Using lemon oil for facial and hair care

Using lemon oil for facial and hair care
Using lemon oil for facial and hair care

Lemon essential oil can be used to make natural and effective home cosmetics. Lemon essential oil is a useful product widely used in cosmetology. This tool is simply irreplaceable in the care of the face skin, hair and nails. Today, a large number of ready-made cosmetics are presented on store shelves, but they do not always help to achieve the desired result.

Lemon oil can be used alone at home, both in pure form and added to various masks to maintain female beauty.

Lemon oil for facial skin

Girl holding lemons near her face
Girl holding lemons near her face

Lemon essential oil is a great natural remedy that can be used for facial skin care. In its pure form, the oil is too aggressive, so it is recommended to add it to the composition of various masks or lotions. The combination of lemon oil with other components helps to independently solve various problems associated with the condition of the facial skin at home:

  1. Healthy skin color returns. Lemon essential oil helps to remove acne marks, scars, age spots, freckles. To do this, you need to use masks that include this component.
  2. Lemon oil is an excellent skin toner. It helps to eliminate age-related changes. If lemon oil is used regularly, the skin becomes perfectly smooth, taut and firm, and the contours of the face are more defined.
  3. It turns out to have a moisturizing effect on the skin. Lemon oil helps restore flaky, dry and thin skin. This tool also helps in the fight against premature wrinkles.
  4. Tea tree essential oil helps to speed up skin regeneration. This quality is essential in the fight against wrinkles, acne, and irritation. If the skin is in poor condition, lemon oil not only contributes to the formation of new cells, but also speeds up the process of their renewal.
  5. This product goes well with other ingredients. Blood circulation is stimulated, therefore, skin cells better absorb the beneficial substances that make up the oil.
  6. It helps to quickly get rid of stretch marks and the first signs of cellulite. Through regular use of lemon oil, the skin regains its smoothness and elasticity.

Lemon oil for nails

Rinsing nails in a bowl with lemon oil
Rinsing nails in a bowl with lemon oil

Lemon essential oil is recommended for strengthening nails and accelerating their growth. Most manufacturers add this ingredient to their hand care products. Lemon oil has the following effects on nails:

  1. It has a strengthening effect on the nail plate. As a result, the nails stop flaking and breaking. Regular use of lemon essential oil results in healthy and strong nails that will easily grow to the desired length.
  2. Lemon oil has a tonic effect, which significantly accelerates the growth of nails. But to achieve this effect, it needs to be applied several times a week.
  3. This tool is an excellent prevention of nail fungus, as it has an antiseptic, antifungal and disinfecting effect. It can be used when the first signs of nail fungus appear on the hands and feet.

Lemon oil for hair

Girl with blond hair combing her hair
Girl with blond hair combing her hair

Lemon essential oil perfectly refreshes the scalp and helps to significantly improve the overall condition of the hair. This tool is indispensable in the fight against the following problems:

  1. Brittle, dry and split ends as well as damaged hair ends can be quickly repaired with regular use of lemon oil. This product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes hair along its entire length, smoothes hair scales. As a result, the curls become perfectly smooth, shiny, strong and silky, there is volume and lightness.
  2. Lemon essential oil is suitable for flaky and dry scalp. After application, the product pleasantly refreshes the skin, and in combination with additional components provides effective nutrition and deep hydration. If lemon oil is used regularly, the scalp regenerates, which has a positive effect on the condition of the hair.
  3. This remedy helps in the fight against hair loss. The blood supply to the hair follicles improves, due to which the strands receive the necessary nutrition from the outside, therefore, their loss is significantly reduced, and soon their loss stops altogether.
  4. Lemon oil improves blood circulation and has a tonic effect on the skin. As a result, hair growth is accelerated, while the strands become strong and healthy. To enhance the positive effects of lemon oil, it is recommended to combine it with additional nutrients.
  5. Lemon essential oil is ideal for both treating and preventing various types of dandruff. This remedy is most beneficial for dry dandruff. To treat oily dandruff, it is recommended to combine lemon oil with other drying ingredients.
  6. Lemon oil has an antifungal effect, which not only removes the signs of dandruff, but also completely eliminates this problem.

How to apply lemon oil to the skin?

Smiling girl
Smiling girl

Most natural essential oils are not recommended for use in their pure form. That is why lemon oil must first be diluted. Several recipes can be used.


This is the easiest but most effective way to care for delicate facial skin. You will need to take any gel for washing and add a few drops of lemon ether. Such a remedy has a tonic effect, prevents the appearance of irritation and acne, and refreshes the complexion.

During the washing procedure, you should try to avoid getting the product in your eyes. This method is best used as a preventive measure, but not for intensive restoration of facial skin.

After applying soap foam to the skin, a light massage is done, then you need to wash. Since it is not recommended to keep the product on the face for too long, lemon oil will not have time to have an active effect.

Rinsing the face

It is useful to add a small amount of lemon oil to boiled water or herbal decoctions (for example, thyme, St. John's wort, chamomile, etc.) and use to rinse your face after washing your face.

Regular use of this composition helps to significantly improve the overall condition of the skin and restore a healthy complexion to the face. This procedure is recommended to moisturize dry skin, while the regeneration process is accelerated.

You can also freeze the finished rinse and use ice cubes to wipe your face. This simple cosmetic procedure will help refresh the skin on hot summer days, while strengthening blood vessels, thereby removing ugly circles under the eyes.

Home masks

As a rule, these masks contain simple and natural products. Self-made cosmetic masks help get rid of age spots, the first signs of aging and eliminate the problem of skin flaking.

It is quite enough to do cosmetic masks only once a week. Lemon essential oil works well with other ingredients that are beneficial for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. Such procedures will help improve the blood circulation process, due to which beneficial substances are much more actively absorbed by skin cells.

Nourishing mask:

  1. The olive oil is heated in a water bath, but not brought to a boil.
  2. Warm oil is mixed with liquid honey (1 tsp) - the components mix well.
  3. Lemon oil is introduced (a couple of drops).
  4. The finished mask is applied to the previously cleansed face skin and a light massage is done.
  5. After 15-18 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.

Acne mask:

  1. Clay powder is diluted with water (you can use a decoction of herbs or juice) until a mixture of a sufficiently thick consistency is obtained.
  2. A few drops of lemon oil are added.
  3. All components are mixed and the mixture is applied to the skin of the face.
  4. After 10-12 minutes, the mask should completely harden, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Facial scrubs

Thanks to the regular use of home scrubs, you can deeply cleanse your face. Such products allow you to remove blackheads and acne, help to rejuvenate the skin. With extreme caution, scrubs should be used to care for thin and sensitive skin, especially if there is a problem with acne, as the condition of the epidermis can be aggravated.

How to apply lemon oil for nails?

Lemon oil nail treatment
Lemon oil nail treatment

Natural lemon essential oil can be used not only to strengthen, but also to accelerate the growth of nails. This tool is easy to use on your own at home, so the nails become strong and stop breaking.

The easiest but most effective way is to add a small amount of lemon oil to any hand cream. This tool allows you to simultaneously take care of the skin of the hands, cuticles and nails.

After several uses of such a cream, the skin of the hands becomes soft and tender, the growth of nails accelerates, while they become stronger. After applying the cream, special attention should be paid to the nails, in order to accelerate their growth, it is useful to do a light hand massage.

A mixture of lemon oil with other vegetable oils is no less useful. For example, you can use sea buckthorn, olive, grape, argan oil, etc. Just 1 tbsp will be enough. l. base oil, to which a few drops of lemon oil ether are added. The resulting composition is applied to the hands and for several minutes a light massage is done, special attention is paid to the area of nail growth. This tool perfectly strengthens nails, softens cuticles and is recommended for use before a manicure.

Lemon oil for hair - recipes for use

Girl with luxurious blond hair
Girl with luxurious blond hair

This natural product is simply indispensable for maintaining the beauty and health of hair. The simplest but most effective way to use it is to comb the strands with lemon oil. The scalp is nourished and moisturized, dandruff is prevented, hair is restored and strengthened along its entire length.

For brushing, it is best to use a round natural wood massage brush, which distributes the oil evenly over the hair and scalp. Everything can be done quickly - a few drops of lemon oil is applied to the comb, after which, starting from the roots to the ends, the strands are carefully combed, not forgetting to massage the scalp. This method not only helps to take care of your hair and maintain its beauty, but also gives your hair a pleasant aroma for the whole day.

Lemon oil can be added in small amounts to shampoo, but this should be done before shampooing. It is not recommended to store this product. This shampoo helps to get rid of dandruff and provides excellent care for weakened hair.

Lemon oil is a completely natural remedy that, through regular use, can help maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, strengthen nails, get rid of dandruff and restore an attractive look to hair.

The properties of lemon oil for face and hair in the following plot: