Find out if bodybuilding is the main source of income, and how much money you can count on in bodybuilding. Now in our country, more and more young people are starting to engage in fitness. Let for many of them the cult of the body is just a tribute to fashion, and they do not think about the fact that sport is good for health. The fact itself is important that now many guys and girls visit the halls, and do not sit in the courtyards with beer and cigarettes, as it was about a dozen years ago.
Of course, if a person is engaged in fitness, then this does not mean that he leads a full-fledged healthy lifestyle, but shifts in a positive direction are noticeable, and it is useless to deny this. Among the visitors to fitness centers, it should be noted those people for whom sport, in particular bodybuilding, has become not only a way of life, but also the main source of income. Often, aspiring athletes are interested in how and how much bodybuilders earn. Today we will answer this question.
How is bodybuilding different from other sports disciplines?

We will tell you how and how much bodybuilders earn, but first you need to talk in more detail about the sports discipline itself and understand the basic terminology. For most people, the builder is everyone who goes to the gym to swing. But you must admit that an amateur can gain weight and even give muscles a good relief.
Bodybuilding is actually a professional sports discipline, where the task of an athlete is not only to gain muscle mass, but also to build an ideal body. Today, a lot of tournaments of various levels are held, ranging from city championships to "Mr. Olympia". The bulk of athletes are men, although women are also involved in bodybuilding.
For you to understand the difference between a professional builder and an amateur, just look at Arnold Schwarzenegger. Everyone knows this man, and he best illustrates the type of pro-builder. Let's look at other strength disciplines as well:
- Powerlifting - this sport is also called powerlifting. Unlike bodybuilding, where the goal is to build a beautiful body, powerlifters must lift the maximum weight in three competition movements. In this case, the appearance of the athlete does not matter at all.
- Weightlifting - this sport has been represented at the Olympic Games for many years and is as close as possible to powerlifting. The only difference is that weightlifters perform in two competitive movements.
- Crossfit - a new direction of modern fitness that combines elements of powerlifting, gymnastics, weightlifting and athletics. A feature of CrossFit is circuit training, and athletes have a sufficient amount of muscle mass and have good relief.
Since today we want to answer the question of how and how much bodybuilders earn, it is necessary to consider bodybuilding in more detail, since this sport is now divided into categories. Previously, athletes with a large amount of muscle mass participated in tournaments, but now there are more "light" categories. Here are the main areas of modern bodybuilding:
- Men’s Physique (Women’s Physique) - the so-called beach bodybuilding and it is very popular in our country. Athletes do not need to have a lot of muscle mass, but they go on stage in shorts and since the muscles of the thighs are closed, their development can be ignored at all. The main requirements for athletes are relief, body symmetry and its proportions. At the same time, the requirements for the relief are much lower in comparison with classical bodybuilding.
- Fitness bikini is a female category that is also quite popular. It is quite obvious that in this nomination, muscle mass is not of fundamental importance, and the ideal is a slender and toned female body. In this category, many girls can achieve good results even without the use of sports pharmacology.
In addition to the question of how and how much bodybuilders earn, many novice athletes are also interested in how long it takes to become a builder. Expect it to take about six months to get the first noticeable results. It is this time period that is most often required in order to gain mass and give the muscles a relief.
However, if we talk about professional bodybuilding, then the situation is different. Beginner athletes need to work three or four years to get competitive. If you plan to perform in the "light" category, then you will have to spend less time, about a couple of years.
What determines the progress in the classroom?

Becoming a professional bodybuilder is quite difficult and is largely due to the need for regular exercise. Even if you have amazing genetics, which is extremely rare, then you cannot take breaks in training, because otherwise your progress will slow down. It should be said that progress depends on several of the most important factors:
- Body type - you probably know that it is customary to distinguish three types of physique. In practice, this division is rather arbitrary, since somatotypes are very rare in their pure form. It will be more difficult for ectomorphs with a thin physique. The best choice for such athletes is the Men’s Physique nomination. In classical bodybuilding, mesomorphs will be able to achieve positive results faster.
- Genetics - it is she who determines the shape and structure of muscle tissue, their attachment to the bones and the amount of subcutaneous fat.
- Training program - there are a lot of strength exercises and the task of the athlete is to select them correctly. Do not think that this is very simple and there is a high probability that the training program found on the Internet will not suit you at all.
- Nutrition - Many bodybuilders believe that proper nutrition is even more important than a training program. If you want to become a professional builder, then pay maximum attention to this issue.
- Sports nutrition - it is very important to choose the right sports nutrition, and then take it.
- Monitoring progress - in order to qualitatively control your progress, you need to take measurements and keep appropriate records. Amateurs do not need to do this, but if your goal is professional sports, then you should remember that there are no trifles here.
Another important issue, without which professional sports are simply impossible today, is pharmacological support. While many professionals say they train naturally, this is not true. It is necessary to recognize the fact that sooner or later every pro-builder comes to the use of a sports farm. If you want to participate in professional tournaments, then at some point you will realize that it is time to take steroids.
How and how much do professional bodybuilders earn?

Let's finally answer the question of how and how much bodybuilders earn. At the same time, the conversation will now go only about the capabilities of an athlete who has decent experience and a good physique. In bodybuilding, you can only earn if you are doing professionally. Moreover, income can be obtained not only from the very performance at the tournament, but also in social networks. Here are the main income items for pro-builders:
- Personal training - many professionals teach classes as a coach and are rewarded for it. In our country, the cost of one lesson with a professional trainer is about 400 rubles. Once you have achieved some success, you can start doing personal training. Moreover, this type of earnings will be relevant after the end of a sports career.
- Online training - With the development of the Internet, many types of businesses have fought online. This is a new type of income for a pro-athlete, which is not yet as popular as personal training in the gym.
- Creation of training programs - this is a very popular form of income for athletes and at the same time does not require a lot of time. Among other things, you can work in any convenient mode, even without leaving your home. The average cost of the service is from 500 to 1000 rubles.
- Creation of nutrition programs - similar to the previous type of earnings, but it is necessary to draw up a nutrition program. On average, one nutrition program costs 500 rubles.
- Contracts with manufacturers of sports food or sportswear - in our country, this type of income for athletes is becoming more and more popular, and in the West it has been for many years. Even if you have not yet achieved significant results in your sports career, but are known on YouTube, you can earn on advertising contracts.
- Social media advertising - here you can earn not only on contracts with manufacturers, but also through partnership programs.
- Prize money - everything is clear here, but not many builders can count on this type of earnings. If you successfully participate in major tournaments, at least regional or even more state ones, you can earn from 50 thousand. For participation in many city tournaments, prize money may not be paid even to the winners.
Now we have told how and how much bodybuilders earn. However, we must remember that the costs for professional athletes are also high. Only one food and sports nutrition requires serious additions. Add to this the purchase of sports pharmacology, the cost of analyzes before and after the AAS courses. According to a very rough estimate, excluding the use of anabolic steroids, you have to spend about 17 thousand rubles a month.
How to make money for a bodybuilder, see below: