Types of mirrored ceilings for the house, methods of their installation. Step-by-step instructions for installing a mirrored ceiling with your own hands. An extraordinary mirrored ceiling is a great way to highlight the most primitive room against the background of other rooms in an apartment or house. The reflective coating visually enlarges the space, increases the level of illumination, and serves as an excellent decorative element in any interior. Mounting of mirror structures does not require special knowledge and skills, therefore it is easy to do without the help of specialists. And step-by-step instructions and valuable tips will help you avoid the most common and unpleasant mistakes.
Varieties of mirrored ceilings

Mirrored ceilings in any form are stylish and extravagant. In order to clearly understand the principle of their installation, it is necessary to consider each type in more detail. Today, the most popular are the following options for the mirror finish of the floor:
- Stretch reflective ceiling … A system that uses a glossy PVC film carefully stretched under the ceiling surface. This type of construction is used in any premises, since it is sufficiently resistant to moisture and temperature changes. With the help of stretch mirrored ceilings, it is easy to create an extraordinary multi-level structure suitable for any design.
- Polystyrene boards … Shockproof material for floor finishing provided to consumers in the form of rolls. Mirrored ceilings made of polystyrene panels are easy to install, thanks to the versatility and strength of the raw materials, as well as the adhesive base on the seamy side.
- Classic mirrored ceilings … Perfect design for the level of reflective effect. Glass mirrors expand and illuminate the space better than others, giving the room an exquisite rich look. This type of ceiling is recommended to be mounted only in the Armstrong system, since in another installation option it cannot be called completely safe.
Meanwhile, not all types of mirrored ceilings can be installed by yourself. For tensile structures, a special tool is required, and it is better to fix ceilings made of a solid mirror plate with a company of at least four people.
Features of choosing a mirrored ceiling

The selection of the ideal mirror design must be made with many factors in mind. Of course, the taste preferences of the owners play an important role, but far from fundamental. In addition, when determining the type of reflective ceiling, it is worth considering criteria such as:
- Room height … If the room is high enough, the owners can afford any of the existing types of mirrored ceilings, while for a low room, only a facet system that does not take away precious centimeters can be ideal.
- Color spectrum … The most popular mirror options for stylish ceilings are made in one of three colors: silver (almost transparent), graphite (saturated steel), bronze (with a subtle golden sheen). Today, slabs with decorative sandblasting or other elements are also very popular.
- Size of mirror parts … For the facet system, tiles with sides of 40 or 30 cm are characteristic. Fittings shelves include elements with ribs of 31.5 or 39.5 cm. The Armstrong design allows the use of one of two square formats: 29.5 or 59.5 cm.
- Material specifications … The view of the mirrored ceiling must certainly correspond to the microclimatic conditions of the room. Glass structures are not suitable for installation in kitchens and bathrooms. Under the influence of condensation, the surface will quickly lose its presentable appearance. At the same time, stretch and polystyrene (most of their types) ceilings easily endure extreme conditions and have a long service life.
- Lighting … The choice of a mirrored ceiling is also guided by the intended lighting. For a large pendant chandelier or a state-of-the-art recessed lighting system, the Armstrong glass ceiling is ideal. With small stylish chandeliers, a polystyrene coating goes well. Small point illuminators are often mounted in multi-level tension structures.
- Price … The cost of finishing the ceiling surface also plays an important role. When calculating the estimated cost, it is necessary to take into account not only the "mirror" material, but also all the necessary suspensions, fasteners, solutions, etc.
Mounting methods for mirrored ceilings

Almost all methods of installing mirrored ceilings require special care, and in some places even scrupulousness. When working with plates, mirrors, panels, you must observe safety measures. All reflective elements must correspond to a certain shape and parameters, and fasteners and adhesive solutions must be fresh and of high quality.
Today, there are three main options for the implementation of mirrored ceilings:
- Adhesive bonding … One of the easiest installation methods. The tiles are glued onto a cleaned concrete slab, moisture resistant plywood or drywall. Mounting of mirrors to plaster is prohibited.
- Dowel mounting … This is an easy and reliable installation method. In small mirror plates, holes are drilled in the corners (through rubber pads) through which the tiles are screwed to the ceiling with screws.
- Installation of polystyrene plates … The material is pre-leveled under the load, kept in the planned room, and only then attached to the ceiling surface with a special adhesive layer. In the absence of such a layer, ordinary PVA glue is used on the seamy side.
- Suspension system … The design assuming the presence of a special prefabricated frame-lathing, fixed on suspensions, and mirror inserts. The advantage of suspended ceilings is the ability to hide any irregularities in the base ceiling, electrical wiring, ventilation shafts and communication networks.
The suspended structure is the best option for classic glass mirrors. This type is the safest because it eliminates the possibility of heavy glass panels falling off.
Suspended mirrored ceiling with your own hands
Armstrong tile and cellular ceiling is the most popular among all suspended structures. Among the shortcomings of the system, a loss of at least 25 cm of room height is clearly tracked. But such a minus does not scare modern owners. Suspended mirrored ceiling is increasingly found not only in public places, but also in private homes. In terms of ease of installation and low cost, the system breaks any records. In addition, you do not need to be an experienced craftsman or experienced repairman to create such a stylish and safe mirrored ceiling in your home.
Armstrong mirrored ceiling device

The Armstrong suspended structure presupposes the presence of several mandatory elements, which include:
- Slabs … Mirror elements can be square (60x60 cm) or rectangular (60x120 cm).
- Profiles … These are metal products with hanging holes. Wall - L-shaped, the rest - T-shaped.
- Suspension … A pair of rods (with a hook and straight), connected by a "butterfly" - a bent leaf spring with holes. Using the "butterfly", you can adjust the height of the suspensions.
- Fastening unit … This is a dowel for a self-tapping screw (in the base ceiling).
- Light fixtures … The most commonly used are raster or recessed luminaires for the Armstrong system.
Surface markings for mirrored ceilings

The installation of Armstrong mirrored ceilings begins with marking the floor. First, the level of the future ceiling is determined. On average, this indicator fluctuates within 25-40 cm from the base. Then, at the measured level, they put marks in several places, check their accuracy with a laser or water level and draw a solid line around the perimeter of the room. To facilitate the process, you can use a chokline - a cord smeared with colored chalk.
At the next stage, the locations for the location of universal suspensions are determined. Since the entire structure has significant weight, the distance between them should not exceed 60 cm. It is equally important to place the structure in such a way that panels of the same size are located on opposite walls.
To do this, use a simple formula. L of the ceiling plate must be divided into L mirror panels, then add L panels to the remainder of the division and divide by two.
The calculation looks like this:
Rooms - 2745; L panels - 6002 745: 600 = 4, 575575 + 600 = 11751175: 2 = 587.5
In this case, the last digit is the length of the outer panels on both sides. That is, the first guide should be located at such a distance from the wall. And each subsequent one - at a distance of 600 mm from the previous one. In the places of the proposed guides, it is necessary to draw straight lines on the overlap.
Mirror ceiling frame installation

Technological holes are made every 60 cm along the straight lines performed in the previous stage. The suspensions are carefully mounted into the resulting holes. For the installation of lighting devices, holes are also made and additional suspensions are installed in pre-marked places.
The wall corner is fixed along the perimeter of the room on the line broken off by the chokline with a step of 80-90 cm between the dowels. Technological holes are recommended to be drilled directly through the metal corner to avoid additional adjustments. To do this, use a perforating drill with a diameter of 6 and the corresponding dowel-nails.
The main frame profiles are mounted on universal suspensions, checking with a laser device the correctness in the horizontal plane relative to the wall corners. With the help of "butterflies" suspensions, you can always precisely adjust the height of structural elements. The transverse guides are mounted between the main ones with a distance corresponding to the dimensions of the mirror plate (60 or 120 cm).
Installation of raster lamps for mirrored ceilings

To illuminate rooms with false ceilings, raster lamps are often chosen. They perfectly complement the design itself, and are also considered completely safe in cases where a mirrored ceiling is installed in the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms with an extreme microclimate.
If the frame is fully installed and leveled horizontally, the stage of installation of electrical appliances begins. Standard raster luminaires are produced in the 59.5 x 59.5 cm format. Mirror plates for the Armstrong system almost always have the same parameters, which means that the cells are completely suitable for this type of lighting.
The only process that requires special attention during the installation of raster luminaires is the connection to the mains. For this, it is better to use a special terminal block. With its help, it will be possible to avoid heating of the wiring and unexpected fire.
Fastening mirror plates to the ceiling

For the Armstrong mirrored ceiling, different mirrors are used: standard, darkened, with diamond or sandblasted patterns, etc. By combining several types, you can get an unusual unique result. Regardless of the option chosen, tiles should always be inserted into cells with extreme caution. In the process, it is better to use safety glasses and gloves in order to avoid painful cuts.
Since the areas near the walls are not always filled with solid mirrors, the slabs will most likely have to be trimmed. A typical glass cutter will cope with this task optimally. But even such seemingly simple work requires special care and adherence to technique. The trimming mirror is placed on a flat surface and a straight line is drawn with a glass cutter. Then, with a sharp movement (at a break), an unnecessary piece is separated. The cut slabs are installed in the corresponding cells near the walls in the same way as the whole ones.
Knowing how to make a mirrored ceiling like Armstrong, you can always change your home interior in a matter of hours. To do this, it is enough to replace the reflective panels with any others suitable for the design of the room.
How to make a mirrored ceiling - watch the video:

The reflective ceiling is a stylish, practical and versatile solution. Having studied how to install a mirrored ceiling with your own hands, any owner can create a real work of art in his home, while saving a significant amount of money.