Hip workouts: how often and how much?

Hip workouts: how often and how much?
Hip workouts: how often and how much?

The leg muscles have tremendous training potential. Strong, beautiful quadriceps and sharpened dried hamstrings are something that both men and women love. But in order to "sculpt" the legs of your dreams, you must not just mindlessly swing when desires appear, but follow a previously drawn up training plan. Very often people are interested in the questions of how often to train the hips, how long should there be between workouts, and how long it takes for the muscles to recover. These questions arise when novice athletes train, but something is not very different from those who do not.

The secret of muscle growth is in recovery, because they grow not during training, but during a period of proper rest after. Therefore, the amount of strength training - one, two, or more per week - is directly related to the amount of time it takes for the body to recover and grow.

In any arrangement of fibers, each "deprived" of nature "quality" can pump up their muscles to the desired volume. It all depends on how much time and effort he is willing to spend to achieve his goal. With a well-designed training plan and regular work on yourself without disruptions in nutrition and gaps in classes, you can achieve phenomenal results.

Hip Workouts - General Tips

  1. Legs are the largest muscle group in the human body. It makes sense to train her with heavy weights and good loads.
  2. The muscles of the legs consist of three parts: the quadriceps, hamstrings and lower legs, each of which has its own specifics of training and rest after them. The recovery rate of the muscle groups of the legs, as a rule, varies from 48 to 72 hours.
  3. With hard basic training, not only the muscles are loaded, but also the central nervous system, which also takes a certain amount of time to recover. Therefore, a period of three days (72 hours) is an unsatisfactory indicator of the renewal of strength, in some cases it can last 4-5 days.
  4. In addition to a three-day break between training a specific muscle group, it is recommended not to train the same muscle group more than once a week (with the exception of professional athletes). Trust me, rest is as much of a muscle growth outcome as training.
  5. Also, success depends on the "shock" of the leg muscles with a variety of exercises: in the training process, there must be a replacement of some exercises with others, because an endless increase in weights is impossible. This is practiced so that muscle fibers do not adapt to stress and always fully "respond" to their load.


The best exercises to pump up your quadriceps
The best exercises to pump up your quadriceps

The quadriceps femoris is a large and hardy muscle that occupies the entire front and side of the thigh (70% of the muscle mass of the leg). There are significantly more red fibers in the quadriceps than white ones, so it is advisable to use more than 10 repetitions when performing a set.

This approach is appropriate only at the beginning of the training to refine the correct technique, because over time the weight of the load will increase, and a large number of repetitions with heavy weights will not work. Then you can safely go to 3 × 4 sets for 6 × 10 reps.

The quadriceps muscle is recovering quite hard and for a long time. To pump it, one workout per week will be enough, or even less often - once every 8-10 days.

What exercises to do to pump up the quadriceps:

  • Squats
  • Hack squats in the simulator
  • Machine lying leg press
  • Barbell and dumbbell lunges

Hip biceps

Best exercises for hamstrings
Best exercises for hamstrings

With the biceps muscle of the back of the thigh, the situation is diametrically opposite. After all, the hamstrings do not work alone, but in a company with semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles, each of which is dominated by white fibers. The three-muscle tandem responds well to heavy workouts in a small rep range (6 × 8).

Biceps of the hip recovers faster than the quadriceps - it can be trained more often.

Best exercises for hamstrings:

  • Romanian deadlift
  • Deep Barbell Squat
  • Lying Leg Curl


Best Calf Exercises
Best Calf Exercises

Calf training is different from training all other muscle groups - the muscles are very hardy and require a special approach. To achieve the desired effect, caviar will have to be pumped often and in large quantities.

The lower leg consists of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, in which nature has tremendous endurance and the ability to quickly recover, because these muscles are used more often than others. The basic rule of training the shins is a large number of repetitions (from 20 to 30) until a strong burning sensation appears and more frequent training.

Best Calf Exercises:

  • Sitting and standing calf raises with a barbell
  • Sitting shin in a machine
  • Donkey exercise

Beautiful legs are real

After percussion training of the quadriceps, you can forget about pumping the biceps of the thighs and lower leg muscles, because there is just enough strength to crawl to the locker room. The likelihood of overtraining the legs is especially high, so the intensity of the training program should not exceed the recovery capacity.

You should never forget about the individual characteristics of each person: what suits one person may not work at all for another. Every successful athlete trains according to his own individual program that suits him. All athletes, without exception, go through periods of muscle plateau, fail and fail, some just give up, while others do not give up and achieve their goals. Therefore, you need to go slowly and confidently towards your goal by trial and error.

Video on how to pump up the buttocks and hips (the video is useful for both men and women):

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