Galvanic face cleansing: price, reviews, features of disinfection

Galvanic face cleansing: price, reviews, features of disinfection
Galvanic face cleansing: price, reviews, features of disinfection

What is galvanic cleaning, what is the price of the procedure? Description of disinfection and its features, benefits, possible contraindications for carrying out. Procedure progress, results and real feedback.

Galvanic cleansing (desincrustation) is a versatile cosmetic procedure widely used to cleanse the skin of the face from acne, blackheads and other imperfections. It is budgetary, but it is not offered in every beauty salon or medical center due to the need to use special devices.

Galvanic face cleansing price

The cost of the service consists of anesthesia with a cream, if necessary, and the use of the device itself. Its type usually does not really affect the price of the disinfection procedure, but the prestige of the cosmetology clinic and the experience of a specialist directly affect the price.

In Ukraine, the approximate price of disinfection is 200 hryvnia

Town Time Price, UAH
Kiev 25 minutes 250-350
Odessa 25 minutes 200-300
Kharkov 25 minutes 200-300

In Russia, the minimum price for galvanic cleaning is 500 rubles

Town Time Price, rub
Moscow 25 minutes 600-700
St. Petersburg 25 minutes 500-800
Ekaterinburg 25 minutes 500-600

The most expensive services are in Moscow and Kiev, that is, in the capitals, as well as in large regional centers.

The standard duration of one session is 25 minutes, respectively, if more time is required, you will have to pay the same amount, regardless of the actual duration of the procedure.

Description of Facial Disincrustation

Before and after galvanic face cleansing
Before and after galvanic face cleansing

Galvanic face cleansing is a cosmetic procedure for cleansing the skin from impurities, acne, blackheads and other defects, which is based on the impact on problem areas with an electric current of low power and frequency. In another way, it is called disincrustation. This service is provided by cosmetologists or dermatologists, who must have permission to do so.

This method can be compared in effect to manual cleaning, including deep peeling. Its principle is to destroy the film on the face, dissolve the fat contained in the pores, and remove impurities to the outside. It involves the close interaction of the current with an alkaline solution and its transformation into soap, along with which impurities are removed from the skin.

Galvanic face cleansing (disinfection) can be carried out both in a beauty salon and at home.

It may take 3 to 5 procedures to successfully eliminate skin defects. In order to cleanse the skin from impurities, 1 session is usually enough.

The following are the most commonly used galvanic cleaning machines:

  • Gezatone Beauty Lifting … It is a small portable device that fits easily in the hand. The kit includes the device itself and instructions for its use. It comes with a 1 year warranty.
  • Nevoton AK-201 … This is an electromyostimulator that shows good results in 3-5 procedures. It is designed primarily for home use.
  • Facial massager "Galvanic and light therapy" m805, Gezatone … It is a portable device that stands out for its versatility. It combines vibration massage, light therapy and galvanic currents. The device operates on battery power.

Benefits of the facial disinfection procedure

Galvanic face cleansing
Galvanic face cleansing

Galvanic cleansing is most useful for problem skin - oily and dry. It is also ideal for those with sebaceous glands that secrete too much secretion. It is also recommended for rosacea, blackheads, acne, age spots.

Among the useful effects of this procedure, the following should be highlighted:

  • Cleansing … With its help, the pores are opened, after which impurities are more easily removed from them. Thanks to this, it begins to breathe better, is filled with oxygen and moisture. This gives it an aesthetic and well-groomed appearance.
  • Lifting … Due to this, the skin is tightened, it becomes even and smooth. As a result, the person looks rested and younger than his age. Both expression and age wrinkles in the mouth, nose and eyes are smoothed out.
  • Slows down tissue aging … It does this by increasing the production of collagen in the skin, which serves as its skeleton. Thus, it is well supported without sagging.
  • Improving complexion … It becomes natural and healthy by increasing blood flow to the skin and deep hydration. The fabrics take on a pinkish tint, which is especially important for pale-faced people.

Galvanic cleaning is effective in treating acne and rosacea, eliminating puffiness under the eyes, whitening age spots. It is also helpful in softening and removing scars.

Note! Galvanic cleaning provides a prolonged effect that lasts a long time, on average for 2-3 months.

Contraindications to galvanic cleaning

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

A categorical contraindication to the use of this technique is intolerance to electric current, as well as the presence of a pacemaker in the patient.

The minimum recommended age is 18 years, but after consultation with a specialist, it can be reduced.

Contraindications to such cleaning are also:

  • Skin diseases … It is not recommended to disinfect the face with dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, psoriasis at the site of exposure. Ignoring this moment can lead to their aggravation and complication of treatment.
  • Neoplasms … Under the influence of an electric current and a special solution, the tumor can begin to grow more actively. This technique is not particularly suitable for radiation or chemotherapy.
  • Pregnancy … Electric current can negatively affect the development of the child and the well-being of the mother herself. This applies to absolutely all trimesters, especially the last, third, before childbirth.
  • Dry skin … In this case, cleaning can lead to severe flaking due to exposure to solutions. In addition to this, itching and irritation usually appear, which will require referral to a dermatologist.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin … With such a problem, it will most likely be baked due to the contact of the solution with the surface of the face. This can lead to reddening of these areas, the appearance of painful sensations and slowing down the regeneration of the damaged areas.
  • Neoplasms … It does not really matter where they are located, the electric current negatively affects the cancer cells, contributing to their spread throughout the body.
  • Intoxication … You can not apply this technique to people with systemic blood diseases, at elevated body temperature and food poisoning.

Galvanic cleaning is not suitable for people with severe cachexia, loss of pain sensitivity, advanced atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage.

How is galvanic face cleansing done?

How is galvanic face cleansing done?
How is galvanic face cleansing done?

With the help of a special apparatus, both the entire face and individual problem areas can be cleansed. We are talking about areas such as the wings of the nose, chin, forehead.

The procedure lasts about 15-25 minutes, the more problems the patient has, the longer the session.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. The doctor puts on sterile gloves on his hands, and a cap on the patient's head.
  2. The face is treated with cleansing milk or gel to remove cosmetics and impurities.
  3. After the skin dries, a special alkaline solution is applied to the face and left for a while.
  4. Then the doctor turns on the device and gently treats the skin with a tip, massaging movements around the circumference.
  5. After the formation of soapy foam, it is washed off the face and the skin is wiped with napkins.
  6. At the end of the procedure, it may be necessary to moisturize the treated areas with a cream to avoid the development of allergies.

Important! If one session is not enough, then after it, at least 15 days should pass before the next visit to the beautician.

Facial Disincrustation Results

Girl's face after galvanic face cleansing
Girl's face after galvanic face cleansing

The effect of the procedure is noticeable after 1-2 sessions. The skin becomes less oily, the number of blackheads decreases, acne and rashes are eliminated, acne disappears. At the same time, the color and relief of the face improves, wrinkles are smoothed, and the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

If cleaning your face with galvanic current did not give the desired result, you should contact an endocrinologist, perhaps you have some problems with the thyroid gland. If it fails, the skin can be oily and dirty, and acne increases.

If disinfection is carried out too often, the sebaceous glands can, on the contrary, begin to work even more actively, which can lead to the appearance of an ugly oily sheen. Often, the secret they produce clogs the pores, which leads to a deterioration in complexion.

If the procedure is carried out by an inexperienced doctor and he does not follow all safety rules, then there may be a possibility of skin burns, violation of the integrity of the capillaries and the appearance of bruises on the face.

After disinfection of the facial skin, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to use cleansing masks, lotions, toners, milk and other cosmetics to remove impurities. In the early days, you should not use decorative cosmetics, with the exception of lipstick and mascara. First of all, you need to abandon the foundation, powder and blush.

Important! During the procedure, you need to carefully monitor the diet - reduce the amount of flour products, smoked meats, meat, chocolate and other sweets consumed.

Real reviews of electroplating

The girl's face after face disinfection
The girl's face after face disinfection

There are both positive and negative reviews about galvanic face cleansing, but more often there are still positive ones. It all depends on the chosen cosmetology center and specialist, his qualifications, and the higher it is, the more chances for a high-quality work performance.

Maria, 32 years old

I love all kinds of cosmetic procedures, not so long ago I drew attention to galvanic disinfection. I was interested in it as an inexpensive, painless and effective way to eliminate acne and acne. This technique, in my opinion, is unique, with its help it really is possible to cope with such problems, plus I noticed that as a result my complexion evened out, pores narrowed, and wrinkles were not so pronounced. I can't say that such a procedure works wonders, but it still helps a lot. I think that here you just need to choose a competent beautician, like mine. She underwent a course of 5 sessions, at each of them everything was smooth - there was no discomfort or pain. After them, I did not notice any side effects, so my review of disinfection is extremely positive.

Evgeniya, 26 years old

Galvanic cleaning or disinfection is one of my standard procedures that I do every month. I always turn to the same specialist with extensive experience, so I can't say anything bad. The procedure begins with cleansing the skin, after which a special composition is applied to it and treated with current. All together it lasts about 15 minutes, which is quite a bit, as for me. I really like that after this no rehabilitation is required and no traces remain. I heard about the risk of burns, but so far everything is in order, even painful sensations do not arise during cleaning, which I am glad, because chemical peeling causes irritation and redness of my skin.

Anastasia, 30 years old

Disincrustation worked for me, but I don't find it all that effective. In my opinion, it only helps to prevent possible blackheads, acne and other cosmetic defects. Their number after it did not decrease much, but my complexion improved, the skin became not so oily, it ceased to shine as much as before. I think that just for this you can take 1-2 courses, because home masks still do not help. I liked the low price for the services of cosmetologists, it is quite affordable even for me, my mother is on maternity leave, by the way, my husband appreciated the result, he says, I look better now.

Photos before and after galvanic cleaning

Face before and after galvanic cleaning
Face before and after galvanic cleaning
Facial skin before and after galvanic cleansing
Facial skin before and after galvanic cleansing
Before and after galvanic face cleansing
Before and after galvanic face cleansing

How do galvanic face cleansing - watch the video:

Galvanic face cleansing (desincrustation) can be an excellent alternative to chemical peels and ultrasonic cleansing. It surpasses them in cost and is not inferior in effect, but for this it is important to choose the best specialist, to familiarize yourself with his works and reviews in advance.