Vitamins in winter: features of the reception

Vitamins in winter: features of the reception
Vitamins in winter: features of the reception

The cold season is stressful for the body and in this situation it especially needs certain micronutrients. Find out what vitamins to drink in winter. The winter period becomes very stressful for the body. This is due not only to a drop in temperature, but also to a lack of sufficient micronutrients. As a result, a person feels increased fatigue, drowsiness, worsening mood, etc. However, these negative moments are not the most dangerous for us. Against the background of a deficiency of trace elements, the efficiency of the immune system decreases, which leads to an increase in the risks of developing colds and infectious diseases.

If you do not want unnecessary problems for yourself, then you should find out what vitamins to drink in winter. Preparation for winter should start in summer, when you can buy or grow berries and fruits on your garden plot. Of course, to meet the body's need for micronutrients, you can also use vitamin complexes, which today are extremely easy to buy in a pharmacy.

The main sources of vitamins in winter

Vitamins capsules and meanings
Vitamins capsules and meanings

Simultaneously with a decrease in temperature, the risks of developing colds and infectious diseases increase sharply. No one wants to get sick in winter, but due to the decrease in the efficiency of the immune system, it is not so easy to solve this problem. Actually, it is precisely in strengthening the defense mechanisms of the body that your task lies. Various adaptogens such as ginseng or echinacea are excellent means of achieving this.

These herbal medications can help you not only keep your immune system working, but also help you feel fatigued. Now in the pharmacy you can find a large number of similar drugs that you can use not only in winter, but also during serious intellectual or physical exertion. In addition, adaptogens will be very useful for improving performance, improving memory and concentration, etc.

Doctors advise to drink more vitamin hot drinks in winter. An excellent example of such a drink is a decoction of black currant, red rowan, raspberry and rose hips. All of these plants must be used in the same proportion. First, all the ingredients must be chopped, and then pour a liter of boiling water and continue to boil for 20 minutes. Make sure that the fire is not large.

Surely today there are no people who would not know the beneficial properties of vitamin C, and especially in the cold season. This substance is found in many fruits and berries, which does not make sense to list, because you know them well. Let's just say that thanks to just one kiwi fruit, you can fully cover the entire daily body need for this vitamin. Keep in mind that kale, spinach, parsley and some other vegetables are also excellent sources of vitamin C.

Many people prepare stocks of berries and fruits for the cold in summer. The best way to preserve all the nutrients in the berries is the absence of heat treatment. All you have to do is grind, say, strawberries or raspberries with sugar and pour the jam into the jars. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that it is advisable to store jam that has not undergone heat treatment in a cool place, say, a cellar or refrigerator.

There is no doubt about the benefits of such blanks, for example, raspberry jam contains a large amount of not only vitamin C, but also A. A decoction of raspberry leaves is an excellent antipyretic agent and can be used as a means of preventing colds and infectious diseases.

When you prepare jam for the winter, you can approach this process completely outside the box and give free rein to your imagination. For example, you can prepare not only the usual jam from berries, but also a mixture of dried apricots, honey, walnuts and prunes. To these ingredients, you can add berries mashed with sugar. As a result, the resulting mixture will help to receive the entire set of trace elements in winter.

In the cold season, pomegranate juice will be extremely useful. It has a large list of positive properties, for example, it increases the body's defenses, normalizes the digestive tract and increases hemoglobin. Also eat garlic and onions, which are high in phytoncides. These substances will help the body fight off harmful microorganisms.

What vitamins should you drink in winter?

The doctor holds a vitamin capsule in his hands
The doctor holds a vitamin capsule in his hands

Let's find out what vitamins you need to drink in the winter in the first place. Of course, it is necessary to satisfy the daily requirement of the body for all microelements, but in different situations, it needs some more than others.

  1. Vitamin A. This substance is of great importance for the skin, preventing the evaporation of moisture, accelerating the utilization of toxins, and also providing protection from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Lack of this vitamin leads to peeling of the skin and a decrease in the quality of nails and hair. In adulthood, due to vitamin A deficiency, sagging skin may appear. The best sources of the micronutrient are pumpkin, sorrel, persimmon, and egg yolks. It should be remembered that food does not contain pure vitamin A. After entering the digestive system, under the influence of special enzymes, it is converted into carotene, after which it can be absorbed by the body.
  2. Vitamin B6. The trace element helps to normalize the oily skin and accelerates the processes of regeneration of the cellular structures of the skin. If you are deficient in this vitamin in winter, then local acne may appear and even dermatitis may develop. Vitamin B6 is found in potatoes, beef, beans, cabbage, bran, milk and rice.
  3. Vitamin B2. It is this substance that makes your skin firm and smooth. With its deficiency, boils often appear, and herpes develops. To increase the concentration of this vitamin in the body, you should eat apples, beef, leeks, cheese and fresh peas. Also, fermented milk products will be useful in the fight against vitamin B2 deficiency.
  4. Vitamin C. When a person is faced with the question of what vitamins to drink in winter, the first, of course, to remember is vitamin C. This is an absolutely correct decision, because doctors recommend taking ascorbic acid during the development of infectious epidemics. The substance has a large number of positive properties, for example, enhances the protective properties of the mechanism and prevents the development of age spots on the skin. Vitamin C is also essential for the production of happiness hormones. The main sources of the substance are currants, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, onions, beets, etc.
  5. Vitamin H. The condition of your skin largely depends on this vitamin. If there is not enough vitamin in the body, then dermatitis, rashes and even eczema may appear. Sources of vitamin H include egg yolks, nuts, bananas, milk, cauliflower, etc.
  6. Vitamin E. For most people, this is the strongest antioxidant and this is absolutely true. If there is a small amount of this substance in your body, then the skin becomes flabby and dry. Eat salmon, almonds, bananas, peanuts, hazelnuts, olive oil, etc. to eliminate these unpleasant moments. In addition to all of the above, vitamin E is essential for a normal robotic brain.
  7. Folic acid. We continue to answer the question of what vitamins to drink in winter. Folic acid deficiency is easy enough to notice by external signs, for example, "bags" under the eyes, pallor of the skin, as well as the absence of blush on the cheeks. Oysters, potatoes, buckwheat, dates, beef, and pumpkin are excellent sources of folate. Also, you should remember that when exposed to high temperatures, folic acid is rapidly destroyed.
  8. Vitamin B5. Vitamin deficiency can be easily identified by the sharply increasing fat content of the skin or, on the contrary, its high dryness. Also, any very insignificant wound in the absence of a sufficient amount of micronutrient will heal for a long time.
  9. Vitamin PP. Unfortunately, there are practically no external signs of a deficiency of this micronutrient. To prevent this, you should eat seafood, nuts, dried fruits, lamb, milk, beef, etc. Not every person today has the opportunity to eat right. In this situation, vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, can help you. However, they should be taken as directed or recommended by your doctor.

Also, you should remember that the use of micronutrient complexes is just one of a number of activities that you should take in the winter. Only a comprehensive solution to this problem will bring the expected result. First of all, you need to organize proper nutrition. This does not at all mean the use of a particular dietary nutrition program. You need to switch to eating only healthy foods, giving up fast food and other unhealthy foods. You also need to get enough sleep every day, setting aside at least eight hours for this. Exercise is a great way to maintain your health.

It is quite obvious that bad habits will also have to be abandoned. Organize your diet so that you regularly eat an adequate amount of food containing all the important micronutrients. Otherwise, it is worth taking pharmacy vitamin preparations. And the last piece of advice to help you stay healthy is to avoid stressful situations.

For more information on the need for vitamins for the body, see below:
