Find out what symptoms occur before you get sick during exercise and how to treat these symptoms early. Sometimes, after physical exertion, the state of health deteriorates sharply. This can be expressed in the form of nausea, headaches, etc. Today we will tell you why it becomes bad during exercise.
Why does my head hurt after physical exertion?

Most often, headaches after physical exertion are the result of overstrain. Sports activities can be beneficial only with the correct dosage of loads. In addition, it should be remembered that in some cases, playing sports may be contraindicated, and you should undergo a medical examination before starting training. More often than not, headaches caused by excessive physical exertion go away after rest.
With the active work of the muscles, metabolic processes are accelerated, the body needs more glucose and oxygen. If a person has certain diseases, then oxygen starvation is possible, resulting in headaches. Here are the main reasons for headaches:
- Problems with the work of the heart muscle or blood vessels.
- Diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system.
- Disturbances in the work of the hematopoietic system, for example, anemia.
- Obesity.
- High loads that do not correspond to the level of the athlete's training.
- Ailments of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Diseases of ENT organs.
- Traumatic brain injury.
- Inflammation of the brain, as well as its membranes.
If, after physical exertion, headaches often occur, then perhaps due to the presence of chronic ailments, the body does not tolerate oxygen starvation. Quite often, problems with well-being after training occur in novice athletes. It must be remembered that the loads should be increased gradually. If you ignore this wish, then more serious problems are possible. And now we will tell you in more detail why it becomes bad during physical activity, in particular, headaches occur.
The cardiovascular system
The state of hypoxia under the influence of physical exertion can occur due to the dissatisfaction of the body's needs for oxygen. Let us recall that erythrocytes are the carriers of oxygen in the tissue. When the heart muscle is unable to transport enough of this substance, pain may occur in different parts of the body.
Blood vessels are also important in this matter, because they regulate the flow of the oxidizer into the tissues of the whole body. If the vessels are in poor condition, then this negatively affects cellular metabolism. The body's resistance to physical activity may decrease as a result of the presence of certain ailments, for example, hypertension or heart failure. Due to problems with blood vessels, blood flow is disturbed, which can also cause headaches.
Respiratory system
Chronic lung ailments or acute pneumonia can cause blood vessel spasms. Pneumosclerosis is the process of replacing lung tissue with connective tissue. This leads to a decrease in lung contractility, a decrease in oxygen uptake, as well as lung saturation.
Blood saturation is the saturation of hemoglobin with an oxidizing agent. A decrease in the ability to consume oxygen can be caused by asthma, acute obstructive bronchitis, and emphysema. The latter ailment increases the airiness of the lung tissue, which in turn reduces blood oxygenation. Another reason for headaches after physical exertion can be pneumonia. This is an ailment of an inflammatory nature, in which substances are synthesized in the body that cause constriction of blood vessels.
Endocrine system diseases and anemia
Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. As a result, oxygen deficiency appears, and the brain is extremely sensitive to this phenomenon. Various diseases of the hormonal system can also cause headaches after exercise. This primarily concerns diabetes and hyperthyroidism.
If many people know about diabetes, then it is worth talking about hyperthyroidism in a little more detail. This ailment is characterized by an increase in the rate of thyroid hormones, which leads to a sharp increase in their concentration. This negatively affects the heart rate, contributes to an increase in blood pressure. Under the influence of physical exertion, metabolic processes are sharply accelerated and, due to an increase in blood pressure, headaches appear.
In diabetes, a large number of ketone bodies are synthesized in the body, the excessive concentration of which can cause acidosis. With this ailment, the condition of the capillaries sharply worsens. With excessive physical exertion, the risks of headaches in such a situation increase dramatically. Also speaking about why it becomes bad during exercise, it is necessary to remember about such hormones as cortisol and aldosterone. They are produced by the adrenal glands, which, if hyperactive, may cause pain in the head area.
Inflammatory diseases in acute and chronic forms
Any acute respiratory illness in itself can be the cause of headaches, as well as an increase in body temperature. High physical exertion can make these symptoms worse. If inflammation occurs in the sinuses of the head, then physical activity can cause fluid fluctuations in the cavities. As a result, the ternary and other nerves are irritated.
Osteochondrosis and craniocerebral injuries
With various head injuries, pain can occur, and physical activity contributes to their increase. Damage to the cervical vertebrae is also dangerous. Concluding the conversation about the causes of headaches after physical exertion, I would like to note that they cannot appear out of nothing. When this condition occurs frequently, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.
Symptoms during exercise that cannot be ignored

Almost every athlete is very sensitive to the pain in the joints or muscles. However, at the same time, there is a high risk of missing more serious alarm signals sent by our body. Now we will talk about the symptoms that in no case should be ignored. If you want to know why it gets bad during exercise, you must remember them.
Coughing during cardio
Most often, athletes in such a situation think that their throats are just dry and they need to drink water. However, everything can be much more complicated, and a cough that appears indicates the possible development of asthma. Many people are sure that this disease is associated with suffocation, but coughing is another sign of the development of the disease.
If you often have a cough during cardio sessions, then it is worth determining at what point in the class it happens. If by this time you are already exercising for 20 minutes or your heart rate has reached 160 beats per minute, then you should definitely visit a doctor. Try to conduct classes outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. For various ailments of the respiratory system, a warm room with high humidity, for example, a swimming pool, will be the best place for training.
Headaches during strength training
We have already discussed the main reasons for this phenomenon. Many athletes are sure that the whole point is in the usual overexertion and after rest, the problems will disappear. Overwork is less of a problem for you, however. If the cause of the headaches is associated with an increase in blood pressure, then the situation is much worse than you think.
Sudden pressure drops can cause a variety of serious ailments, such as blood vessel dissection. If an athlete has osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, headaches can be caused by spasms of the neck muscles. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to heal osteochondrosis.
If you feel headaches during training, then interrupt your activity and measure your heart rate with blood pressure. When the heart rate is 40 percent higher than the maximum allowable value, and the upper pressure is above 130, it is better to complete the training.
When performing power movements, you need to monitor your breathing and not hold it. Also, do not use working weights that make you overly stressed. If you are in a state of severe stress or nervous excitability, then strength training should be preferred to a half-hour cardio session conducted at an average pace. If problems with blood pressure occur frequently, and the desire to engage in bodybuilding is high, we recommend that you contact a specialist who will help in drawing up an individual training program.
Pain in the chest area
Most often, athletes in such a situation are confident in their heart muscle, and the pain is attributed to the high intensity of the training performed. However, things can get much more complicated. During clinical examinations of patients, so-called stress tests are often performed using exercise bikes or a treadmill. With their help, you can reveal hidden problems in the work of the heart muscle.
If you feel pain in the chest area while cycling or jogging, do not ignore the symptom. Perhaps it's not your heart, but, for example, intercostal neuralgia, but it's better to make sure of this. Note that the latter condition often occurs in novice athletes who use excessive loads.
The thing is that during exhalation-inhalation, the muscles contract very actively and this can lead to pinching of the nerve endings. If this symptom was noticed by you, then the lesson should be interrupted, but there is no need to panic. The first step is to determine the nature of the pain. If the pain appears with light pressure, movement, or you are able to feel its center, then perhaps the whole thing is in muscle spasm. However, you should not refuse a visit to a specialist.
Pain in the right side while running
This phenomenon is encountered by many athletes, and with prolonged cardio exercise, it is considered normal. Painful sensations arise in the area of the liver. Due to the acceleration of blood flow, the organ increases in size and presses on the nerve endings. However, the problem may be related to the gallbladder. If after the rest the pain disappeared, then everything is fine. But when they do not disappear for a long time after completing the training, you should definitely see a doctor.