The Whole Truth About Methane in Bodybuilding

The Whole Truth About Methane in Bodybuilding
The Whole Truth About Methane in Bodybuilding

Methane or Methandrostenolone is one of the most popular steroids. Many famous athletes "grew up" on it. Learn about the features of methane and the rules for its use. Methandrostenolone, or, as athletes call it, Methane, has become such a popular drug that many do not even think about the mechanism of its effect on the body when using it. Everyone is sure that they know how to use it correctly, but there are several methods of using it, which differ significantly from each other.

Do not forget that even such a well-known steroid, if used incorrectly, can cause damage to health. There are many publications devoted to methane, however, in today's article, all information about Methandrostenolone will be systematized so that each athlete, when using it, knows exactly what he is doing. So, today you will find out the whole truth about Methane in bodybuilding.

A brief history of the creation of Methane

Tableted Methandrostenolone
Tableted Methandrostenolone

Methane is one of the "oldest" steroids. Its official history began in 1956. Now we are talking about the tablet form of Methandrostenolone, which is known to everyone. Before the advent of methane tablets, steroids were injected, which caused a lot of inconvenience:

  1. The drugs worked for a fairly short time and frequent injections were necessary.
  2. The well-known inconvenience of injections. Perhaps it was the second reason that was more significant. Thus, it was necessary to create an oral steroid that was easy to use.

At the same time, it should be said that there was one more point that should be paid close attention to when creating a tablet form of Methane - a decrease in androgenic activity and, as a result, a decrease in the risks of side effects associated with this. The Methane used then caused a large number of side effects, and this had to be fought.

As a result, Dianabol (the same Methane) was created, which began to be produced by a large number of companies under various names. They used various technologies, on which the purity of the steroid and the amount of active substance contained in it depended.

Pharmacists managed to solve two main tasks: to reduce the androgenic effect on the body and to ensure that the active substance does not break down in the stomach. So Methane, familiar to all athletes, appeared.

Reasons for the popularity of Methandrostenolone

Methandrostenolone in plates
Methandrostenolone in plates

It must be admitted that most athletes begin their acquaintance with steroids with Methane. This is the whole truth about Methane in bodybuilding in terms of its popularity and it is impossible to argue with this. What are the reasons for the popularity of Methandrostenolone?

  1. Perhaps the first and main one is the release form. Tablets are much more convenient to use than injections. Sometimes you can even hear the opinion that with the frequent use of injecting AAS, drug addiction can appear. However, this is a psychological issue, not related to physiology. For the emergence of addiction, the drug must act on the central nervous system, changing its work. Steroids have a completely different mechanism of action and stimulate changes in the hormonal background.
  2. The second reason for the popularity of Methane is its low price. Although this is somewhat erroneous. Of course, the purchase of Methane for the anabolic cycle is not very expensive in comparison with other steroids. However, one should not forget that then it will be necessary to carry out restorative therapy and help the liver to recover. All medications intended for this also cost a certain amount.
  3. The third reason is the prevalence of the steroid. When an athlete decides to conduct his first course, he often asks for advice from more experienced colleagues. In most cases, Methandrostenolone is recommended. However, this is not the best choice for beginners and the whole point is a lack of information.

Methane Applications

Methandrostenolone packaged
Methandrostenolone packaged

Before starting a conversation about the methods of using Methane, it should be said that it is still better to choose another steroid. This is especially true for beginners. This is primarily due to the "obsolescence" of the drug.

Now sports pharmacology is developing quite rapidly and the use of oral steroids is already seen as inappropriate. It is quite dangerous for the liver and gastrointestinal tract. If the athlete still does not want to use injectable AAS, then it is better to opt for Andriol, which is safer.

Those who want to experience the effects of Methandrostenolone should remember a few rules. The use of Methane according to the "pyramid" scheme (a gradual increase in dosages and their subsequent decrease) will not bring the expected effect. At first, the result will be noticeable, but it will not last long. The body will quickly get used to the effects of methane, which will subsequently make its use ineffective and will have to abandon the drug.

Based on the above, it can be argued that the dosage of Methandrostenolone should be constant, and the time of administration should be dictated by the biological rhythm of the human body. For this reason, the optimal time of admission is from 6 to 9 hours, as well as from 18 to 21 hours. During these time intervals, the testosterone content rises in the male body. In case of a non-standard daily routine, the time of Methane intake should be selected individually.

It should also be noted that it is advisable to take into account the body's biorhythm when using any AAS. Thanks to this, artificial and natural factors of influence on the hormonal system can be well combined. You can often find recommendations to take methane 3 or 4 times a day.

Perhaps, at first, a two-time intake of a steroid will not seem effective, but for the body it is more natural. In addition, frequent use of the drug can cause the body to become addicted to it and you will have to say goodbye to methane. And in conclusion of this section, it should be said about the dosages of Methane. The optimal daily dosage of Methane is 20 to 25 milligrams. The duration of the course is on average 3 to 4 weeks. Upon its completion, it is necessary to carry out restorative therapy and rehabilitate the liver.

That's the whole truth about Methane in bodybuilding. Take the drug twice a day at the above dosages and do not forget about PCT.

For more information on methane applications, see this video:

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