Data on the appearance of the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog, external norms, characteristic behavior and health, care, walking, which includes diet, training, interesting facts. Sharplanin Sheepdogs are amazing dogs. Their fate is inextricably linked with the fate of the Macedonian people. They are born guards and protectors. Moreover, they protect not only their owner, but also his entire family.
They are very distrustful of strangers, but they are ready to give their lives for a loved one. Therefore, for such devotion, they are loved not only in Macedonia, but throughout the world.
Data on the appearance of the Sharplanin Sheepdog breed

The history of the Sharplan's Sheepdog or Sharplan's Sheepdog is closely related to the history of the country where it originated. Once upon a time in the lands of Yugoslavia lived people who called themselves Illyrians. They were mentioned by the ancient Greek historian Hecateus of Miletus. The Illyrians were nomads who lived in the Balkans. They came to the Yugoslav lands from the north. These events took place in the II century BC.
There is little reliable information about this people. It is believed that they did not know arable land. The Illyrians possessed the secrets of smelting iron from ore. They had large, shaggy shepherd dogs. Around the tenth year of our era, the last Illyrian tribes were conquered and assimilated by the Romans. And, here are their dogs, have survived to this day and gave rise to many other breeds, including the Sharplanin Sheepdog.
The history of the breed begins in 1938. At the time, she was registered under a different name, the Illyrian Sheepdog. Ten years later, the livestock split. Dogs below sixty-five centimeters at the withers began to be called the Krazh Shepherd Dogs. All individuals that were taller were called Sharplanin Sheepdogs. In 1965, the name of the breed was changed to the Yugoslav Shepherd Dog Sharplaninets. In 1968, Slobodan Pavlovich wrote the first standard for the Sharplanin Sheepdog. A year later, in 1969, the breed was officially registered by the international canine organization.
For a long time, the export of these dogs outside the country was strictly prohibited. Only in 1970 did the first Sharplanet leave Yugoslavia. Now there are a lot of these dogs in the United States of America, in Canada. They are especially popular in France. Unfortunately, there are no such dogs in Russia yet.
There is a beautiful legend about the emergence of Sharplanin Sheepdogs. A young hunter found two little wolf cubs in the forest. He raised and tamed them. When the cubs became adults, they had offspring. These puppies protected the shepherd from other wolves and became the first Sharplanians.
External norms of the Sharplanin Sheepdog standard

It is a strong, well-built dog, above average height with a long, thick coat that gives the effect of a compact build. Height at the withers in males 61–64 cm and bitches 55–58 cm. Weight in males 35–45 kg and females 30–40 kg.
- Head - proportional to body size. The skull is shaped like a cello. The brow ridges are slightly raised.
- Muzzle rectangular, with a deep base. The bridge of the nose is extended. The stop is clearly marked. The jaws are strong. The dentition is connected in the form of scissors.
- Nose well developed, black.
- Eyes Sharplanin Sheepdogs are neither convex nor deep, almond-shaped, yellowish-brown or light brown. Stretched eyelids.
- Ears grows low, of medium size and length, triangular, V-shaped.
- Neck - medium length high rise, widened at the body. The withers are widened in width, covered with thick hair, which makes it appear shorter than the natural length. There is a suspension.
- Frame - stretched, strong, muscular, top line dropping slightly from withers to thighs. The chest is developed and voluminous. The loin is short and strong. The croup is slightly sloping, of medium length. The abdomen is tight.
- Tail forms a smooth line with the backbone, long, covered with thick feathers, bent in the form of a saber.
- Front limbs - with thick bones and strong muscles. The rear ones are wider than the front ones. Rounded thighs.
- Paws - rounded and voluminous.
- Coat Sharplanin is dense, of moderate length. The head, ears and forelegs are covered with short hair. Neck, body, hindquarters and tail with long, slightly rough, almost straight hair. The undercoat is thinner and thicker.
- Color allowed in all shades and colors from white to dark gray, almost black. The most popular colors are gray-green and dark gray. Sometimes there is a black mask on the muzzle.
The characteristic behavior of the Sharplanin Sheepdog

These dogs are specific in nature, extremely reliable, calm and attentive. Sharplanians are independent and courageous, but intelligent and loyal. These are stable individuals who do not tolerate bondage and coercion. Pets want to be equal partners, so they need to be trained intelligently, patiently and consistently. Every pressure creates resistance and alienation. It is extremely important for the correct behavior of this shepherd, to socialize it in a timely manner.
Sharplanin Sheepdogs are excellent protective dogs, reliable and independent guards. It is they who meet the first guests in the house and immediately make it clear to the guest what is allowed and what is not. Sharplanians rarely bite people. They very clearly manage to show where the boundaries of what is permissible are. But, if necessary, they will defend the territory entrusted to them and all family members, at the cost of their own lives. These shepherd dogs are distrustful and wary of strangers - they cannot be bribed with anything.
Whatever these dogs do, they will always be with you. Sharplanin Sheepdog, a dog that does not need to be called. You don't need to look after him, he will be your shadow. As soon as you turn around, the Sharplanet is already here. In work, dogs are patient and persistent, inclined to make independent decisions.
The owner is their god. To him alone, they are unconditionally loyal. Sharplanians always jealously guard it as their property. Other family members are considered equal to themselves and are very loyal in manifestations with them. They recognize and love children in their family circle, but little strangers are regarded as intruders. This requires great vigilance on the part of the dog owner. Dogs are friendly and calm to domestic animals, but they may not perceive other people's animals.
It is recommended to get Sharplaninians for people who have extensive experience in dealing with dogs. Future owners must be patient and resourceful, have a strong character and a balanced psyche. In training Sharplanan Shepherd Dogs, they must be decisive and moderately powerful in order to show superiority over the pet.
Sharplanin Sheepdog Health

These animals live up to twelve years on average. They have strong immunity. Sharplaninskaya Shepherd Dog of late adulthood, which is inherent in almost all breeds of large dogs. Physically, they finish forming closer to two and a half years, and psychologically, they reach adulthood only by four years.
It is important to feed them correctly and physically load them, and especially from an early age, since the body of the Sharplanin Shepherd Dog develops unevenly. By overloading or underfeeding the dog, you will get a sick animal, which you will then treat all his life.
It is imperative to vaccinate the animal on a timely and regular basis. Do not vaccinate an animal at a would-be veterinarian without education and a license just because it is cheaper there. You do not know where he bought the vaccine and if it can be used. An unqualified specialist will harm the dog.
And, also seasonally treat against worms, fleas and ticks. Parasitizing a pet, these helminths draw out all the forces from the body and make the immune system less resistant to various diseases. Fleas and ticks carry them. Some of the diseases transmitted by ticks can be fatal if the dog is not treated in the first few hours.
When carrying out manipulations, do not exceed the dose of drugs. You can simply poison the animal itself along with the parasites. There are various drugs for helminths. These can be drops to the withers, suspensions and tablets. They are dosed relative to the weight of the animal. The tablets are given on an empty stomach and the dog's reaction is monitored. If the infection is very extensive, that is, the animal vomits or worms come out, the manipulation is repeated after ten days.
Everything from ticks and fleas can be in the form of drops, sprays and collars. They are also dosed by pet's weight. It is best to treat the dog with drops or spray, and then, for prophylaxis, put on a prophylactic collar that repels parasites on the street. It is important to start processing in a timely manner with the first signs
Dog grooming sharplanin shepherd

- Wool this dog does not require much attention, except for combing out during molting with a furminator. This tool will allow you to remove dead hair very efficiently and quickly. It is a gentle device for guard hair, as it does not break off or pull them out. Furminator evenly removes dead hair, capturing them in a large volume. Yugoslav breeders do not recommend bathing Sharplan residents more often than once a year, and before an exhibition show. In principle, dogs do not need this procedure, since the structure of their fur coats repels moisture and dirt. When bathing, it is important to soak the dog's coat well, as it is very thick. The conditioner is used only before exhibitions, and in other cases, only shampoo will be enough. It is important to dilute the concentrate in the correct proportion with water so as not to harm your pet's skin. After washing, blot the shepherd dog with a towel and send to dry on a mat.
- Teeth dogs for their excellent condition must be cleaned. These manipulations should be carried out every one or two weeks. Sharplaninians are working dogs, so if there is no way to brush your teeth, let them gnaw on the veins and cartilage. Feeding with dry food will also be appropriate in this case.
- Ears Sharplanin Sheepdogs are cleaned to prevent the buildup of sulfur and mud deposits using plant-based products. Once every two weeks, they are dripped into the dog's ears, and after waiting for everything, wipe the excess with a clean napkin.
- Eyes be sure to check your pet after grazing her cattle. Blades of grass, thorns, motes and just particles of earth can get into them. All this causes irritation of the mucous membrane and various suppurations. There may be cuts and scrapes, which requires a diagnosis and further treatment by an ophthalmologist veterinarian. If the eyes are slightly inflamed, they can be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in disinfecting and sedative agents.
- Claws these shepherd dogs usually grind themselves, as working dogs are in constant motion. But, nevertheless, keep an eye on their length. If the claws of the branch are larger than the prescribed size, they will injure the dog's paws, therefore, they must be trimmed using claws.
- Feeding these canines, must be complete and dosed in relation to physical activity. If your Shar-planner is grazing cattle, and you do not feed him, then he will not have the necessary energy to work. But, it is not worth overfeeding the pet, since the extra pounds will make it inactive and prone to the development of many diseases. So it's important to find a middle ground. Of course, it is best to consult with your treating veterinarian on this matter. If the dog eats natural food, then it should be lean meat and a minimum of cereals. Also, fish oil, vitamins, minerals and chondroprotectors are mixed into food. Choose dry food for dogs with a heavy bone structure. They contain substances that strengthen and support joints and ligaments.
- Walking these dogs should be provided with thoughtful loads. Sharplanians are endowed with extraordinary mobility and endurance. They are very active dogs and require a lot of physical activity during the day. Jogging or long walks on a leash can satisfy their daily exercise needs. Dogs can live in an apartment, but this is not recommended. The natural habitat of grasslands and pastures is true happiness for this breed. If these shepherd dogs live in the yard, then they must have constant access to open spaces. The thick coat and dense undercoat provide excellent protection from the cold. So you shouldn't be surprised when you find a pet on a winter morning, lying in a ball in the yard under a layer of snow.
Sharplanin Shepherd Training

Early socialization for these dogs is extremely important, since these dogs, due to their kind of activity, tend to a solitary existence. After all, grazing in the mountains provides for communication only with animals and the owner. If these dogs, throughout their life, are not introduced to strangers and many other animals, then they can become inadequately aggressive. They will develop fear of strangers.
If you understand the Sharplanian and consider him your partner, then you are provided with a path to his successful training. Any attempt to subdue him by force or excessive psychological pressure will result in a backlash, and the opportunity to get an obedient dog may be lost forever. As a rule, two dogs help the shepherd. Sharplaninskaya Shepherd Dog should be with sheep from childhood. First, the sheep must get used to the dog and vice versa, the dog must get used to the bleating society.
Sharplanin Sheepdogs are prone to making independent decisions. Because they are all the time next to the herd at a distance from the owner. If even one sheep falls behind and has a small lamb, the dog will never abandon this animal. She will lie down and guard her.
Sharplanin Sheepdogs are highly unique animals. As a rule, shepherd dogs are divided into two categories: those that directly guard the livestock and those that graze them. A Sharplanet can do both. Dogs keep the sheep from straying from the flock. If the artiodactyl fights back, the dog comes up and tries in every possible way to push him closer to his relatives.
Interesting facts about the Sharplanin Sheepdog

Almost any color is allowed in the species. In most breeds, the so-called wolf's eye or yellow eye is, if not a marriage, then a serious flaw. It is quite permissible among the Shharplanites.
Dogs love all family members, but unconditionally recognizes the leadership of only one owner. Moreover, the dog should know this person literally from infancy. When the Sharplanet is on the chain, it is almost impossible to approach him.
The Sharplanin Sheepdog's coat is as pockmarked as the slopes of Yugoslavia. Dogs that graze sheep in the mountains are never put on collars. Macedonians believe that dogs, as humans, should be free.
Sharplanin Sheepdogs are a symbol of loyalty and strength, therefore their image is on the one dinar coin.
Price of Sharplanin Shepherd puppies

A Sharplanet cannot and should not live in a city. He only feels good in nature. These dogs should be brought up, first of all, by people who have the opportunity to give these dogs freedom. And it is very wonderful if their owner has sheep, goats, chickens. Because Sharplanin Sheepdogs love not only their owner and his family, but also all domestic animals. Dogs are very energetic and can just get bored without work. The price for puppies is from 3500 to 600 $.
More informative information about Sharplanin Sheepdogs in the following video: