For what reason the corners of the lips go down and nasolabial wrinkles appear, what methods exist today to raise the corners of the mouth, and which of them are the most effective. The corners of the lips are one of the important factors in impressing others and attracting attention. Their position can tell a lot about the mood, state of mind of a person, as well as about his age. Women with the corners of the mouth down look tired and older, and vice versa, with the corners of the mouth up, they look younger and more attractive.
Why are the corners of the lips lowered

Every woman dreams of staying young and attractive as long as possible. Beauty and youth begin to deteriorate from the first mimic wrinkles, and some appear much earlier, even 30 years. Especially nasolabial wrinkles and drooping corners of the lips affect the overall impression. They give the face a tired, sad, helpless look, adding a few more years to the young lady. There are many ways to lift the corners of your lips.
There is an opinion that the corners of the mouth drop down due to the inner state of a person, his negative attitude towards the world around him and people, a skeptical position or a sad and even depressive state, and perhaps aversion to something. However, this is only partly true.
This opinion is based on the fact that this is the expression that our face acquires when we experience all these unpleasant emotions. And often, if the muscles are often in tension due to the constant expression of such emotions, the triangle muscle begins to pull the corners of the lips downward. Therefore, to avoid this premature change on the face, you need to smile more often and relax the muscles around your mouth.
But, as a rule, the occurrence of lowered corners is age-related and has an extremely indirect relationship to mood. With age, the volume of the cheeks becomes smaller, and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, so it starts to sag a little. These changes are especially noticeable after 35 years. It begins to seem to others that the woman is in sadness all the time or is very tired.
However, there is a congenital form of nasolabial folds. And even a young girl seems to be constantly upset or dissatisfied with something.
If you look closely at the layout of the facial muscles, you will see that the triangular muscle is attached to the circular muscle of the mouth and experiences the greatest stress in these places. Muscles such as the buccal and large zygomatic muscles add activity. Muscles are constantly in motion or static tension. At first, all this happens uncontrollably and unconsciously, but then we can no longer control, they get used to a certain position. Some are more tense, others - on the contrary, are often not tense, relaxed and seem to atrophy.
How to lift the corners of your lips
The raised corners of the lips will give the face cheerfulness, radiance, make the fair sex younger and more attractive. A faint and mysterious smile will appear on your face. Today, there are many ways to lift the corners of the lips, from surgical techniques and injections to massage and exercise. Depending on the budget and the degree of neglect, each lady can choose a suitable method for solving the problem.
How to lift the corners of the lips with hyaluronic acid

Having corrected such a seemingly insignificant flaw, the face will be significantly transformed, it will become friendly, sweet and young. Today, the most effective and safest way to lift the corners of the mouth is filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid, filling the space under the skin, becomes a support, pushing out creases and wrinkles. It is not a foreign substance in the human body, therefore it usually does not cause rejection. And over time, from the effects of enzymes, it decays.
The procedure does not take long. Everything happens within an hour and a half. To correct the corners of the mouth, drugs with medium density are used, they are usually used for contour plastics. How much substance is required depends on how much the corners are lowered and what the quality of the leather is. No more than 0.5 ml.
Before the procedure, the sites of future injections are disinfected with an antiseptic and anesthesia is applied. But it can be carried out without it. Then the drug is injected at the designated points. There may be slight swelling.
At the end of the procedure, the injection sites are disinfected again and a soothing cream is applied.
As with any medical intervention, hyaluronic acid injections have some contraindications. This procedure cannot be carried out in the following cases:
- During pregnancy and lactation;
- With blood diseases;
- While taking anticoagulants;
- With inflammation in the area around the mouth;
- If there are implants in the procedure area;
- With oncological diseases;
- If there is an autoimmune disorder.
The results from the procedure are usually not long in coming. As soon as the swelling subsides a little, you can already see small changes. The face becomes more attractive, welcoming and softer.
As for the duration of the effect of the procedure, then, as a rule, it lasts from six months to one and a half years. It all depends on how dense the drug was, its amount, whether the patient smokes, from her mimic habits.
How to lift the corners of your lips with fillers

Filling the nasolabial wrinkles with fillers is called contour plasty. Fillers are special preparations for injections that give volume to the places on the body where they are injected.
Biologically compatible substances with the human body are used as fillers. Therefore, they are safe, harmless, practically have no contraindications and negative consequences. In this case, collagen and adipose tissue of the patient act as fillers, due to their non-toxicity, the fact that they are biological components of the skin, they are used to eliminate this deficiency.
Adipose tissue is taken from various areas of the patient's skin: thighs, buttocks, abdomen. After taking the material, it is processed in a special way and liquefied. Today it is this method of correction that is considered the safest. Since the woman is injected with her own material, there can be no allergies or rejection. And the result lasts almost three years.
But at the same time, there is a drawback from this procedure. Fat cells should "take root", but how many of them will be able to do this is impossible to know in advance, therefore, in order to get a good and long-term result, usually more than one procedure is performed.
Before proceeding with the injections, the cosmetologist selects the most suitable filler in terms of density and composition for a particular patient. The process of filling the folds in the corners of the mouth is identical to how the corners are lifted with hyaluronic acid. Local anesthesia is usually required.
Not so often and more and more recently, silicone gel is used as a filler. This is due to the fact that this is a drug that is foreign to the skin; it can cause an allergic reaction or even rejection. Treatment of such consequences is difficult and may not lead to the desired result.
After the procedure, fillers fill in wrinkles, they are smoothed out and become less noticeable, the corners are lifted, and the result looks as natural as possible. However, the timeliness of the procedure affects the quality of the result. The sooner you notice the problem and start fixing it, the better and longer the effect will be.
However, there are several contraindications:
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Oncological diseases;
- Viral infections around the lips;
- Diseases of the blood, such as incoagulability.
How to lift the corners of the lips with botox

The use of Botox in cosmetic procedures is one of the most controversial issues. There are in equal numbers both fans of this method and opponents. But, despite this, it has been used in the field of cosmetology for more than forty years.
The Botox preparation is based on a very strong poison - botulinum toxin. It can be used safely only externally and in small quantities. The effect is based on its ability to relax muscles. Thus, the skin becomes smoother and smoother. Botox injections can be equated with plastic surgery, only with less risky consequences.
Just like the above procedures, Botox injections have certain contraindications:
- Lactation and pregnancy period;
- Inflammation around the mouth;
- Viral infections;
- Endocrine system problems;
- The period of taking antibiotics;
- Individual intolerance.
The cosmetologist marks the places of future injections, usually they are a couple of centimeters above the level of the lower jaw parallel to the muscle. Depending on the degree of neglect of the problem, the amount of the drug and injections, the procedure takes from several minutes to half an hour. The thinnest needles are used for it, so it is completely painless, but it can be accompanied by anesthesia.
It is important after injections to maintain an upright position for five hours, otherwise there will be facial asymmetry. It may also be necessary to consolidate the result and make repeated injections.
The procedure itself is not entirely safe, after it there may be swelling, numbness, speech disorders, as well as the lack of effect at all due to insensitivity to the drug.
But its main advantage is that after six months and the final removal of Botox from the body, everything returns to its previous state. So if something does not suit you, then you do not need to redo anything further.
How to lift the corners of the lips upwards with a corner lifting

The most radical method is plastic surgery or a corner lift (lifting the corners of the mouth). With the help of surgical intervention, doctors remove excessive muscle tension, as well as excess skin folds.
The operation can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia. The recovery period is not difficult, it is not accompanied by severe pain, and the stitches are removed after a few days.
A significant advantage of this particular procedure is the permanent effect and the easy recovery process. But at the same time, she has serious drawbacks, so if the result is not pleasant, you need to go to the operating table again, in addition, due to an unskilled surgeon, facial asymmetry may occur.
The surgical method of eliminating the drooping corners of the mouth is suitable for patients of an older age group due to the possible visible scars and stitches after surgery.
How to lift the corners of your lips with exercise

Another method of lifting the corners of the lips, which has a permanent effect, is to perform specific exercises. The undoubted advantage of this method is its availability to any woman with any budget, because it is free, the ability to perform exercises anywhere and at any convenient time, even at work or doing household chores. It also helps not only to raise the corners of the mouth, but also to tighten the entire face as a whole, painlessly and safely.
There are a large number of exercises and methods, but the quality of the result does not depend on the selected set of exercises, but on the regularity and consistency of their implementation. Then whatever you do, you will see the effect.
Of course, the main and only drawback of this method is the waiting time for the effect, it can take several months, it is important not to stop.
The most effective exercises to lift the corners of the lips:
- Press your lips together as tightly as possible, but don't purse them. Using the pressed pads of your index fingers, raise and lower the corners of your mouth until you feel a burning sensation. Duration - 1 minute. Then, relax your lips by blowing through them.
- Pull your lips apart, making your mouth an oval shape. Press the lower lip to the upper lip and, in a fixed position, smile with the corners of the lips. The number of repetitions is 80 times.
- Tighten your lips strongly in position to pronounce the letter "O". The number of repetitions is 20 times.
- Squeeze the pencil tightly with your lips and draw geometric shapes - circles, squares, triangles - from left to right and vice versa. Duration - 5 minutes each way. You can alternate. Do this several times a day.
- It is necessary to inhale and exhale through the corners of the mouth and tightly clamped teeth and lips. The number of repetitions is 20 times.
These simple exercises will help you tighten your face, lift the corners of your mouth, and keep your muscles toned. It is important to do them constantly and several times a day, at least three.
Is it possible to lift the corners of the lips with makeup

If you decide to lift the corners of your lips in a non-surgical and non-injection way, namely by performing exercises, but you want to look better right now, then you can correct the imperfections with the help of makeup. In fact, the right makeup done professionally can work wonders.
To correct the drooping corners of the mouth, when applying the foundation to the face, apply a small amount along the edge of the lower lip. Before applying lipstick or gloss, you should draw the natural line of the lips, while not painting over the corners, but lifting them up.
Then the pencil line should be slightly shaded towards the center of the lips and apply gloss or lipstick, preferably with a satin or glossy effect. Also pay attention to the color - it should be light, natural and delicate shades. Colors that are too bright and dark will only exacerbate imperfections.
How to raise the corners of the lips - watch the video:

Each of the methods has advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the most suitable one or combine several. But the choice of a specialist for the procedure is very important. Therefore, you cannot save on the choice of a salon, clinic and a cosmetologist, but it is best to apply on a recommendation. But the best way is prevention, which means a positive mood, more smiles, regular masks and exercises to maintain the general tone of the face.