Why is fast weight loss harmful and dangerous?

Why is fast weight loss harmful and dangerous?
Why is fast weight loss harmful and dangerous?

Find out why it is dangerous for your body to quickly get rid of subcutaneous fat and what consequences such a method of fat burning can lead to. Any woman wants to look good and in their quest to lose excess weight, many go very far. The use of extremely harsh dietary nutrition programs, and especially fasting, leads to serious disorders in the body. Scientists have found that such measures for rapid weight loss can harm the heart, metabolism, and also negatively affect the appearance.

Today we will talk about the dangers and dangers of fast weight loss. Sudden weight loss can cause dizziness, swelling, and headaches. This is due to an increase in the amount of fluid in the body due to active lipolysis. Part of the fluid enters the blood, increasing its volume. As a result, the pressure rises.

Lipid metabolism can also be disrupted, and this, in turn, will lead to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, which are important for hair, skin and nail plates. If you lose weight quickly, the hair loses its natural shine and becomes dull. The skin becomes earthy, and the nail plates become brittle. To avoid this, it is necessary to lose no more than one and a half kilograms of body weight during the week.

What are the harm and dangers of fast weight loss

Girl in jeans that are big on her
Girl in jeans that are big on her

Dramatic weight loss can cause a large number of various disorders in the body. Above, we have considered only a small part of the possible negative effects. It should also be said about the others, the most common:

  1. Problems with the work of the endocrine system caused by disturbances in the work of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
  2. Due to an increase in blood pressure, headaches often appear, weakness appears and a person gets tired quickly.
  3. The efficiency of the body's defense system decreases, therefore it becomes vulnerable to various pathogens.
  4. The skin loses its former elasticity, which leads to the appearance of folds and numerous sagging.
  5. After stopping the use of extreme weight loss techniques, the risk of gaining the same weight is high.
  6. The body in such a situation experiences severe stress, which negatively affects the psychoemotional state.
  7. There are problems with the work of the digestive system. The gastric acidity index is changing, the list cannot cope with the increased load.
  8. The body is deficient in micronutrients and especially fat-soluble ones.
  9. Chronic ailments are aggravated.
  10. If pharmacy dietary supplements are used for weight loss, allergic reactions may develop.

What happens to the skin and muscles during rapid weight loss?

Skinny girl squeezes the skin on her belly
Skinny girl squeezes the skin on her belly

Since the body's fat reserves are utilized at a high rate, the skin simply does not have time to adapt to new body volumes. This is the main reason for the loss of elasticity, which in turn leads to the appearance of stretch marks. The muscles also become flabby, which is especially noticeable in the absence of physical activity. As you can see, the harm and dangers of fast weight loss are obvious and must be avoided.

It is quite obvious that for this you only need to lose weight correctly. To solve the problem, you need to follow only three simple principles:

  • It is necessary to get rid of excess weight gradually.
  • Be sure to drink enough water.
  • Diet programs should be combined with exercise.

Remember, extreme dietary nutrition programs can only provide a short-term improvement. Very quickly, you yourself will not be glad that you started using them. It is enough to remember what harm and dangers of rapid weight loss lie in wait for you. When a person loses weight, he needs to drink three liters of water daily. In turn, physical activity is necessary to create a beautiful sexy figure, otherwise the muscles will become flabby.

The most dangerous weight loss techniques

Sticky tape stuck on the girl's mouth
Sticky tape stuck on the girl's mouth

Unfortunately, for many women, the figure is in the foreground, and they do not think about health at all. I would like to repeat that extreme methods of dealing with excess weight can only give a temporary result. The possible harm and dangers of fast weight loss significantly outweigh the positive aspects. Among the most dangerous methods of losing weight, it should be noted:

  • Starvation.
  • Strict dietary nutrition programs, including vegetarianism and mono diets.
  • Various supplements for weight loss.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Special devices.

Various dietary supplements, which can be bought in pharmacies, are worthy of a separate discussion. Now the problem of being overweight is very important and new drugs are constantly appearing on the market, the creators of which guarantee quick weight loss. However, he rarely speaks about health, and even then their statements are at odds with reality.

All of these supplements are not capable of producing positive long-term effects. Most often, they contain diuretics, laxatives, stimulants, as well as components designed to suppress appetite. Let's see what happens in the body when using them, because the possible harm and dangers of rapid weight loss largely depend on the composition of dietary supplements.

Appetite decreases and you start to eat less food, which, however, is poorly absorbed and the body is not able to get all the necessary nutrients. At the same time, ingredients with diuretic properties accelerate the processes of liquid utilization. When the supplement course is completed, then everything returns to its previous state. Moreover, the appetite may even increase and you will gain even more than it was before the start of the course of the drug. Let's not forget about new problems - constipation, high blood pressure, etc.

Now many women actively use not only dietary supplements, but also various newfangled devices, for example, vibro-belts, magnetic clips, etc. However, the uselessness of all these devices has been proven in the course of scientific research. You are, at best, wasting your money on purchasing them.

For example, electromuscular stimulants have become very popular devices for rapid weight loss today. They are designed to increase muscle tone and blood flow by causing the muscles to actively contract. But the device in no way can affect the lipolysis processes. Moreover, sometimes such devices cause serious health problems.

Drying: what is it?

Athletic sweaty girl
Athletic sweaty girl

Drying is the process of removing excess fat deposits to obtain a high-quality muscle definition. This term comes from bodybuilding, where drying is one of the stages in the preparation of athletes for tournaments. Today many people talk about this without understanding the very essence of the process. Often in fitness centers, you can hear from girls that they are starting to "dry out".

The main principle of this process in bodybuilding is a sharp decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. And sometimes builders even refuse this nutrient. In the second case, they use ketone nutrition programs. However, you must understand that the drying time should not be long and often you cannot resort to it, as it can cause serious harm to the body.

Experts in the field of sports medicine recommend drying no more than once a year, and the maximum duration of the process should not exceed one month. Moreover, during this period of time, it is necessary to actively train, and this should be done correctly. Since the diet contains few carbohydrates, the body does not receive the required amount of energy.

This causes it to activate catabolic processes, during which muscles are destroyed. The goal of training in such conditions is to accelerate the synthesis of protein compounds in order to prevent the body from destroying muscle tissue. If you do not exercise during drying, the muscles will again become flabby, and the amount of muscle mass will also decrease.

At this stage of preparation for the competition, bodybuilders have special dietary requirements. Protein compounds become the main nutrient. Builders at this time severely restrict themselves in food and allow themselves to consume low-fat varieties of mass, seafood, low-fat dairy products, non-starchy vegetables.

I would like to warn all women that drying is not a good solution for losing weight. It can lead to poor health. If professional athletes pay attention to this only secondarily, it is much more important for them to take a high place. In your case, it is not at all necessary to sacrifice your health. It is better to lose weight slowly but safely.

How to lose weight safely?

Seated girl holding bowls in her hands
Seated girl holding bowls in her hands

We have already said that you need to lose weight gradually and get rid of fat at a certain rate. Believe me, in this case you will get excellent results and will enjoy your attractive figure in the long run. With rapid weight loss, it is simply impossible to consolidate the results obtained and everything will quickly return to its previous state.

Don't drop your diet's calorific value drastically. Otherwise, the body will activate the weight saving mode and it will start storing fat at the first opportunity. He has nothing to do with your appearance. As a result, a rapid reduction in the calorie content of the nutrition program will lead to completely opposite results. In addition, you will not be able to maintain a low-calorie nutrition program for a long time and sooner or later a breakdown will occur.

Do not use mono diets, as they are not effective, no matter what their creators claim. Your food should always be varied and balanced. The body needs a variety of nutrients to function properly.

As an example, consider the buckwheat diet. It involves the use of exclusively buckwheat porridge without adding oil, salt or sugar. As a result, the body will not receive the required amount of protein compounds and will begin to destroy muscle tissue. This, in turn, will lead to a drop in the rate of metabolic processes and you will not be able to lose weight.

You should not completely abandon carbohydrates, which are now being addressed with a lot of accusations. This nutrient is the main source of energy, without which the body cannot function normally. You just need to replace fast carbohydrates with slow ones. It should also be remembered that you need to eat regularly. The assertion that you cannot eat after six o'clock in the evening has long been refuted by scientists. Only proper weight loss can bring positive results.

For more on the dangers of dieting, see the video below:
