Nose contouring: price, procedure features, reviews

Nose contouring: price, procedure features, reviews
Nose contouring: price, procedure features, reviews

What is nose contouring, what is the price of the procedure? Its description and features, benefits, indications and contraindications for carrying out. Procedure, results and feedback.

Nose contouring is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure aimed at eliminating minor defects. It is a cheaper, safer and less painful alternative to surgery. It can be done by both women and men.

The price of nose contouring

Photos before and after nose contouring
Photos before and after nose contouring

This is a rather expensive procedure and is performed in any major cosmetic center and clinic. It is most expensive in big cities. The more experienced and qualified the doctor, the more tangible the amount of payment will be.

The price includes directly the work of the doctor and consumables - hyaluronic acid, anesthesia and skin treatment, sterile cannulas.

In Russia, the average cost of nose contouring is from 12,000 to 19,000 rubles

Drug name The volume of the drug, ml price, rub.
Juvederm ultra 2 0, 55 12000-14000
Juvederm ultra 3 1 15400-17000
Juvederm ultra 4 1 15500-19000
Juvederm Ultra Smile 0, 6 14000-17000

The highest prices for nose contouring are set in clinics in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In Ukraine, the average cost of nose contouring is from 4500 to 7400 UAH

Drug name The volume of the drug, ml Price, UAH.
Juvederm ultra 2 0, 55 4500-5000
Juvederm ultra 3 1 6500-7000
Juvederm ultra 4 1 7000-7400
Juvederm Ultra Smile 0, 6 4700-4900

More favorable prices will be in regional centers, and the highest - in Kiev.

Consultations on nose contouring with fillers are always paid separately, you may also need to pay for an analysis to identify allergies to the drugs used.

Description of the nose contouring procedure

Nose contouring procedure
Nose contouring procedure

Contour plastic is performed by injection method, in this case, no surgical intervention is required. It involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based fillers under the skin - Juvederm, Restylane, Teosyal, etc. These drugs are environmentally friendly and safe, but have a limited duration, on average from 1 to 3 years.

The duration of the procedure is from 20 to 60 minutes, 1 session is enough to correct the nose, but about 5 injections can be made within it. Nose contouring is performed by cosmetologists-dermatologists or simply cosmetologists with permission to provide such services.

The procedure is indicated for disproportionate lines of the face, decrepitude of the skin, severe drooping of the tip of the nose, its small size and with a not pronounced hump.

The advantage

contour plastic is the absence of the need for general anesthesia, hospitalization and quick recovery after the intervention. The procedure is performed in an outpatient clinic, after which the patient can immediately go home.

From disadvantages it should be noted the painfulness of the drug administration, even despite the use of local anesthetic agents, as well as a certain risk of overdose with lidocaine and a certain likelihood of allergy to the agents used in the process.

Benefits of nose contouring

Elastic and elastic skin of the girl's nose
Elastic and elastic skin of the girl's nose

The main benefit of such a procedure is to give the nose aesthetics, it becomes more accurate, natural and beautiful, looks elegant and young. This technique allows you to instantly transform, making the face harmonious and its features pleasant.

In addition to the main effect, you can provide the following:

  • Giving the skin firmness and elasticity … Thanks to this, it smoothes out on the nose and in this area, which allows you to visually rejuvenate. At the same time, it is possible to achieve aesthetic appearance regardless of age and, as a result, to feel more comfortable.
  • Maintaining water balance in tissues … Hyaluronic acid, which is used to correct the nose, maintains a normal level of fluid in the skin. Due to this, the latter does not dry out, does not get irritated and ages more slowly.
  • Boosting collagen production … Hyaluronic acid promotes its synthesis and works in conjunction with it. It also forms the basis of connective tissue and is needed to maintain its youthfulness.
  • Acceleration of cell regeneration … Every day their number decreases due to aging processes and the impact of negative environmental factors. It is very difficult to achieve their natural restoration; according to reviews on nose contouring, hyaluronic acid helps. Thus, the skin stays firm, healthy and beautiful longer.

Contraindications to nose contouring

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

This procedure has strict and relative contraindications. So, it is not recommended for people who have not yet turned 18 years old. An exception can be made for those who have received official permission from their parents. Everyone else needs to make sure that they are not allergic to hyaluronic acid. If it takes place, then the plastic will have to be postponed.

The absolute contraindications for hyaluronic acid nasal contouring include:

  • Pregnancy … During the period of gestation, any medications should be avoided, even if they are of natural origin. The fact is that hyaluronate can cause allergies in the baby and thereby worsen the course of pregnancy.
  • Infectious diseases … These include chickenpox, pneumonia, diphtheria, acute hepatitis, keratitis. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for patients with meningitis, head lice, gonorrhea and a number of other diseases.
  • Hypertension … This disease is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure - above 140 per 100 units. During the period of normalization, plastic surgery can be performed, but the patient's condition must be stable. It is important here that there be no hypertensive crises for 6-12 months before visiting a beautician.
  • Skin lesions … It is impossible to carry out the procedure for dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Hyaluronic acid can cause allergies and further worsen their course. This is especially true for those who have an affected face.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of intervention … It can be associated with falls and bruises, scratching of areas affected by a mosquito bite, prolonged sun exposure, and exposure to low temperatures or the use of low-quality cosmetics.
  • Blood clotting disorder … Such a contraindication is justified by the risk of bleeding opening with an unsuccessful injection, as a result of which it will be very difficult to stop it. In this case, there will be a threat to the life and health of the patient. That is why in case of hemophilia it is categorically impossible to do injections of hyaluronic acid.

Other absolute contraindications include malignant tumors, high blood sugar, a tendency to form keloid scars, and thyroid dysfunction. Also, you cannot perform plastic surgery during the period of breastfeeding and immediately after the completion of other cosmetic procedures, especially when it comes to peeling. During the period of menstruation, it is recommended to simply postpone it until the end of the critical days.

How is nose contouring done?

How is nose contouring done?
How is nose contouring done?

First of all, the cosmetologist consults his patient, assesses the condition of the nose and skin, and studies the features. After that, taking into account the existing contraindications, a conclusion is made about the appropriateness of the procedure.

If the verdict is positive, the doctor agrees with the ward on the type and brand of filler, determines the required amount of the drug for successful plastic surgery. All this can be done within 1-2 consultation sessions. At this time, the client is shown the final result using computer graphics.

Procedure for nose contouring:

  1. The skin is treated with an antiseptic for disinfection in order to avoid infection with the introduction of drugs.
  2. An anesthetic drug - lidocaine or a special cream is applied to the nose in the area of influence. It is left to be absorbed for several minutes to eliminate discomfort during the procedure.
  3. The doctor marks the points where the hyaluronic acid will be injected.
  4. A drug is drawn into the syringe, a puncture is made, and within a few seconds some part of it is gently injected under the skin.
  5. Next, the condition of the nose is assessed and its contours are modeled, for which several more injections can be made.

At the stage of completing the nose contouring procedure without surgery, the doctor gives recommendations for facial care during the recovery period, after which the patient is allowed to go home. For complex defects, you may need to visit a doctor a second time.

Results of nose contouring

Examination of the nose after contour plasty
Examination of the nose after contour plasty

You can evaluate the improvement immediately after the completion of the procedure. As a result, the nose becomes more perfect, looks beautiful and natural, does not stand out against the background of the face. The resulting effect will decrease over time due to the resorption of fillers in the tissues; on average, it will take from 1 to 3 years with it.

Fillers lift the tip of the nose, give the skin a fresh look, moisturize it, and eliminate signs of aging and fatigue. They replace a rejuvenating cocktail, smooth nasolabial folds and generally have a beneficial effect on the appearance.

With an unsuccessful procedure, as the reviews on the contouring of the nose show, bruises, swelling and redness of the skin can be observed. It is also possible a slight tingling and tingling sensation, some discomfort in the area of drug administration. Other complications include uneven distribution of hyaluronic acid in tissues, blood poisoning, blockage of blood vessels in the face and rejection of filler.

After completing the procedure, it is not recommended to touch your face with your fingers for 2-3 days, use care and cosmetics, massage the skin. If these requirements are violated, edema may develop, inflammation and tissue hyperemia may appear. It is also important to smile and laugh as little as possible, not to cry, this way it will be possible to form clear and beautiful contours.

If possible, you should stop smoking and alcohol for 5 days, which can provoke hematomas and edema. If they do appear, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and before that time treat the problem area with any bruise ointment, for example, Badyaga.

Real reviews of nose contouring

Reviews of nose contouring
Reviews of nose contouring

Among the clients of cosmetologists are both young girls and women of age. Basically, they seek help in order to eliminate minor flaws - a drooping tip of the nose, its large length or flatness, a small hump.

Lydia, 31 years old

Since childhood, I suffered from the fact that I have a very sharp nose, flattened in the middle, and sharp below. Having already become an adult girl, I was faced with a huge complex. The girls thought I was cocky, and the guys chuckled. To hide this flaw, in makeup, I constantly focused on the eyes and lips, I wanted to distract it from my nose. But it took a lot of time and nerves, and besides, every time it was necessary to start all over again. I was afraid to decide on a surgical intervention, found an alternative to him and made a contour plastics. Thanks to her, my nose acquired a neat shape, it looks beautiful, and most importantly, everything went without pain, quickly and was not so expensive.

Ekaterina, 42 years old

Only at the age of 40 did I decide to do something with my hump, which has been an eyesore to my eyes all my life, as long as I can remember. I would not say that I have it so big, but it looks very unaesthetic. Finally, I did a non-surgical plastic, the sensations are excellent as a result. She did not go to the hospital, immediately after she went home, there was no swelling or bruises. The doctor came across an excellent, professional, treated the nose with an anesthetic, applied an anesthetic cream, injected the drug without pain. Since then, 2 years have passed and, unfortunately, almost nothing is left of the fillers, so now I am thinking of repeating the procedure, otherwise I will have to walk again with my hump.

Evgeniya, 28 years old

I never understood those who go under the knife when there are non-operational ways to correct the injustices of nature. This is the way I went, choosing nose contouring. She helped me to correct its small size, which is why the face was disproportionate, disharmonious. I am pleased with the result and the course of the procedure. It took no more than 30 minutes, no unpleasant sensations arose, I had no side effects, except for a slight edema, I saw the result immediately. It turns out that I was so worried in vain before visiting the clinic. My family liked my new nose, and I am generally delighted with it. It is a pity that soon everything will return to its place, and it will be necessary either to go to that hospital again or to have a full-fledged operation.

Photos before and after nose contouring

Nose correction with fillers before and after
Nose correction with fillers before and after
Photos before and after nose filler correction
Photos before and after nose filler correction
Photos before and after correction of the shape of the nose with fillers
Photos before and after correction of the shape of the nose with fillers

How to do nose contouring - watch the video:

The difference between the state before and after the contouring of the nose is usually very noticeable, and from the photographs the result resembles that of a surgical operation. That is why this method is more in demand among women and men who want to correct minor imperfections. The main thing here is to choose an experienced, highly qualified specialist.
