How to get rid of panic attacks

How to get rid of panic attacks
How to get rid of panic attacks

Features of the occurrence of panic attacks, mechanisms and causes. The clinical picture of an impending attack and the main ways to overcome it. The main methods of preventing panic attacks. Panic disorder is a disorder that manifests itself in periodic attacks with autonomic and psychological symptoms. Until recently, the term "panic attack" was not used at all, and the disorder was included in the nosological spectrum of vascular dystonia. This concept was first introduced in the American DSM-III classification of mental illness. Today, panic disorder is present in the international classification of diseases 10 revision under the code F 41.0.

Description and mechanism of development of panic attacks

Human panic attack
Human panic attack

Panic attacks (PA) are acutely occurring conditions that develop in minutes and then slowly subside. It is accompanied by neuro-emotional symptoms and autonomic disorders.

The urgency of the problem is due to the rather widespread prevalence of panic attacks both among adults and children. According to various statistics, from 6% to 8% of the population suffers from such disorders. Most of them have never sought help from a doctor and are learning to deal with their problem on their own.

This disorder can manifest itself in both women and men. However, statistics show that the weaker sex is still more often subject to such an influence. More than 75% of people with panic attacks are women. This is due to the much greater lability of the emotional state in comparison with men.

The age range for panic attacks is pretty vague. No matter how old a person is, they can develop this disorder. This happens most often between the ages of 20 and 40.

In each case, a panic attack may be the result of the influence of some external or internal factor. It does not matter at all for what reason the attack occurred, the mechanism of its further development is the same.

The wave of anxiety and panic rises higher and higher. At some point, experiences take over, and a person practically cannot control himself. At such moments, it is even difficult for him to control his body. Emotional factors provoke a reaction of the autonomic nervous system. The predominant influence of the sympathetic section speeds up the heart contractions, increases blood pressure. At such moments, people can present a variety of complaints, depending on the individual characteristics of each person's body.

The causes of panic attacks in humans

Stress as a Cause of Panic Attack
Stress as a Cause of Panic Attack

There are several theories about the cause of panic attacks. Most Western clinicians are of the opinion that the balance of biochemical compounds is the main factor in the development of seizures. Each emotional strain and stress can cause changes in the composition of neurotransmitters. These substances are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. It is also known that a violation of their concentration provokes the development of some mental symptoms. The most important biochemical causes of panic attacks are serotonin, adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine. Their balance regulates not only mood, but also other emotional reactions of a person.

But it is not worth considering the purely biochemical theory of the origin of panic attacks as correct. Every healthy person normally has a lot of chemical reactions with the participation of these neurotransmitters. And this by no means causes emotional attacks. Therefore, it should be understood that there are other factors in the occurrence of severe anxiety accompanied by fear.

The personal characteristics of the individual are also of great importance. Everyone is able to react in their own way to the events taking place around them, so the likelihood of developing PA is different for everyone. Individuals with an anxious and suspicious component are able to wind themselves up from scratch and create problems out of the blue. In the presence of a stress factor, they quickly form a vegetative crisis.

It is a misconception that a panic attack can develop in every person who is too emotional or sensitive. It is believed that manifestations of anxiety can occur even without being limited to specific situations.

Against the background of sensitivity and emotionality, sometimes a certain triggering factor is needed that will cause a panic attack of fear. It can come from both the external environment and be formed by the psyche of the person himself:

  • Interpersonal conflicts … The oppressive atmosphere of an unresolved issue is a stumbling block for most sensitive and emotional people. Often, conflict situations between loved ones provoke a powerful reaction in the form of PA. Therefore, you need to monitor your relationships, try not to aggravate them, so as not to create unnecessary factors for the occurrence of such attacks of panic attacks.
  • Acute stress … The nervous and emotional upheavals that can provoke an attack differ in almost every person. For example, for some, the death of a relative will be a terrible blow, while for others, a minor failure at work can provoke an even more serious stress reaction. Thus, external influences can have a negative impact on the human psyche, and it is necessary to know the basic methods of protection against stress.
  • Endocrine diseases … A number of somatic diseases of the endocrine glands can provoke the development of panic disorder. The hormones that the endocrine glands produce are able to control a huge number of processes in the body, in case of their dysfunction, a general chain reaction will follow. For example, an increase in the concentration of catecholamines in the blood can cause a sympatho-adrenal crisis. It manifests itself in much the same way as a panic attack. Consequently, somatic manifestations will provoke the mental component of the attack.

The main symptoms of panic attacks

Fear as a symptom of a panic attack
Fear as a symptom of a panic attack

A panic attack manifests itself as a separate attack that begins quickly, opens up and slowly disappears. On average, its duration is from 10 to 15 minutes. For some time after PA, you can feel discomfort and a feeling of emotional oversaturation. The diagnosis of panic disorder is made in the presence of specific signs without visible provoking factors. That is, in situations where seizures are observed that are not similar to each other, which can vary. The disorder involves recurrence of symptoms regardless of stress or somatic causes.

Common signs of every panic attack:

  1. Intense fear or discomfort;
  2. Sudden onset;
  3. It grows in a few minutes and lasts the same amount;
  4. There are at least 4 symptoms from the list below, with at least one being among the first five options.

Symptoms of the disorder:

  • Rapid heartbeat (more than 90 beats per minute);
  • Increased sweating;
  • Limb tremor;
  • Feeling of dry mouth;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat, shortness of breath;
  • Pain in the chest;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Feeling dizzy;
  • Loss of orientation in space and in oneself (lack of confidence in one's actions);
  • Fear of death;
  • Hot flushes in the face;
  • Chills;
  • Tingling of the tips of the fingers.

The increase in symptoms of panic attack in certain situations forces a person to immediately leave that place and in the future simply bypass it. For example, if the attacks happened in different public transport, he will try not to use it.

Also, attacks can be observed when surrounded by people or when there is no one around. In this case, a person will either avoid society, or he will have a fear of loneliness.

Features of the treatment of panic attacks in humans

Panic attacks are quite dangerous attacks that can lead to unwanted and sometimes fatal consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to treat a panic attack and be able to ward off it even before the onset of the disease. Psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists often help in this difficult task. Do not underestimate the role of a specialist in dealing with a real disease that threatens a person's quality of life. There are also several proven ways to overcome fear and control your seizures without the participation of doctors.


Meditation as stress relief
Meditation as stress relief

This type of mental relaxation has long been known to people. All esoteric terminology and concepts are mistakenly mixed with it, because meditation does not imply any specific explanations.

Using this method, you can reduce your susceptibility to stressful situations, increase resistance to emotional stress. Thus, a person learns to respond correctly to events and prevent the development of panic attacks.

Meditation is a form of passive inner struggle that distracts the mind from increasing anxiety and fear. The personality tries to resist what is, and tries to build a response scheme to an external or internal factor of influence on its own. Many psychotherapeutic techniques are focused on the same principles as meditation practice. Their main goal is to teach you how to relax, let go of your fears and not let them get the upper hand.

Meditation is far from promising quick recovery and visibility of results, but long-term positive predictions are guaranteed. A tangible change in terms of panic attacks will be noticeable after a few months of this practice. With its help, you can both get rid of the panic attack that is impending, and prevent such attacks.

Getting rid of bad habits

Quitting smoking
Quitting smoking

The destructive effect on the body of narcotic drugs, alcohol and nicotine only contributes to the worsening of symptoms. Many people try to muffle their panic with the help of booze, but they rarely succeed. To relieve an attack, you need to drink too much, and this leads to poor health and is not worth it at all.

People with panic disorder are at increased risk of developing dependence on alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. Since they are more susceptible to outside influences, bad habits can play a bad joke with them.

There is a theory that nicotine can be used to pause or end an attack, that smoking induces calmness in a panic attack. In fact, it just binds the body to dependence not only on its fears, but also on cigarettes.


Sports as a reduction in panic attacks
Sports as a reduction in panic attacks

Exercise in the fresh air has a general strengthening effect on the human body. The load on the muscles can distract from constant thoughts and occupy the mind with something else. Emotional stress can also be easily relieved through sports activities.

In addition to strengthening the physical capabilities of the body, sport also promotes a calmer reaction. This leads to a decrease in the severity of a panic attack.

Also, with the help of sports, you can increase the resistance to immune diseases. Morning exercises can give you an appropriate dose of energy, which will be enough for the whole day.

Fresh air is useful for oxygenating the brain and preventing hypercapnia (increased content of carbon dioxide in the blood).

Daily regime

Alternation of work and rest
Alternation of work and rest

In order to reduce the intensity and frequency of PA, it will sometimes be useful to normalize your schedule, rest and work regimen. Irritation and feelings of anxiety can cause sleep deprivation. Good quality sleep can restore the functions of the nervous system and reduce the vegetative manifestations of panic attacks.

Overwork depletes the body's strength, and with it, resistance to emotional stress is weakened. Therefore, for those who do not know how to cope with a panic attack and where to start, the first step is to adjust your regimen.

Balanced diet

Products for a balanced diet
Products for a balanced diet

High-quality balanced food is a guarantee of a positive attitude and proper functioning of the whole organism. Nerve cells are the most sensitive to energy starvation, and they also need some nutrients from food.

An important role is played by the intake of essential amino acids, vitamin complexes, which are important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. If a person experiences energy hunger, then irritation, anxiety, anxiety and a number of vegetative symptoms are only the first signs of homeostasis disorders.

Pharmacological therapy

Treating panic attacks with medications
Treating panic attacks with medications

When using drug therapy in the treatment of panic attacks, it must be remembered that this is far from a panacea for all attacks. It is impossible to cure this disorder only with drugs. Moreover, the abuse of pharmacological agents has several significant disadvantages. First, they should only be taken during an attack. It is very difficult to control and prevent panic fears with the help of drug therapy. Secondly, some of them are addictive with long-term use and without them, the frequency of attacks may increase. That is why taking pharmacological agents should only take place on the recommendation of a doctor. For the treatment of panic attacks, a group of tranquilizers is most often used. These drugs have a quick effect and are used for a one-time relief of an anxiety attack. If it is necessary to take pharmacological agents for a long time, the group of tranquilizers should not be given preference.

The drugs of the group of antidepressants, which do not have a stimulating effect on the human body, are used more often for long-term treatment of panic anxiety. They do not have an instant effect, unlike tranquilizers, but they are able to reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures, subject to prolonged therapy.

How to get rid of panic attacks - watch the video:

[media = v = xF5iaWAknbM] A panic attack, despite such unpleasant external manifestations, is quite easily eliminated if the treatment is taken seriously. It should be understood that this disease can be not just a sign of irritability or emotionality, but a whole disorder.
