Turkish van: history of the breed, rules for keeping a cat

Turkish van: history of the breed, rules for keeping a cat
Turkish van: history of the breed, rules for keeping a cat

The history of the origin of cats, the standard of appearance of the Turkish Van, the characteristics of the character of the floating cat, the health of the pet, the rules of caring for the Turkish Van: hygiene, feeding and more, the cost of a kitten.

Features of the character of the Turkish van

Turkish van lies on the couch
Turkish van lies on the couch

By nature, these pets are very friendly and open-minded. They quickly get used to both new living conditions and the people around them. At the same time, they never single out anyone, their love and devotion is always enough for everyone, even if you have a very large family.

Living under the same roof with such a pet, you will not get bored, he will always be able to cheer you up, either with his melodious purr, or with his seemingly inexhaustible energy. Sometimes Turkish van tends to get carried away with the game, especially if at these moments the animal is in the spotlight. Cats love to spend time with their owner, but they are never intrusive. They can “tell” the owner for a long time how their day went, but their voice is quiet and pleasant.

These cats are quite smart and learn quickly, but you need to choose the best approach to upbringing, best of all they assimilate information if it is presented in a playful and fun way. They get along well with children, Turkish Van cats are very patient with the kids' pranks.

Representatives of this breed are very strong animals and curious, they can easily jump to the top shelf or even to the top of the cabinet, so if you store some valuable, especially breakable items there, it is better to hide them away from the "all-seeing cat's eye" and its strong paws.

Turkish Van cat health

Turkish Van muzzle
Turkish Van muzzle

Mother nature rewarded these adorable animals not only with beautiful, attractive appearance and aristocratic character, but also with excellent health. During the study of this variety, no hereditary diseases were found, however, several cases of the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were recorded.

In addition, waterproof Turkish van have a high tendency to pathology of the oral cavity, the formation of tartar is not alien to them, which in advanced cases is fraught with loss of teeth, as well as periodontitis and gingivitis. Because of this, it is extremely important to monitor the teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity in these purrs.

Like all other cats, a Turkish van living at home is recommended timely vaccination, as well as periodic courses of anthelmintic therapy and regular visits to the veterinarian.

With these quite simple rules, Turkish Van cats will give you their love for at least 15 years.

Keeping a Turkish Van cat at home

Turkish van in the sink
Turkish van in the sink
  1. Hair care. Some potential owners of a Turkish van may be frightened off by its long and thick "fur coat", it seems that it is simply impossible to take care of it. But this is a very erroneous conclusion, due to the fact that these pets are completely devoid of undercoat, their hairs never get tangled and form tangles. In order for your Turkish Van cat to look neat, it will be enough to brush it regularly. Of course, it is better to do this as often as possible, if your pet does not resist this procedure, then it can be carried out daily. During moulting periods, for the safety of this waterfowl from Turkey and to ensure that there is no cat hair carpet in your apartment, it is recommended to comb it 2, and if possible 3 times a day - to be sure. As for the comb, choose the one that suits you and is suitable for the money - there are now a lot of them in specialized stores. The best option would be a brush of medium hardness and with an average frequency of the teeth. You can alternate the use of a brush with a rubber glove, which is less effective for such a coat, but this is how cats like it. In order to keep the "fur coat" of a Turkish van clean, usually little depends on the owner, these cats, by their very nature, are still clean, so they can easily cope with cleaning the fur on their own. If the pet spends most of the time in the apartment, then you can bathe him once every 3 months and even once every six months. If necessary, you need to wash the cat, which often goes out for a walk, especially in bad weather, its long fur will surely collect a lot of dirt. But no matter how clean and tidy your pet is, do not forget that these cats can and love to splash in the water, so it would be nice to pamper him with a bath, even if instead of it it will be an ordinary basin of warm water. The cat will be pleasant and fun, and believe me, this sight is worth it.
  2. Hygiene. Especially carefully you need to monitor the oral cavity, for representatives of this breed it will not be enough just to add teeth cleaning products to the diet, they need to brush their teeth with a soft, small toothbrush and a cat's tooth powder. As for the eyes and ears, everything is like everyone else's. Once a week, it is necessary to wipe the Turkish van's eyes with cotton pads dipped in some kind of disinfectant, it can be like homemade tea leaves or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or a specialized cat eye care product, which is in the assortment of any veterinary pharmacy. The choice, of course, is up to you, but the effect is the same, but the pricing policy differs significantly. Ears should be cleaned about once a week with cotton swabs. This must be done very carefully, since with very deep cleaning you risk damaging your pet's eardrum, after which the consequences will be much worse than even from the accumulation of earwax.
  3. Toilet. The Turkish van quickly learns to do his physiological needs in a certain place. But there are two nuances: when choosing a tray, it is better to opt for the one in which the filler is poured; it is more usual for these purrs to bury the products of their vital activity than some incomprehensible mesh and even cleanliness. A Turkish van is not just a very neat and clean creation, but also very squeamish, he will never come to his tray, if he smells unpleasant, in this case the cat will go to look for a cleaner place, and you do not be offended by him.
  4. Leisure. The Turkish Van cat loves company very much, so if you are often absent from home, then you should take care of what she will entertain herself with. A variety of toys, balls, laces and even a large bag or cardboard box are perfect for this. You can also design some devices for the Turkish van so that he can climb and stay a little at a height, so he will be less lured by the top of the cabinet or refrigerator. If you have a little free time, do not be lazy and go for a walk with your pet. He will happily walk in the fresh air on a harness, you can let him go for a walk on his own, but a cat can think in one minute and decide what he urgently needs, for example, on a tree, but when he deigns to go down from there - this is exclusively his own business.
  5. Diet. In principle, representatives of this breed are picky about food, but it is better to feed them either high quality ready-made feeds or natural products. Whichever option you choose, it is important to remember that the health and beauty of your Turkish van depends more on what it eats. Therefore, if you prefer ready-made food, then the best option would be premium food, which will contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, micro and macro elements. The packaging of a cat food suitable for a Turkish van should have fairly high digestibility values and the food is predominantly selected from meat. It is also best to feed your kitty with both dry and wet food. If you are of the opinion that homemade food will not replace any food, then the list of foods allowed for such a cat should include the following: lean meats (turkey, rabbit, chicken and veal), offal (lungs, liver), cereals, vegetables, fruits, as well as fermented milk products and sea fish. Turkish van eat a lot, but they are not fat, if your pet reaches huge sizes, then it is not fat, but solid.

Purchase and price of a kitten of Turkish van breed

Turkish van kitten
Turkish van kitten

The starting price of a purebred kitten of a Turkish Van cat starts at 7,000 rubles, but prices differ depending on the pedigree and the class.

For more on Turkish Vans, see the video below:
