Thesis: reproduction and growing rules in rooms

Thesis: reproduction and growing rules in rooms
Thesis: reproduction and growing rules in rooms

The main differences between a flower and other plants, rules for caring for a thesis in a room, recommendations for self-propagation, pest and disease control, facts to note, species. Tempesia (Thespesia) is a pretty beautiful representative of the vast family Malvaceae or Hibiscus, which deservedly gained popularity among gardeners who want to surprise their friends and loved ones with a collection of plants. This specimen of flora can consider the territories of almost all islands in the South Pacific Ocean to be the native lands of natural distribution, but thesesia is mainly found in Hawaii and India. However, through the wind, the plant spread to the lands of Asia and the Caribbean islands to the African continent. There are even two representatives growing in China. That is, it is a "resident" of the tropical climate. There are up to 18 varieties in the genus, but only the Thespesia populnea species is well known in indoor floriculture.

All perennial thesesia have a shrub or tree-like form of growth, the height of plant shoots does not exceed 1, 2-1, 5 meters, if cultivation is carried out in rooms, but in nature some varieties can reach 10-15 meters. The trunk of these representatives of the flora is erect with abundant branching, however, the crown has a compact and neat outline. The bush does not shed foliage and can delight with a riot of greenery all year round. The size of the leaf blade is also not too large, on average, the length varies about 13 cm. The surface of the foliage is glossy. Its shape is broadly ovate, but at the very top there is a sharpening. The foliage is greenish with blue hints.

Some types of thesesia have glands along the central vein, from which a rather sticky nectar is produced, and some varieties of this exotic are distinguished by leaf plates, in which the entire reverse side is covered with scaly small formations.

It is the flowers that represent the special beauty of the plant. Their outlines are quite decorative, since the rim resembles a product of a skilled craftsman, which he cut out of colored translucent paper. Interestingly, over time, the color of the flower begins to change. From the very beginning, the corolla has a bright yellow or snow-white tint, inside which there is a reddish-brown spot on the throat itself. Such a mark of distinction is called a peephole by flower growers. After a while, the color from such an eye or spot, as if it begins to transfer to the flower petals, giving them a violet-red color scheme. Often this shade can reach the very edge of the petals.

The shape of the flower in thesesia is often simple, the corolla with the outlines of a bell, in diameter, when opened, reaches seven centimeters. The flowers are devoid of smell, but if the plant is grown indoors, but on the same bush, you can see buds with a variety of colors.

After pollination, fruitlets ripen, which are capsules from pear-shaped to rounded. The size of the capsule will be 5 cm long and about 2 cm in diameter. Inside there are a large number of triangular seeds, the size of which is close to 9 mm. The color of the seeds is brown, there may be pubescence on the surface.

If we talk about the difficulties of growing thesis, then there are practically none of them and this flower can be cultivated even by a novice florist. The growth rate of this plant is average.

Thesis care when growing at home

Thesis buds
Thesis buds
  1. Lighting. It is necessary to place the pot with the plant on the windowsills of the southwest windows. This will provide the necessary level of light for growth - bright and diffused. On the south, shading will be required at lunchtime, and on the north, backlighting.
  2. Content temperature. In summer, heat indicators for thesis should be in the range of 20-26 degrees, with the arrival of autumn and throughout the winter - 18-20 degrees, but it is not lowered below 16 units.
  3. Air humidity. When keeping testesia in rooms, it is recommended to maintain high humidity values. In the spring-summer period, spraying of the deciduous mass should be carried out daily. But when the plant blooms, it is best to keep water droplets away from the corolla, as this can lead to dark spots on it. Usually, they simply spray moisture near the bush or put the plant pot in a deep pan filled with moistened expanded clay or pebbles, if there are none, you can use simple sand. In any case, you need to monitor so that the poured liquid does not touch the edge of the flowerpot. In winter, wet towels are placed on hot batteries or household steam generators and humidifiers are placed next to the pot.
  4. Watering theses are carried out regularly so that the soil in the pot always remains moistened and does not dry out. In the spring-summer period, watering is carried out every 3-4 days. Only warm and soft water is used. With the arrival of the winter season, the moisture content is slightly limited, since the temperature of the plant content also decreases, but the drying of the earthen coma is also unacceptable. However, stagnation of moisture in the pot holder is undesirable, since the fragile parts of the plant will begin to rot.
  5. Fertilizers. From mid-spring to October, when the vegetation processes begin to intensify in Testesia, it is recommended to feed with the use of universal complex mineral agents, in a well-diluted form. Such fertilizers are performed every 3-4 weeks. But flower growers still advise using organic matter.
  6. Thesis transplant and advice on soil selection. Until the bush reaches 5-6 years of age, it is recommended to change the pot and the soil in it every year in the spring. Then such operations will be performed only once every 3-4 years. At the bottom of the new container, it is required to lay a drainage layer so that it prevents soil acidification and decay of the root system. It will also help to maintain a sufficient level of humidity. Such material can be medium-sized pebbles, expanded clay or pieces of brick, which are sifted from dust, clay or ceramic shards. In the bottom of the pot, holes must be provided for the outflow of excess liquid. To make theshesia feel comfortable, select a general-purpose soil that is well-drained on the basis of sand. If a commercially available universal soil is used, then it should be airy enough to easily pass air and water to the root system. River sand with peat is added to such soil mixtures. If the substrate is made independently, then it is made up of garden soil, coarse sand (you can take perlite), wet peat or humus (leafy soil can act as it). The ratios of these parts are maintained in equal proportions. A little lime is also added. In total, the acidity of the soil for this plant should be pH 6-7.4.
  7. General care. During the whole time, it is recommended to pinch young twigs and trim elongated shoots. Flowers and fruits are good for eating. In the summer, you can take the pot with the plant out into the open air, but take care of protection from direct sunlight.

Rules for propagation of thesis from seeds and cuttings

Theesia blooms
Theesia blooms

If we talk about obtaining a new plant, then here it is possible both to apply the method of cuttings and to sow seeds.

Usually in the spring, you can cut blanks for grafting. Such branches should be measured no more than 30 cm in length. 3-4 leaf blades are left on the handle in the upper part, and the rest are all removed. It is recommended to process the cut of the workpiece with a root formation stimulator (it is usually heteroauxinic acid or Kornevin). Landing is carried out in moistened river sand or peat-sand mixture (peat-perlite). Some growers consider it necessary to plant the thesesia cuttings in plastic cups so that later the formed root processes can be seen.

When rooting, cuttings are covered with plastic cut bottles or placed under a glass jar. You can simply wrap it loosely in a transparent plastic bag. If a shelter is installed that will allow the parameters of heat and humidity to remain elevated, then it is worth ventilating daily to remove accumulated drops of condensation, as they can become the root cause of decay. The condition of the soil is also monitored, if it begins to dry out, then it is moistened with warm soft water. The rooting temperature is maintained in the range of 22-24 degrees. The first signs that the process is going well will appear after a month. After the new leaves are formed, the rooted cuttings of thesesia can be transplanted into separate pots with a selected substrate.

The seed propagation method is used. Before planting, it is recommended to process the seeds with nail clippers or rub them with sandpaper - this will help to open the seed shell, but you need to act carefully so as not to damage the inside of it. Most often, the seed is soaked overnight in warm water (it can be in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate so that its color is slightly pinkish), but some growers do not do this, however, the process of settling the seeds in a warm liquid contributes to their early germination. After that, they are washed under running water.

Thesesia seeds are planted in containers filled with peat and perlite (you can use a peat-sand mixture). The embedding of the seed must correspond to its two diameters. The pot with plantings is also covered with plastic wrap or a piece of glass is placed on top. With daily airing and subsequent moistening of the substrate, such seeds will germinate in 14–20 days. As soon as a pair of true leaves is formed on the seedlings, they can be dived into separate small pots (no more than 7 cm in diameter) with more fertile soil.

Diseases and pests arising from the cultivation of thesis in rooms

Pest infested thesis leaf
Pest infested thesis leaf

If the cultivation conditions are violated, then the plant becomes a target for spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids and scale insects:

  • if a thin cobweb is seen on the foliage and in internodes;
  • on the reverse side of the leaf, brown plaques are visible;
  • whitish specks or small white midges;
  • green small bugs;
  • sticky sugary secretions covering parts of the plant,

it is recommended to carry out an insecticide treatment.

If the color of the leaves turns pale, you need to fertilize, since, most likely, tempesia lacks nutrients or transplant, since the root system is too cramped in the pot. If the lighting level is too low, then the shoots are too stretched out, depriving the bush of decorativeness.

Powdery mildew damage is possible when the foliage is covered with a coating similar to lime or fungal infections that provoke mottling of the leaf plates. For treatment, you can use the drug Fitosporin-M, copper sulfate or colloidal sulfur. With too frequent and constant flooding of the substrate, rotting of the root system occurs, then you need to urgently transplant into a new sterilized pot with disinfected soil. All decayed roots are preliminarily removed, and foundation treatment is performed.

Facts about the thesis note

Thesphesia flower
Thesphesia flower

Sometimes Tempia is called Portia, but this is not true, since these are completely different representatives of the same Malvaceae family. Since the plant is not poisonous, it is customary to grow it even in children's rooms, and not be afraid of harm if the child suddenly wants to pick decorative flowers.

It is curious that the plant is not so familiar to us, but in the places of its natural growth, it is well known to people. All this is due to the thesesia wood, which casts a dark red color and has been used by artisans for more than one hundred years for the manufacture of interior items and souvenirs, various handicrafts. And to date, it is the last article that has remained the most common.

If we talk about medicinal properties, then they are also available. Traditional healers have long prescribed remedies based on thesesia, where leaf plates or bark were the basis. With the help of such decoctions or tinctures, problems of the oral cavity, eyes and skin are cured, as well as antimicrobial, antibacterial, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect of such drugs.

Types of thesis

A kind of thesis
A kind of thesis
  1. Thespesia populnea (Thespesia populnea) often referred to as Thesesia ordinary. The plant is an evergreen tree or bush, the surface of the branches is often covered with small scales of brown color. They are often dense. With its shoots it grows to a height of 3–6 meters. Shoots of a tree or bush cover leaf plates of an intense green color. The foliage is heart-shaped, with a pointed tip. The dimensions of the leaf plate are measured 7–18x4, 5–12 cm. The petiole reaches 4–10 cm, its surface also has scales. During flowering, buds are formed with a yellowish-orange corolla, the shape of which resembles a calyx. Each flower, when fully expanded, has a red-brown "eye" (spot) inside. Over time, the yellow tint of the corolla is replaced by a violet-reddish one. The diameter of the flower is 1–1, 5 cm. It blooms almost all year round. When the fruit ripens, capsules appear. Their shape is from spherical to pear-shaped, with parameters 5x2 cm. Seeds inside are multiple with triangular-ovoid outlines, with a size of 8-9 mm. Their shade is brown, hairy or glabrous, the surfaces are veined.
  2. Thespesia garckeana found under the name Azana garckeana. This variety has been found in all warm parts of South Africa, where the plant prefers to settle in wooded meadows, open forests and thickets. The altitude at which the species is found is 1000–2000 m above sea level, and the occupied areas are spread from semi-arid lands to those areas where there is a higher level of precipitation. In older fields, T. garckeana may grow on adjacent termite mounds in older fields. Among the people where the species occurs in nature, its name is: African chewing gum, snotty apple, hibiscus tree, fly (Shona) and nkole (Sri Lanka). The sap of the tree has a yellow tint, and the color of the wood is dark brown. It is customary to make handles for tools, spoons and other crafts from wood. The whole fruit, excluding the seeds, can be chewed as chewing gum, as it produces a sweet, sticky mucus. The fruit can be made into syrups and used as a product for soups. The bright green foliage is abundant and useful as green humus and mulch. Leaves are often used as livestock feed.
  3. Thespesia grandiflora sometimes referred to as the Magician. It has a tree-like shape and is distributed throughout Puerto Rico, where the plant is endemic, that is, it is not found in the wild anywhere else in nature. It is prized for its very durable wood. It is the official national symbol of Puerto Rico. The height of such a plant rarely exceeds 20 meters.
