Boosting Nitric Oxide Levels: A Different Approach to Bodybuilding

Boosting Nitric Oxide Levels: A Different Approach to Bodybuilding
Boosting Nitric Oxide Levels: A Different Approach to Bodybuilding

Find out how increased nitrogen levels can increase strength and muscle growth in bodybuilding. Start exercising right now. Nitric oxide is a nitrogen group to which an oxygen molecule is attached. With a very simple structure of the molecule, this substance seems to be very interesting, since it performs a huge number of functions in the body. Today we will discuss a different approach to increasing nitric oxide levels.

What is nitric oxide?

Nitric Oxide Help
Nitric Oxide Help

For many years, nitric oxide was considered an elusive substance, as it is a gas that decays within three seconds after synthesis. Scientists only knew for sure that a substance is synthesized in the blood vessels, which contributes to the instant relaxation of the smooth muscles of the vessels. As a result, this leads to a decrease in blood pressure and dramatically increases the speed of blood flow.

Only in 1998, scientists were able to isolate nitric oxide and for this they received the Nobel Prize. They also managed to show the effects that nitric oxide has on the cardiovascular system. But not only this is interesting for NO, but also a large number of other functions. For example, nitric oxide helps create new connections between cells in the nervous system in the brain. Today, scientists know that at low levels of NO, the substance is very useful for the body, but at high concentrations it can become a powerful toxin.

First of all, this fact is explained by the fact that nitric oxide is a free radical, which, under certain conditions, turns into peroxynitrite. This substance poses a serious danger to the cellular structures of all tissues of the body. If a person develops blood poisoning (sepsis), then the power of septic shock is precisely related to the level of nitric oxide.

Relatively recently, scientists have been able to figure out the reason why, thanks to strength training, you can avoid a heart attack. This is due to the fact that under the influence of stress, the production of nitric oxide is accelerated, which is stored in reserve in the heart and blood in the form of two substances - nitrosothiol and nitrate. If necessary, these predecessors can be quickly converted to NO. This is what contributes to an increase in the speed of blood flow and, as a result, improves the supply of oxygen to the heart. Strength training also helps to accelerate the synthesis of the main synthetase, which is responsible for the production of nitric oxide.

How to increase nitric oxide levels?

Diagram of the structure of smooth muscle tissue with nitric oxide
Diagram of the structure of smooth muscle tissue with nitric oxide

There are a huge number of supplements on the sports nutrition market today that should increase the concentration of nitric oxide. This is primarily due to the fact that nitric oxide is able to dramatically increase the speed of blood flow and, as a result, increase muscle pumping. For obvious reasons, this leads to an increase in the intensity and effectiveness of the training.

It should also be remembered about the ability of NO to increase the rate of synthesis of anabolic hormones, which significantly accelerates the recovery processes. The vast majority of supplements contain arginine, which is the main precursor of nitric oxide in the body.

We have already said that at a certain concentration of nitric oxide, the blood flow rate sharply increases and, as a result, muscle pumping and the quality of tissue nutrition improves. But at the same time, nitric oxide also contributes to the acceleration of the synthesis of growth hormone, which means that it takes less time for the body to recover. It should also be reminded of the ability of nitric oxide to activate the growth of satellite cells, due to which the mechanisms of recovery and growth are triggered. The amino acid compound arginine is most commonly found in most NO-boosting supplements. This substance is a donor of nitric oxide and is known to many. However, the main factor that inhibits the production of NO is by no means arginine, but special enzymes located in endothelial tissues. If a person has damage to the endothelial tissue, which can be caused, for example, by high blood pressure, then the performance of enzymes that synthesize nitric oxide is impaired. Their supplementation with arginine can speed up NO production.

But even if the athlete does not have damage to endothelial tissues, then a second problem is also possible, limiting the rate of nitric oxide production. We are talking now about the enzyme arginase. This substance is involved in the breakdown of arginine. The higher the amine concentration, the more active arginase is.

In one study, 20 to 30 grams of arginine was injected intravenously to accelerate nitric oxide synthesis. The results were excellent. However, with oral forms of arginine, this success cannot be repeated. This is due to the fact that when more than 10 grams of arginine tablets are consumed, the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. However, the concentration of NO is too high and is not required, as this substance can become a toxin.

You must remember that nitric oxide is synthesized under the influence of physical exertion, and the higher your training experience, the more NO is produced in the body. This is one of the reasons for improving the functioning of the heart and vascular system under the influence of physical exertion. We have already said that nitric oxide is a gas that decomposes quickly after production. For this reason, to determine the concentration of a substance, it is necessary to study its metabolites.

Arginine isn't the only one that increases the rate of nitric oxide production. For example, garlic contains a group of sulfuric precursors NO, and watermelons contain cyrulin, which can also be converted into arginine, and then into nitric oxide. Due to the presence of polyphenols in cocoa, which inhibit the destruction of nitric oxide, this product also leads to an acceleration of the synthesis of NO.

More recently, scientists have investigated supplements containing pyrites (found in beets) and a special enzyme (found in hawthorn) that accelerates the conversion of pyrites into nitrates and then into nitric oxide. This supplement not only increased the concentration of nitric oxide, but the substances included in its composition were able to bypass the arginine barrier. Vitamin C also has a stimulating effect on the rate of NO production. Scientists are currently looking for other substances that may be more effective in accelerating the production of nitric oxide compared to the currently common arginine.

For more information on nitrogen balance, see this video:
