If the "base" in bodybuilding does not work

If the "base" in bodybuilding does not work
If the "base" in bodybuilding does not work

Find out the reasons for the lack of progress in muscle growth with basic exercises. We tell about all the dirty tricks of the iron sport. As part of this article, we will try to tell you what to do if the "base" in bodybuilding does not work. It is primarily intended for hard gainers who do not get the desired results from using basic movements.

But before you start using the guidelines in this article, you should keep in mind the main reasons for poor progress:

  • Overtraining.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Little time is allocated for recovery.

Most often, the lack of mass gain is characterized by stable strength indicators, which, ideally, should gradually increase. This is possible even with the use of basic exercises aimed primarily at gaining mass. Sometimes hardgainers with more than three years of experience do not manage to overcome a certain milestone in various movements.

Reasons for lack of muscle growth in bodybuilding

Athlete demonstrates muscles
Athlete demonstrates muscles

One of the main reasons for the lack of progress may be the low efficiency of the base, which does not allow the maximum load of the muscles. Recall that the target muscles for squats are the quadriceps, the deadlift develops the quadriceps and back muscles, the bench press develops the chest muscles, and the standing press develops the anterior and middle deltas.

Let's understand the concepts of enough and underload. Any exercise can only be effective when most of the load falls on the target muscles. For example, when doing squats with your back muscles, you may not be able to get the results you want. The situation is similar with other movements. We can say that the reason for this is the lack of a technique for executing the base.

Ways to solve the problem of ineffectiveness

A girl is engaged in a gym with a trainer
A girl is engaged in a gym with a trainer

To obtain good results, it is necessary to make certain adjustments to the training program.

Reduced working weight

Barbell Pancakes
Barbell Pancakes

Reduce projectile weights to 40-50 percent of maximum while increasing reps. This can focus on the target muscles, which will require you to use a slow mode of operation. The structure of the training itself does not need to be changed. Work in this mode until the mass begins to grow.

Specialization in target muscles

An athlete performs a seated dumbbell press
An athlete performs a seated dumbbell press

This method will allow you to increase the load on the target muscles, and this can be achieved by applying isolation. At the same time, it must be done correctly and only the correct movements must be used. Here are the guidelines you need:

  • Replace squats with a barbell on the shoulders with squats with a shell on the chest.
  • Use dumbbells instead of barbells when doing deadlifts, as well as standing and lying presses.

You should also change the load distribution in your program during the monthly cycle. For the first two weeks of your cycle, use weights within the 8-12 rep range. In the next 14 days, the range of repetitions will be 3-6.

Specialization of "invisible" muscles

The girl does dumbbell push-ups
The girl does dumbbell push-ups

We are now talking about specialized muscle training that slows down overall progress. In relation to deadlifts and squats, these muscles are the hamstrings. If we continue the conversation about squats, then performing leg press, working out the front surface of the thigh, can be an effective solution to the problem.

For the bench press, the "invisible" muscles are the back deltas. Note that this is a very specific muscle and special movements are required to train it, for example, a barbell pull in the direction of the chest with a wide grip. Also, wiring in an inclined position is quite effective. If the deadlift is performed correctly, namely in full accordance with the technique, then this exercise will also allow you to work out the rear deltas with high quality.

With regard to the bench press, attention must be paid to training the triceps. There are many movements to develop this muscle. If you have problems with progress when performing basic movements, then you can use all of the above methods or in turn.

Thus, in conclusion, I would like to remind you that basic movements may not be effective for you and due to the incorrect distribution of the load between the muscles. To fix the problem, you can use one of three methods:

  • Improve the technique of all movements.
  • Improve functional condition through specialization in target muscles.
  • Improve the functional state by specializing in the "invisible" muscles.

How to do the basic exercises correctly, see this video:
