How to make a mask for brittle hair

How to make a mask for brittle hair
How to make a mask for brittle hair

Hair breakage reasons. Recipes for masks to restore curls and split strands. What to do to make your hairstyle look neat. Brittle hair is not only an aesthetic flaw, but also a health problem. Damaged strands look lifeless, they are dry, dull, split, break off when combing. Owners of such hair look untidy. If the section starts from the root itself, baldness occurs. To restore hair health, it is necessary to increase the time for care measures and adjust the lifestyle.

Why did hair become brittle

Frequent coloring as a cause of brittle hair
Frequent coloring as a cause of brittle hair

Hair has a rather complex structure: the inner part with non-keratinized cells, the cortex, which is responsible for color, and the cuticle, which consists of individual scales that protect the inner parts. If the supply of nutrients to non-keratinized cells is disrupted or the cuticle is stratified, the strands become dry, split and break. Hair breakage reasons:

  • Health problems: infectious diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, helminthic invasions, metabolic disorders, stress.
  • Unbalanced diet. If a woman constantly switches from one diet to another, restricts the supply of nutrients, the work of the hair follicles is disrupted.
  • Environmental and climatic factors: too hard water, polluted air, excess ultraviolet radiation, hypothermia, overheating.
  • Improper hair care.

In turn, improper care measures include:

  1. Increased load on the strands: frequent dyeing, abuse of thermal procedures - the use of irons, plots, hair dryers;
  2. Weighting the hair follicles with extended strands or pulling too tight in the hair with elastic bands and hairpins, using curlers;
  3. Inconsistency of care cosmetics with hair type;
  4. Neglecting procedures that improve the quality of the strands, for example, masks;
  5. Too cheap and low-quality products for curls or with an expired shelf life;
  6. For oily hair, abuse of deep cleansing cosmetics or frequent washing;
  7. Refusal to use protective compounds before thermal procedures;
  8. Inability to comb, use of too hard brushes and metal combs.

If you are without a headdress on a frosty day or under the hot sun, your hair begins to break and crumble.

Homemade mask recipes for brittle hair

Your doctor will help you solve health problems. But it is impossible to restore the quality of hair without cosmetic procedures. Medicines, herbs, natural products and special cosmetics are used as ingredients in masks. The formulations are first rubbed into the scalp and then distributed along the length of the hair, unless otherwise recommended. After application, the head is insulated. When the mask has been washed off, it is advisable to rinse them with acidified water or tincture of linden or chamomile.

Treatment of brittle hair with masks with medications

Dimexide for the treatment of brittle hair
Dimexide for the treatment of brittle hair

It is advisable to inject Dimexide into compositions for the care of hair, even if this drug is not indicated in the recipe, since it stimulates the deep penetration of the components of medicinal products. Before applying masks, you need to wash your head.

Prescriptions for masks with medicines:

  • With fragility at the roots … Burdock oil and liquid warm honey are mixed as a basis for the product, 2 tablespoons each. An ampoule of Cyanocobalamin (B12) is poured in, a capsule (or 1/3 teaspoon each) of Tocopherol, Retinol and vitamin D. The mixture is whipped with a fork, at the very end of the process, a tablespoon of lemon juice is poured in and immediately applied to the head. A mask of 1, 5 tablespoons of castor oil, Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Cyanocobalamin, egg yolk and honey - 2 tablespoons has a similar effect. Hold for no more than an hour, do it once a week.
  • To restore the ends of brittle hair … 3 leaves of aloe are wrapped in thick paper and refrigerated for 7 days to activate their biological properties. Then squeeze out 1, 5 tablespoons of juice, pour in 25 drops of propolis alcohol tincture and an ampoule of nicotinic acid. Wash off after 40 minutes, when the composition is dry. Frequency rate of application - after 3-4 days.
  • For short brittle hair … Beat the chicken yolk, stir in a tablespoon of fattier sour cream and an Essentiale ampoule. The head is washed, squeezed with hands, without drying with a towel, and immediately rubbed in with vigorous movements. Wrap up only with cellophane, since while the mask is on the head (50-60 minutes), it is necessary to vigorously massage the hair growth zone. Wash off with cool water. The treatment regimen is 5 times every other day, then a week off. The course is repeated 3-4 times. Dimexide is not administered to enhance the action.
  • For hair restoration after coloring … Mix 3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil and 1 tablespoon of Dimexidum, apply 2-3 times a week for 2 hours. Duration of use is 2 months. Hair grows 0.5-1 cm. For blondes, the recovery method is not suitable, sea buckthorn oil dyes.
  • For hair nourishment … A tablespoon of Dimexide, oils - castor and burdock, ampoule B6, 1/3 bottles of vitamins A and E are poured into a small bottle. The bottle is immersed in hot water to warm the mixture. Rub only into the roots, keep an hour with insulation. Apply for 3 months, 2 times a week. If the head bakes badly, choose another remedy. Slight burning and redness that goes away after shampooing is normal.

To prevent brittleness with frequent staining and thermal styling, it is advisable to apply an express mask from a conventional hair conditioner and B vitamins, namely Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Nicotinic acid, Cyanocobalamin, for 15 minutes after shampooing, 2 times a week after shampooing. Conditioner is taken in the usual amount, vitamins - in an ampoule. An ampoule of aloe extract is added to the composition. The mass is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water without shampoo. If you use an express product, breakage can be prevented.

Masks for brittle hair with gelatin

Hair breakage gelatin
Hair breakage gelatin

Such products not only help to restore the hair, they make it visually healthier, add shine, and eliminate the section along the length of the hair. Types of masks:

  1. For dry hair stratification … 15 g of gelatin, regardless of the form - granules or plate, dissolve in 3 tablespoons of warm water. Yeast, 1 tablespoon, pour warm fatty kefir or unsweetened yogurt. When they begin to approach, and bubbles appear in the kefir, the gelatin solution is heated so that it completely dissolves, and the compositions are mixed. A little oil is added: from wheat germ or pumpkin with medium dryness, burdock - with very dry, almond - with dryness at the ends. You can use castor oil, but then the composition will be difficult to wash off. Before applying to the head, a hair balm is introduced into the mixture, as much as needed for 1 application. Keep under insulation for 30-40 minutes.
  2. For a visual increase in volume … 15 g of gelatin is diluted with a small amount of water, mixed with any fatty cosmetic oil - 15 ml. Apply over the entire length, leave for 45 minutes.
  3. Express remedy for fragility … Dissolved gelatin is mixed with shampoo, which is used to constantly wash your hair.

Gelatin from brittle hair performs not so much a curative as a cosmetic function. The hairstyle looks better, the curls are well-groomed, they have a shine. You do not need to use the products more than 1 time a week, so as not to cause hair loss, because the substance makes the strands heavier.

Masks for brittle split ends with honey

Honey for brittle hair
Honey for brittle hair

Honey is a natural biostimulant and antiseptic, contains B vitamins, accelerates hair growth and prevents hair breakage. Compositions with honey:

  • For fine split hairs … A spoonful of honey is heated, combined with 3 beaten egg yolks and an ampoule of aloe extract. You can use fresh aloe juice, but in this case add at least 3 tablespoons. Do not rub the product into the roots, distribute it along the length. It is enough to keep it for 30 minutes. To wash off, you must use a lot of water, since shampoo is not used to remove this composition. It can be applied 2 times a day, the course of treatment is a week.
  • From fragility and loss … A teaspoon of cosmetic white clay is dissolved in butter so that a creamy mixture is obtained. The structure of the mask after the introduction of the remaining components should be preserved. Stir in warm liquid honey and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Beat the egg yolk separately, dissolve a teaspoon of mustard powder with water. All combine in a water bath or put a common container over boiling water, beat. It is applied to the roots and along the entire length, insulated and left for an hour. You can wash off with shampoo.
  • From section to length … All ingredients are mixed in 2 tablespoons - warm honey, burdock oil, add cinnamon, a teaspoon. Rub in with massage movements and distribute over the strands, rinse off after 40 minutes.
  • From dullness and brittleness … Often not applied, no more than 3 times every 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. Grind the yolk with a tablespoon of honey, you do not need to melt the honey. Then combine with 30 ml of brandy and apply lengthwise. Do not rub into the hair growth zone. Hold for about an hour.

You can experiment with honey, combine with vegetable and essential oils, with herbal tinctures, with medicines.

Masks for dry and brittle hair with colorless henna

Colorless henna for brittle hair
Colorless henna for brittle hair

Colorless henna quickly restores hair after mechanical and thermal damage, making it soft, manageable and silky. Formulation recipes:

  1. From dryness and increased fragility … Heat a glass of milk or cream to about 50 ° C, avoiding boiling, dilute 4 tablespoons of colorless henna. Add a tablespoon of medicinal vegetable oil - burdock or almond. Bring the mixture to the consistency of liquid sour cream, apply with massage movements on the freshly washed head, rubbing it into the skin, and then distribute along the length. Everyone does it as if they are going to dye their hair. Leave under insulation for 2 hours.
  2. To restore a healthy shine … Henna is diluted in the usual way, with warm water or lime blossom infusion, add almond oil. Leave for 40 minutes.
  3. To restore the quality of curls … Beat 2 yolks. Henna is diluted with boiling water just as much as needed to be applied to the entire head. They wait a little time for it to cool down, combine with the yolks, pour in lemon juice, 1, 5-3 tablespoons. Can be applied by hand without rubbing into the head. Leave under insulation for 40 minutes.
  4. For brittle oily hair … A standard package of colorless henna is diluted with a glass of warm fatty kefir, allowed to swell for 20 minutes. The composition is heated again by lowering the container in hot water, and then applied after shampooing.

Colorless henna is washed off with a mild shampoo and the strands are rinsed with acidified water: half a glass of lemon juice per 1 liter of clean warm water.

Masks with oils for the care of brittle hair

Almond oil for brittle hair mask
Almond oil for brittle hair mask

Plant and essential oils with regenerating and softening properties have a beneficial effect on brittle hair. When compiling the means, the proportion of vegetable (base) oils in relation to essential oils - 3-5 drops of the second for a tablespoon of the first component.

Mask recipes:

  • For deep hydration … A remedy is applied to the hair, consisting of 1 tablespoon of almond and a mixture of essential oils - 3 drops of myrrh and chamomile.
  • To nourish brittle hair … Grind the egg yolk, mix with two tablespoons of jojoba or olive oil, pour in 4 drops of geranium and lavender essential oils.
  • To restore shine … Add 10 drops of rosemary essential oil to a quarter cup of almond oil. Apply a mask, distributing the composition through the hair and wrapping it for 30 minutes. In this recipe, almond oil can be substituted for jojoba. But the same mixture with the first component is used not only as a mask. The tool is slightly moistened with a comb and combed. In this case, it is not washed off.

When using essential and vegetable oils, one should take into account not only their medicinal properties, but their own attitude to the smell. For treatment, you should choose formulations whose aroma is pleasant.

Herbal masks for brittle hair

Linden decoction for making a mask against brittle hair
Linden decoction for making a mask against brittle hair

It is advisable to use masks made on the basis of medicinal herbs when caring for brittle hair. To soften the brittle strands, the crumb of bread is soaked in linden broth, rubbed into the root area. The head is insulated for 40 minutes.

Curls suffer the most from dryness. They are already difficult to style, and when the cut begins, it is impossible to look neat. Mint, sage, immortelle, nettle, St. John's wort are mixed in equal quantities. You need to calculate so that there is enough for the whole head. Grind with a blender, otherwise it will be impossible to wash it off, brew it with boiling water, let it stand for 15 minutes. Apply in the usual way.

With increased dryness, a steep infusion of mint and oregano is brewed in equal amounts, 1 tablespoon of burdock oil and 5 drops of vitamins A and E each are diluted with honey, combined with half a glass of herbal infusion. No need to filter. Rub into the hair growth area and distribute along the length. Wash off after 1 hour.

Prevention of hair breakage

Oregano infusion for rinsing hair
Oregano infusion for rinsing hair

If the hairs begin to fall out, some recommendations must be followed.

What to do with brittle hair, how to care for it:

  1. Refuse to use a comb with iron teeth.
  2. Wear hats in winter and hot weather.
  3. When drying hair, use a cool blow dryer.
  4. If it is impossible to do without staining, only natural paints without ammonia are used.
  5. Hair masks cannot be neglected.
  6. It is very important that the diet contains B vitamins, vegetable oils with vitamins A and E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

After medical procedures, it is recommended to use special herbal rinses:

  • From dandelion and mother and stepmother … Pour 1 liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried herbs, insist for an hour in a sealed container, wrapped in a blanket.
  • From oregano … Oregano is infused like tea, no need to achieve intense color. Roll the curls after shampooing and applying masks.
  • From birch and lemon balm leaves … Mix raw materials on a tablespoon, brew with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes. Dilute to 1 liter and filter.

Rinsing your head with chamomile infusion is not recommended. This universal remedy is not suitable for brittle hair - it increases dryness.

How to restore brittle hair with masks - watch the video:

If the quality of the hair has deteriorated due to improper care, then with the help of masks everything can be restored within 3-4 months. When they break down due to organic problems, only the care products are scarce - the underlying disease must be eliminated.