How to train abs and hips with a chair - a set of exercises

How to train abs and hips with a chair - a set of exercises
How to train abs and hips with a chair - a set of exercises

Learn a set of effective exercises that will help to build the ideal proportions of the female body at home. The body of women makes most of the fat reserves in the region of the reproductive organs, namely on the thighs and buttocks. These reserves will allow, if necessary, to provide a woman with energy during the period of gestation. At the same time, fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks are very reluctantly burned. Even when using strict dietary nutrition programs, it is sometimes very difficult to give these parts of the body the desired shape.

However, even if it is possible to eliminate fat reserves in the area of the thighs and buttocks, then most often after that they become flabby, which clearly does not improve their appearance. To avoid this, you need to gain muscle mass. As a result, the buttocks will look toned and attractive. There are a huge number of different complexes, and we will introduce you to one of them. It includes exercises with a chair for the press and beautiful thighs. The peculiarity of this complex is that you only need a chair for exercise, and you can safely train at home.

Stool Exercise Tips

Girl exercising on a chair
Girl exercising on a chair

While this set of abs and thighs requires a chair, you won't be sitting on it. It takes a lot of effort to make your body attractive, and you must be prepared for it. To load the muscles, all exercises must be performed at high intensity. This is the only way you can strengthen them and additionally burn fat.

Before starting the main part of the session, you should do a good warm-up to insure yourself against injury. To do this, you can use running, jumping and rotational movements of the limbs. Stretching exercises are also worth doing.

It is very important to monitor your breathing during exercise. Always inhale the air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will saturate the body with oxygen and accelerate the reduction of body fat. Avoid holding your breath as this can harm you. It is also important to tighten your abdominal muscles when doing all abdominal and beautiful thigh exercises. The number of repetitions in each movement should be as large as possible. If after training you feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles, then the session was definitely successful. It is important to increase the load gradually so as not to overload the body. When you have gained enough experience and your muscles are strong, we recommend that you start using leg weights. This will allow you to continue to progress the load.

A set of exercises with a chair for the press and beautiful thighs

Girl trains the press using a chair
Girl trains the press using a chair
  1. Hold on to the back of a chair and start making high jumps, spreading your legs to the sides in the air. Work at a high pace and do at least ten reps.
  2. While holding the back of the chair, begin to move your leg back. Lowering it to the ground, abduct to the side and lower it down again. Move only with the strength of the muscles of the buttocks. You need to do the maximum number of repetitions for each leg.
  3. Sitting down, hold the back of the chair with your hands. Leaning on a chair, with a sharp movement rise to the toe of one leg, and take the other back. Returning to the starting position, repeat the movement, but take your leg to the side. In total, at least ten repetitions must be done for each leg.
  4. Hold on to the back of the chair and begin to slowly raise the leg bent at the knee joint, and then straighten it to the side. In this case, the sock must be retracted. At the final position of the trajectory, pause for ten seconds and return to the starting position. A minimum of five repetitions should be performed on each leg.
  5. Stand sideways to a chair and place the foot of your nearest leg on its seat. Start doing deep squats and at the same time stretch your arms out in front of you. Do a dozen reps for each leg.
  6. Place one leg on the back of a chair and start doing shallow squats. When performing the movement, the hands are on the hips. You need to do at least ten repetitions on each leg.
  7. Holding the back of the chair with one hand, take the other foot of the same-named leg and try to straighten the leg to the side, and then back. In each position, it is necessary to maintain pauses lasting about ten seconds. Repeat the movement with the other leg.
  8. Lean on the seat of the chair with both hands, while bending your knees. After that, begin to straighten up and, rising to the toe of the supporting leg, perform the second 15 deep swings back, and then to the side. When performing the movement, it is necessary to keep the muscles of the press and buttocks in tension.
  9. Stand at leg length and place one on the seat. Then bend it at the knee joint and grasp the back of the chair with your hands. After maintaining a pause of 10 seconds in this position, straighten your leg and tilt the body towards the supporting leg. Again, linger in this position for ten seconds. Perform the movement at a slow pace four times on each leg.

A set of exercises with a chair for weight loss

A girl working out with a chair for weight loss
A girl working out with a chair for weight loss

We offer you another set of exercises with a chair for the press and beautiful thighs, aimed at fighting fat. The exercises included in this complex will allow you to effectively fight fat, and will also strengthen not only the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, but even the shoulder girdle. You can perform it simultaneously with the previous one, or alternate these movements, performing each of the complexes, say, once every two weeks.

In this case, you also do not need additional sports equipment and one chair will be enough. If you are going to use this set of movements alone, then do not forget about the need to warm up.

  • 1 exercise. This movement will allow you to work out your thigh muscles, strengthen your hamstrings, and get rid of fat deposits in your buttocks. Standing on a chair, lift one leg, bending it at the knee joint. In doing so, you must ensure that the thigh is parallel to the seat of the chair. Holding in this position for five seconds, lower your leg onto a chair and perform the second movement. In total, a minimum of 16 repetitions should be done.
  • 2 exercise. This movement will allow you to work the muscles in your shoulder girdle, arms and abdomen. Sit on a chair with your pelvis at the very edge. After that, resting your hands on the seat of the chair, lift your pelvis so that it is in the air. In this case, the legs should be straightened and not touching the ground. Raise one leg while lowering your pelvis down. Hold in this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Move to the other leg. In total, at least ten repetitions should be done.
  • 3 exercise. This movement is designed to build your abs and glutes and strengthen your hamstrings. Get into a supine position with your feet on a chair. In this case, the hips should be perpendicular to the ground, and the arms should be extended along the body. While contracting the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks, lift one leg and pelvis at the same time. Returning after a second pause to the starting position, perform the movement with the second leg. In total, you need to do 10 to 12 repetitions with each leg.
  • 4 exercise. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh. It is necessary to take a standing position, 20 centimeters from the chair. Hands must be placed on the back of the chair, lowering the shoulder joints and straining the abdominal muscles. Begin to lift the knee joint of one leg towards the abdomen. After that, rise to the toe of the supporting leg, and turn the knee joint of the working leg to the side as you exhale. When doing this exercise with a chair for the press and beautiful thighs, the abdominal muscles should be in constant tension.

Benefits of a set of exercises with a chair

Girl trains hips with a chair
Girl trains hips with a chair

You will need no more than half an hour to complete each of these complexes. Also, you do not need special sports equipment, and everyone has a chair. You can exercise at any convenient time at home. Exercise allows you to develop a large number of body muscles and effectively fight fat.

Both sets of exercises have no contraindications, and every girl can perform them. In addition to increasing the flexibility of the body, you will also improve the performance of the knee joints, which reduces the risk of injury. Throughout the week, you only need to do three or four workouts to get good results.

The best ab exercises with a chair in this video: