is purple and has a speck of orange clair on the lower lip. The rim length is 12 mm without spur. The upper lip is divided into two parts, while the blades are rounded at the top. At the lower lip, the lobes are ovoid, larger in size. The spur is refined, with a bend, its length can be equal to the rim or slightly exceed it.

The capsule fruit has a spherical shape, its diameter is 4 mm, which is less than the teeth of the calyx. The seed size is only 0.5 mm, the surface is covered with wrinkles arranged in a spiral order.

Due to the natural distribution, which falls on the territory of the northern regions of Africa and the western regions of Morocco, the specific name was given. It is used as a decorative culture. However, on the lands of the Moscow region, the plant is found in the wild.

Video about growing toadflax:

Photos of toadflax:
