How to get rid of calluses on your hands

How to get rid of calluses on your hands
How to get rid of calluses on your hands

Types of calluses on the hands and the reasons for their appearance. Methods for treating formations with baths, folk and radical methods. Calluses on the hands are a common occurrence that people who are involved in hard physical labor usually encounter. But even office workers may know firsthand about dry and wet calluses on their hands. The disease is not fatal, but requires timely treatment.

Description of calluses on the hands and their types

Dry appearance of calluses on hands
Dry appearance of calluses on hands

There are several varieties of calluses that are treated in different ways. Along with this, there are formations with which it is quite difficult to fight.

Types of calluses on the hands:

  • Dropsy … They are also called wet calluses. They arise as a result of strong and intense mechanical damage and friction. A clear liquid collects under the skin, which then leads to rupture of the callus or gradual resorption.
  • Dry calluses … They also arise from prolonged, but not very intense friction. The skin tries to protect itself from injury damage. That is why dry corns occur. They are more difficult to treat than wet ones.
  • Rod … Such a formation has a root that goes into the deep layers of the epidermis. It turns out to be a very deep defeat. Such a corn must be removed along with the root.

Why did calluses appear on the fingers

Professional feature of the appearance of corns
Professional feature of the appearance of corns

There are many reasons why dry crusts or wet blisters appear on your hands. Moreover, their occurrence may be in no way connected with physical labor and mechanical influences. Treatment methods depend on what caused the appearance of the callus.

The reasons for the appearance of calluses on the fingers:

  1. Physical exercise … This is the most common reason. Due to constant sports and work in the garden, calluses can appear as dry as wet. Due to strong physical exertion, wet growths occur. These are vesicles filled with lymphatic fluid. If the load is not removed, blood can accumulate inside the bubble as a result of damage to the capillaries.
  2. Features of the profession … Most often, calluses on the fingers occur at seamstresses, joiners and turners. This is due to the constant rubbing of the working tools against the skin surface. Secretaries suffer from calluses on their fingertips and packers suffer from thumb. Students have blisters from frequent use of a ballpoint pen.
  3. Lack of vitamins A and E … Due to the lack of these substances, the skin dries out and becomes sensitive even to minor stresses. Therefore, it is recommended to take these vitamins twice a year.

How to get rid of calluses on your hands

There are many ways to treat calluses on the hands. Of course, it is necessary to try to remove the factor that provokes their occurrence. After that, the corn will disappear. But if there is a rod, then you will have to try to remove the neoplasm.

Treatment of calluses on the hands with medicines

Verrukacid as a remedy for calluses
Verrukacid as a remedy for calluses

To remove dry and core calluses, preparations based on salicylic or lactic acid are used. Drugs that freeze the neoplasm are very popular. Sodium hydroxide solutions are also used, which corrode hardened tissues.

An overview of drugs for the treatment of calluses on the hands:

  • Feresol … It is a very aggressive drug that is a mixture of phenol and tricresol. The solution is applied with a cotton swab to the affected areas. It is impossible for it to come into contact with healthy skin, as this will lead to burns. It is used once, as the substance is aggressive.
  • Salicylic ointment … It is an inexpensive and effective remedy for dry corns. The acid softens the tissues, after a few days it will be possible to remove the corn with a pumice stone or a special machine. Ointment is applied twice a day. Moreover, it is impossible for the product to fall on healthy areas.
  • Lactic acid … This reagent is milder than salicylic acid. It gently dissolves dry skin and does not burn healthy epidermis. Now on the shelves in the pharmacy you can find such lactic acid-based preparations: Antimozolin, Green Pharmacy, Effect. Such drugs are recommended to be periodically used by people who are engaged in heavy physical work.
  • Cryopreparations … These are ointments and creams that freeze calluses. As a result of the action of the drug, the upper layers of dry skin are deeply frozen. After a few days, the corn disappears. In its place, soft and youthful skin appears. One of the most popular drugs that freeze calluses is Cryopharma.
  • Verrukacid … This is a drug based on phenol and metacresol. A highly corrosive solution that burns out calluses, promoting the appearance of young tissue. Apply several times a day to dry skin. In this case, you should avoid getting the product on healthy areas.

What to do with calluses on the hand with baths

Soap and salt for the callus bath
Soap and salt for the callus bath

Baths are an effective way to treat dry and core calluses. The action of this procedure is based on the effect of warm water with various additives. Warm water combined with various substances softens the corn and can be removed using a pumice stone or a stiff brush.

Bath recipes for the treatment of calluses on the hands:

  1. Soap … Take a handful of shavings and dissolve in a bowl of warm water. Soak your hands in the solution for 25 minutes. Use a stone or brush to remove the softened skin. You cannot use a blade or nippers for these purposes. They leave deep grooves and ragged edges.
  2. Salt … Dissolve a handful of sea salt in 2 liters of warm water. Stir well and immerse your hands for 25 minutes. After that, peel off the corn using a pumice stone and apply a moisturizer to your hands.
  3. Oat straw … Take a straw and fill it with water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes over a fire and strain. Pour 200 ml of broth into a bowl of warm water and immerse your hands. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. If the corn is very dry, then prolong the manipulation time. After the fabrics have softened, remove them with a pumice stone.

How to remove calluses on hands with folk remedies

Garlic as a folk remedy for calluses
Garlic as a folk remedy for calluses

Traditional healers can help with almost all ailments, and calluses on the hands are no exception. Most often, traditional medicine uses herbs and juices of medicinal plants. From them you can prepare ointments, lotions or decoctions.

Folk recipes for calluses on the hands:

  • Garlic … Take a small head of garlic and peel it off. Bake or grind in the oven. It is necessary to make porridge. Add 20 g of butter to the paste and medium. Apply the resulting ointment to the corn and wrap it with a bandage. This application is done at night. In the morning, the bandage is removed, and the corn is scraped off with a pumice stone.
  • Onion … Peel a few bulbs; you don't want the heads, but the husks. Fill the jar halfway with the husks and pour in the vinegar. Leave in a dark place for 14 days. Strain the mixture. Pour the vinegar, and apply the wet onion peel to the corns. Leave it overnight. In the morning, peel off the husk and scrape off dry skin.
  • Lemon … Steam your hands in warm water and baking soda. Cut a slice with skin from the lemon and attach it to the corn. Wrap with a bandage and keep it overnight. Repeat the procedure for several days. Then scrape off the skin with a pumice stone.
  • Bread … To prepare the ointment, soak the bread in water and squeeze it out. Use a crush or spoon to puree the bread pulp and add 20 ml of vinegar. Stir to make a gruel. Apply the ointment to the skin and keep it on for 8 hours. It is best to do the procedure at night. Remove the softened corn in the morning.

How to treat calluses on hands with beekeeping products

Propolis as a remedy for calluses
Propolis as a remedy for calluses

Honey is a unique product rich in vitamins and minerals. It is known for its healing properties. It is often used to rejuvenate and soften the skin.

Recipes with bee products to remove calluses on hands:

  1. Propolis … There is nothing to cook or mix in this recipe. It is necessary to apply a piece of propolis to the corn and wrap it with a plaster. In just a few days, the corn will heal. To speed up the healing process, remove rough skin with a pumice stone.
  2. Honey bath … This is a honey bath that perfectly softens the skin and makes it soft. To carry out the procedure for 2000 ml of warm water, you need 30 ml of bee nectar, you can take candied one. After dissolving the honey, immerse your hands in the solution and rest for 15-20 minutes. Remove your hands from the liquid and, without rinsing off the solution, wipe dry. Apply aloe juice to your palms.
  3. Mask with honey … To prepare this healing paste, warm 30 ml of honey in a water bath or in warm water and add the yolk. Mix thoroughly and add 40 ml of olive oil. Lubricate your hands and put on cotton gloves. This composition must be kept on hand all night. In the morning, wash off the mask and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing and nourishing composition.
  4. Potato and honey mask … Grind two potatoes on a grater and add 30 ml of bee nectar and any vegetable oil to the puree. Lubricate the palms with the composition and wrap with a bandage. Go to bed with this compress. Repeat at night for a week. After 7 days, you will not see a trace of dry corn.
  5. Oatmeal and honey mask … Take a spoonful of oatmeal and use a blender to turn it into flour. Inject 20 ml of warm bee nectar and 20 ml of glycerin. Light the paste and apply a thick layer over dry calluses. It is necessary that the mask is on the hands all day or night.

How to get rid of calluses on fingers with radical methods

Vaporization as laser beam removal
Vaporization as laser beam removal

If all alternative methods are not effective, see your doctor. Now there are a lot of painless techniques that will help get rid of corns in just one session.

Hospital callus removal methods:

  • Drilling … In fact, there is nothing wrong with the procedure. This is an almost painless procedure. The doctor uses a special apparatus to drill out the hardened skin and shaft. Careful removal of the rod will help prevent the growth of the neoplasm. After a few days, the wound and the indentation in the place of the corn shaft heal. If a piece of the stem remains, it can lead to re-growth of the callus.
  • Laser vaporization … This is the removal of pathology with a laser beam. The stem and root are burned out using a neodymium laser with a specific wavelength. In addition, the risk of wound infection is reduced to zero, since the laser disinfects the site of cauterization. The procedure is practically painless. The patient can get up and go home immediately after the manipulation. There is no pain or discomfort after vaporization.
  • Cryodestruction … The most common and effective method. During the procedure, using a special apparatus, a stream of liquid nitrogen is supplied to the layer of hardened skin. Thus, a kind of frostbite is obtained. After a few days, the resulting crust sloughs off, and underneath it grows young and healthy skin.

Prevention of the appearance of calluses on the hands

Gloves as prevention of calluses
Gloves as prevention of calluses

Of course, the treatment of calluses can take a long period of time. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of a neoplasm than to treat it. To do this, you should adhere to certain recommendations.

Preventive measures against calluses on the hands:

  1. Try not to rub your hands. That is, protect it from mechanical stress. Work in the garden with soft cotton gloves. Do exercises on the horizontal bar using special leather mitts for athletes.
  2. After physical labor, thoroughly clean your hands and lubricate them with moisturizer.
  3. Lubricate your hands with a protective agent before doing dirty or strenuous physical work. It creates a thin film on the surface that prevents dirt from absorbing into the pores.
  4. When making large purchases, do not use bags to move them. Thin handles dig into the skin and rub it. This provokes the appearance of corns.
  5. Do hand baths. You can use special solutions or ordinary sea salt with herbal decoctions.

How to get rid of calluses on your hands - watch the video:

Calluses on the hands are not a terrible, but extremely unpleasant disease. Watch your hands and remove rough spots in time. This will help prevent the development of corns.