Almond oil in cosmetology - benefits, harms, methods of application

Almond oil in cosmetology - benefits, harms, methods of application
Almond oil in cosmetology - benefits, harms, methods of application

Description and selection of almond oil. Useful properties, harm, precautions. Features and methods of using almond oil in cosmetology, real reviews.

Almond oil is not walnut oil at all, as is commonly thought. From the point of view of biology, the elongated pointed nucleoli, which we willingly gnaw during snacks and add to sweet pastries, are the seeds of the fruit of the almond tree. Exactly the same as apricot or plum pits! Which, of course, in no way diminishes their nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic value.

Features of almond oil

Base almond oil
Base almond oil

In the photo, the base almond oil

The methods of application and properties of almond oil largely depend on which tree it was obtained from.

So, the nucleoli of bitter almonds are never eaten, since the glycoside amygdalin gives them bitterness, which, when taken orally, is converted into hydrocyanic acid (cyanide) and causes a state in a person similar to narcotic intoxication, and sometimes leads to severe poisoning. In order to avoid problems, the fruits of bitter almonds are pressed, soaked, subjected to heat treatment, distillation and condensation, after which hazardous ingredients are practically removed, and the extracted oily substance is used for the production of essential or fatty cosmetic almond oil, as well as perfumery products.

Do not be alarmed if the inscription "5% hydrocyanic acid" is found on the label of the bottle you purchased, this is a normal indicator for a cosmetic product for external use. Almond oil can only cause harm if you decide to eat it, or the content of the toxic component exceeds the safe 5%.

From sweet varieties of almonds, oil is extracted by pressing and cold pressing. Unlike the previous version, the transparent, slightly viscous liquid obtained in this way:

  • retains most of the nutrients;
  • does not contain toxic compounds;
  • has a noticeable yellow tint;
  • It has a light pleasant aroma and mild taste, while bitter almond oil has a pronounced smell of marzipan or Amaretto liqueur.

The properties of almond oil, obtained from sweet varieties of the plant, allow using fragrant pomace for seasoning salads and cold snacks, preparing marinades and sauces on its basis, frying meat and fish, baking sweet pastries. For example, in French cuisine recipes, it flickers with enviable consistency.

Essential almond oil
Essential almond oil

Photo of essential almond oil

Fat almond oil is also used in medicine, where it is used in the treatment of herpes, heartburn and constipation, diseases of the throat and ears, as a prophylactic agent for pressure sores and varicose veins, as part of the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. A fragrant squeeze from bitter almonds sometimes helps to get rid of neuroses, insomnia and depression.

But almond oil is most in demand in cosmetology, where it is used for body, face and hair care. All thanks to the rich composition of the oil, which includes:

  • monounsaturated oleic (Omega-9) and polyunsaturated linoleic (Omega-6) acid;
  • vitamins A, B2, E, F;
  • minerals iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc;
  • phytosterols, especially beneficial for mature skin;
  • bioflavonoids - natural antioxidants;
  • dyes caronides, which give the oil its pleasant shade.

If we compare the oils of bitter and sweet almonds, it turns out that they are in many ways similar, with the only difference that the first contains a small percentage of hydrocyanic acid and an increased amount of essential substances, and the second is rich in fatty acids - sometimes they make up 60% of the total volume of pomace ! But in general, the composition of almond oils of both types does not differ so much, and therefore either of them can be used for face, body and hair care.

How to choose almond oil?

How to choose almond oil
How to choose almond oil

What characteristics should you focus on when making a fragrant purchase in order to guarantee not to harm yourself and not make a mistake? First of all, it depends on how you use the almond oil.

If you plan to use pomaceous extract:

  • as a basis for creams, masks and compresses, with equal success it is allowed to choose edible, fatty cosmetic oil of sweet almond or its bitter "relative";
  • any type of oil, including essential oil, but the latter in very limited quantities, can act as an additional ingredient for ready-made cosmetic mixtures for external use;
  • in home soap making, all types of oils are allowed, but for each they set their own clearly verified proportions.

To get all the possible benefits of almond oil, it is not enough to decide on its type. It is still necessary to find a well-proven manufacturer.

Which oils have earned positive user ratings:

  1. Roghan Badam Shirin by Hamdard … 100% natural, obtained by cold pressing, this oil bears the proud title of universal and is positioned by the manufacturer as suitable for ingestion, as well as for preparing masks with almond oil for skin and hair. Manufactured in India. It costs about 800-900 rubles per 100 ml.
  2. Almond Oil by DolphinCoco … The nutritious edible oil is light texture and absorbs quickly, so nothing prevents you from finding its use not only in kitchen experiments, but also in your personal care program. You can buy DolphinCoco almond oil at a price of 680 rubles per 110 ml. It is produced in Ivory Coast (West Africa).
  3. Almond oil from GalenoFarm … Environmentally friendly, light, practically odorless, it works well both in pure form and in combination with other fatty oils, and also serves as a base for esters. Produced in Russia (St. Petersburg). It costs about 70 rubles for 50 ml.
  4. Bitter Almond Oil Almond Bitter Oll … Rectified, free from toxic substances, this oil can be used in its pure form, in a mixture with other vegetable fats or as an auxiliary agent for the enrichment of ready-made masks and creams. Manufactured in Syria. The price of almond oil from Almond Bitter Oll is 500 rubles per 30 ml.
  5. Aspera Almond Body Butter … Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Pure, without impurities and aromatic additives, obtained by cold pressing. Manufactured in Russia. It costs 70-100 rubles for 30 ml.

Note! Do not be confused by the price variability that is often used in online stores: as a rule, you can buy almond oil at the price that initially attracted you. If the numbers on the price tag are very different from what you expected, double-check the data: you probably accidentally chose a larger bubble.

Essential oils:

  1. Bitter Almond Oil by Botanika … Intense smell, vintage packaging, bottle with dispenser, 100% natural composition - all indicators of a decent product are here. Including an additional fat plus: Botanica is a member of the International Federation of Essential Oils Trade, which is a kind of quality guarantee. Oil is produced in Russia. It costs 70-140 rubles for 15 ml.
  2. Bitter Almond Oil from the Kingdom of Aromas … It has a pronounced odor, imparts new beneficial properties to basic cosmetics, and has a beneficial effect on mood. Produced in Crimea. It costs from 90 rubles for 5 mg.
  3. Olesya Mustaeva's bitter almond seed oil … Made by hand without contact with metal, equipped with a pipette dispenser, the oil has a high content of biologically active substances and a bright aroma. But the price for it "bites" too - about 500 rubles per 10 ml. Manufactured in Russia.

Please note that you can only use almond essential oils for skin, hair or nails in a diluted form, otherwise you will not escape a burn or a severe allergic reaction.

Note! HalenoFarm and ARS oils, as well as a cosmetic composition from Weleda, where blackthorn and plum seed extracts are the company of almond oil, enjoy no less recognition among lovers of oil care.

Useful properties of almond oil in cosmetology

Almond oil for body and hair
Almond oil for body and hair

Fragrant almond essential oils added to cosmetic mixtures can invigorate the spirit and energize the body, improve the nutrition of skin cells and hair follicles due to accelerated blood flow, stimulate rejuvenation, and help smooth the skin. However, it is impossible to apply essential almond oil around the eyes even as part of a cream or mask: the risk of an aggressive component getting on the mucous membrane of the eye is too great.

Fatty almond base oil is capable of:

  • soften and moisturize the skin of any type, make it soft and velvety;
  • return a uniform color and a pleasant shade to the face;
  • accelerate the regeneration processes;
  • reduce fine wrinkles;
  • make the skin more elastic and elastic;
  • nourish it with useful substances;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • lighten freckles and age spots;
  • soothe irritations and relieve peeling;
  • protect skin and hair from negative environmental factors;
  • strengthen nails;
  • prevent the appearance of cuticles;
  • make hair healthier, shinier and stronger;
  • fight split ends;
  • reduce the amount of dandruff;
  • accelerate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Contraindications and harm of almond oil

Oily facial skin as a contraindication to the use of almond oil
Oily facial skin as a contraindication to the use of almond oil

Almond base oil can be harmful to health only in one case, namely, if a person is allergic to almonds. There are simply no other contraindications. Moreover, almond pomace is allowed to be used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, however, for complete confidence it will not hurt to consult a doctor first.

In addition, owners of oily skin and hair should be careful with this product. Of course, vitamin extract will not do trouble, but it will be able to provide clogged pores, unpleasant shine and increased greasiness of the roots.

If you want to avoid problems, do not use masks with almond oil for face and hair more than once a week.

Essential almond oil is dangerous to humans:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with increased nervous excitability;
  • with tachycardia.

Aromatherapy in all its manifestations should be avoided during pregnancy, breastfeeding or in the presence of children under the age of 5 years, since the reaction of babies to strong odors is difficult to predict. And adults should not inhale too much vapors of almond oil, so as not to cause dizziness and nausea.

Note! You cannot add essential oils to cosmetics if you intend to sunbathe. Age spots may appear on the skin.

Ways to use almond oil in cosmetology

If you have not dealt with almond oil before, be sure to do the test: apply a small drop of it to the skin of your wrist and wait 5-10 minutes. If redness and itching do not appear, you can safely choose a recipe to your liking.

Almond oil for face

Almond oil for face
Almond oil for face

Cosmetic almond oil can be used in its pure form. For example, every evening, moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe your face, removing the remnants of makeup. But the more common method is to prepare face masks based on almond oil.

The most effective recipes:

  • Anti-wrinkle almond oil mask … Connect 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream with 2 tsp. oil, add finely grated pulp of half a small apple, mix and hold on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. To heighten the effect, you can mix the contents of one capsule of vitamin E in oil to the mass.
  • Firming mask for mature skin … Mix 2 tbsp. l. sour cream with 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and the same amount of almond butter. Enter 1 tsp. liquid honey and apply the mask to clean skin of the face and eyelids. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Mask for oily skin … Brew 0.5 cups of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. pharmacy chamomile, linden or mint and leave under the lid until the broth cools. Warm the herbal infusion once again to a skin-friendly temperature. Lubricate a clean face with almond oil and place a cloth soaked in hot broth on top. The procedure can be repeated twice, wetting the cloth again when the cloth cools down.
  • Mask for dry skin … Mash a ripe banana with 1 yolk and 2 tsp with a fork. oils. Lubricate clean skin and leave the thick mixture on it for 20 minutes.
  • Purifying mask … Grind 1-2 tbsp in a coffee grinder. l. oatmeal. Dilute with almond oil to a thick gruel. Cover your face with a hot towel for 1-2 minutes to open the pores. Treat the skin with the resulting mixture, give a short massage and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Almond oil for eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows

Almond oil for eyes and eyelashes
Almond oil for eyes and eyelashes

For the care of the eyelids and eyelashes, use oily base almond oil. Essential is not applied to the eye area!

How to use the product:

  • Make it a rule to arrange an "oil week" once a month, replacing the night cream with squeeze from almonds and leaving it on the skin of the eyelids until morning.
  • Whisk in 1 tsp. butter with the same amount of liquid honey. Gently apply on the skin of the eyelids, wait 3-5 minutes and also gently, without stretching the skin, rinse.
  • Mix equal parts sour cream, grated fresh cucumber pulp and almond oil. Apply to clean skin of the eyelids and hold for 10-15 minutes.

For eyelashes, almond oil is also convenient to use in its pure form. Wash the tube from under the old mascara thoroughly, pour the squeeze of almonds into it and every evening brush along the eyelashes that have been freed from makeup. After a while, you will notice that the hairs become denser, darker and less likely to fall out.

The same method works great when using almond eyebrow oil. If the fame of Lily Collins and Cara Delevingne haunts you, get down to business, and in 3-4 weeks your eyebrows will look much more attractive.

Almond oil for hands and nails

Almond oil for hands and nails
Almond oil for hands and nails

Compresses are made to moisturize and soften the skin of the hands. Heat a couple of tablespoons of almond oil in a water bath. Massage it well into your hands with a short massage, put on cotton gloves and go to bed.

Don't miss out on the healing properties of almond cuticle oil when making a night compress mask. If during the massage you pay special attention to the skin around the nail bed, over time it will soften, stop cracking, and unpleasant burrs will pester you much less often.

Baths with almond oil for nails are also helpful. Pour a few tablespoons of oil into a bowl, heat in the microwave (don't let the oil boil!) And add, of your choice:

  • 1 tbsp. l. sea salt and grapefruit juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 3-5 drops of iodine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. red or white wine;
  • 1-2 tsp vitamins A and E in oil solution;
  • 1-3 drops of essential oil of lemon, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.

Keep your fingertips in a bowl until the oil cools, then remove them and, instead of getting wet, rub the remaining vegetable fat over your hands. This procedure strengthens the nails, softens the cuticles and nourishes the skin.

Almond oil can be used to make nail sealing wax. Place in a ceramic dish:

  • 2 tsp grated beeswax,
  • 2 tsp cocoa butter;
  • 2 tsp coconut oil;
  • 2 tsp sweet almond oil.

Melt everything in a water bath, stir until smooth. When the mixture cools down, add 5-6 drops of bitter almond essential oil to it. The resulting wax is applied to the base of each nail and carefully rubbed in with a buff. A beautiful gloss, getting rid of brittleness and aligning the nail plates are included.

Almond body oil

Almond body oil
Almond body oil

The easiest way to use almond body oil is by simply applying it to steamed skin after a shower. If you then put on an old T-shirt, the mask can not be washed, allowing it to be fully absorbed.

Note! Experts advise to beat the butter vigorously with a whisk or fork before applying to saturate it with oxygen.

If you have overcome the ugly stretch marks on the stomach and hips, prepare almond oil for stretch marks by mixing 100 ml of a fat base with 2 drops of essential oils of mandarin and lavender or bergamot and oregano taken. Heat the resulting mixture in a steam bath, lubricate problem areas of the skin, wrap them in cellophane wrap, lie on the sofa and cover yourself with a warm blanket. After 1 hour, you can take a shower and use an anti-cellulite cream. And to consolidate the effect, try rubbing the oil mixture into your body twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

If you are looking for an effective scrub, pour a couple of tablespoons of finely ground salt or sugar for sensitive skin with almond oil and massage thoroughly with this gruel all over the body, except for the delicate skin of the neck.

Almond oil for hair

Almond oil for hair
Almond oil for hair

To prepare a universal hair mask with almond oil, it is enough to slightly heat a few spoons of it with a steam. The agent rubbed into the roots slows down the process of dandruff formation and relieves itching, distributed over the tips - relieves them of the section, applied along the entire length - gives a lively shine and easy combing.

If you need to hastily save the thinning curls, combine the oil with the skate in a 1: 1 ratio, to accelerate growth - add 1 tsp diluted in warm water to the fat base. mustard and 1 yolk, give the strands a well-groomed look - season the oil with a few drops of lemon, lavender or ylang-ylang ether.

The mask will work better if you hide the hair treated with a warm composition under polyethylene and an insulating cap and leave it for 30 minutes.

Note! Fatty almond oil can be added to any finished cosmetic product in a 1:10 ratio. It is better not to introduce essential oils into purchased creams and masks, so as not to provoke an undesirable reaction with their chemical components. But this oil can be used in the preparation of natural homemade mixtures.

Real reviews of almond oil in cosmetology

Reviews of almond oil in cosmetology
Reviews of almond oil in cosmetology

If you collect reviews about almond oil on relevant sites, at least 8 out of 10 will be positive. However, there will always be those who were not satisfied with the action of fragrant pomace, and this is normal, because in cosmetology there is no product suitable for everyone, without exception. There is only one conclusion: try, experiment and draw your own conclusions. Further, the most indicative reviews on the use of almond oil in cosmetology.

Olga, 37 years old

I am in awe of almond oil. At night I smear my face, neck, décolleté and hands. And, you know, in my opinion, it will be cooler than any creams. In the morning, the skin on the face is smooth, soft and radiant. The skin of the hands does not tighten, as after the application of creams.

Sveta, 26 years old

During pregnancy, stretch marks began, it hurts, the skin seems to be torn straight. I took out this miracle bottle. I began to smear my stomach in places where it hurt, as a result, there are no stretch marks, only small ones, those that began. In the same place, I read what gives growth to eyelashes and hair, washed the brush from the old mascara, poured this oil into a clean tube and smeared the eyelashes. The effect is noticeable after 3 months of use, the eyelashes are noticeably thicker and longer than steel. I do not recommend smearing mascara over oiled eyelashes, it smudges, so this procedure is best done before bedtime.

Elena, 27 years old

For a whole month I persistently nourished the skin around the eyes with this very remedy and concluded that there was NO result, absolutely! Mimic wrinkles are all in place. Maybe almond oil is a great product as a wash or hair mask, but in this case, because of the zero result, my rating is low.

How to use almond oil in cosmetology - watch the video:
