Salted caramel: TOP-3 recipes

Salted caramel: TOP-3 recipes
Salted caramel: TOP-3 recipes

Salted caramel is no less tasty than its sweet counterpart. How to prepare it and from what products? We will learn different recipes and secrets of experienced chefs.

Salted caramel
Salted caramel

Recipe content:

  • How to make salted caramel - the secrets of experienced chefs
  • Salted cream caramel
  • Salted caramel made from cream and water
  • Salted sour cream caramel
  • Video recipes

Dessert, topping - salted caramel. This is a delicious treat for all ages. Salted caramel cannot be called not sweet, you cannot get away from the sweetness, however, salt is a contrast that interrupts the sugaryness and prolongs the aftertaste. A jar of homemade delicacies is useful for making all kinds of desserts. It goes well with waffles, pancakes, pancakes. Also, a spoonful of caramel will be an addition to a cup of hot tea.

Salted caramel, like sweet caramel, is cooked at home in water. It turns out a transparent mass, the drops sparkle like glass. Sometimes it is brewed with dairy products: milk, cream, sour cream. Moreover, the fat content can be very different, from 10 to the fattest. In the second variant, the taste and texture are softer, more delicate and matte.

How to make salted caramel - the secrets of experienced chefs

How to make salted caramel - the secrets of experienced chefs
How to make salted caramel - the secrets of experienced chefs
  • To prevent the cream from curdling, they are preheated and then added to the melted sugar.
  • Use white, high-quality, well-refined sugar.
  • To prevent the syrup from becoming sugared, add a little acid: lemon juice or vinegar.
  • Boil the caramel, evenly heating the bottom of the pot. If the stove is gas, place a divider on the burner.
  • Sugar caramelizes better over medium heat.
  • While the sugar is melting, you cannot stir the mass, otherwise the syrup will crystallize.
  • If the sugar burns, the caramel will taste bitter. Therefore, do not move away from the stove, because sugar turns into caramel very quickly.
  • The congealed caramel can be melted on the stove with a little liquid.
  • Never taste caramel when cooking, it will burn a lot.
  • Caramel is stored in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
  • The delicacy thickens in the refrigerator, so before use it should be taken out and left at room temperature.
  • The butter should be at room temperature. But do not melt it in a water bath, it is better to remove it from the refrigerator in a few hours and leave it in the room.

Salted cream caramel

Salted cream caramel
Salted cream caramel

Not sure how to make salted caramel? Buy a jar of cream and in just 20 minutes you will have an amazing treat.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 278 kcal.
  • Servings - 200 g
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Cream 33% fat - 125 ml
  • Butter - 6 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 240 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp

Step by step preparation of salted caramel from cream:

  1. Pour sugar into a deep container. Put it on medium heat and heat without interfering. Shake the pan several times.
  2. When the sugar is melted, stir it gently until it is completely dissolved and becomes amber.
  3. Bring the caramel to a boiling point of about 180 ° C. If you don't have a thermometer, use the color as your guide.
  4. Add oil and stir until smooth.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat and add the cream.
  6. Add salt, stir and leave the caramel for 10-15 minutes.
  7. At first it will be watery, but after cooling it will acquire the desired consistency.
  8. Pour it into a jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Salted caramel made from cream and water

Salted caramel made from cream and water
Salted caramel made from cream and water

Homemade salted caramel based on cream and water is less greasy. At the same time, it is unusually tasty.


  • Cream 33% fat - 250 ml
  • Mineral water - 75 ml
  • Sugar - 350 g
  • Butter - 90 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Step by step preparation of salted caramel from cream and water:

  1. Pour sugar into one saucepan and cover with water. Melt it completely.
  2. Pour the cream into another saucepan and heat without boiling. After that salt, stir and turn off the heat.
  3. Put the sugar on medium heat, without interfering, wait until it acquires an amber hue. This will happen in 15 minutes.
  4. Then add the oil and stir to dissolve.
  5. Pour the sugar caramel into the cream and stir until smooth.
  6. Cool the caramel and refrigerate.

Salted sour cream caramel

Salted sour cream caramel
Salted sour cream caramel

The recipe for homemade salted sour cream caramel is very easy to prepare. It is easier to work with sour cream, and surprises with clotting are excluded.


  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Sour cream 21% - 350 g
  • Butter - 30-40 g
  • Sea salt to taste

Step by step preparation of salted sour cream caramel:

  1. Combine sugar and sour cream in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  2. Place the cookware on the stove over medium heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Don't bother him.
  3. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add salt and continue boiling, stirring occasionally until viscous, thickened and golden brown.

Video recipes on how to make caramel sauce:
