What are the ways to depilate hands in a beauty salon and at home. Folk remedies recipes and how to use them correctly. Rules of conduct after the procedure. Hand depilation is a cosmetic hair removal procedure that gives this part of the body aesthetics. For some reason, many girls ignore her, but there are plenty of opportunities to get rid of vegetation in this zone quickly, painlessly and for a long time. This can be done both in a beauty salon and at home, using folk remedies.
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Home methods of depilation on the hands
To fight hair at home, wax, resin, sugar, various infusions are suitable. All this has a short-term effect and requires regular repetition of the procedure. Faster results can be achieved by using an epilator and special creams. Whichever method is chosen, the length of the hair must be at least 4-5 mm, otherwise it can grow into the skin. To avoid pain, it can be treated with an anesthetic gel.
How to wax your hands

This option involves the use of warm or hot wax. Alternatively, you can use ready-made strips. If handled carelessly, they can leave a burn. You should not resort to them with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, heart pathologies and violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure to the agent. The disadvantage of this method is the high pain level.
Depilation schemes:
- Warm wax … It must be warmed up to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. After that, the composition is applied in a thin layer to the hands with a cassette applicator. A special tape is glued over the product, one end of which remains free. It is for him that the strip is removed after 1-2 minutes with neat, not abrupt movements, in the direction of hair growth.
- Hot wax … The difference between this method and the previous one is that in this case the wax should be even warmer (warming up to 70 degrees). After applying it to the skin, it quickly cools down and is removed with a cotton swab or gauze cut dipped in any essential oil. This method eliminates skin injuries and is less painful.
Regardless of the type of wax, it is always applied in the direction of hair growth, and removed against it. The procedure is repeated every 20-30 days.
Features of hand waxing with sugar

The procedure is generally similar to that performed in beauty salons. To do this, you can use both a ready-made paste and one made by yourself.
The recipe for its preparation is very simple: combine 4 tbsp each in an enamel saucepan. l. lemon juice and water with 250 g of sugar, put the mixture on low heat and cook until it thickens and turns brown. Do not forget to stir it at this time so that it does not burn. This usually takes about 10 minutes. The composition is completely hypoallergenic.
The progress of the procedure is as follows:
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Treat the surface with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic solution.
- Wipe the skin with a dry cloth and sprinkle with talcum powder, this will improve the "adhesion" of the paste to the hairs.
- Using a cosmetic brush, gently apply the composition to your hands in a thin layer, working from top to bottom.
- Leave the product on for 1-2 minutes, during which time it should harden a little.
- Remove the formed film with one sharp movement, as a result, loose hairs should remain on it.
- Rinse your skin and rub it first with an antiseptic and then with a moisturizer.
This method is not suitable for patients with diabetes mellitus of any type and with hypersensitivity to sweets. You should not prepare too much of the product: after standing for more than a day, it will be worse to "capture" the hair.
Hair depilation with resin

This technique is absolutely harmless to health and is suitable for every person. For the procedure, you can use both cedar tree resin and phytocompositions, which usually also include honey. They are sold in cans and roller cassettes. The former does not need to be warmed up, but for the latter it is very important. It is relevant to use them only if the hair length is at least 4-5 mm.
The order of the procedure:
- Shower, dry off and scrub your skin.
- If you use a canned product, then preheat it to 30-40 degrees.
- Gently, using a brush, apply the mass in a thin layer, evenly spreading over the surface.
- Leave on for 40 seconds.
- Pick up the edge of the formed film with your fingernail and slowly pull it towards you, against the growth of hair.
- If you chose hot phyto-resin, then you need to remove the composition with fabric strips. They are pressed tightly to the skin, after which they are abruptly torn off.
- At the end of the hand, wipe it with damp wipes and lubricate first with an antiseptic solution, and then with a moisturizer.
Resin will allow you to get rid of hair in 1-2 times. The procedure is recommended to be carried out with an interval of at least 3-5 days - the skin must be allowed to recover from stress. At first, slight redness and itching may bother you, which are eliminated without any problems with soothing creams.
Hand depilation with cream

The frequency of application of this tool should be 1-2 times a week. Too frequent use of it leads to coarsening of the hair, they become coarser and darker. It is also very important that this method does not allow them to be removed along with the bulbs, so the effect is short-term. This method is considered atraumatic and does not cause painful sensations. This procedure takes about 20 minutes and almost always solves the problem in one go.
So that the depilation of hands at home does not spoil health, the depilatory cream should be chosen with a natural composition - oils, decoctions and herbal infusions, clean water. The presence of parabens, dyes and all sorts of aromatic additives is not allowed. Before covering all hands with the product, it is recommended to conduct a test - lubricate the bend of the elbow with it. If an allergic reaction does not follow, then the procedure can be started.
You need to use the cream according to the following instructions:
- Wash and dry your hands, you can also dry them with a towel.
- Squeeze some of the product into the palm of your hand.
- Spread the composition over the surface to be depilated.
- Leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
- Using a special spatula, starting from the top, remove the loose hair from the skin. In this case, it should be pressed at a slight angle, heading down.
- Wipe the treated areas with a damp cloth.
- Take a shower and lubricate your hands with moisturizer.
You can not touch the face, and even more so the eyes, until the composition is completely removed from the surface. If the product does get on the mucous membrane, rinse it with water. This method should be treated with caution in case of damage to the skin of the hands, venous insufficiency, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, allergic reactions and diabetes mellitus. It is best to consult a beautician before using the cream.
Note! Among all the products, the most effective products are Red Line, Sally Hansen and Byly.
Depilation of hands with an epilator

It is better to leave this method as a last resort, since the skin of the hands is very sensitive. Using the epilator is quite painful and unpleasant. The longer you depilate them, the lower the pain threshold becomes. For this procedure, the hair must have a length of 3 mm, otherwise there is a risk of incomplete removal or even ingrowth. The most effective devices are from Braun and Philips. It is desirable that they have at least 2 speeds.
Here's how to wax your hands with an epilator:
- Clean your hands from dirt using a scrub.
- Steam the surface well after taking a shower and let it dry.
- Raise your left hand to the ceiling.
- Plug the device into a power outlet, select the lowest speed.
- Place the epilator at your shoulder and slowly slide it down, being careful not to pull it off your hand.
- Repeat the same, just cover another area, and so on until the very end.
- Now depilate the other hand, trying to keep the device at a slight tilt away from you.
- Finally, to soothe the skin, treat it with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds.
One hand depilation procedure takes about 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat it 1-2 times a month, not more often. This is due to the fact that after it the hair becomes very coarse and begins to darken quickly.
Depilation of hands with folk remedies

This is the safest option, the only contraindication to its choice is individual intolerance to certain components of the product. Castor oil, ammonia, nutshells, ash, dope or nettles can help you here. They need to be cooked no earlier than 2-3 hours before use, if we are not talking about alcohol tinctures. In this case, the composition is kept for at least a day. Choosing such methods of hand depilation at home, you should not count on a quick result.
Of all the recipes, the following are of the greatest interest:
- With nettles … It is necessary to prepare an oily liquid from this plant, for which you should mix its seeds (60 g) with sunflower oil, which will require no more than 120 ml. This composition should be poured into a jar, covered with a lid and kept in a warm place for 1-2 days. After this time, wipe your hands with it every day until the problem is solved.
- With castor oil and ammonia … The first ingredient needs 5 g, and the second - 10 g. You will also need iodine (2 g). Combine all this and shake it up. Moisten a cotton pad in the composition and pass it over the skin of your hands 2 times a day. "Baldness" should occur in about 3-5 days.
- With a walnut shell … You need to take it about 150 g. Grind this ingredient and pour boiling water (250 ml). Then the mixture must be filtered and the resulting liquid used to lubricate the skin 2-3 times a day. After that, you must immediately wash yourself, otherwise your hands may turn green.
- With ash … Burn the poppy seed and rub the problem areas with the resulting ash as many times as necessary for hair loss. After that, you need to take a shower.
- Dope … You need the root of this plant, which must be grated. In total, you should get no more than 6 tbsp. l. ingredient. Then fill it with boiled water (1 liter) and keep it in a warm place for 24 hours. Use the finished infusion to wipe the skin.
Salon procedures for hand depilation

These options are the most effective for hair removal, but also the most expensive. This refers to electrolysis, laser and wax depilation, shugaring. Each of them is painful in its own way, but allows you to get a long-term effect. In some cases, after the procedure, the vegetation no longer bothers at all. This may take from 2 to 7 sessions, depending on the complexity of the situation.
Let's consider these procedures in more detail:
- Electrolysis … Its principle lies in the action of a current that penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and reaches the hair follicle. This deprives it of nutrients and slows down blood circulation. All this leads to the gradual loss of vegetation. The entire course includes 2-3 sessions, after which slight irritation and itching of the skin may occur. This depilation lasts about 20 minutes. It ends with lubricating hands with a nourishing cream that soothes the surface. The effect of its holding lasts about 2 weeks.
- Laser depilation … Its scheme is based on the use of a special installation with light emission. It is this that affects the hair follicles, preheating and destroying it. As a result, vegetation quickly falls out and its re-emergence slows down. With each session, the hairs become lighter and thinner, and in the future they may stop growing altogether. The duration of this procedure is 20-30 minutes.
- Shugaring … It is completely safe for health, does not cause burns and allergies. After it, you can immediately visit the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool. For its implementation, a natural composition based on plant components is used - sugar, water, lemon. A special paste is applied to the skin, kept for a certain time and removed along with the hair after a few minutes. After that, hands are treated with antiseptics and moisturizers. All this, from start to finish, takes no more than 20 minutes.
Important! The proposed techniques can be combined, so the effect will only be stronger.
Hand care after depilation

After successful hair removal in the first 2-3 days, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the treated areas. It is also not recommended to use soap and cosmetics with aggressive ingredients. It is necessary to exclude visits to the sauna, solarium and bathhouse for 1-2 days (this does not apply to depilation with folk remedies and hair removal with sugar).
In the first week after completing the course, you need to treat the surface with scrubbing compounds. This can be a mixture of raw coffee (80 g), sour cream (40 g) and vegetable oil (30 ml). Kefir also helps a lot, it soothes the skin and eliminates inflammation.
How to depilate your hands - watch the video:

Now it should be much clearer for you how to depilate your hands, all you have to do is choose the method that suits you best and finally get rid of your hair. The main thing is to follow all the instructions and not experiment with the compositions.