Features of using coconut oil for hair

Features of using coconut oil for hair
Features of using coconut oil for hair

Our article is a short guide on how to restore health to your hair, stimulate its growth and get rid of dandruff with the help of coconut oil. Here we will talk about the properties of coconut oil, its composition and how to use it with recipes for masks. Content:

  1. Coconut oil properties

    • Composition
    • What does it look like
    • What is useful
    • Properties
    • For hair restoration
  2. Uses of coconut oil

    • the effect
    • How to use
    • Hair Mask
    • How to apply
    • How to wash off

Coconut oil is a natural vegetable oil, for which the coconut is used, or rather, its core and pulp. The value of this oil as an effective cosmetic product was known even in the distant times of Queen Cleopatra. And today, when the beauty industry has created a lot of miraculous products designed to make us more beautiful and younger, coconut oil still works. Let's talk about him.

Properties of natural coconut oil

Due to its beneficial properties, fatty oil from coconut is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine and food industry. It is produced in two ways. Hot pressing is the most popular way of making this product, where fresh, slightly dried pulp is used as a raw material. Cold pressing is a less used method, since the "yield" of oil in this case is only 10%, but it is this product that is most valuable in terms of usefulness.

Coconut oil composition

Raw materials for making coconut oil
Raw materials for making coconut oil

The "body" of coconut oil is saturated fat, which accounts for more than 90%. This is why most of the world's nutritionists recommend not overusing it in their diets, and why food manufacturers like it so much, in particular margarine and butter.

The "heart" of coconut oil can be called unsaturated fatty acids (lauric, palmitic, linoleic, oleic, capric and caprylic, stearic, myristic), vitamins E and K, as well as iron and betaines. So they "pump" our body with health, including hair.

It is noteworthy that such a "fatty" composition makes the consistency of coconut oil not quite familiar - solid, but resistant to long-term storage (up to two years).

What Natural Coconut Oil Looks Like

Unrefined coconut oil
Unrefined coconut oil

As mentioned above, don't expect to see natural coconut oil in the liquid form found in most vegetable oils.

Depending on how the product was manufactured, it will look like this:

  • Unrefined coconut oil, even at room temperature, has a dense, even solid, yellowish consistency, opaque, with a rather noticeable specific smell of coconut.
  • The refined look is fundamentally different from the unrefined by its transparency and less pronounced coconut aroma.

If you store the oil in the refrigerator, you will notice that it becomes even harder, and the yellowness is replaced by a white tint. To soften it, the temperature should be +25 degrees and above.

Why is coconut oil good for you?

Refined coconut oil
Refined coconut oil

The spectrum of beneficial effects of coconut oil is mainly due to the content of polyunsaturated acids. Capric and caprylic acids give this product the ability to act effectively on microbial and fungal agents, as well as provide it with soothing and antioxidant effects.

Lauric acid, entering our body, "transforms" into monolaurin - a substance that actively enters into the fight against viruses and bacteria, including pathogens of influenza, herpes and chronic stomach diseases (Helicobacter pylori), as well as protozoa parasites and listeria. That is, it is able to increase the level of the body's defense.

Note that many aspects of the beneficial effects of coconut oil have not yet been thoroughly studied, but have long been used by Ayurveda. At the same time, the leader in usefulness is refined coconut oil.

Properties of coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil for hair
Coconut oil for hair

Although the healing properties of coconut oil extend to the entire body, its main purpose is hair. As a matter of fact, the beauty and health of hair is what coconut oil is for. This is where this natural product can reveal all its facets.

Firstly, coconut oil is an excellent "protector" for the hair shaft. Due to its dense structure, it creates reliable protection for the hair from all possible aggressors - the sun, styling procedures, blow-dryers, stains, etc., blocking protein loss and maintaining the healthy appearance of curls.

Secondly, this product no less effectively protects the hair follicle from the same temperature and chemical effects, while providing a healing effect on the scalp.

Benefits of coconut oil for hair restoration

Hair after using coconut oil
Hair after using coconut oil

Coconut oil occupies a separate niche among all natural beauty products for hair care. Its uniqueness and effectiveness is expressed in its regenerating effect. We strongly recommend using it for those who are fond of frequent shampooing, styling and hair coloring.

With such intensive "exploitation" the hair is deprived of its main structural unit - protein, and, as a result, it loses not only volume, but also splits, dulls and slows down its growth. This is where vegetable oil from coconut becomes a real income for hair. It creates a protective film on the surface of the hair shaft, which prevents the protein from being washed out or lost from it.

Features of using coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

The rich composition of coconut oil determines not only a wide range of effects of the product on the body. Today it is actively used in many spheres of human activity.

So, let's take a closer look at what coconut oil is needed for and in which industry it is used:

  • Cosmetology … One of the uses of coconut oil, primarily in skin and hair care. It is the basis for the production of many cosmetic care products - creams, soaps, lotions.
  • Food industry and culinary … No less actively, this vegetable product is used as a vegetable oil for frying, and is also a part of infant formula, margarine, cream, various snacks, including the snack group.
  • Agricultural work … Polyunsaturated acids isolated from coconut oil have a herbicidal effect.
  • Automotive fuel production … In a number of tropical countries, this product is used as an alternative fuel for road transport - both cars, trucks and passengers. There are also developments in its use as a component of biodiesel fuel.

The effect of using coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil for hair ends
Coconut oil for hair ends

Let's dwell on the strongest spectrum of effects of coconut oil - its use for hair. So, regular use of this product will help solve problems such as brittleness, dullness, dryness and weakness of hair and will manifest itself in the following effects:

  1. Restoration of natural shine, softness and light volume;
  2. Stimulates the growth and regeneration of the hair structure;
  3. Protection against traumatization as a result of temperature, chemical and mechanical effects;
  4. Normalization of the scalp condition, that is, elimination of dandruff and brittle hair.

How to use coconut oil for hair

Using pure coconut oil
Using pure coconut oil

The main way to use coconut oil for hair is as an external remedy:

  • Pure before washing your hair … This should be done 30-40 minutes before the procedure, melting the oil to a liquid consistency and covering the hair with it under a film and a warm towel. Then wash your hair with your favorite shampoo with the obligatory use of a balm.
  • Pure after washing your hair … In this case, the oil is applied to clean damp hair washed with shampoo for 5-10 minutes and washed off with the same shampoo.
  • Pure on hair ends … To heal the ends of your hair, apply oil only to them before going to bed all night, and in the morning just rinse with warm water.
  • As part of the mask … Coconut oil is often used as a base or one of the ingredients in hair masks.

Note that all of the listed ways of using coconut oil have one frequency - twice a week.

Hair mask with coconut oil

Coconut oil mask preparation
Coconut oil mask preparation

The most effective way to heal your hair with coconut oil is to use masks that include:

  1. Mask with coconut oil and fermented milk products … To restore brittle dry hair, mix 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil and 1 tablespoon sour cream or heavy cream.
  2. Coconut oil and honey mask … The following mask has good nourishing and strengthening properties: add to 1 tbsp. l. oil 1 tsp. honey, melt until the ingredients are completely mixed and add a few drops of essential oil (frankincense or ylang-ylang) to the mixture.
  3. Avocado and coconut oil mask … To maintain the tone of your curls, apply the following composition on them 1-2 times a week: mashed ripe avocado or banana + 2 tbsp. l. melted coconut oil.
  4. Mask with egg and coconut oil … For a moisturizing effect, mix 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil with the raw yolk of one egg, for strengthening - with a few drops of essential oil of myrrh, sandalwood or blue chamomile, for nutrition - 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
  5. Banana and coconut oil mask … You can effectively stimulate hair growth factors using a mixture of gruel of one banana (choose ripe fruit), 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil and 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream. To activate the composition, warm it up in a water bath (or in the microwave) and apply warm.
  6. Mask with essential oils and coconut oil … To give your hair a special shine and shine, add 2 drops of rosemary and rose oil to warmed coconut oil. This mask should be held longer than usual - 1.5 hours.
  7. Coconut oil and sea salt mask … Such a tandem is an excellent choice for owners of oily hair, as it will help keep the curls fresh for longer. To do this, mix in equal parts oil and salt in proportion to the length of the hair (for an average length, a 2: 2 ratio in tablespoons is sufficient) and bring the mixture in a water bath to a homogeneous liquid consistency.
  8. Herbal and coconut oil mask … The nutritional properties of coconut oil can be significantly multiplied by adding medicinal herbs such as chamomile and rosemary to it, per 100 ml of oil - 10 g of each plant species. This mixture should be kept in a water bath for 30 minutes, and then insisted in a dark place (in a glass container) for 2-3 days. This composition should be applied to the hair for 1, 5-2 hours and only after filtration.
  9. Coconut oil mask with milk and oatmeal … Inhaling more vitality into weakened hair will help a mask, where all of the listed ingredients are taken in equal amounts (2 tbsp. L. Each).
  10. Garlic, pepper and coconut oil mask … This "vigorous" mask has a strong stimulating effect on the hair follicles. Therefore, if you notice that the hair has begun to intensively leave its place of residence, stop the process with the help of this composition: coconut oil - 50 g, 1 clove of garlic and 0.25 tsp. ground red pepper. The oil is used here heated, and the garlic is chopped.

For a complete transfer of all active substances from the mask into the hair, leave it on the head for half an hour.

How to apply coconut oil to hair

Applying coconut oil to hair
Applying coconut oil to hair

Regardless of the form in which you use vegetable oil from coconut, the algorithm for applying it to your hair is approximately the same:

  • The composition (or the oil itself) must have a liquid consistency.
  • It is more convenient to apply it on damp hair, spreading it over the entire length of the hair and rubbing into the scalp.
  • For greater efficiency, it is better to cover the hair with the oil or mask applied with cling film and wrap it in a warm towel.
  • Leave the composition on the hair for 30-40 minutes, except for the option when the oil is applied after shampooing. In this case, 5-10 minutes is enough.
  • The oil or mask is washed off with shampoo, preferably with the use of a balm.

How to remove coconut oil from hair at home

Rye shampoo to remove coconut oil
Rye shampoo to remove coconut oil

To feel the effect of using coconut oil on your hair, it is important not only to apply the masks correctly, but also you must be able to thoroughly rinse off the composition after its exposure time. It is very difficult to wash off such an oily substance in one go. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hair 2 times using shampoo to remove the coconut oil.

The most effective for this business is considered to be rye shampoo or even rye flour. Soap nut powder and dry mustard, pea flour, egg yolk are excellent for this purpose. If you have applied too much coconut oil, a mixture of baking soda and shampoo will help remove oil from your hair, it is recommended to maintain a ratio of 1 to 3.

After shampooing, it is advisable to rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs. For light hair, use chamomile, for dark hair - oak bark and nettle. For 1 liter, 1 tbsp is taken. l. dry grass. You can rinse your curls with water and apple cider vinegar or lemon.

How to prepare hair masks based on coconut oil - watch the video:

[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = iUGSJjVZbS4] The effectiveness of using coconut oil for hair cannot be overstated - it really works. This has been proven for centuries and generations. It doesn't matter which method of using it you choose: the main thing is, be sure - with the correct and periodic approach, the tool will definitely give results.
