How to make a milk hair mask?

How to make a milk hair mask?
How to make a milk hair mask?

The benefits of milk masks for hair and the rules for their use, possible contraindications. Home remedies recipes based on different types of animal and plant milk, real reviews.

Hair masks with milk are an affordable, quick and inexpensive way to restore their strength and shine, stop hair loss, get rid of sections and dandruff, revive the faded color of the strands. And if you add other healing ingredients to milk, you can achieve impressive results in the shortest possible time and turn your hair into a truly luxurious one.

Useful properties of milk hair masks

Milk hair mask
Milk hair mask

On the photo is a milk mask for hair

Milk has a lot of useful properties, but when it comes to our hair, protein and calcium are the two main components of this healing drink. The first one helps to restore the hair structure, helps to cope with microcracks and voids, imparts strength, volume and shine to the hair. The second strengthens hair follicles, stimulates rapid growth, and provides a balance of moisture, on which the smoothness and elasticity of the strands largely depends.

The positive effect of protein with calcium on the hair is already enough to fall in love with milk masks and make them one of the permanent means in your beauty arsenal. However, this is not all that milk masks can be useful for hair.

They contain:

  • fatty acids, moisturizing, nourishing and preserving the well-groomed appearance of the strands, improving their natural protection, rejuvenating the scalp;
  • a protein that helps restore hair structure;
  • calcium and potassium, which strengthen follicles and stop hair loss;
  • phosphorus, which retains the bright color of the hair and gives elasticity to the hairs;
  • magnesium - a mineral that is famous for eliminating brittleness and preventing early gray hair;
  • vitamins A, B1, V2, V6, V12, C, D, capable of restoring the health of curls affected by vitamin deficiency, frequent staining or stress.

Regularly arranging milk baths for your hair, you can get rid of dry scalp, reduce the amount of dandruff, reduce the fat content of the roots and brittle ends, slow down hair loss, accelerate growth, restore color and shine, and make strands soft and manageable.

Contraindications and harm of milk masks for hair

Dermatitis on the head as a contraindication to the use of a milk mask
Dermatitis on the head as a contraindication to the use of a milk mask

Milk-based masks have only one real contraindication, but a serious one: they are not recommended for people with lactose allergies. Even if it seems to you that nothing terrible will happen from a couple of spoons of a forbidden product that got on the hair as part of the mask, you do not need to take risks. Lactose can easily penetrate through the skin and into the circulatory system, and your body will definitely not benefit from this.

The absence of allergies is not yet a reason to relax. Remember to do a short skin test behind the ear before using a previously untested mask for the first time. If within 10-15 minutes after application does not appear burning, itching and redness, the mask is suitable for you.

Any cosmetic procedures with hair are prohibited if there are fresh wounds, scratches or irritations on the head. The same goes for dermatitis, psoriasis, or other skin conditions.

Note! In home cosmetology, different types of milk are used, including goat milk with a specific smell. And fresh cow, bought from a farmer and not processed, also has a special flavor. Those with sensitive noses often have a hard time tolerating them - remember this before making a mask from the milk of a “non-standard” animal.

How to choose a mask with milk for hair?

Organic Shop Milk Extra Nourishing Hair Biomask
Organic Shop Milk Extra Nourishing Hair Biomask

On the photo is an extra-nutritious milk hair mask from Organic Shop Milk at a price of 170 rubles.

Cosmetics manufacturers are well aware of the miraculous properties of milk, so many well-known and unknown brands supply a variety of hair care products to store shelves.

The most effective milk masks that have earned positive reviews:

  • Rustic hair mask with natural goat milk from Organic Beauty Farm … Previously, there were products of the same company on sale in moose milk and kefir, but today they are extremely difficult to find even on specialized sites. Country of origin - Russia. The cost is about 90 rubles. for 200 ml.
  • Organic Shop Milk Extra Nourishing Hair Biomask … According to reviews, the product does not deserve a loud "extra" prefix, and it also has a too liquid texture, which is why it is quickly consumed. Otherwise, this is a very worthy nourishing mask that helps the curls to recover, and at a reasonable price. Manufactured in Russia. Costs from 170 rubles. for 200 ml.
  • Hair mask Coconut Milk from Belita … Recommended for damaged and weak hair, as well as excessively frizzy hair. Produced in Belarus. It costs 170 rubles. for 200 ml.
  • Hair mask "Coconut milk" by Herbal Essences bio … Has a pleasant scent and gel texture. Produced by the French brand in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. It costs about 300 rubles. for 250 ml.
  • Cream mask Milk Line Studio by Kapous Professional … It is intended for the care of hair damaged as a result of coloring, chemical perms and frequent exposure to the sun. Manufactured in Russia. Costs from 350 rubles. for 350 ml.
  • Nourishing hair mask Ubsunur Hollow Tuva from Natura Siberica … Created with Tuvan yak milk, rich in vitamins and minerals, it is recommended for brittle and damaged hair. Manufactured in Russia. It costs 350-370 rubles. for 120 ml.
  • Echosline Serical Milk Protein Hair Mask … A thick creamy mass with a pronounced but unobtrusive smell of milk and honey is born in Italy. It costs from 300 to 650 rubles. for an impressive 1 liter can.
  • Therapeutic mask "Rice milk" by Bodhi … It also contains soy and wheat extracts for complex hair health. Manufactured in Thailand. It costs 1570 rubles. for 120 ml.

Milk hair mask recipes

Different types of milk differ not only in taste and smell, but also in composition. Goat, in addition to the controversial "aroma", is famous for a richer set of medicinal substances, sheep contains a lot of fatty acids, which is why it is not suitable for beauties with greasy hair, camel, on the contrary, helps to cope with increased fat content. But there is still sour, melted and even vegetable! You will have the widest choice.

Cow's milk hair masks

Cow's milk hair mask
Cow's milk hair mask

Today you can buy cow's milk in any grocery store, but it will be much more useful to buy a farm product - for example, arrange a course of masks for yourself while relaxing in the village, having agreed with one of the local housewives on regular supplies of a life-giving drink. The biological value of such a product is several times higher than the benefit of a store one, although the latter also has its advantages, for example, with it you will not have to guess how well a person takes care of his Burenka and whether she does all the necessary vaccinations. But in any case, your curls will receive their share of the benefits.

Effective recipes for cow's milk hair masks:

  • Rye mask for hair loss … Cut a weighty slice of rye bread into cubes, pour half a glass of very warm, but not boiling milk, let it cool, knead it with your hands into a gruel and stir in 1-1, 5 tbsp. l. castor oil. Apply the mixture to hair from roots to ends and hold under a cap for three quarters of an hour.
  • Milk and egg mask for nutrition and shine … Beat the egg and 1 tbsp vigorously with a fork or whisk. l. honey. Add half a glass of milk, beat again and brush over the strands, including the roots and ends. Keep your hair under the insulating cap for 30-40 minutes, and then go to the bathroom. Rinse off the mixture with warm water, the hot protein will curl up and get stuck in the strands.
  • Hair growth mask with yeast and milk … Dissolve 25 g of dry yeast or 10-12 g of "live" yeast in lukewarm milk (100 ml). Place them in a warm place under the towel until they fit, then stir in 2 tbsp. l. honey and process the strands with the resulting composition along the entire length. The mixture is kept under a plastic cap and a towel for about 50 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off.
  • Revitalizing cocoa mask … Heat half a glass of milk, melt 2-3 squares of dark chocolate grated on the finest grater in it, dilute 50 g of cocoa powder and 1-2 tsp. honey. When the liquid reaches room temperature, add the yolk. Stir, rub into the roots, and distribute the rest of the mixture through the hair. Warm your head with plastic and a thick towel and wait 40 minutes. Blondes, keep in mind: cocoa colors blonde strands!
  • Moisturizing mask with honey and milk for dry hair … Whisk 3/4 cup milk with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey, the same amount of aloe juice and yolk. Work the mixture over the entire length of the hair, wrap it in plastic, put on a warming cap and do other things for 45 minutes, until it is time to wash your hair.
  • Purifying mask for oily hair … Combine chicken egg white in one container, 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. brandy and 1/2 glass of milk. Beat, brush over hair from roots to ends. Hide under an insulating cap and wait 1 hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Sour milk mask for weak roots and split ends … Take 1/3 cup sour milk, stir in 1/2 teaspoon each. retinol and tocopherol in oil, add 1 tsp. olive oil (you can take any other fatty one) and 2 drops of ylang-ylang, lavender, chamomile essential oils. Treat hair along the entire length, paying special attention to the ends, collect under a bag and a warming cap and leave for 1 hour.
  • Baked milk mask for general hair health … Wash your hair as you normally would. Rinse your hair with a glass of baked milk, making sure that it also gets to the roots. Gather the hair at the crown, wrap in an old towel and let the mask work for 30 minutes. Wash your hair a second time without shampoo.

Note! You can make a hair rinse based on cow's milk. Prepare a decoction of chamomile by brewing a couple of sachets of the pharmacy collection with a glass of boiling water. Cool the infusion, strain, mix with a glass of milk and rinse your hair after washing your hair. Then wait 5-10 minutes and douse the strands with clean water.

Vegetable milk masks

Hair mask with coconut milk
Hair mask with coconut milk

Plant-based milk also contains protein. And although nutritionists say that it cannot be compared with animal milk in the amount of valuable amino acids, it easily bypasses it in the content of some vitamins. By the way, plant milk does not include lactose in its chemical composition!

Recipes for herbal milk hair masks:

  • With coconut milk … Peel and seed the ripe avocado, and mash the pulp with a fork or blender. Add 100 ml coconut milk and 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil. Stir until smooth and use as a hair mask. The action time is 30-40 minutes. The mask restores weakened hair and restores its shine.
  • With soy milk … Take 100 ml of soy milk and mix 2 tbsp. l. soybean flour (can be substituted for rice or oat flour). Pour the mixture into a comfortable bowl, bend over it and dampen your hair liberally. Fingering the strands with your fingers and massage the scalp, trying to distribute the mixture over the hair as best as possible. After 5-7 minutes, rinse your head thoroughly with lukewarm water. Note that it is problematic to find reviews about a soy milk mask on the Russian-speaking Internet, since this plant is not particularly popular in our country, but soy is in honor in Japan. In the East, they are sure that all the products obtained from it - milk, flour, cheese, make hair healthy, soft and easy to style.
  • With oat milk … Soak 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 3 tbsp. l. oat milk. After about a quarter of an hour, when the mass swells, hold it in a water bath to dissolve the gelatin, but try not to overheat the mass more than necessary. If it is too thick, add more milk. Remove the container with gelatin from the heat, add the contents of 3-5 Aevita capsules and mix. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, comb through with a comb and hide under a plastic bag and a towel. Keep the mask for 45 minutes, from time to time warming up the structure wrapped around the head with a hairdryer so that it does not cool down. After the specified time, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. Oat milk and gelatin in a hair mask are a simplified version of the lamination product that gives the strands a well-groomed look and protects from negative environmental factors.

Of course, nothing criminal will happen if you decide to use animal milk instead of vegetable milk in the recipes listed above. On the contrary, the bolder the experiments with the components of cosmetic mixtures are, the more interesting. Take the proposed recipes as a basis on which you can create your own fundamentally new options for masks.

On a note! In online stores and hypermarkets, you can find almond, pine and pistachio milk, walnut milk, peanut and hazelnut milk, rice, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, chia seeds, barley and peas, poppy, sesame, hemp. And any of them can be used to benefit your hair.

Exotic milk hair masks

Sheep Milk Purifying Scrub Mask
Sheep Milk Purifying Scrub Mask

Mare's or goat's milk is less common than cow's milk, but with luck in large stores and private farms, you can get it too. Here are some recipes for masks that are suitable for the occasion - what if you get a chance to surprise your curls with some dairy curiosity?

Useful Exotic Milk Hair Mask Recipes:

  • Goat milk and buckwheat flour mask … Dilute 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat flour in 100 ml of warmed milk. Add the yolk to the resulting mass, mix and apply to the hair roots, distributing the remainder along the length. The mask is left on the head for 30-40 minutes, warmed with a thick towel, and then washed off and combed out. After it, the hair begins to grow better, splits less, gets rid of dandruff.
  • Purifying scrub mask made from sheep's milk. 1 tbsp. l. moisten the salt with sheep's milk so that you get a moist scrub mask. Apply it on the scalp along the parting, massage, but without fanaticism, scratching the skin is not at all necessary! Wash your hair with shampoo, while not letting the salt water seep into your eyes. This completes the procedure, but for a truly shiny result, wet your hair with another portion of sheep's milk (100 ml), wait 5-10 minutes and rinse again under running water. The mask perfectly relieves skin inflammation, softens and moisturizes the strands.
  • Mask with kumis for thick and splendid hair … In half a glass of koumiss, add 2 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal. Wait until they swell, stir in 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 1 tsp. honey. Lubricate hair along the entire length, "pack" in plastic and a thick towel, and after 40 minutes rinse well. Kumis is suitable for any type of hair.

Note! You can without any doubt mix yeast, yolks, ripe fruit pulp puree and other necessary additives with "exotic" milk in hair masks. But beware of overusing oil: as a rule, such masks turn out to be quite oily even without it. The only exception is fermented milk products.

Rules for the use of milk masks for hair

Applying a milk mask for hair
Applying a milk mask for hair

Most of the negative reviews about milk masks are due to their incorrect use. Try to memorize a few simple rules for caring for your hair with dairy products, and your chances of making friends with them for a long time will increase significantly.

Milk masks are made in courses of 10-15 procedures with an interval of 3-4 days, only in this case they bring maximum benefit.

How to use milk hair masks correctly:

  1. First of all, you need to correctly choose the main product. For dry hair, it is better to choose milk of high fat content, for those prone to greasy shine - skim or acidic. Any option is suitable for normal strands.
  2. Consider the properties of the additional components of the mixtures. For example, a recipe for a mask with milk and gelatin is not suitable for severely weakened hair, a composition based on sheep's milk is not suitable for owners of oily strands, a vegetable one can cause allergies if your body reacts poorly to the original product.
  3. If the recipe states that the milk needs to be heated, it is important to do it carefully so that the mask does not lose its healing properties. In most cases, it is sufficient if it is at room temperature.
  4. Apply the mixture to dry, messy hair. It is necessary to pre-wash your hair only if the milk is assigned the role of a rinse aid.
  5. Rinse the mask out of your hair diligently to get rid of the milk smell. The residues of the nutrient rinse sour at the roots will not add charm to you.

Real hair mask reviews

Reviews of milk masks for hair
Reviews of milk masks for hair

Reviews of milk hair masks are mostly positive. The wearers love the effect it has on the hair, the new-found softness, elasticity and shine of the strand. However, there are also those who were saddened to notice that the hair after milk began to comb out worse and dull. As a rule, such reviews are associated with improper use of the product. The following are the most revealing ones.

Elizabeth, 29 years old

The hair really changed, especially to the touch - soft, smooth, with a sweetish, barely perceptible scent of coconut, and there was also more shine. I always wanted to touch them! In general, I can say that my experience of using coconut milk for hair turned out to be successful, but it is not a fact that I will repeat it soon, since it is expensive.

Aastasi, 26 years old

My friend Aydinay, who always had long, luxurious hair, shared a secret with me and told me that she does not use anything other than milk whey. Of course, I was hoping for something else, but soon after trying a new remedy on myself, I was surprised at the effect. My hair has become silky and shiny, and after a few uses, hair loss has stopped. I did not notice much growth, they grow as usual. I hardly dye my hair, very rarely and only with henna, so what effect will be on dyed hair - I have no idea, but I think it's not bad either.

Mila, 43 years old

Nonsense! My hair became dry and stank when I sweat. And the procedure is not very good. Until it dries on your head, everything flows down on you and you walk all in sourness. But each has its own hair structure. Try it, maybe it will suit you.

How to make a hair mask from milk - watch the video: