Today esports is officially recognized and tournaments are very popular. Find out how to become a member of this sport. Now esports is a huge success and there are millions of fans in the world. Often the prize money at major international tournaments is higher than in regular sports. And you shouldn't forget about the opportunity to travel around the planet. It is quite obvious that many people want to know how to become an esports player.
It should be admitted that modern esports fits the definition of a professional one. If earlier it was more of a fun, then in recent years everything has changed, and you can easily earn your living by doing this. Of course, this requires becoming a professional. In turn, to achieve this, you need to understand how the esports society is founded, and understand the very essence of the operation of all esports. This is exactly what you will learn by reading this article.
At the moment, it is difficult to give a precise definition of what exactly esports is. Perhaps this term should be understood as a gaming competition. However, this does not change the essence of the issue at all and it does not matter what you or other people call this profession. By and large, any computer game that provides for the possibility of competing with another person can be considered an esports game. At the same time, tournaments are held in only a few cyber disciplines recognized by the international gaming community.
If you prefer to play on modern consoles, then you will not be able to become an esports player. Of course, on consoles, you can compete with other people, and it is possible to do this even on one TV with two gamepads. Even the first generation consoles, such as the SNES or the Sega Mega Drive, provided such an opportunity. However, after the popularization and widespread distribution of PCs, it was this platform that became the main one for esports.
This is in part also due to the fact that it is easier to create and update games on PC, although newer generations of consoles also provide developers with this opportunity. Anyway, if you want to know how to become an esports player, then first of all you need to learn how to play on a PC.
Motivation in esports

If you are reading this article, you have definitely decided to learn how to become an esports player and, of course, make money on it. First, as in any business, you must decide for yourself why you made the decision to go in for esports. As a rule, people are driven by two motives: fame and finances. They combine quite well, and if you manage to become a famous athlete, then financial success will come as well. It is possible that you have other motives, but agree that these are the ones that motivate you more than others. Let's take a closer look at each of them.
Worldwide recognition

Surely you play online and often meet gamers who beat you. Well-known esportsmen are heard by all fans of this sport and many try to imitate them. If fame is the main driving force for you, then failures will constantly urge you to further move forward.
Everyone does not like to lose, but many do not attach much importance to it. If you are concerned about your own popularity, then you are definitely not one of them. As a result, each defeat will push you towards self-improvement. It is very important to learn to draw the right conclusions from your failures. First, your nickname will become known in your hometown, then the region and possibly the country. After that, you will discover the path to the international arena, because tournaments are also held in the CIS. If you prove yourself here too, then the world popularity is already close.
However, there is one problem here, and that is to prioritize notoriety over results. You can achieve popularity not only thanks to victories in tournaments. For example, some esports players are better known for various scandalous stories, but not for success in competitions. For popularity, you need to attract the press, and this can be done in various ways.
You must understand that fame is not your goal in itself and results are important first of all. This is just one of the motives that pushed you on the path of an esportsman. If you use this correctly, then you can win the most difficult matches. If you can become a popular esports player, say, in your own country, then rejoice, but do not stop there. At this point, sponsors will definitely find you, and this can negatively affect your future career. Such cases are known both in e-sports and in general sports disciplines.
Financial success

So we come to the second main motive forcing many to become cybersportsmen. For many, it is the financial incentive that is the main driving force. Their main task is to win the prize money. Of course, this is a great motive, but it should not be the main one for you either. If you are guided only by him, then at some point you will be overcome by banal greed.
If you lose a couple of tournaments and you can't even get your entry fee back, it can negatively affect your entire career. To avoid problems with this, you should set certain goals for yourself. Let's say you want to win that much prize money to buy a car or apartment. You can just set a goal for yourself, earn a certain amount of money every month, for example, $ 1,500.
How to choose an esports discipline?

This is a very important issue for overall success. If you want to know how to become an e-sportsman, then the choice of an e-sports discipline must be taken with full responsibility. It is quite obvious that at the moment we are talking about a specific game that you need to pay special attention to. Now in e-sports there are several disciplines in which one athlete or team can participate.
You need to make a choice in this matter as well. If you prefer a one-on-one competition, then everything in the end will depend only on you. But it is important to remember that your rival will be not one person, but yourself. To achieve a positive result, it is very important to learn how to control your own emotions.
At the same time, team esports is even more difficult, because everything here already depends not only on your actions and decisions. A team must be very well played to achieve great results. Moreover, your team should be a community of like-minded people and it is quite possible that you will have to change teams quite often to find one with which you can achieve great success.
If in team esports disciplines a lot depends on various innate human qualities, say, communication skills, respect, understanding, then in single-disciplines they can only give you an impetus to success. In this regard, it will be somewhat more difficult for you to master cyber discipline and a lot of time to train. To be successful in esports, you need to learn how to analyze each of your matches and, as you gain experience, you will be able to anticipate the most likely actions of your opponent.
Of course, you should also like the game itself, because it requires a huge amount of time. Of course, you can always change the cyber discipline, and if you understand that you prefer strategies to shooters, you can switch to StarCraft from the same Counter Strike at any time. Try all the games that have tournaments and choose the one you like best.
How to organize your esports training?

Having chosen an esports discipline and having decided on your motivation, you should find the right approach to training and your career as a whole. With the main "working tool" of an e-sportsman, everything is very clear - a PC, which everyone has today.
To start a career as an esports player, computer hardware is not of fundamental importance. It is only important that the game of your choice runs on it. For starters, you can fight against computer intelligence and, after gaining experience, move on to playing against real gamers.
It is difficult to say how much time you need to devote to training, since a lot depends on your talent. It may be sufficient to devote one hour to the game, three or four days a week. You must thoroughly study all the maps on which tournaments are held. Keep in mind, however, that your life doesn't consist of just one esports. There are close people and friends around you with whom you need to communicate.
The pros and cons of esports in this video: