A playroom for children in the country may include a sports complex, which includes a climbing wall. The stages of manufacturing such complexes are covered in detail by a master class with step-by-step photos.
The time beloved by all children is coming - the time of parents' summer vacations and vacations. If you have a summer cottage, a house in a village with a plot, then think in advance what entertainment for the children you will prepare there. These can be mind games, but don't forget about sports. The children will be happy to climb the climbing wall, to practice at the children's playground.
How to make a climbing wall for children in the country?
It can be made by attaching it to a secure building wall. Then you will have no problem fixing this device. But since you need a perfectly flat surface, you will need to attach plywood here. Take a sheet with a thickness of at least 1 cm, it is better to use a thickness of one and a half cm. See how you can turn a concrete garage wall here into such entertainment for children.

- four sheets of plywood for outdoor use;
- powerful screws;
- paint;
- children's hooks;
- boards;
- bolts to secure the hooks.
First, let's look at how such a playroom is made for children in the country on the outer wall. Nail thick planks vertically along the entire wall where the climbing wall will be placed. Arrange these materials at the same pitch.

Then you need to fix the plywood on these slats with screws. Measure immediately, if something is superfluous, then saw off.

Now you can give free rein to fantasy. After all, you will paint the surface at your own discretion. You can also paint the city using dark and light colors. Let the children pretend they are climbing the walls of houses like Spider-Man.

When the paints are dry, you will need to attach the hooks. Such devices can be purchased. One set of 6 pieces costs about 1,000 rubles. You will need two or three of these kits.

In this case, the foreman poured rubber chips down. If you don't have one, be sure to put down mats or something similar. After all, a child can break loose and fall. Therefore, you need to put something soft next to the wall. Then the kid, without fear, will climb the wall, train his dexterity and develop physical skills.

Not everyone has a summer cottage, so you can build a climbing wall right in your apartment. The child will also have great pleasure from climbing on it. Friends who come to him will certainly appreciate this home exercise machine.
- plywood with a thickness of at least 1 cm;
- bars;
- reiki? 3 pieces;
- mortise nuts bulldogs;
- hooks;
- fasteners for hooks;
- paint;
- sports mat;
- screwdriver and drill to it.
To make a climbing wall, first make holes in the plywood. To do this, you can use a special screwdriver attachment. Do them from the front to the wrong side so that the notches are exactly at the back. But then you still need to sandpaper the front side to remove them. Now attach the slats with screws.

To make the holes even, you first need to mark them. The data was taken at a distance of 25 cm from each other horizontally and vertically. So many holes need to be made so that you can reposition the hooks over time. Then the child will have even more fun climbing the constantly renewing climbing wall. And it is better to make such holes at this stage, since when you attach the climbing wall to the wall, it will be almost impossible to do this or you will have to remove it.
Now insert special bolts called bulldogs into each hole. This is how they look.

They are also called crabs. Nail those on the back. Then you need to securely fix the resulting board on the wall using dowels and screws. Screw the climbing wall where there are slats. Paint it. In this case, you can apply a certain pattern. When the coating is dry, fasten the hooks with the fasteners.
See what other playground for children in the country can be. Next, a whole complex is presented, there will be not only a climbing wall, but also a rope ladder, bars, a crossbar, a slide and other sports attributes that will help train the agility of children.
Play complex for children at the dacha

With your own hands, you can easily make it. If you have any materials necessary for the complex, use them. Others will need to be purchased. First, decide where this complex will be located.
If you are hanging the bars, there should be enough space in the back and front for the child to swing. The same goes for the crossbar.

To make such a play complex for children at the dacha, take:
- timber and section 100 or 150 mm;
- antiseptic;
- a sander or sandpaper;
- rope ropes;
- rings for bars;
- crossbar;
- boards;
- hooks;
- fasteners;
- metal corners;
- necessary tools.
First you need to make a drawing of the future complex. This will be helped by the following scheme.

Here are the exact markings, it is shown at what angle which parts need to be positioned. You see that there is a climbing wall on the left, then there is a swing. It even has a handgrip to help you train your arms. And on the right there will be a grid, a horizontal bar. There is a wall bars in front. There is even a place for a children's headquarters here, which kids will surely like.
To keep the structure strong, use metal corners. See how you can use them to fasten the beams together at an angle of 90 degrees. Fix them additionally with an anchor bolt and a washer. To do this, you first need to use a drill to make holes in the two beams that you will connect. Then screw the anchor bolt in here and fix the washer to it.

The basis for the horizontal bar, the handle, the wall bars are steel pipes. Take them of such a diameter that it is convenient for the child to grasp them. You also need to use strong pipes so that long elements do not bend under the weight of children. Here, a pipe with a diameter of 27 mm was used for the wall bars, horizontal bar and gymnastic stick, and for the handle 24 mm. There is also an adult horizontal bar to the side. For its base, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm was used, and for a crossbeam with a diameter of 27 mm.
Now you need to make an estimate, buy everything you need. It:
- timber with a section of 100 mm, 6 m long;
- timber with a section of 50 by 100 mm, 6 m long;
- boards 200 mm wide, 30 mm thick, 6 m long;
- metal pipes with a diameter of 50, 27 and 24 cm;
- anchor bolts for woodworking and washers for them, 10-15 cm long;
- screws for various purposes;
- reinforced corners;
- hooks and bolts to them;
- furniture mortise nuts, which you hammer into plywood, they are needed to fasten the hooks;
- antiseptic;
- plywood 1–1, 2 cm thick;
- metal paint;
- bituminous mastic;
- alpine slings;
- sand;
- rope;
- carabiners for climbing equipment.
You also need various tools.
When everything is ready, you can get to work. You can buy raw boards and beams. Then you will need to walk on them yourself with an electric plane. Remove bevels at corners to reduce the risk of injury.
It is highly advisable to buy a dry tree, otherwise, over time, the boards and timber may deform when they dry out.
- Treat the wood well, then you need to cover it with a stain, dry it. Children can paint a tree with an antiseptic, for whom you create this play complex for children. They will be happy to come to the dacha if such an interesting sports toy is waiting here.
- Now you need to mark the territory and dig a hole under the pillars. Coat the ends of these beams with bitumen to prevent rotting. A little rubble and sand can be poured down the pit. It is best to first fasten two pillars with corners, connect them with a crossbar, then place these blanks in the dug holes. If necessary, at the preliminary stage, fix the bars temporarily with planks.
- Start installing the central pillars first, pour sand into the pit, spill it with water, then add more sand.
- In order not to redo it later, all the screws are not screwed into the corners at once. First twist a couple of such elements in each direction. Then check the levels to see if you did everything exactly. And at the final stage, you will already tighten with screws, additionally screwing them into the corners.
- When the time comes to fasten the pipes, first cut them, and then sand the cuts. Take a quality metalwork paint and coat these items with it.
- When you fix the metal crossbars on the Swedish wall, drill holes in the timber, drive in the pipes here. They will fit tightly. Secure the horizontal bar.
- Then you will need to make a site for the headquarters. To do this, cut 6-meter boards into 4 parts and attach each to the bars with four self-tapping screws. Secure the headquarters area with a railing. Make them from a bar with a section of 50 by 100 m, boards are not used for this, since they do not have the necessary strength for this type of activity.
Here's how a play complex for children at the dacha is made further. See how this platform is assembled, the boards are stuffed and the railing is fixed. Fastening materials are also used to attach them.

Now you need to make a climbing wall. To do this, first build a solid frame. Usually sold rectangular plywood with a side of about one and a half meters. For such a width, you will need to take three bars, fix them horizontally or vertically. In addition, it is necessary to make stiffening ribs, taking bars with a section of 50 by 100 mm. They need to be placed across. When doing this, use metal corners. Take a ruler, pencil, line the plywood to get points at a distance of 25 or 30 cm. Insert the bulldog bolts into the resulting holes. See how these elements look on the children's playground.

See how to attach the bolt hooks.

Pour sand under the climbing wall. It will soften the landing. To prevent weeds from growing here, first remove the sod along with the grass and roots. Then shoot here black geotextile in 2 layers. This one is sold at a gardening store. Pour sand on top.

To make a mesh, take pieces of rafters, first measure the desired length. On each side, add a margin of 5 cm. Now make one hole at the edges of these rafters and attach with a powerful screw with a wide washer, in the same way attach the rafters vertically and horizontally.

Attach the suspended equipment with anchor hooks. On the one hand, they are screwed into the wood. On the other hand, there is a loop on which you can hang what is intended. A swing can be made from a sheet of plywood, cut out a shape of the desired shape from it. Make holes, pass a rope rope through them, tie a knot on the back side. But for this take a thick plywood or board.

Another such playroom for children in the country may include a campus board. To do it, first paint the plywood sheets with a septic tank, then connect the two slightly obliquely to each other, having previously attached bars and triangular plywood elements to the corners. Now securely fix the small rectangular and round bars that have been well pre-finished to be smooth from the outside. The child will climb up and down them.

You can supplement this children's play complex with other elements so that the children at the dacha have the opportunity to play sports, which they will certainly like. See what else you can get them carried away outside the city.
Country activities for children

Take a rope rope, weave a web out of it. To do this, first fix the blanks in the form of rays, and then, starting from the middle, braid with other ropes, tying those on these rays so that such knots are obtained. Fix this vertical support, let the children climb it like a ladder.
If you have seats from old chairs or armchairs, attach them to a block or log that is securely fixed in a horizontal position. Make a steering wheel. Lock it in front. Children will be happy to play in such a fun bus.

If there is a high stump in the country, leave it. After all, this is an excellent basis for making a play complex for children. At the dacha, the children will be happy to go in for sports. Buy a slide made of plastic or make one yourself from wood. Then fix the bars on one side of the hemp, stuff the boards on top of them, attach the processed plywood.
Make steps so your child can climb up. Be sure to make the bumpers to keep it safe at that height.

Let the child do gymnastics, for this it is enough to put just 1 bar longitudinally. Take two small pieces of such material, make cuts in them and place the prepared timber here. Children will develop their coordination of movement, play in the country with such simple objects.

And so that they can carry out the prevention of flat feet, make a health path from scrap materials. Treated logs will be used. Which need to be dug in half. Also place the bars here, the upside-down bottoms of the plastic bottles, firmly anchoring them in the ground. Round stones can also be placed here. There will be a sandbox nearby, because walking on this material is also useful for children.

Also make a fabulous glade for them. To do this, you can use a natural hill or make a depression. Place pillows here, in such a place it is nice to lie down on a fine day. For the children to play, make these two nests out of the branches. Divide the children into 2 teams. Each will occupy a nest. This is an analogue of a winter game of snowballs, only here the role of snowballs will be played by a foam ball or similar light product.

Children love to play in various huts. You can make such structures from what is on the farm. If you dismantled an old building, there were logs left, connect them, make such an unusual house here. Children will be happy to play in it.

If there are no such materials, then you can put several arcs to get such a tunnel, and plant grapes, cucumbers or other climbing plants outside. They will braid this structure and make a wide shady house.

Also, the tree house will become an interesting playground. But don't make it too tall to keep your child safe. Provide reliable railings here, make them.

If you have a natural hill on the site, you can dig a depression in it, strengthen the inner walls and make such a house for games.

Plant cereals and other greens on top. But you can make a fill mound yourself, additionally strengthening it. To make the children more fun in the country, paint the fence bars with them. Thus, you can portray your family, as well as close and distant relatives.

A playroom for children in the country can represent such a ship. Then make a sandbox of the desired shape, put logs around. Craft the bow and stern. To do this, first create a base from the bars, and then stuff the boards here. Use ropes for framing. With the help of them, you will stretch the sail. And make a mast from a tree trunk.

If you want, build a very simple sailboat. To do this, put wide boards on the edge, stuff several boards across them. Fix a wooden mast here, attach a sail to it.

If you have pallets, make such a shop out of them. Make a counter. The child will be happy to play in the store with his peers or with adults.

Another playroom for children in the country may look like this. See how everything is functional and neatly done here.

It is convenient to write on a slate board, learn with its help. Attach the hooks, let the child hang shovels, rake buckets here and learn to be neat from childhood. Make a small sandbox nearby where you can play.
Implement some ideas to make your child fun and interesting in the country. If you decide to make a climbing wall, then look at the manufacturing steps. The video contains ideas for a whole sports complex for a child, which includes a climbing wall.

And how to make a play complex for children in the country, tells the second story.