The wedding anniversary of 18 years is a significant event in the life of a married couple. Make invitations, postcards, do-it-yourself cakes, room design using the presented master classes and photos.
The color of turquoise is the symbol of the 18th wedding anniversary. Therefore, in the design, in the gifts, such a color or a turquoise stone should be present.
What is the name of the 18th wedding anniversary?

It's called turquoise. It is a very popular semi-precious stone. It is called the stone of happiness, it is considered a symbol of victory. This name symbolizes loyalty and eternal love.
As you know, at the age of 18 a person becomes legally an adult. So the marriage during this time has become almost perfect. After all, a new era awaits the spouses, which promises positive changes. After all, the husband and wife were able to maintain not just a strong relationship, harmony in them, having walked such a path together.
Talismans are made from turquoise, so this stone is perfect for celebrating another wedding anniversary.
Room decor for celebrating 8 years of wedding
First, the spouses need to decide where they will celebrate such a significant event. If you want to do this in an apartment, in a country house or in a private house, then the following room decoration ideas are perfect.

As you can see, this day is dominated by turquoise hues. But this color is in perfect harmony with white, which means purity. These two colors look beautiful against each other. Therefore, we advise you to use them in the design of the festive table. You can not sew the tablecloth, but fasten the elements with a stapler.
- turquoise canvas;
- white tulle;
- white napkins;
- tapes;
- blue braid;
- a stapler or thread and a sewing machine.
Place a sheet of white cloth on a table. This will be the foundation. Place two wide strips of turquoise material on top. Attach them at the ends to the white stapler. Use tape to cover this area. It can be sewn on a sewing machine, on the hands or also attached with a stapler. But first you need to decorate the tablecloth with white tulle. To hide the junction of the tablecloth with the stapler.
Make embellishments in the front with the same material. To do this, take the tulle, squeeze it on the right and left sides, where the material will be attached at the corners to the tablecloth. The edges of the tulle should hang loosely to the right and left. Make flowers from this material or satin ribbons, sew them and small ribbons to the two corners of the tablecloth. Make flowers from white napkins and sew them down the tablecloth.
If you want to celebrate 18 years of wedding in the country, then decorate the table with strips of turquoise fabric. For this, you can even use the remnants of the substrate under the laminate of this color.

Take the blue plates, because turquoise stone comes in this shade. It would be nice to use glasses of this color, but you can also use white ones. It remains to roll napkins, tie them with turquoise satin ribbons and you can start the holiday.
18 years of marriage together is a wonderful event. And decorating the table for this holiday with your own hands is not difficult at all. If you celebrate it in nature, then you can take enough turquoise or blue fabric and drape the table with it so that the canvas hangs beautifully on the lawn. Light-colored chairs and white plates perfectly set off these tablecloths. If you only have whites, then cover each with a strip of blue fabric on top. You can make flowers from this material and decorate white napkins with them.
A dress in a white and turquoise tone will look wonderful on the hero of the occasion. The husband can dress up in a blue suit and wear a turquoise bow tie.
Here's how to decorate champagne bottles to make them look like designer ones.
- bottles of champagne;
- white acrylic paint;
- brushes;
- lace;
- turquoise satin ribbons;
- glue.
Follow the instructions below:
- Remove the label from the bottle, then wipe the surface. You can additionally degrease it. Apply white acrylic paint to dry glass.
- When it's dry, do it 2 more times. In this case, you also need to cover the cork. But you can leave the silver foil at the top intact. Such a brilliant color harmonizes well with white and blue.
- Now tie the bottle with a wide satin ribbon and glue the white lace on top. Then tie with a narrow satin ribbon, tying a bow at the back.
- Make flowers from satin ribbons and glue a couple of these roses to the bottle.
- Crystal glasses can be simply tied with such ribbons. The decor of the bottle and glasses is ready.

You can add tinted blue or other chalk to empty glass bottles. Place the containers on the table. Use dry flowers - small chamomile or gypsophila, tie them with turquoise ribbons and also use as decoration.
Since blue symbolizes the sea, you can use this theme when you have your 18th wedding anniversary.
Decorate the place of celebration with blue curtains, and make the hooks out of them in the form of a starfish.
Weave a fishing net from threads, also decorate it with shells and put this decor element on the side of a turquoise tablecloth. Make napkins of this color, put them in baskets and decorate with shells.

You can decorate bottles with alcoholic beverages with crocheted animal figurines made in white and turquoise colors.

You can decorate tables and rooms in a low-cost way. Take:
- small glass jars;
- twine;
- scissors;
- white cloth;
- brush.
Paint the outside of the can with blue paint. When it's dry, tie a few loops of string around the neck and tie it in a bow. You can make flowers from white fabric and arrange them in these containers.

Such cute little things will help to decorate the venues of the 18th wedding anniversary.
Now you can implement these ideas. The couple themselves will make the invitations. Guests will be pleased to receive them, find out where and when the celebration will take place.
How to make invitations for your 18th wedding day?

These you will create from cardboard. There are special hole punches that will allow you to cut curly edges. But you can also do this with a clerical knife. Draw curls and cut them this way.
If you wish, pre-age the cardboard using tea. On one side, write "18 years of wedding", and on the other - the address and information where you will celebrate this event and what time.
You can write the names of the spouses on the title page, make a postcard of this type with your own hands.

- white cardboard;
- glue;
- brush;
- fabric canvas in turquoise colors;
- blue and white matter;
- scissors;
- crocheted thread or lace.
Fold a piece of cardboard in half, and glue a rectangular cloth to the front. You can paint the outside of the card with blue paint first.
When the coating is dry, glue fabric flowers and petals of the same material in one corner. Alternatively, attach crocheted or crocheted flowers. You can also glue roses from a satin ribbon.
If you want to give the postcard a fashionable casualness, then paint the front side with stains, and the edges of the glued fabric need to be slightly cut and bend in some places.
Here are some other postcards for a turquoise wedding you can make with your own hands. For the next one you will need:
- white envelopes;
- blue outline;
- pattern of letters;
- glue;
- dye;
- brush;
- blue satin ribbon;
- roses made of paper or fabric.

Decorate the envelope with an outline. Draw such points around the lettering created using the template. To create it, attach the stencil to the back of the envelope and paint over its letters. Glue the fake flowers and a turquoise ribbon bow. You will put your wedding invitation in such an envelope.
Not only the hosts of the celebration, but also the guests will be able to demonstrate their skills when they create designer postcards. This does not require a lot of material, but it does take diligence.
Read also how to give money in an original way
18 Years Wedding Anniversary Greetings - How to Make Greeting Cards
To make such a postcard, take: a sheet of cardboard;
- stationery knife;
- simple pencil;
- blue paint;
- white satin ribbons;
- white envelope.
After decorating the white envelope, write on it by hand, or using the stencil "Happy 18 Years Wedding." Such an envelope will be decorated with an openwork board. To do it, draw various curls on a piece of square-shaped cardboard with a simple pencil. Cut them out with a clerical knife.
Coat this blank with blue paint. Let it dry. Glue the flowers from satin ribbons. Roll a piece of satin ribbon in the form of a bow and also attach it.
To make a postcard with two doves, make them from cotton pads and white feathers. Write congratulations on the front.

You can buy fake flowers in white and turquoise, attach them to a piece of tulle and sew light faux pearls here. Glue an openwork paper napkin to the base of the postcard or cut such a piece out of white paper with a clerical knife. Write "Happy wedding day" and then give this message to the spouses.

Sweet gifts for 18 years of wedding
You can give not only a postcard, but also an original tasty present.

This is easier to do than it seems at first glance. Make a biscuit dough and bake the numbers 1 and 8 from it, taking this shape. If you do not have it, then bake the cakes in a large and small round shape. Then you cut each into 3 pieces, layering with cream if you create the number 8. For the unit you need a large and small rectangular shape. From these, you can create this figure. Also sandwich the cakes with cream and collect.
You need to make roses from white butter cream and put them along the edge of the number. Using blue food coloring, prepare the jelly mass.
Fill the top of these numbers with it. On the side, you need to decorate them with white butter cream. Once the jelly and cream have set, you can put these numbers in a box to present them to your 18th wedding anniversary. Such a dessert can be prepared by the hero of the occasion. Guests will surely appreciate it.
You can bake a cake, decorate it with white mastic, then decorate with blue mastic butterflies. You can also take paper ones and attach them to this dessert, but warn guests that this is an element of decor.

Let the spouses represent 2 white swans. These can be made from marzipan mass, then covered with cream or mastic. Also make a blue lake and green leaves out of mastic. Make lilies from white and yellow, make roses from pink.
All that remains is to make a sweet inscription and you can give a cake that the spouses will surely appreciate.

Cakes can be shortbread, biscuit. Decorate the side of the cake with cream and crumbs.

Children will be happy to cut the cake together with their parents. They will surely like this dessert, which will feature all family members.
You can make cookies with frosting or sugar mastic of this color. These sweets will also be popular. And if young people wish, then when they say goodbye to the guests, they can present such sweet gifts that they will take with them as a keepsake.

What are the gifts for 18 years of wedding?
Of course, sweet presents are short-lived. Therefore, see how you can please the heroes of the occasion so that the gift is preserved for a long time.

- Guests have a wide choice. Let them present the husband and wife with various jewelry, where there will be turquoise stones. The selected bracelet can be worn by a man somewhere on vacation on the seaside.
- Also cufflinks made of this material will suit him. And you can give a woman a set of earrings and a ring, a bracelet, a pendant.
- A painting decorated with such stones will also come in handy.
- Buy textiles in these colors if you wish. This can be a tablecloth, bedding, curtains, garments.
- Blue watches, household appliances, blue kitchen and tea sets can also be gifted for 18 years of wedding.
- If the spouses like breeze, then they will surely be delighted with a table lamp, a coffee table of this color.
- Give paired gifts too. It can be two wallets, a pair of umbrellas, two belts.
Customs and traditions associated with the wedding anniversary of 18 years
They are very interesting. Let the couple go to bed on the eve of this anniversary wearing turquoise underwear. The next day will be the wedding anniversary. The spouses should have things of this color. It can be an ordinary handkerchief, shoes, belt, the wife can use jewelry of this color or from turquoise.
But the most important thing is to perfectly celebrate this event. We hope that the acquired knowledge will help you in this. And if you still do not know what congratulations for 18 years of a wedding can sound, then check out them.
It is doubly pleasant if the guests prepare in advance for congratulations, united in a choir.

You can create a collection of family photos, make a video clip of them on this topic.