Estrel Shepherd Dog: content features

Estrel Shepherd Dog: content features
Estrel Shepherd Dog: content features

The origin of the Estrel Mountain Dogs, the standard of the exterior of the shepherd dog, character and health, advice on care, interesting facts. Price when buying a puppy. Such strong, sturdy and courageous dogs live in the mountainous regions of the Iberian Peninsula and have long become a real legend in Portugal. Local cattle breeders literally do not care for their rather fierce-looking helpers-dogs, capable of giving a worthy rebuff to the main predator of those places - the wolf. These animals have excellent guarding and protective qualities inherent in nature. They have a unique vigilance, incredible courage and remarkable dedication. That is, with all those qualities, without which it is difficult to imagine a real shepherd dog.

The history of the origin of Estrel Sheepdogs

Estrel Shepherd Dog for a walk
Estrel Shepherd Dog for a walk

Well known in the countries of the Iberian Peninsula and almost unknown to the rest of the cynological world, the Estrel Sheepdog (Cao da Serra da Estrela) has an ancient history and is rightfully considered one of the oldest breeds in Portugal. As the Portuguese researchers found out, their earliest ancestors descend from the ancient guarding shepherd dogs that lived in the areas adjacent to the Serra da Estrela mountain range in northwestern Portugal.

Modern canine scientists suspect that ancient mountain guard dogs and shepherds of a specific exterior appeared in this area thanks to the colonization of the Iberian (at that time Iberian) peninsula by the Romans, as well as the later invading nomadic Visigoth tribes. But no written sources or historical artifacts that can finally clarify this issue have not yet been found.

The process of natural formation of the modern Estrel sheepdog breed took more than one hundred years. Folk selection, the peculiarities of the mountain landscape and the climate of the Serra da Estrela mountains have created a truly unique purebred dog, with an unusual jerky gait and a unique exterior, with a resolute and distrustful character of strangers.

For centuries, the Estrela shepherd breed population existed in a limited region of Portugal, and even by the beginning of the 20th century, little was known about these animals. Local residents, engaged in cattle grazing, were interested, first of all, in the working qualities of an assistant dog, and not in his participation in any new-fangled dog championships and exhibitions (it was believed that this was the lot of dogs of foreign breeds only). Often, shepherds also performed castration of their amazing mountain dogs to prevent them from escaping from the herd in search of females. All this did not contribute much to an increase in their number and penetration into other regions of the country.

Only since 1908, the Estrel Sheepdog begins to participate in special dog shows organized by Portuguese enthusiasts, designed to draw the attention of the country's residents to local dog breeds. During the demonstration of each of the existing aboriginal breeds, their working qualities were checked. So, all Portuguese shepherd dogs (including Estrel) showed their skills in managing a herd of sheep or cows, their protective qualities, were tested for attention and observation. The event turned into an interesting show. Such shows continued until 1919, with the maintenance of a kind of register of participants (unfortunately, not preserved to this day).

The first preliminary national breed standard was developed in 1922. And although it was based on the exterior of the best shepherd dogs of those years, it still did not fully reflect the true "portrait" of the dog (for example, there was no mention of either a nicely curled tail or originally turned back ears). All these nuances of the appearance of the Estrel Sheepdog were taken into account and included in the officially adopted breeding national standard (from 1933), which allowed all possible colors of the animal's coat. However, already in 1955, it underwent changes again, and the options for the permitted color scheme were significantly limited.

Before the outbreak of World War II (1939–1945), the main breeders of the Estrel Sheepdog were ordinary farmers and sheep breeders of the mountainous regions, many of whom were illiterate or semi-literate. Their interest in dogs was purely practical; no attention was paid to the subtleties of the breed exterior at all. And only in the early 50s of the XX century professional dog handlers took up the breeding of these dogs. The revival of former shows, which actively stimulates the population to observe the purity of breed standards, contributed a lot to this. The Estrel dogs with beautiful long hair became the most popular during the competitions, while the preference of farmers and herders was entirely given to working shepherd dogs with a short coat.

In the 70s, interest in the Estrel breed fell sharply, and the population of the Portuguese mountain shepherd dogs, due to the introduction of the corral method of grazing sheep with the use of electric shepherds, came to the brink of complete extinction. The situation was saved by the Carnation Revolution, which took place in Portugal in 1974. Large local shepherd dogs have become again in demand, not only as a symbol of Portugal, but also as a result of rampant crime, which required an increase in the number of guard and watchdogs.

The first countries to import Estrel Sheepdogs from Portugal in 1972–73 were the United Kingdom and the United States. Later, already from the territory of these countries, Estrela shepherds were transported to other countries of the world. However, the largest population of these cute shepherd dogs is still found in Portugal. The Estrel Sheepdog or, as it is also called, the Portuguese Mountain Sheepdog (Portugase Mountain Seepdog) is a rather rare breed that has not managed to become too numerous and popular among dog lovers.

Purpose and use of the Estrel Mountain Dog

Estrel Sheepdogs and Sheep
Estrel Sheepdogs and Sheep

The Estrel Sheepdog is still the most working dog in Portugal, guarding the herds and homes of pastoralists and farmers. It is also known that the Portuguese Marines used them as guard dogs, but this experience did not become widespread.

The few Estrela Sheepdogs found in other countries are mainly used as companion dogs.

Description of the Estrel Sheepdog exterior standard

The external standard of the Estrel Sheepdog
The external standard of the Estrel Sheepdog

The Estrel Mountain Dog (and there is such a breed name) belongs to the category of large dogs of the Malossian group, existing in two varieties: long-haired and short-haired. Despite its large size (the weight of an adult male reaches 40–50 kg with an increase at the withers up to 72 centimeters), this shepherd dog is distinguished by its mobility and vigorous behavior, which is not very characteristic of Molossian dogs.

  • Head very large, with a massive rounded skull. It is firmly set on a powerful neck and is quite proportional to the dog's body. The occipital protuberance is barely marked, but the brow bumps are clearly marked. The stop is not clear. Cheekbones are flat. The muzzle is square, long, well-defined, somewhat narrowed towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is flat and wide. The nose is large, black with wide open nostrils. The lips are well developed, but not full. The flews are only indicated. The edges of the lips are intensely pigmented with black. The jaws are powerful in bite, with a number of large white teeth (42 teeth). The canines are very large. The bite is scissor bite (preferred) or pincer bite.
  • Eyes either small or medium in size, oval in shape, set straight. Eye color: brown or dark amber (preferred). The eyelids are framed in black. The eyebrows are slightly marked.
  • Ears medium set, triangular, thin, drooping. The shape of the ears is rather unusual (resembles a rose) and is an important breed characteristic. The ears are very small in proportion to the head and body.
  • Neck short and straight, very powerful, with a suspension.
  • Torso strong, Molossian powerful, muscular, somewhat elongated. The withers are well defined. The back is muscular, the back line is straight (almost horizontal). The ribcage is very wide, tapered and deep. The loin is short and broad, muscular. The croup is powerful and somewhat sloping. The height of the dog at the croup should be approximately equal to the height at the withers. The belly is moderately tucked up.
  • Tail Medium set, and sufficiently long (at least reaches the level of the hock of the hindquarters). The tail is rather unique - it is curled upward in its lower part (an important breed characteristic), resembling a sword with a hook. In long-haired dogs, the tail is richly covered with long beautiful fur.
  • Limbs upright, even, very muscular, with thick bone, of medium length. Paws are round or oval in shape, gathered into a ball. The paw pads are thick and hard. Nails are strong, well developed, black in color.
  • Wool. There are two types of Estrel Sheepdogs: long-haired and short-haired (this is the species preferred by Portuguese herders). In the long-haired variant, the coat is long, very dense, straight or wavy, with a rich undercoat. The length of the coat is uneven throughout the body. There is a fluffy "collar", especially pronounced in males. The Estrela Shorthaired Sheepdog has short hair evenly throughout the body.
  • Color wool is quite clearly limited by the standard (until 1933, the standard allowed all kinds of colors). The international standard allows: yellow, yellow-brown, gray (in all variants), "wolf" (fawn, yellow-gray, dark and light colors), "brindle" colors. The presence of a black "mask" on the animal's face is acceptable and encouraged. White markings and spots are permitted on the chest, tail, and ends of the legs.

Estrel Shepherd dog personality traits

Estrel Sheepdog training
Estrel Sheepdog training

These large, athletic dogs are a formidable foe for any predator. Pets are calm and level-headed, but at the same time fearless and do not hesitate to react to the slightest danger, which makes them exceptional watchmen. They are smart, loyal, loyal and affectionate to those they know, but wary of strangers. Sheepdogs instinctively protect all children of the family in which they live. Estrel Mountain Dogs need early socialization in order to calmly respond to small pets and their fellows. However, it may take some time to get used to another dog at home.

It is important to start training and communication with this dog from puppyhood in order to develop their purpose and skills in various situations. The breed has a strong and independent disposition. They are lifelong leaders and they need constant training and a master with a tough and tough character. They have a strong territorial instinct. Always protect their habitats and members of their pack. Like most herding dogs, Estrel Sheepdogs are not for everyone. As pets from it is impossible to keep. Their working qualities must be developed and used. Therefore, they are more suitable for living in farms and villages.

Shepherd health

Estrel Sheepdog muzzle
Estrel Sheepdog muzzle

The average life expectancy of the Estrel Mountain Dog is 12 to 16 years. In general, the breed is healthy and hardy. However, like most other large dogs, it tends to suffer from hip dislocation and hip dysplasia. To raise a healthy pet, from a very young age, you need to make it proper nutrition and balanced physical activity. Take the baby off the steps on your hands for up to five months to avoid injuries and abnormal development of the bone apparatus.

Tips for keeping and caring for Estrel Sheepdog

Estrel Sheepdog color
Estrel Sheepdog color
  1. Wool Estrel dogs, tough, so it has the properties of self-cleaning. It is enough for the pet to dry and shake off. Therefore, they are bathed only in case of severe pollution. It does not tangle, but so that the dead hair does not cause discomfort to the animal, they need to be combed out every week. During the molting period, the manipulation is carried out every day. The procedure is carried out using a slicker or furminator.
  2. Ears they are regularly inspected and cleaned if necessary, because they are hanging and poorly ventilated. For better ventilation, the hair inside the ear can be trimmed.
  3. Eyes do not need special care. If you notice that something is amiss, then it is better to consult a specialist - a veterinarian. After all, self-medication can cost your dog's health. And since ear diseases are also painful, the pet will suffer undeservedly, since you cannot make a diagnosis for sure. Even because you do not have not only knowledge, but also the appropriate equipment.
  4. Teeth it is better to teach a shepherd dog to clean from a puppy's age. The manipulation is carried out using pastes and brushes for animals purchased in specialized stores. For the prevention of dental plaque, you can offer your pet to gnaw the cartilage and bones from the pressed veins of cattle. Never give natural bones, especially chicken bones. They can injure the intestines and the outcome will be extremely deplorable.
  5. Claws pet, if they do not grind during walks, you need to regularly cut or file with natfil. Be sure to cut the claw on the dewclaw regularly.
  6. Feeding large dogs should be well thought out from the very young age of the pet. The skeletal system of a puppy of overweight breeds does not develop evenly, therefore, the diet should contain vitamins and minerals in the right proportion. If you prefer more professional food from well-known manufacturers, then they already have everything you need to make the body of your beloved four-legged friend work like a clock. Natural food should consist of 80 percent of low-fat meat products and the remaining 20 percent of cereals and dairy products.
  7. Walking Estrel Sheepdogs love distant and long-lasting due to their nature. Therefore, ideally, they should be kept in a spacious enclosure and have free access to a large, fenced yard. Nevertheless, they can live well in a smaller area, but in no case in an apartment. In such conditions of living with them, you need to often and for a long time walk, subjecting them to constant physical exercise.

Interesting facts about the breed

Estrel Mountain Dog
Estrel Mountain Dog

Estrela dogs are quick to react. They are very brave and energetic, perfectly performing the role of defenders, cargo carriers and guards. Thanks to their subtle instinct, dogs are virtuoso hunters.

Estrel Shepherd puppy cost

Estrelskrgo mountain dog puppy
Estrelskrgo mountain dog puppy

If you decide to purchase such a dog, then contact only professionals. In the nurseries of the breed, a careful selection of producers is carried out. Since heavy shepherd dogs are prone to diseases of the bone apparatus, they regularly undergo X-ray examination, rejecting sick individuals. Such dogs are not allowed for breeding, thereby reducing the risk of fertility of sick offspring. Professional breeders are very responsible for the selection of the breed. Only healthy individuals, strictly corresponding to the breed standard, are the parents of future "champions".

Specialists raise puppies with great love and care. They choose the right feeding for them, do all the necessary vaccinations, antihelminthic procedures on time. Having bought a dog from such people, you can get expert advice at any time. The approximate cost for an Estrel Mountain Dog puppy can range from $ 700 to $ 900.

What the Estrel Shepherd Dog looks like, see here:

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