Find out how to properly provide assistance to an injured person who, for one reason or another, did not cope with the apparatus in the gym? Often, first aid in case of accidents has a negative impact on the victim. This is primarily due to the low qualifications of the person who carried out it. Today you will be able to learn about errors with first aid in the gym.
Mistake # 1: Excessive movement

If a person is injured in a traffic accident or fell from a height, then they should not be moved until the ambulance team arrives. The only exceptions are situations when it is dangerous to stay in the place where they are, for example, near a burning car or house. Often, after a serious accident, rescuers disassemble the damaged car, and do not try to remove the victim from it. Do not move the person unnecessarily.
Mistake # 2: Incorrect joint repositioning

Even if you know for sure that the victim has a dislocated joint, you should not adjust it yourself. Such injuries cannot be treated "by eye". Even experienced health workers try not to reset the joint without a serious need to take an X-ray. In this situation, you need to immobilize the injured limb and go to the nearest medical facility.
A few words must be said about limb immobilization. Applying a splint is not a simple strapping of a limb to a straight board or stick. If you decide to carry out this procedure yourself, then in no case should you forcefully try to straighten the injured limb. It is also important to immobilize not only the site of a possible fracture, but also at least two adjacent joints.
Mistake # 3: Incorrect application of the tourniquet

When it is necessary to stop bleeding with a tourniquet, very often a lot of mistakes are made. To avoid this, health workers urge the use of a tight bandage, bend the limb at the joint located above the wound, or pack the wound as tightly as possible.
If we are talking about arterial bleeding, then in this situation, do not even try to find a tourniquet. You need to squeeze the flow of scarlet blood with your fingers as quickly as possible.
Mistake # 4: Throwing the head back with nosebleeds

When the head is thrown back, the blood stops flowing from the nose. However, the bleeding itself does not stop, and the blood enters the stomach through the nasopharynx. To help a person with nosebleeds, you need to tilt your head slightly forward and plug your nose with cotton wool or tissues soaked in hydrogen peroxide. When these actions are completed, you can begin to understand what happened.
Mistake # 5: Using medication on a whim

This situation is perhaps the most common. Health workers almost always warn their patients that a particular drug is intended exclusively for them. However, many ignore this fact and begin to distribute advice, believing that if it helps them, it will certainly be useful for others. For example, if a person holds on to the chest, then you should not immediately offer him to take nitroglycerin. Of course, you can do this if the victim asks for it.
Mistake # 6: Stimulating vomiting

If it is assumed that the person has been poisoned, then the first advice will be to induce vomiting. But if the poisoning occurred due to the fault of caustic substances, then this is strictly prohibited. If vomiting is still necessary, then you should not use soda or potassium permanganate for this. It is enough to drink warm water.
Mistake # 7: Putting oil on the burn and iodine on the wound

In no case should oil or other substances be applied to the newly burned burn. You need to cool the affected skin area in cold water. This should be done from 10 to 20 minutes. Also, you can not apply iodine or brilliant green to the wound. It is best to use hydrogen peroxide.
How to properly provide first aid in different cases, see this video: