What is useful and harmful pomelo

What is useful and harmful pomelo
What is useful and harmful pomelo

The benefits and harms of citrus fruit pomelo. Recommendations for use.

Pomelo is a citrus fruit native to Asia. Its weight can reach 10 kg, but on the shelves of our stores you can find only modest fruits of the order of 1-2 kg. The fruit has a rounded shape and thick rind, which hides a dense, fleshy sweet pulp. Unlike other citrus fruits, pomelo is less juicy, and therefore its slices are easily peeled from films. Depending on the variety, the peel can be green, yellow, or even orange, and the flesh can be white, yellow and pink. Citrus is not only very tasty, but also contains many useful components. However, it also has contraindications, which are important to consider before trying it.

Useful properties of pomelo

Woman holding a pomelo in her hands
Woman holding a pomelo in her hands

The calorie content of pomelo, like any other fruit, is not great and is about 30-50 kcal, the exact figure depends on the variety. Despite the fact that there are few calories in the fruit, there are enough nutrients in it.

Pomelo is a valuable source of vitamin C; 100 grams of its pulp contains almost 100% of the daily dose. Also, this citrus is rich in organic acids, essential oils, flavonoids, phytosterols, dietary fiber - all these components have a beneficial effect on human health.

In Asian countries, pomelo is actively used in medicine, and not only folk, but also traditional. It is noteworthy that not only common colds and other mild ailments are treated with it, but also various inflammatory processes, for example, diseases of the genitourinary system.

What are the benefits of pomelo:

  1. Strengthening immunity … Due to the content of a large amount of vitamin C, the fruit has a special value for immunity, and therefore it is important to include it in the diet during the cold season. It is noteworthy that the citrus sales season in our country is winter, just the time when colds are most likely.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect … The many beneficial ingredients in the fruit provide the anti-inflammatory properties of the pomelo, so it helps in the treatment of any ailments associated with inflammation. For example, fruit can be eaten not only to prevent colds, but also to treat it.
  3. Improving skin condition … Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen synthesis, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, makes it more elastic, maintains tone and even helps to get rid of small wrinkles. However, it should be noted that collagen is important not only for the skin, it is a part of all body tissues, both elastic and solid, and therefore valuable for the integrity of internal organs, and for the health of bones, teeth, nails, hair, etc. …
  4. Weight loss aid … Calorie content and BJU pomelo are very modest. Fat, it should be noted, is not contained in the product at all. Thus, a delicious fruit can easily fit into any, even the most strict dietary diet, diversifying it and making it more psychologically comfortable. In addition, pomelo helps with weight loss, since it contains a special fat-burning enzyme that allows you to digest and absorb food more efficiently.
  5. Antioxidant effect … Due to the presence in the composition of antioxidants, the tropical fruit is able to counteract free radicals, thus protecting healthy cells from their effects and preventing harmful mutations. This, in turn, slows down aging and saves from various serious diseases, including cancer.
  6. Normalization of bowel function and detox effect … The fruit contains dietary fiber, which gently stimulates the intestines and acts as a prevention of constipation. In addition, the fruit is credited with a detoxifying effect, due to the large amount of water and other specific components in the composition. The fruit helps to get rid of toxins and toxins, which, by the way, also makes the pomelo effective for weight loss, and, in addition, relieves intoxication of various nature. The fruit is believed to be effective in relieving hangover symptoms.
  7. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels … Citrus strengthens the walls of the heart muscle, improves its contractile activity, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, cleans them of cholesterol, and normalizes blood pressure. All these factors significantly reduce the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system - they prevent atherosclerosis, clogged pores, acute cardiac conditions.
  8. Facilitate pregnancy … The fruit can be eaten throughout the entire period of gestation, however, pomelo is especially effective during pregnancy in the first and third trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy, the fruit helps to cope with toxicosis, since it has a very pleasant sweet-sour taste. In the later stages, citrus reduces the increased load on the organs of the genitourinary system and prevents its infections. In addition, throughout the entire period of gestation, the fruit will protect the expectant mother from anemia, since vitamin C is an important cofactor for the absorption of iron.
  9. Prevention of diabetes mellitus … Pomelo is useful for diabetes and a tendency to this disease. The glycemic index of the fruit is low, only 30 units, which means that they can be substituted for various sweet desserts, while enjoying, but not aggravating the disease. The American Diabetes Association recommends pomelo as a superfood for diabetes.

As you can see, the fruit has a comprehensive positive effect on the body, it is worth adding to all other useful properties that it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it raises mood and tones, and not only due to the presence of various biologically active components in the composition, but simply because it very tasty.

Contraindications and harm to pomelo

Pregnancy as a contraindication to pomelo
Pregnancy as a contraindication to pomelo

And yet, despite its many beneficial properties, pomelo is a fruit that must be handled with great care in the diet. Firstly, it is worth recalling that this is a citrus fruit, and any citrus has a high allergenicity. That is, if you are trying a product for the first time, you need to eat it very little: one slice is quite enough to assess whether you have an individual intolerance or not.

Particular care should be taken by people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating women. Also, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body, you need to give pomelo to eat for the first time to children. If, after eating the fruit, the baby complains of abdominal pain, or you yourself have noticed skin rashes, swelling, nasal congestion, the presence of citrus in the diet should be discarded.

Also, doctors advise to exclude pomelo from their diet for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder and liver. It is worth noting that if the digestive system is healthy, the fruit helps it function even better, but in the presence of certain diseases, on the contrary, it can provoke an exacerbation.

It is important to note that the use of pomelo, like any other citrus, is not recommended to be combined with the intake of a number of medications, namely, with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, antivirals, antidepressants, drugs that reduce blood pressure and blood sugar.

Pomelo contains many phytosterols in its composition, the reaction of drugs with which is very unpredictable - they can enhance their effect, or, on the contrary, can reduce it. The negative effect can also be different, starting with eating disorders and ending with renal and liver failure, internal bleeding.

It is important to determine whether the pomelo will benefit or harm, and the fact when it is eaten also plays a role. The fruit should not be eaten on an empty stomach, as it contains a large amount of organic acids that can irritate the stomach lining.

Watch a video about the properties of the pomelo:

Pomelo is a very tasty and very healthy fruit. However, in view of the presence in the composition of many biologically active components, people with health disorders, prone to allergies and taking certain medications should treat it with caution and be sure to consult a doctor regarding the possibility of its presence in the diet.
