We will tell you about fennel, its benefits and uses for weight loss. And also, about possible contraindications and basic recipes for making fennel. Regardless of gender or age, everyone wants to be not only healthy, but also beautiful. One of the main signs of health is a beautiful and toned body. But our usual way of life, constant overeating or, on the contrary, hunger strikes, a constant lack of time to eat during the day, and overeating in the evening, lead to very negative consequences. As a result, a person gets: poor sleep, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, heartburn, constipation and, of course, a significant increase in their external parameters.
Over the past few decades, more and more people have been using for weight loss not pharmaceutical drugs or dubious pills, but various plants, spices and collections of all kinds of herbs. Among all this, one cannot fail to single out such a plant as fennel. This plant has been of great importance in dietetics since ancient times. Its seeds and fruits contributed to the maintenance of the excellent shape of the inhabitants of Ancient Rome.
Today, fennel fruits or seeds are used in most cases when the cause of excess weight is fluid retention in the body. Due to its diuretic effect, fennel fennel leads to the gradual elimination of excess water, and, accordingly, to the gradual withdrawal of extra pounds.
How to lose weight with fennel?

- Primarily due to its diuretic properties, fennel is able to remove excess fluid from the body, and thereby contribute to weight loss.
- It is able to stimulate metabolism, which significantly speeds up metabolic processes in the body. This is very important for people over 35, because at this age it is more difficult to lose weight than at a younger one, at this age, the metabolism decreases for objective reasons, and contributes to the acceleration of the set of extra pounds.
- Nerves, apathy, stress and depression are of great importance in gaining extra pounds. The wonderful soothing property of fennel on the nervous system, is able to muffle "nervous appetite", which is why the desire to seize problems and stress gradually disappears.
- Fennel has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and improves carbohydrate metabolism. With the regular use of this plant or its seed, the desire to eat candy is noticeably reduced, blood sugar is normalized and carbohydrate metabolism is significantly improved.
- To dull appetite, it is enough to chew 5-7 fennel seeds for a few minutes. Their taste and aroma can dull the sensations of hunger.
- If you have a big belly, then fennel will be your "lifeline" from this problem. Fennel fruit not only normalizes the excretion of processed food, but also helps to remove gases. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the size of the abdomen and its appearance, but also on the general condition of the body.
Contraindications for the use of fennel

A huge amount of the positive effect of fennel on the body almost excludes its possibility of contraindications. Basically, this is a banal intolerance to the product, which happens extremely rarely.
It is advisable to refrain from the abundant use of this plant:
- people prone to epilepsy;
- women "on the drift", due to the fact that fennel contains substances that have a negative effect on female sex hormones;
- people who have diseases of the excretory system or kidneys;
- mom during breastfeeding, especially the first 3 months, so as not to cause diarrhea in the child;
- people with upset stomach, intestinal disorders and diarrhea;
- as well as people who have heart problems, especially heart rhythm disturbances.
If you do not fall into these risk groups, then you can safely start losing your weight with the help of this plant.
Rules for the use of fennel for weight loss

Of course, like most other plants, fennel also has more benefits raw than dried or cooked. Therefore, many advise to grow this plant with their own hands in their garden or on the balcony. Just finding fresh fennel on sale is hard enough, and growing it at home will greatly simplify the task of losing weight.
Both the stem and the root or leaves of fennel are allowed. All this, without exception, contains useful substances in such quantities as to stimulate metabolism well.
To select the healthiest fennel, first look at the condition of the bulb and stem. The stem should be green and the bulb should be white. In this case, the plant should have a "live" appearance and emit a strong aroma. If you eat a wilted or unhealthy plant, the end result will be zero. If you are using fennel to lose weight, then you should first pay attention to the seeds, rather than the bulb, leaves or stem. After all, the seeds themselves help most of all in weight loss, they are added both to regular food and they are simply chewed.
This plant can be used for weight loss in many ways, from simple chewing seeds to complex but very healthy salads with fennel base.
Recipes for decoctions and teas with fennel for weight loss

- Fennel tea. 1 tbsp. l. Pour the leaves of this plant with 1 glass of hot boiling water, then insist for about 20 minutes. After the specified time, we filter our tea from fennel tea and consume it, half an hour before meals or an hour after, but do not drink them with food. If you are used to sweet tea, then it is allowed to add 1 tsp to it. honey, but better without honey, but with lemon juice.
- Tea with lime and fennel seeds. Required: 2 tbsp. l. green large leaf tea; 2 tsp fennel seeds and 1 lime (alternatively lemon) but with the skin. Pour green tea and fennel into a teapot, brew with hot water, after 3-4 minutes add a few lime slices with peel to the tea. All together insist 15-20 minutes, take 3-4 times a day, before meals, taking into account the strong diuretic (diuretic) effect.
- Tea with fennel seeds and corn silk. Mix well 2 tbsp. l. black currant, 1 tbsp. l. fennel and 1 tbsp. l. corn stigmas. Brew all this in a thermos for 2 hours, pouring 1 liter. boiling water. You can take it with lemon or berries, currants, raspberries, blackberries.
- Fennel tea with cranberries. Put 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. cranberries, 1 teaspoon of fennel herb, and 1 dessert spoon of white or green tea. Brew in a teapot or other glass container, leave for 20-30 minutes, then use warm.
- Prefabricated tea. For this tea, it is necessary to collect the following herbs in equal proportions: linden, chamomile, fennel and peppermint. Brew in a teapot for 30-40 minutes, consume half an hour before each meal.
- A decoction based on nettle and fennel. 2 tbsp. l. stinging nettle and 1 tsp. fennel seeds. Herbs, brew overnight in a 1 liter thermos. water, and the next day, drink each time 20-30 minutes before meals.
For those who prefer fruits and vegetables in food, and especially a variety of salads, the following recipes will help you to lose extra pounds. After all, fennel, like ginger, is great for salads and other dishes. For example, if you add a fennel bulb to a vegetable soup or even chicken broth, then it will give the food not only an exquisite taste and aroma, but also help in weight loss.
Fennel salads will acquire a new taste and new meaning, now they will not only be tasty and healthy, but also become an unsurpassed weapon against body fat. Do not be afraid to add this plant either to vegetable salads or fruit salads, it will not spoil them. It is advisable to use not only bulbs in salads, but also leaves, stems and especially seeds. Mainly try to season salads with lemon juice, olive oil or flaxseed oil, this will give them a sophisticated taste and aroma.
Do not think that this plant is a wonderful remedy that will effortlessly save you from extra centimeters. Fennel is not a panacea, but just a supplement to your diet to help you lose weight faster. Due to its ability to calm appetite, and thereby reduce the ingestion of a huge amount of calories, and also due to its diuretic effect, this plant removes excess fluid from the body, and with it extra pounds.
It is important to always remember that weight loss depends mainly not on desire: "I - want", but on the confidence: "I - I can." It is necessary to understand that the norm of a kilogram who left in a month is 5–6, if more, then they can quickly return as soon as you “relax”. Broths, teas and salads are very good, but without a balanced diet and physical activity, it is unlikely that anything will work out. Therefore, exercise more, eat only natural and healthy foods, drink fennel tea, and you will certainly achieve your goal.
Learn more about the use of fennel for weight loss in this video interview with nutritionist Lydia Ionova: