Description of the Eurasier breed

Description of the Eurasier breed
Description of the Eurasier breed

The origin of the Eurasier breed and its purpose, exterior standard, character, description of health, care and training. Price when buying a puppy. Eurasier - so unusual and somewhat pretentious is the name of this dog, amazing in appearance and completely unique in character. And although these "pussies" appeared quite recently, they immediately managed to fall in love with a lot of European animal lovers. Yes, and how not to fall in love with this cute face, which has retained the features of a chow-chow and the color of a "good-natured wolf" wolfspitz, how not to be seduced by a fluffy article of a cute dog, or a bear cub, or a fat chanterelle, or a well-fed wolf cub, with surprisingly expressive eyes, affectionate and obedient character.

The history of the origin of the Eurasier breed

Eurasier in the snow
Eurasier in the snow

Surprisingly, a new breed with a sonorous name Eurasier (sometimes it is also called Oirazier or Eurasian dog), bred by German breeders, was born with the light hand of the Austrian scientist-zoologist, Nobel Prize winner in physiology and medicine (1973) Konrad Lorenz (Konrad Zacharias Lorenz).

A big animal lover, one of the founders of ethology (the science of animal behavior), an experienced dog lover himself, Konrad Lorenz, in his book King Solomon's Ring, published in 1952, described two types of existing domestic dogs, opposite in their qualities … The first type is distrustful of strangers and exclusively loyal to the owner, but because of his eternal vigilance, it is difficult to train. And the second is a kind of dog who is benevolent and gullible to absolutely everyone around him, he learns quickly and without problems. The author lamented how nice it would be to combine the best qualities of both types in one dog. And he gave an example from life, when such a "creature" came from a random mating of a Chow-Chow and a German Shepherd. In his next book, Man Meets Dog, published in 1954, Lorenz elaborated on the character of the resulting mixed breed puppy.

Both books, written by the author with knowledge of the matter, turned out to be so fascinating that the future German professor Julius Wipfel who read them was inspired to create a new breed of dogs, the character of which would be as close as possible to the qualities of the dog described in the books of the Austrian scientist. His goal was to obtain a new northern type dog, with excellent fur and attractive exterior, beautiful color, charming character of a pet, beloved and easily trained by everyone.

At that time, Whipfel himself already had the experience of keeping dogs. Immediately after the end of World War II, he got hold of a beautiful dog that accompanied the Canadian soldiers. In all likelihood, it was a Canadian Inuit. The dog was very different in appearance from European species, was incredibly smart, obedient and perfectly trained to protect the owner. He made an indelible impression on the then young Whipfel. After the death of the pet, Julius, who already fell in love with dogs with all his heart, bought a female of the German Wolfspitz breed. By demeanor, she was a typical German Spitz - friendly, nimble, but cunning and resourceful. By her demeanor, she was not even a candle to the "Canadian". Than not a little upset the owner. After reading the books of Lorenz, Julius Whipfel got acquainted in absentia with a new breed for himself - the Chow-Chow. All these own ideas about dogs, combined with the information presented in the books, formed the basis of the future project.

In 1960, a group of enthusiasts, led by Professor Julius Whipfil, began work. At the Jaegerhof kennel of dog breeder Charlotte Baldamus, two starting breeds were crossed: Chow Chow and Wolfspitz. I must say that before that no one had tried to breed a new line of pets from the Chow Chow. These animals in China had slightly different functions, the saddest of which was culinary. Chow Chows have long been bred in the Middle Kingdom as edible and incredibly nutritious dogs. And all their former guarding talents were long forgotten and almost disappeared, which was quite satisfactory for Professor Whipfill and his team (they did not need aggressive dogs). Wolfspitz, on the other hand, was attracted to the start of the selection on the contrary for his rather aggressive towards strangers, cunning and too nimble disposition (the professor did not forget his early experience of communicating with this breed).

The puppies obtained in this way were originally named somewhat universally - Wolf-Chow. Painstaking breeding work continued for almost twelve years. Over the years, the blood of the Samoyed Laika has been repeatedly "poured" into the breed (the professor has not forgotten his first beloved dog "Canadian") to obtain not only the required qualities of the northern type exterior, but also special obedience, poise and intelligence, so necessary for the new breed.

And only twelve years later, the new breed received its final name - Eurasier. Under this name, the new species was registered in the Federation of Cynological International (FCI) in 1973. It is quite obvious that the name of the breed "Eurasier" was not chosen "from the ceiling" and not at all by chance, it should have emphasized that Asian and European breeds were involved in the selection of new dogs.

In Germany, three clubs of Eurasian dog lovers were created at once. In 1995, a Canadian club dedicated to this breed appeared. Nowadays, the Eurasian dog is gaining more and more popularity not only in Germany, but also in many countries of the world.

Purpose and use of Eurasier

Eurasier on the grass
Eurasier on the grass

The Eurasian dog was created by Julius Whipfel primarily as a creature with a sweet, docile character, as an easily controlled companion dog, as a wonderful pet and everyone's favorite of the family. And in this, Professor Whipfel and his team have succeeded. It is for the purpose of acquiring an agreeable and gentle fluffy friend, companion and pet that most often they give birth to representatives of the Eurasian breed in modern Germany and some other European countries.

It is also known that the "Eurasians" are very good and "sonorous" watchmen. It is possible that they are also good hunters (nevertheless, they have Samoyed huskies and wolfspitz in their blood), but the youth and the relative rarity of the breed do not allow any final conclusions to be drawn about the real talents and prospects of these dogs. All this is yet to come.

Description of the external standard of the Eurasian dog

Eurasier appearance
Eurasier appearance

The Eurasier is a fairly large and strong spitz-like dog, proportionally balanced, with thick fur and calmly affectionate demeanor. The growth of a Eurasier male reaches 60 centimeters with a maximum weight of up to 32 kg. Females are not much less: body weight up to 26 kg, with growth at the withers up to 56 centimeters.

  1. Head wedge-shaped, with a moderately broad skull. The frontal part of the skull is flat with a well-defined interorbital furrow. The occipital protuberance is well defined. The stop (transition from the forehead to the muzzle) is rather shallow, indistinct. Muzzle (outwardly very similar to that of a chow-chow) is moderately wide, extended towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is wide, the nose is pronounced, wide. The color of the nose is black. The lips are tightly fitting to the jaws and have a mandatory black edging. The cheekbones are distinct. The jaws are wide and strong. Dental formula - 42 pieces. The teeth are white, tightly set, with pronounced canines. Pincer bite. Unlike the Chow Chow, the animal's tongue is not blue, but pink.
  2. Eyes oval, medium in size, oblique and not too deep set. The color of the eyes and eyelids is dark.
  3. Ears set wide apart, not large, neat, equilateral triangle in shape, vertical. The tips of the ears can be rounded.
  4. Neck of medium length, proportional, blending smoothly into the body, sufficiently muscular. Neck skin without dewlap. The withers of the Eurasier are pronounced.
  5. Torso strong, not inclined to be overweight. The chest is well developed, oval and deep. The back is long and strong. The back line is straight. The croup is strong, wide and straight.
  6. Tail Medium length (reaches to the hock), set high, rather thick, tapering gradually towards the tip. The tail is richly covered with long fur.
  7. Limbs straight, strong, well muscled. Feet are oval, firm, with tight toes. The paw pads are thick, black.
  8. Leather snugly fits the body of the animal, has no dewlaps and folds.
  9. Wool very dense, with a dense dense undercoat, of medium length. The fur on the head, muzzle, ears and forelimbs is rather short. In the neck area there is a thick and longer fur "collar" (but without a mane). There are beautiful feathering on the limbs. Curly strands of hair on the tail of the animal are not allowed.
  10. Color the most varied is allowed, except for pure white and dark orange (chestnut). The presence of white spots in the color is also undesirable.

The character of the Eurasier Spitz

Eurasier lies
Eurasier lies

Eurasian Spitz are sociable and very friendly creatures, adoring people, easily in contact with other animals, affectionate and peaceful. They are sociable, curious and extremely mobile, love ball games and learn all kinds of tricks with pleasure.

Possessing an attractive, gentle character, they are able to quickly find contact with children, becoming an indispensable participant in all children's fun and entertainment. A stable psyche and sincere friendliness, as well as a rather amusing look of a "chanterelle bear", attracts children of all ages to her, who want, by all means, to stroke, feed or play with such a cute dog. No aggression or danger comes from the dog, which allows even families with very young children to have such a pet.

These dogs are excellent watchmen, loud-voiced (although not too noisy in ordinary life) and attentive to strangers. But they really do not know how to attack, but can only loudly notify about the presence of "outsiders" on the territory. Created by breeders as a companion dog, the Eurasier probably possesses all the best qualities necessary for a full-fledged friendship with a person - intelligence, peacefulness, patience, quick wit, the ability not to interfere when a person is tired or resting, special loyalty and sincere love for the owner. The unique obedience of this funny Pomeranian allows almost everyone, from young to old, to start him. And as the "first dog" for the still inexperienced owner, he is even more preferable than many other breeds. He is able to learn a lot himself, and to teach an inexperienced owner some subtleties in handling animals.

The wonderful companionable character of the Eurasian Spitz, the ease of his training, his sincere love for close people and children, his tolerance and friendliness in relations with other animals, his funny-attractive exterior and extraordinary loyalty make the Eurasian dog breed truly popular among amateurs dogs of any age and gender.

Eurasier health

Eurasier muzzle
Eurasier muzzle

Although the Eurasian dog is considered an animal with fairly good health and good immunity, he, like many artificially created breeds, did not avoid health problems inherited from the ancestors of the breed.

Among the breed predispositions identified so far, the following can be named: hip dysplasia, subluxation of the kneecaps, hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid hormones), ectropion (eversion of the eyelid) and distichiasis (growth of additional eyelashes in places that cause irritation, chafing of the cornea of the eye, increased tearing). The development of urolithiasis is not excluded, especially in elderly animals. It is possible that further study of breed characteristics will add a few more points to this "bouquet".

The declared average lifespan of the Eurasian dogs is in the range of 14-15 years, which causes some mistrust. Still, the dog is quite large and not devoid of genetic problems.

Eurasier care tips

Eurasier bitch with puppies
Eurasier bitch with puppies

This handsome man is very sociable and sociable, and it is for this reason that he extremely dislikes being alone, as well as sitting on a leash. He is quite active and loves long walks, and therefore the walking of these funny dogs should be long enough with the provision of the opportunity to actively run and play.

Keeping such a dog in regions with hot climates is also problematic, the pet simply becomes exhausted from the heat in its warm coat, becomes lethargic, drowsy and even capable of getting sick. Feels great in cool or even frosty climates.

The thick coat of the Eurasier needs regular intensive care. If you don't want to fill up your entire house with wool, you have to work hard. It is advisable to comb this pet out as often as possible. And certainly not less than 2 times a week.

There are certain difficulties with bathing such a pet. And the point here is not at all that he does not like to swim. With this, everything is in order, the Eurasians are very obedient and agreeable, and they are not afraid of water either. But it is not so easy to rinse a dense thick coat well. And it is even more difficult to wipe it off and dry it afterwards. Drying the dog is best done with a special hair dryer, while brushing. It is recommended to wash your furry pet only if absolutely necessary.

The diet for an energetic Spitz of Eurasian origin is quite comparable to that of a Wolfspitz or a medium-sized husky. And it is not difficult to pick it up, especially if you use special industrial food (preferably holistic-class) developed by nutritionists for dogs of energetic breeds with a rich coat. This is exactly what pedantic and thrifty Germans do when they start this handsome spitz. The only thing to remember is that if your pet does not get a full and long-term walk, then the dosage should be significantly reduced. Otherwise, the animal can get fat, losing its unique exterior and remarkable mobility.

Features of training and education of the Eurasier

Four Eurasiers
Four Eurasiers

"Eurasians" are very easy to train (this quality was specially laid in the breed), they are obedient and absolutely adequate. True, when a dog gets too tired from training, the stubbornness inherent in the ancestors - Chow-Chow begins to appear. Therefore, training and education must be carried out strictly as planned and with short breaks, allowing the animal to rest and be distracted. There were no difficulties in training by professional dog handlers.

Price when buying a puppy of the Eurasier breed

Eurasier puppies
Eurasier puppies

It is still extremely difficult to buy a dog of this breed in Russia - it has not yet won the hearts of Russians so much, and the breed itself is still little known to a wide circle. Therefore, there are no Eurasier nurseries registered in Russia. Those few puppies appearing from time to time in the capital cities of Russia, as a rule, are brought by couriers to order from Germany. German kennels are still the best in this sense, especially the firm one - "Jaegerhof" in Weinheim in Baden-Württemberg, where the breed was created.

The cost of such puppies brought to the country is from 100,000 rubles and more. More information about Eurasier: