Detailed description and chemical composition of palm oil. Useful properties of the product and possible harm to digestion, heart, blood vessels and figure. Application methods in the food industry. Palm oil is a well-known and controversial culinary product. In it, huge benefits are closely associated with significant harm to health. It is a one-of-a-kind ingredient with 99.9% fat. It is actively used in the food industry and cosmetology.
Description and composition of palm oil

Palm oil is a vegetable oil made from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm. This tree grows on the islands of the Indian Ocean, in Asia and on the African continent. Fruit ripening is possible only in a humid and hot equatorial climate, at a temperature not lower than + 24 ° C. To obtain a quality fraction, they must be ripe. The leaders in the export of this product are Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia.
The oil looks like an almost transparent liquid with a slightly sweetish odor; it has no taste as such. In low temperature conditions, the composition acquires a semi-solid or creamy consistency and requires melting in a water bath or in a microwave oven.
To obtain this widely popular ingredient in cooking, the method of pressing or digesting the pulp of palm fruits is used. In the first case, we are talking about cold pressing, due to which all useful properties are preserved in the product. The second method involves heating them, as a result of which the temperature can reach 150-200 degrees. Naturally, after such treatment, more than 50% of the substances are lost.
Palm oil is virtually tasteless, making it a popular ingredient in cooking. It can be stored without spoiling for more than 2-3 months in the refrigerator and several days in room conditions. In the process of its production, additives known in the food industry are produced - olein and stearin, which are actively added to margarines.
The calorie content of palm oil per 100 g is 899 kcal, of which the main percentage is fats (99.7 g). The water is only 0.1 g.
Of the vitamins, there is only alpha-tocopherol (E) - 33.1 mg, retinol (A). With macronutrients, things are also not very good - the body can only receive phosphorus, and then only 2 mg. But there are quite a lot of sterols here - as much as 100 mg. The situation with fatty acids is quite different.
Saturated fatty acids per 100 g:
- Caprylic - 3.3 g;
- Capric - 3.8 g;
- Lauric - 42.5 g;
- Myristic - 11.9 g;
- Palmitic - 6.3 g;
- Stearic acid - 7.4 g;
- Arachidic - 1.1 g.
Among monounsaturated fatty acids in 100 g there are 14.5 g of palmitoleic and 14 g of oleic, and of polyunsaturated - 2.4 g of linoleic.
The characteristics of the main substances are as follows:
- Vitamin E … It is a powerful antioxidant also known as alpha-tocopherol. It belongs to fat-soluble substances, does not settle in water and is almost completely retained after exposure to high or low temperatures. Its benefits lie in protecting the body from premature aging and oxidative processes. With a deficiency of this vitamin, hair, nails and skin suffer, memory and mood deteriorate, and the thyroid gland is disrupted.
- Vitamin A … Its other name is "retinol", it is produced in the body from carotene. It is a natural antioxidant essential for the normal functioning of the immune system, healthy hair, nails and skin, and metabolism.
- Phosphorus … Found in palm oil, this trace mineral is essential for healthy bones, teeth, hair and muscles. It is also important for the functioning of the brain, metabolism, and cell regeneration. The daily human need for it, depending on age, is 1-3.8 g.
- Lauric acid … It is widely used to make soaps, creams, and other cosmetics. This substance is known for its excellent coping with viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to him, the feeling of hunger quickly passes, the skin is moisturized, and mental activity improves.
- Palmitoleic acid … It belongs to the monounsaturated type and is one of the most beneficial. This substance is found in human subcutaneous fat and is necessary for the production of nerve cells, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
- Myristic acid … It is an easily soluble substance belonging to the class of saturated fatty acids. It forms compounds with calcium ions, is not absorbed in the intestine and is released outward along with the stool. Therefore, this component of the product does not have a significant effect on health.
Important! Considering that palm oil contains the most fatty acids, you shouldn't get carried away with it.
The benefits of palm oil

This product is a powerful antioxidant that has beneficial effects on the cells of the body. It protects them from oxidation and the harmful effects of toxins, thereby preventing premature aging processes. It is a source of healthy unsaturated fats, which are vital for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is especially true for older people, who have such problems much more often than young people.
The list of beneficial properties of palm oil is as follows:
- Satisfies hunger well … Being high in calories and rich in carbohydrates, the product suppresses appetite and makes you feel full quickly.
- Improves brain function … Since this oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, it stimulates mental alertness.
- Gives strength … This is possible due to the fact that the product contains triglycerides, which, entering the bloodstream, saturate the cells with oxygen. Thus, energy becomes more, mood improves and efficiency increases.
- Cleansing the body … Oleic and linoleic acids, of which there are quite a few in the product, are necessary to lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This helps prevent various diseases of the heart and blood vessels - thrombosis, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.
- Takes care of your eyesight … In order for it to always remain good, the body must constantly receive vitamin A. You can provide the daily need for it by consuming at least 2 tsp. oils a day. This will help to strengthen the retina of the eyes and prevent its detachment, the development of cataracts and other ophthalmic diseases.
- Helps with depletion of the body … One of the indications for the use of palm oil is dramatic weight loss. You can pick it up due to the fact that it contains a lot of calories that give energy.
The benefits of palm oil are undeniable if not overused. The maximum recommended rate per day is no more than 2 tbsp. l. Moreover, it is desirable to eat it in its pure form; its use in baking and various products almost completely depreciates the importance of the product.
Why palm oil is harmful
Nutritionists are unfavorable to palm oil. They explain their negative attitude towards it by the fact that it is oversaturated with harmful fats. It contains neither healthy proteins nor easily digestible carbohydrates. The danger is that most of the oils sold are produced by the so-called hot-pressing method. This process uses heat treatment, during which not only almost half of all nutrients are lost, but also the accumulation of carcinogens in the oil. It is known that these substances cause serious harm to humans - they provoke the growth of neoplasms, the development of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes mellitus.
Harm of palm oil for the cardiovascular system

Unlike olive and corn oil, palm oil contains only 10% poly- and monounsaturated acids. The rest is saturated fats, which, according to numerous studies, are capable of causing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and an increase in cholesterol levels, which leads to the development of hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.
With regular abuse of this oil, blood vessels become dirty, toxins and toxins accumulate in them. All this leads to their narrowing and thinning of the walls. As a result, there are risks of complications in the form of varicose veins, the formation of blood clots and their separation. It is also dangerous that such oil increases blood pressure, so it is categorically contraindicated for hypertensive patients.
Is palm oil bad for your figure?

This is one of the most high-calorie foods, there are almost 900 kcal in 100 g. This is 1/3 of the daily requirement of an adult. We are talking here only about a raw product; when cooked, its nutritional properties are almost doubled. As a result, the use of this oil has a negative impact on weight.
It has been proven that it disrupts metabolism, "clogs" the intestines, blood vessels and liver, does not allow the body to be cleansed. All this leads to an increase in body weight, and over time, if nothing is done, to the development of obesity.
The harm of palm oil for the figure lies in the fact that it is poorly digested and absorbed. Its residues accumulate in the subcutaneous fat layer and lead to weight gain. Particularly attentive to this should be those who are naturally inclined to be overweight.
Harm of palm oil for digestion

This product is very difficult for the stomach: not only is it long and difficult to digest, but also often causes severe heartburn. In some cases, its use leads to bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. Most often this occurs with gastritis, colitis, biliary dyskinesia. It increases the level of bilirubin in the blood and inhibits the functioning of the pancreas.
This product also negatively affects the liver, saturating it with harmful fats. This can lead to fatty hepatosis and even cirrhosis. The substances contained in it irritate the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes, pollute them, cause bouts of abdominal pain and increase the risk of neoplasm growth.
Such problems can arise with the use of both raw and thermally processed oils. But the first is still not so harmful. Metabolism and pancreatic dysfunction predisposes to the development of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Due to the refractoriness of the oil, it is difficult to digest and assimilate by the body, and what remains as a result of this in the body is not excreted anywhere. Thus, his intoxication occurs, which already affects the general well-being.
Important! In some countries, import of this product is prohibited or restricted because it is considered hazardous to health and even addictive, like nicotine or caffeine.
Features of the use of palm oil in nutrition

It is a widely used ingredient in baked goods such as pies, breads, cakes, biscuits, etc. It is often added to sweets to harden and increase shelf life. It is the basis for the manufacture of margarine, which significantly reduces the cost of the product. In fact, this is a real food supplement designed to change the taste of a particular product.
Often palm oil can be found among the ingredients in croutons, sauces, chips. Sometimes French fries are fried on it. Replacing other vegetable oils with it is popular, since it is consumed much more economically. The use of this ingredient is not excluded even in the creation of baby food and various semi-finished products.
The main task of palm oil is to improve the presentation of products and their taste, increase the shelf life and reduce the cost. Despite its significant health risks, it is one of the main preservatives in the food industry. It is resistant to temperature influences, practically odorless and tasteless, easily combined with all products.
Raw oil of butter palm fruit perfectly complements fresh vegetable and fruit salads. The hot-pressed product can be used for frying, boiling, stewing, baking. It makes excellent frying for first courses and various sauces.
Here are some interesting palm oil recipes:
- Casserole … Add the juice of one lemon to cold water (2-3 l) and rinse young crabs in them (no more than 300 g). After that, pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and fry this ingredient. While it's cooking, crush the garlic (5 cloves) with a crusher and add it to the crabs. Now salt and pepper the mixture, put the onion cut into rings, chopped carrots and peppers (1 pc. Each) here. Then just stew the mass thoroughly under the lid for 20-30 minutes and add 2 tbsp before turning off. l. palm oil.
- Stew … Peel and chop onions (1 pc.), Carrots (1 pc.), Bell peppers (1 pc.), Garlic (5 cloves) and tomatoes doused with boiling water (2 pcs.) Then fry all this in palm oil, cover with water and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes. Before turning off the hotplate, add chopped basil, salt, black pepper, celery and sugar to taste. It is served cold.
- Stuffed eggplant … Wash them (4 pieces), cut them in half, remove the middle and soak them in warm, salted water for 10 minutes. This is necessary for the bitterness to go away. Then rinse, peel and chop the mushrooms (600 g), tomatoes (4 pcs.), Garlic (4 cloves) and onion (1 head). All this must first be fried in a large amount of palm oil, and then used as a filling for eggplant. Then they should be baked in the oven and garnished with grated cheese.
- Snack … Rub the peeled ginger root, which should be no more than 2 tbsp. l. and garlic (2 cloves). Combine them with the juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts, palm oil (3 tablespoons), pepper and salt to taste, balsamic vinegar (2 tablespoons). Now wash and cut cucumbers (5-6 pieces) into slices, and then put them on a plate, garnish with spinach and pour over the prepared sauce.
Watch the video about palm oil:

It would just be unfair to call this product useless, it really helps to improve health and feel better. But this is only if you use it carefully and only raw. At the same time, do not forget that it is a source of fats that are poorly broken down and removed from the body. Therefore, it turns out that the benefits and harms of palm oil are almost the same.