Guava Cattley

Guava Cattley
Guava Cattley

What is the Kettley guava, where can you find it. What a beneficial effect on the body is the use of tropical fruits, who should not enter them into the diet. Recipes for making delicious berries and interesting facts about the plant. Strawberry guava is used for food, extract and fruit juice are added to food additives and cosmetic products.

Benefits of Guava Kettley

Strawberry guava
Strawberry guava

Locals and tourists enjoy the berries, they have a great taste: strawberry in red fruits and lemon in yellow ones. In addition, the introduction of a new product into the diet has a beneficial effect on the body.

Benefits of Guava Kettley

  • Tones up, increases working capacity, helps to recover from increased physical exertion.
  • It slows down the speed of peristalsis, prevents diarrhea, but at the same time does not cause constipation and allows you to get rid of accumulated toxins in time. When these berries are consumed, the intestines begin to work like a clock, emptying occurs at the same time.
  • Prevents fluid loss, stabilizes the water-electrolyte balance.
  • Prevents lowering blood pressure, but at the same time prevents the development of a hypertensive crisis.
  • Normalizes urination, stops inflammatory processes in the kidneys and renal pelvis.
  • Prevents age-related changes, improves the quality of skin and hair, and stimulates their growth.
  • Normalizes lymph exchange.

The effect of strawberry guava on the intestines should be mentioned additionally. Pulp and seeds have different effects on the body. The pulp has an astringent effect; overeating may cause constipation. To get rid of it is simple: it is enough to get large seeds from the remaining berries, chop and swallow it with water. After 2-3 hours, the gases will easily go away and the stagnant phenomenon will be eliminated. In unmilled form, the bones naturally leave the body without having any effect, since they are not digested.

150 g of berries contain half the daily dose of ascorbic acid and 1/5 of folic acid and vitamin A. But you should not completely replenish the reserve of useful nutrients by increasing the amount of sweet tart berries in the diet, abuse is dangerous to health.

Harm and contraindications to the use of guava Kettley

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Overeating juicy berries for adults is fraught with the development of constipation and the appearance of intestinal spasms.

The consequences for children are more dangerous. There is not enough useful flora in the intestines to process an unfamiliar product, and if abused, intestinal stenosis is possible. It is almost impossible to restore peristalsis without the help of official medicine.

In addition, the following contraindications to the introduction of guava Kettley into the diet:

  1. Individual intolerance - allergic reactions are associated with indigestion and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  2. Pregnancy - Constipation is common in this condition, and the additional use of astringent products has an adverse effect;
  3. Children up to age 3-5;
  4. A tendency to edema, kidney disease associated with impaired urination.

If you avoid overeating, then there will be no harm after consuming Kettley guava. Berry desserts are harmless to the body.

Guava Kettley recipes

Strawberry guava jam
Strawberry guava jam

In order not to be disappointed in a new product, it is necessary to choose the right Kettley guava. The berries should be firm, with a smooth skin, without spots or dents. When pressed lightly, juice will appear. You should not try unripe fruits or lay them out on the windowsill, by analogy with green tomatoes. These berries taste tart, sour, and a viscous sensation remains in the mouth.

Guava Kettley recipes

  • Cocktail … In a shaker mix 40 ml of Cointreau liqueur, 160 ml of sweet champagne, not dry. In a glass with a chilled drink, spread 3-4 cut fruits, from which the seeds have been carefully removed.
  • Baby drink … You can cook no earlier than the child turns 5 years old. Vanilla and coconut syrups are mixed in 40 ml each, this is a little more than a tablespoon, 40 ml of Kettley juice and 160 ml of orange juice. Strain the juice of the strawberry guava. Beat with a blender. Put 2-3 guava berries in the finished drink, rubbed through a sieve to remove the seeds.
  • Tonic drink … Squeeze the juice from the guava berries so that no seeds get into the drink, mix with the same amount of sweet orange juice. Add honey to finally get rid of astringency, and cinnamon for piquancy. Beat in a blender, chill. Perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day.
  • Jam … Tropical strawberry jam recipes differ little from European strawberry harvesting. You can immediately cover the fruits with sugar, pricked with a fork to make the juice stand out, and then boil until cooked over low heat, or boil the syrup first, and then immerse fresh berries in it, and only then boil it. But you should still use the "tropical" recipe, according to which Brazilian grandmothers cook strawberry guava for their grandchildren, given the large amount of hard seeds in the pulp. First, the fruits are boiled in cold water until they become soft. A few minutes are enough for this. Then the guava is ground through a sieve and the seeds are removed. In order not to lose a drop of juice, leave the remnants of the pulp with seeds over the pan for several hours so that the sweet liquid flows through the sieve. The mashed pulp is removed to the refrigerator. The drained juice is diluted with water, sugar syrup is boiled. Spread the mashed pulp in jars and fill it with hot syrup, roll up the containers. The proportions of products for making Kettley guava jam: 1 kg of berries, 900 g of sugar, water as needed to get a viscous mixture.
  • Delicate strawberry guava jam … Fresh berries are rubbed through a sieve and leave the thick with seeds to drain the juice. There are a lot of seeds, so it is inappropriate to throw out the spin. After a few hours, they are squeezed out one more time and all the juice is collected, diluted with water and the syrup is boiled with sugar, thicker. Berry puree is put into the boiling syrup and immediately turned off. This jam preserves the beneficial properties of the product. The proportions of berries and sugar are the same as when cooking regular jam.
  • Curd mass with strawberry guava … The berries are rubbed through a sieve in mashed potatoes, separating the seeds. Then put the cottage cheese into a blender bowl, pour in the berry puree and beat well. If astringency or sourness is felt, a little honey is added for sweetness. You can make an assorted puree by mixing the pulp of the Kettley guava with the usual berries: strawberries, currants or strawberries. It is also recommended to wipe the currants through a sieve in order to get rid of the rough peel.
  • Ham with strawberry guava … Large chunks of fat are removed from 1 kg of pork, and ground cloves are placed in the cuts. Distribute should be based on a little less than 1 teaspoon per 1 kg of product. The oven is heated to 180 ° C, the meat is spread on a baking sheet, greased with sunflower oil, and baked for about 1 hour. It can be put in the sleeve, it will be more juicy. While the meat is baking, mix 2-3 tablespoons of guava jam, a teaspoon of peach nectar, a teaspoon of mustard and pour 1-2 tablespoons of strong "ship" rum. Without removing the meat from the sleeve, coat the piece with sauce and bring to readiness. It is convenient to cook a dish in a multicooker on the "baking" mode. In this case, no sleeve is required. Excess juice is drained during cooking.

Despite the fact that the fruits of strawberry grass are medium-sized, not everyone likes them with seeds. You can recommend spitting out the seeds like watermelon seeds, although this is difficult - they are too small. If you are not too lazy and rub the fruits through a sieve, then you will be able to enjoy the pulp and avoid swallowing the seeds.

Interesting facts about Guava Kettley

How strawberry guava grows
How strawberry guava grows

For the first time, the fruits of the plant were brought from China, where it was already grown artificially. Therefore, the Europeans recognized the strawberry herb as the Chinese psidium. In the future, the export of berries stopped, as the plant quickly took root in the South of Spain and France. Seed germination is high, and if they are sufficiently saturated with moisture, then after 3 years it will be possible to harvest. The age of the seeds of the Kettley guava, found in the cultural layer in Peru, was dated back to 2000 BC. From this it was concluded that the plant was domesticated by the ancient Incas.

Surprisingly, the shrub, which is successfully cultivated in almost all countries with a tropical climate, is ruthlessly uprooted in its "homeland". Locals cut down strawberry guava if the thickets grow near fields or vegetable gardens. It is quite difficult to cope with the landings. The roots grow deeply into the soil and release toxic substances, in an area of 5-7 m all plants are destroyed, and within 3-5 years the land cannot be used for agricultural purposes. This property is called allelopathy in biology.

Guava Kettley is used for decorative purposes, ennobling the streets of cities in countries with tropical climates. In this case, allelopathy is a blessing. The plantings do not need to be weeded, nothing grows on the lawns, and the given shape is maintained by mowing.

In appearance, Kettley guava most of all resembles a hawthorn, so tourists who come across this plant pay more attention to the leaves that are not typical for this plant, and try the fruits with caution. Watch a video about Guava Kettley:

If possible, it is worth growing strawberry grass as a houseplant. This will have a beneficial effect on the indoor climate. Like almost all myrtles, guava aromatizes the air and destroys pathogenic microorganisms due to its antiseptic properties. When the berries appear, and this will surely happen with proper care, it will be possible to heal the body.
