The main mistakes in building a diet for gaining muscle mass

The main mistakes in building a diet for gaining muscle mass
The main mistakes in building a diet for gaining muscle mass

Find out what mistakes you make when building a diet for gaining muscle mass? These secrets will speed up the anabolic process by 100%. Today we will talk again about the main mistakes in building a diet for gaining muscle mass. Although there is a huge amount of information on this topic on the net, athletes continue to make mistakes when drawing up a nutrition program. For this reason, many are unable to achieve their goals. Let's take a look at what most athletes do wrong.

Mistake # 1: There are a lot of protein compounds for breakfast

Protein foods
Protein foods

Most athletes start the day with a protein shake as soon as they wake up from sleep. However, the wrong types of protein are often used. The optimal choice during this period of time will be a whey-type protein hydro-isolator.

This additive is broken down at the production stage to the level of peptides and for this reason it will be very quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, the waterproofing agent is a highly purified substance, in which there are practically no carbohydrates and fats. Note that the cost of a waterproofing compound is higher, but its use will bring greater effect.

Also, you should not eat food, including protein mixtures, earlier than 15 minutes after waking up. This is due to the fact that protein compounds speed up the metabolism, which leads to an increase in metabolism. For breakfast, you can eat, for example, oatmeal and omelet made only from proteins, pancakes with low-fat cottage cheese or jam. Half of the breakfast nutrients should be carbohydrates, and the other half should be protein compounds. After that, it is best to drink green tea with lemon and take fish oil.

Mistake # 2: Using Carbohydrates Post-Workout

Foods containing carbohydrates
Foods containing carbohydrates

You do not need to consume carbohydrates in the form of sweets immediately after class in the gym. This will only reduce your appetite, and you will not be able to eat properly in the near future. A large amount of carbs after exercise is needed when your goal is to increase strength or endurance. If you want to gain weight, then you need protein compounds, say, meat and pasta. You can also drink a mixture of a gainer with a whey protein mixture after a meal.

Mistake # 3: Not using protein shakes

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

Do not try to consume large amounts of gainers. Often, athletes believe that it is necessary to do this, since protein compounds and carbohydrates are present in these drinks. Carbohydrates in large quantities are not always able to provide a set of muscle mass. Much has already been said about the daily requirement of the body of athletes for protein compounds, and for this reason we will not repeat ourselves.

Let's just note that it is simply not possible to get this dosage only with the help of food. For this reason, you need to actively use protein blends, but at the same time consume enough food. All sports supplements should only be considered as a supplement to your regular diet.

Mistake # 4: underestimating the importance of glutamine and BCAAs

BCAA in a jar
BCAA in a jar

Many words have already been said about BCAAs, which include the amino acid compounds isoleucine, valine and leucine. Most often, this supplement is used before and after training. But the fact is that when using small dosages, there will be practically no effect. The optimal dose is 30 to 40 grams per day. You must remember that BCAAs are very important for muscle growth. As with any drug, BCAA dosages are individual. It is best to start the selection with 15 grams per day. Maintain this amount as you increase the mass. If no growth is observed, then increase the Amount of the supplement taken by 5 grams until the result appears. At the same time, you should not take more than 30 grams per day.

If there is no result at such a dose, then other reasons for the lack of progress should be sought. It should also be said that it is best to use powder supplements rather than capsules. Take BCAAs three times a day: before the start of the class, after its completion and during the training. Thanks to glutamine, you will accelerate the transport of nitrogen into tissues, as well as increase the rate of glycogen synthesis. But even these properties of the substance do not make it very valuable for athletes. It has been established that the use of 2 grams of glutamine per day accelerates the synthesis of growth hormone.

Mistake # 5: Amino Acid Supplements Not Used

Synthetic Amino Acid Supplements Packaged
Synthetic Amino Acid Supplements Packaged

One of the most serious mistakes aspiring athletes make. It is amino acid compounds that are consumed in the creation of new muscle tissues. In addition, these substances are actively involved in a large number of different processes, from the synthesis of anabolic hormones to the production of antibodies.

Also try to take supplements in powder form. They are more effective than tablets, although not as convenient to use.

Mistake # 6: Low water consumption

Girl drinking water
Girl drinking water

Very often you can hear how trainers forbid drinking water during training. In turn, the athletes themselves believe that with a small amount of water drunk during the day, nothing bad will happen. This is a very serious misconception.

Water is an integral part of our body, including muscles. Without enough water, tissue growth will be difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. If you want to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass, then you must consume at least two liters of ordinary drinking water per day. You must remember that water is the strongest anabolic for the human body. Everyone knows that muscle growth is a consequence of anabolic processes. If at least one component is missing, then there will be no mass gain. You need to drink water throughout the day, including during classes. This is the only way you can achieve positive results.

Learn more about nutrition for gaining muscle mass:
