How to remove hair extensions?

How to remove hair extensions?
How to remove hair extensions?

Find out the features and subtleties of the procedure for removing hair extensions so as not to spoil the health of natural ones. Recently, it is considered relevant to often change your image in order to change or improve. For this purpose, a variety of methods and methods are used, but it is the hairstyle that undergoes most often changes. To get beautiful long hair, you do not have to wait several years, because it is enough to visit a beauty salon and enjoy the result in a few hours.

Hair extension procedure is becoming more and more popular every day. But in order for the hairstyle to look beautiful and stylish, artificial strands must be properly looked after and do not forget about the need for timely correction. The most important thing is the procedure for removing hair extensions, so as not to harm the natural strands.

Features of care for hair extensions

Girl combing her hair extensions
Girl combing her hair extensions

Today, hair extension is a fairly simple and quite affordable procedure, but artificial curls need not only regular, but also thorough care.

First of all, you need to purchase a special comb with soft bristles, which makes it possible to thoroughly comb the strands without harming them.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to braid your hair in a ponytail or braid so that it does not get tangled. Better not to sleep with loose curls. Also, you cannot go to bed with damp or wet hair.

It is necessary to thoroughly and regularly wash artificial hair, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. First, the hair must be combed thoroughly, each strand separately.
  2. You should not use any shampoo that has a pleasant scent. It is necessary to approach his choice with special attention, the main thing is that the agent should be neutral pH.
  3. It is best to discuss with the hair extender which product is the best to use for washing your hair. In this case, the used method of building is necessarily taken into account.
  4. Before applying the shampoo to the strands, it must be diluted with a small amount of water, so that it will be possible to evenly distribute the product along the entire length of the curls.
  5. It is recommended to wash your hair while standing in the shower. In the event that you tilt your head, there is a risk of tangling your hair greatly, after which it will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to comb it.
  6. After washing, you do not need to wrap your hair with a towel, it is also forbidden to twist it, otherwise it will lead to not the most pleasant consequences. It will be quite enough to dry the curls slightly with a towel, but do not rub, so as not to confuse.
  7. You cannot comb wet strands, as they must first be thoroughly dried with a hairdryer.

You also need to adhere to a few tips for styling your hair extensions:

  • A variety of thermal styling products can be used, but the places where the artificial strands are attached must not be touched.
  • All styling products should be pH neutral and gentle, without aggressive chemicals in their composition.
  • If you need to make a complex hairstyle, it is best to trust a master who knows how to properly handle artificial strands so as not to spoil them and not disturb the attachment points.

Hair Extension Methods

Girls with hair extensions
Girls with hair extensions

Before proceeding directly to the hair removal procedure, you need to know which extension method was used. The choice of the method of their removal will depend on this.

Today, hair can be extended by several methods:

  1. Keratin build-up. The resulting effect will not last long, so this extension option is used in cases where long hair is needed for several days.
  2. French build-up. This is one of the most popular options as it is the safest for natural hair.
  3. English building. This type of extension takes quite a long time, since the thermo method will be used. It is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of a master who will be engaged in building, since in the absence of experience, there is a risk of causing serious harm to natural hair.
  4. Ultrasonic extension. This extension method helps to obtain long hair, and the next correction will be required no earlier than in 4 months.
  5. Spanish build-up. The resulting effect lasts about six months, however, the correction must be carried out every 3 months so that the hairstyle does not lose its attractive appearance.
  6. Chinese build-up. This is one of the very first methods of building.
  7. Tape build-up. The resulting effect will last quite a long time, but it is necessary to carry out a correction every two months.

If you need to quickly remove your hair extensions, it is not necessary to seek help from a master, since you can do everything yourself at home. The main thing is to know a few subtleties and features of this process.

How to remove hair extensions at home?

Removal of hair extensions
Removal of hair extensions

Of course, if there is such an opportunity, it would be best to seek help from an experienced master so as not to spoil your natural hair. But with the right approach, you can do it yourself. It is important to remember that the method of removing artificial strands will directly depend on the method of extension used.

How to remove artificial hair after tape extension?

Tape hair extension
Tape hair extension

This hair extension method is based on the attachment of individual artificial strands to natural ones using a special sticky side. This process is not the most pleasant, if the procedure is carried out by an inexperienced master, rather severe pain can be felt. However, this is one of the cheapest hair extension methods.

Such strands are removed quite simply. You need to take a simple hair dryer and an alcohol-containing liquid. The procedure itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First, the attachment points of artificial strands to natural ones are well warmed up by a hairdryer (the more they are warmed up, the easier the strands will be removed).
  • Most strands will come off easily, but some strands can be very difficult to remove.
  • If the strands are not removed, you need to use an alcohol-containing product that wipes the roots and carefully removed.
  • Artificial hair may remain, which can be easily removed simply by carefully combing the curls.

There is one interesting feature, the longer the artificial hair extended by the tape method will be worn, the easier it will be to remove it, since over time the glue gradually loses its function.

How to remove artificial hair after English extensions?

English hair extensions
English hair extensions

This is one of the modern and most popular hair extension techniques. It is based on attaching artificial strands to natural ones using special hot tongs. The extended strand is held by a special capsule, which, under the influence of high temperatures, begins to melt, and the curls stick to natural hair. It is quite difficult to consider these capsules, which is why this method is most popular, but it has a high cost.

Artificial hair can be removed on your own at home, but for this you need to purchase a special gel or liquid product that will dissolve the keratin capsules. Such a product is sold today in almost every professional cosmetic store, but you will have to pay a rather large sum for it.

If such a procedure is carried out at home, after using a special liquid, it is imperative to apply natural oil (for example, castor, burdock or olive oil) or a greasy mask to the hair. After that, the artificial strands will come off easily and will not harm natural hair.

You can also use another method - you need to warm up your hair well with a hairdryer or use hot water, but not boiling water, otherwise you can get a serious burn.

When building or removing artificial strands after the English method, there is practically no harm to natural hair. It is thanks to this quality that this method of building is so popular.

How to remove artificial hair after Spanish extension?

Spanish hair extensions
Spanish hair extensions

This is one of the safest hair extension methods. The master carefully selects the strands by hand and attaches artificial curls to each with the help of special glue.

To remove artificial hair after this method, you must use a special solvent. However, in this case, it is not recommended to try to carry out the procedure yourself at home, it is best to entrust the work to an experienced master so as not to spoil the natural hair.

How to remove artificial hair after Chinese extensions?

Chinese hair extensions
Chinese hair extensions

At the heart of hair extension using this method, artificial curls are clinging with the help of special metal clips. This method is not very popular, since there is a risk of causing serious harm to natural strands - the metal has a negative effect on native hair:

  • there is a constant mechanical action that violates the structure of the hair;
  • as a result of contact with metal hair, the strands begin to wear off and literally break.

To remove artificial hair after this method of extension, you must use pliers or tweezers, which simply unclench the clamps. This procedure is easy to do on your own at home, but it is best to ask someone for help in order to cause the least damage to your natural hair.

How to remove artificial hair after french extensions?

French hair extensions
French hair extensions

This is one of the most common methods of hair extension, since no harm is done to the natural strands at all. This method is based on weaving braids from natural hair, to which artificial curls are attached.

After this extension, you can visit the pool, sauna, curl and dye your hair. And to remove the artificial strands, you just need to unbraid the braids.

How to remove artificial hair after ultrasonic extension?

Ultrasonic hair extension
Ultrasonic hair extension

This is not the easiest way to extend hair, but it has certain advantages - artificial strands are attached by melting a special keratin capsule with ultrasound, and then using forceps it is made flat.

To remove artificial hair, you must use a special agent that liquefies keratin. The drug is applied to the place where the curls are attached and left for a while, after which it is washed off. Artificial strands are removed quite easily, and natural ones are not harmed.

Of course, it is quite simple to remove hair extensions on your own at home, but you should take into account the fact that some experiments can end in failure. That is why, if there is no experience, it is best to entrust the work to an experienced craftsman.

See the following video on how to remove hair extensions yourself at home:
